Example #1
        private void ConstructLevel(int id)
            if (_rCube != null)

            _lvlTmp = LevelTemplates.LvlTmp;

            // load meshes
            GlobalFieldMesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh("Assets/Tile.obj.model");
            GlobalCubeMesh  = MeshReader.LoadMesh("Assets/Cube.obj.model");

            // load textures
            var imgData = RContext.LoadImage("Assets/tex_stone.jpg");

            TextureField = RContext.CreateTexture(imgData);

            imgData     = RContext.LoadImage("Assets/tex_cube.jpg");
            TextureCube = RContext.CreateTexture(imgData);

            // camera
            _camPosition    = -3000; // colh
            _objOrientation = float4x4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.Pi / 2);

            // create cube and set vars
            _rCube = new RollingCube(this);

            _startXy  = new int[2];
            _curLvlId = id;

            // load level
Example #2
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1);

            // initialize the variables
            _meshTea = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");


             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, (uint) 1);
             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, (uint) 1);
             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.BlendFactor, (uint)new ColorUint(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f));
             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.BlendOperation, (uint)(BlendOperation.Add));
             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.SourceBlend, (uint)(Blend.BlendFactor));
             * RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.DestinationBlend, (uint)(Blend.InverseBlendFactor));

            RC.SetRenderState(new RenderStateSet
                AlphaBlendEnable = true,
                BlendFactor      = new float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                BlendOperation   = BlendOperation.Add,
                SourceBlend      = Blend.BlendFactor,
                DestinationBlend = Blend.InverseBlendFactor
            RC.SetRenderState(RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable, (uint)0);
Example #3
        public override void Init()
            _angleHorz = 0.2f;
            _angleVert = 0.2f;

            // is called on startup
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // initialize the variables
            _meshTea      = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");
            _meshCube     = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            _meshSphere   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model");
            _meshCylinder = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cylinder.obj.model");
            _meshPlatonic = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Platonic.obj.model");
            //RC.CreateShader(Vs, Ps);
            _spColor      = RC.CreateShader(Vs, Ps); //MoreShaders.GetShader("simple", RC);
            _spTexture    = RC.CreateShader(Vt, Pt); //MoreShaders.GetShader("texture", RC);
            _spCustom     = RC.CreateShader(VLin, PLin);
            _colorParam   = _spColor.GetShaderParam("vColor");
            _colorCustom  = _spCustom.GetShaderParam("vColor");
            _textureParam = _spTexture.GetShaderParam("vTexture");

            // load texture
            var imgData = RC.LoadImage("Assets/world_map.jpg");

            _iTex = RC.CreateTexture(imgData);

            _physic = new Physics();

            _gui = new GUI(RC);
            _gui.SetUp(_physic.GetNumRB(), _physic.GetShapes());
Example #4
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            _cubeMesh   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/cube.obj.model");
            _spColor    = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _spColor.GetShaderParam("color");
Example #5
        public override void Init()

            _meshTea = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");

            _spColor    = Shaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _spColor.GetShaderParam("color");
Example #6
        public void InitGearConstraint()
            var mesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            var rbA  = _world.AddRigidBody(0, new float3(0, 150, 0), float3.Zero, MyBoxCollider);


            var rbB = _world.AddRigidBody(1, new float3(0, 300, 0), float3.Zero, MyBoxCollider);

Example #7
        public GameEntity(String meshPath, RenderContext rc, float posX = 0, float posY = 0, float posZ = 0, float angX = 0, float angY = 0, float angZ = 0)
            _mesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(meshPath);
            _rc   = rc;

            Position = float4x4.CreateRotationX(angX) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationY(angY) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationZ(angZ) *
                       float4x4.CreateTranslation(posX, posY, posZ);

Example #8
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            _pc = new PickingContext(RC);

            _meshTea  = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");
            _meshCube = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");

            _spColor    = Shaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _colorParam = _spColor.GetShaderParam("color");
Example #9
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 1);

            _meshCube = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");

            _spTexture = Shaders.GetTextureShader(RC);

            _textureParam = _spTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");

            _videoStream = VideoManager.Instance.LoadVideoFromFile(@"Assets/pot.webm", true);
            //_videoStream = VideoManager.Instance.LoadVideoFromCamera(0, false);
        public GameEntity(String meshPath, RenderContext rc, float posX = 0, float posY = 0, float posZ = 0, float angX = 0, float angY = 0, float angZ = 0)
            _mesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(meshPath);
            _rc   = rc;

            Position = float4x4.CreateRotationX(angX) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationY(angY) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationZ(angZ) *
                       float4x4.CreateTranslation(posX, posY, posZ);

            _shaderProgram = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(rc);
            _shaderParam   = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("color");
Example #11
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);

