Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a mesh to the current batch, or to a new one if the current one does not support
        /// it. Whenever the batch changes, <code>onBatchComplete</code> is called for the previous
        /// one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh">The mesh to add to the current(or new) batch.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The render state from which to take the current settings for alpha,
        ///                    modelview matrix, and blend mode.</param>
        /// <param name="subset">The subset of the mesh you want to add, or<code>null</code> for
        ///                    the complete mesh.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreTransformations">When enabled, the mesh's vertices will be added
        ///                    without transforming them in any way (no matter the value of the
        ///                    state's <code>modelviewMatrix</code></param>
        public void AddMesh(Mesh mesh, RenderState state, MeshSubset subset = null,
                            bool ignoreTransformations = false)
            if (subset == null)
                subset             = SMeshSubset;
                subset.VertexId    = subset.IndexId = 0;
                subset.NumVertices = mesh.NumVertices;
                subset.NumIndices  = mesh.NumIndices;
                if (subset.NumVertices < 0)
                    subset.NumVertices = mesh.NumVertices - subset.VertexId;
                if (subset.NumIndices < 0)
                    subset.NumIndices = mesh.NumIndices - subset.IndexId;

            if (subset.NumVertices > 0)
                if (_currentBatch == null || !_currentBatch.CanAddMesh(mesh, subset.NumVertices))

                    _currentStyleType       = mesh.Style.Type;
                    _currentBatch           = _batchPool.GetBatch(_currentStyleType);
                    _currentBatch.BlendMode = state != null ? state.BlendMode : mesh.BlendMode;

                Matrix2D matrix = state != null ? state._modelviewMatrix : null;
                float    alpha  = state != null ? state.Alpha : 1.0f;

                _currentBatch.AddMesh(mesh, matrix, alpha, subset, ignoreTransformations);
                _cacheToken.VertexID += subset.NumVertices;
                _cacheToken.IndexID  += subset.NumIndices;
 public override void Read(BinaryReader r)
     Flags         = r.ReadUInt32(); // Might be a ref to this chunk
     NumMeshSubset = r.ReadUInt32(); // number of mesh subsets
     SkipBytes(r, 8);
     MeshSubsets = new MeshSubset[NumMeshSubset];
     for (var i = 0; i < NumMeshSubset; i++)
         MeshSubsets[i].FirstIndex  = r.ReadUInt32();
         MeshSubsets[i].NumIndices  = r.ReadUInt32();
         MeshSubsets[i].FirstVertex = r.ReadUInt32();
         MeshSubsets[i].NumVertices = r.ReadUInt32();
         MeshSubsets[i].MatID       = r.ReadUInt32();
         MeshSubsets[i].Radius      = r.ReadSingle();
         MeshSubsets[i].Center.x    = r.ReadSingle();
         MeshSubsets[i].Center.y    = r.ReadSingle();
         MeshSubsets[i].Center.z    = r.ReadSingle();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a mesh to the batch by appending its vertices and indices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh">The mesh to add to the batch.</param>
        /// <param name="matrix">Transform all vertex positions with a certain matrix. If this
        ///                  parameter is omitted, <code>mesh.transformationMatrix</code>
        ///                  will be used instead (except if the last parameter is enabled).</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">Will be multiplied with each vertex' alpha value.</param>
        /// <param name="subset">The subset of the mesh you want to add, or <code>null</code> for
        ///                  the complete mesh.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreTransformations">When enabled, the mesh's vertices will be added
        ///                  without transforming them in any way (no matter the value of the
        ///                  <code>matrix</code>)</param>
        public void AddMesh(Mesh mesh, Matrix2D matrix = null, float alpha                = 1.0f,
                            MeshSubset subset          = null, bool ignoreTransformations = false)
            if (ignoreTransformations)
                matrix = null;
            else if (matrix == null)
                matrix = mesh.TransformationMatrix;
            if (subset == null)
                subset = SFullMeshSubset;

            int       targetVertexId = _vertexData.NumVertices;
            int       targetIndexId  = _indexData.NumIndices;
            MeshStyle meshStyle      = mesh._style;

            if (targetVertexId == 0)

            meshStyle.BatchVertexData(_style, targetVertexId, matrix, subset.VertexId, subset.NumVertices);
            meshStyle.BatchIndexData(_style, targetIndexId, targetVertexId - subset.VertexId,
                                     subset.IndexId, subset.NumIndices);

            if (alpha != 1.0f)
                _vertexData.ScaleAlphas(alpha, targetVertexId, subset.NumVertices);
            if (_parent != null)