            // load meshes
            Body   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/mageBodyOBJ.obj.model");
            GloveL = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/mageGloveLOBJ.obj.model");
            GloveR = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/mageGloveROBJ.obj.model");

            // set up shader, lights and textures
            var spBody = RC.CreateShader(VsBump, PsBump);


            RC.SetLightActive(0, 1);
            RC.SetLightPosition(0, new float3(5.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f));
            RC.SetLightAmbient(0, new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpecular(0, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDiffuse(0, new float4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDirection(0, new float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            RC.SetLightActive(1, 1);
            RC.SetLightPosition(1, new float3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f));
            RC.SetLightAmbient(1, new float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpecular(1, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDiffuse(1, new float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDirection(1, new float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            _texture1ParamBody = spBody.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _texture2ParamBody = spBody.GetShaderParam("normalTex");
            _specularLevelBody = spBody.GetShaderParam("specularLevel");

            var imgDataGlove  = RC.LoadImage("Assets/HandAOMap.jpg");
            var imgData2Glove = RC.LoadImage("Assets/HandschuhNormalMap.jpg");

            _iTexGlove  = RC.CreateTexture(imgDataGlove);
            _iTex2Glove = RC.CreateTexture(imgData2Glove);

            var imgData  = RC.LoadImage("Assets/TextureAtlas.jpg");
            var imgData2 = RC.LoadImage("Assets/TextureAtlasNormal.jpg");

            _iTex  = RC.CreateTexture(imgData);
            _iTex2 = RC.CreateTexture(imgData2);

            // misc settings
            _angleHorz = 0;
            _angleVert = 0;

            _rotationSpeed = 1.5f;
Example #12
 private void LoadMeshWithObjParser()
     RC.Clear(ClearFlags.Color | ClearFlags.Depth);
     _isCurrentlyLoading = true;
     _currentMesh        = null;
     Debug.WriteLine("Started loading Mesh using MeshReader.");
     RC.Clear(ClearFlags.Color | ClearFlags.Depth);
     _currentMesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");
     Debug.WriteLine("Mesh loaded using MeshReader in " + _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
     _isCurrentlyLoading = false;
Example #13
        public void InitColliders()
            MyBoxCollider      = _world.AddBoxShape(2);
            MySphereCollider   = _world.AddSphereShape(2);
            MyCylinderCollider = _world.AddCylinderShape(new float3(2, 4, 2));

            BoxMesh      = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            TeaPotMesh   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");
            PlatonicMesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Platonic.obj.model");
            float3[] verts = PlatonicMesh.Vertices;

            MyConvHull = _world.AddConvexHullShape(verts, true);

            float3[] vertsTeaPot = TeaPotMesh.Vertices;
            TeaPotHull = _world.AddConvexHullShape(vertsTeaPot, true);
            TeaPotHull.LocalScaling = new float3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
Example #14
        public void InitSliderConstraint()
            var mesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            var rbA  = _world.AddRigidBody(1, new float3(400, 500, 0), float3.Zero, MyBoxCollider);

            rbA.LinearFactor  = new float3(0, 0, 0);
            rbA.AngularFactor = new float3(0, 0, 0);

            var rbB = _world.AddRigidBody(1, new float3(200, 500, 0), float3.Zero, MyBoxCollider);

            var frameInA = float4x4.Identity;

            frameInA.Row3 = new float4(0, 1, 0, 1);
            var frameInB = float4x4.Identity;

            frameInA.Row3 = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            var sc = _world.AddSliderConstraint(rbA, rbB, frameInA, frameInB, true);
Example #15
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            _theColor     = new float4(0.5f, 0.8f, 0, 1);
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);

            // initialize the variables
            _meshTea  = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");
            _meshFace = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Face.obj.model");

            _spColor   = MoreShaders.GetShader("simple", RC);
            _spTexture = MoreShaders.GetShader("texture", RC);

            _colorParam   = _spColor.GetShaderParam("vColor");
            _textureParam = _spTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");

            // load texture
            var imgData = RC.LoadImage("Assets/world_map.jpg");

            _iTex = RC.CreateTexture(imgData);
        public GameEntity(String meshPath, RenderContext rc, float posX = 0, float posY = 0, float posZ = 0, float angX = 0, float angY = 0, float angZ = 0)
            if (meshPath.Contains("protobuf"))
                _ser = new MySerializer();
                using (var file = File.OpenRead(meshPath))
                    _mesh = _ser.Deserialize(file, null, typeof(Mesh)) as Mesh;
                _mesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(meshPath);

            _rc = rc;

            Position = float4x4.CreateRotationX(angX) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationY(angY) *
                       float4x4.CreateRotationZ(angZ) *
                       float4x4.CreateTranslation(posX, posY, posZ);

Example #17
        public override void Init()
            // Set ToonShaderEffect