            _indexSyncRequired = _vertexSyncRequired = true;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws all meshes from the render cache between <code>startToken</code> and
        /// (but not including) <code>endToken</code>. The render cache contains all meshes
        /// rendered in the previous frame.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawFromCache(BatchToken startToken, BatchToken endToken)
            MeshSubset subset = SMeshSubset;

            if (!startToken.Equals(endToken))

                for (int i = startToken.BatchID; i <= endToken.BatchID; ++i)
                    var meshBatch = _batchProcessorPrev.GetBatchAt(i);
                    subset.SetTo(); // resets subset

                    if (i == startToken.BatchID)
                        subset.VertexId    = startToken.VertexID;
                        subset.IndexId     = startToken.IndexID;
                        subset.NumVertices = meshBatch.NumVertices - subset.VertexId;
                        subset.NumIndices  = meshBatch.NumIndices - subset.IndexId;

                    if (i == endToken.BatchID)
                        subset.NumVertices = endToken.VertexID - subset.VertexId;
                        subset.NumIndices  = endToken.IndexID - subset.IndexId;

                    if (subset.NumVertices != 0)
                        _state.Alpha     = 1.0f;
                        _state.BlendMode = meshBatch.BlendMode;
                        _batchProcessor.AddMesh(meshBatch, _state, subset, true);
Example #5
        // mesh rendering

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a mesh to the current batch of unrendered meshes. If the current batch is not
        /// compatible with the mesh, all previous meshes are rendered at once and the batch
        /// is cleared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"> The mesh to batch.</param>
        /// <param name="subset">The range of vertices to be batched. If <code>null</code>, the complete
        /// mesh will be used.</param>
        public void BatchMesh(Mesh mesh, MeshSubset subset = null)
            _batchProcessor.AddMesh(mesh, _state, subset);
Example #6
        public void Init(float radius, int slices, int sections)
                m_radius = radius;
                m_numberSlices = slices;
                m_numberSections = sections;

                Point3d sunPosition = SunCalculator.GetGeocentricPosition(TimeKeeper.CurrentTimeUtc);
                Vector3 sunVector = new Vector3(

                m_vLight = sunVector * 100000000f;
                m_vLightDirection = new Vector3(
                    m_vLight.X / m_vLight.Length(),
                    m_vLight.Y / m_vLight.Length(),
                    m_vLight.Z / m_vLight.Length()

                m_fScale = 1 / (m_fOuterRadius - m_fInnerRadius);


                double latRange = 180.0 / (double)TilesHigh;
                double lonRange = 360.0 / (double)TilesWide;

                int meshDensity = m_numberSlices / TilesHigh;

                for (int y = 0; y < TilesHigh; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < TilesWide; x++)
                        MeshSubset mesh = new MeshSubset();
                        double north = y * latRange + latRange - 90;
                        double south = y * latRange - 90;

                        double west = x * lonRange - 180;
                        double east = x * lonRange + lonRange - 180;

                        mesh.Vertices = CreateMesh(south, north, west, east, meshDensity);
                        mesh.HigherResolutionVertices = CreateMesh(south, north, west, east, 2 * meshDensity);
                        mesh.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox((float)south, (float)north, (float)west, (float)east, (float)radius, (float)radius);

                m_indices = computeIndices(meshDensity);
                m_indicesHighResolution = computeIndices(2 * meshDensity);

                m_nSamples = 4;		// Number of sample rays to use in integral equation
                m_Kr = 0.0025f;		// Rayleigh scattering constant
                m_Kr4PI = m_Kr * 4.0f * (float)Math.PI;
                m_Km = 0.0015f;		// Mie scattering constant
                m_Km4PI = m_Km * 4.0f * (float)Math.PI;
                m_ESun = 15.0f;		// Sun brightness constant
                m_g = -0.85f;		// The Mie phase asymmetry factor

                m_fWavelength[0] = 0.650f;		// 650 nm for red
                m_fWavelength[1] = 0.570f;		// 570 nm for green
                m_fWavelength[2] = 0.475f;		// 475 nm for blue
                m_fWavelength4[0] = (float)Math.Pow(m_fWavelength[0], 4.0f);
                m_fWavelength4[1] = (float)Math.Pow(m_fWavelength[1], 4.0f);
                m_fWavelength4[2] = (float)Math.Pow(m_fWavelength[2], 4.0f);

                m_fRayleighScaleDepth = 0.25f;
                m_fMieScaleDepth = 0.1f;

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #7
        private void UpdateColor(DrawArgs drawArgs, MeshSubset meshSubset, bool doHighResolution)
            int blank = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0).ToArgb();

            if (doHighResolution)
                for (int i = 0; i < meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices.Length; i++)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(drawArgs.WorldCamera.Position, new Vector3(meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices[i].X, meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices[i].Y, meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices[i].Z)) > 0)
                        SetColor(ref meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices[i], drawArgs);
                        meshSubset.HigherResolutionVertices[i].Color = blank;
                for (int i = 0; i < meshSubset.Vertices.Length; i++)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(drawArgs.WorldCamera.Position, new Vector3(meshSubset.Vertices[i].X, meshSubset.Vertices[i].Y, meshSubset.Vertices[i].Z)) > 0)
                        SetColor(ref meshSubset.Vertices[i], drawArgs);
                        meshSubset.Vertices[i].Color = blank;
Example #8
			public ShadingGroup( MeshSubset subset, MaterialInstance material )
				StartIndex	=	subset.StartPrimitive * 3;
				IndicesCount=	subset.PrimitiveCount * 3;
				Material	=	material;
Example #9
 public override void DrawSubset(Context context, MeshSubset subset, Material material)
     GraphicsDevice.DrawIndexed(subset.PrimitiveCount * 3, subset.StartPrimitive, 0);