            // Setup GUI

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("FUSEE Shader Demo", _guiFontCabin24, 30, Height - 30)
                TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1)


            // image
            _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/repbg.jpg", 0, 0, -5, Width, Height);
            _borderImage = new GUIImage("Assets/redbg.png", 0, 0, -4, 230, 32);

            //* Menu1: Select Shader
            _panelSelectShader = new GUIPanel("Select Shader", _guiFontCabin24, 10, 10, 230, 230);

            //** Possible Shader Buttons
            _btnDiffuseColorShader       = new GUIButton("Diffuse Color", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnTextureShader            = new GUIButton("Texture Only", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader     = new GUIButton("Diffuse Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Bump Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 130, 180, 25);
            _btnSpecularTexture          = new GUIButton("Specular Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 160, 180, 25);
            _btnToon = new GUIButton("Toon", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 190, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //**** Add Buttons to Panel

            //* Menu3: Select Mesh
            _panelSelectMesh = new GUIPanel("Select Mesh", _guiFontCabin24, 270, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Meshes
            _btnCube   = new GUIButton("Cube", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnSphere = new GUIButton("Sphere", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnTeapot = new GUIButton("Teapot", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //** Add handlers
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //* Menu2: Light Settings
            _panelLightSettings = new GUIPanel("Light Settings", _guiFontCabin24, 530, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Light Settings
            _btnDirectionalLight = new GUIButton("Directional Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnPointLight       = new GUIButton("Point Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnSpotLight        = new GUIButton("Spot Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonDown  += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonUp    += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            // Setup 3D Scene
            // Load Images and Assign iTextures
            var imgTexture     = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateTexture.jpg");
            var imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateNormal.jpg");

            _texCube     = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture     = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthTexture.jpg");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthNormal.jpg");
            _texSphere     = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture     = RC.LoadImage("Assets/porcelainTexture.png");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/normalRust.jpg");
            _texTeapot     = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            _currentTexture     = _texCube;
            _currentBumpTexture = _texBumpCube;

            // Load Meshes
            _meshCube   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            _meshSphere = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model");
            _meshTeapot = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");

            // Set current Mesh and Update GUI
            _currentMesh         = _meshCube;
            _btnCube.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;

            // Setup Shaderprograms and Update GUI
            _shaderDiffuseColor                = Shaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseTexture              = Shaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC);
            _shaderTexture                     = Shaders.GetTextureShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseBumpTexture          = Shaders.GetBumpDiffuseShader(RC);
            _shaderSpecularTexture             = Shaders.GetSpecularShader(RC);
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
            _currentShader                     = _shaderDiffuseColor;

            // Setup ShaderParams
            _paramColor = _shaderDiffuseColor.GetShaderParam("color");

            // Setup Light and Update GUI
            RC.SetLightActive(0, 1);
            RC.SetLightPosition(0, new float3(5.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f));
            RC.SetLightAmbient(0, new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpecular(0, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDiffuse(0, new float4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDirection(0, new float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpotAngle(0, 10);

            _btnDirectionalLight.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
Example #18
        public override void Init()
            _sceneManager = new SceneManager();

            // Light
            var direct = new DirectionalLight(new float3(1, 1, 1), new float4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1),
                                              new float4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1), new float4(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1),
                                              new float3(0, 0, 0), 0);

            // Load Meshes
            var planetMesh   = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model");
            var spaceBoxMesh = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/spacebox.obj.model");

            // Setup Empty Objects
            _earthSpeed = new float3(0, 0.69635f, 0);

            var emptyMoon    = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new MoonAction(_earthSpeed * 5.0f));
            var emptyMercury = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 4.1477f));
            var emptyVenus   = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 1.6150f));
            var emptyEarth   = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed));
            var emptyMars    = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 0.5320f));
            var emptyJupiter = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 0.0833f));
            var emptySaturn  = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 0.03476f));
            var emptyUranus  = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 0.0119f));
            var emptyNeptun  = new SceneEntity("emptyPlanetHolder", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 0.0062f));


            // Scene Camera
            var worldOrigin = new SceneEntity("WorldOrigin", new RotationScript());


            var cameraholder = new SceneEntity("CameraOwner", new CameraScript(RC))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(0, 0, -10)


            _sceneCamera = new Camera(cameraholder);
            _sceneCamera.Resize(Width, Height);

            // Setup Space Box
            var spaceBox = new SceneEntity("Spacebox",
                                           new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetTextureShader(RC), "Assets/spaceboxTexture.png"),
                                           new Renderer(spaceBoxMesh));


            // Setup Sun
            var planet = new SceneEntity("Sun",
                                         new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/sun.jpg"),
                                         new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform = { LocalScale = new float3(2, 2, 2) }


            // Setup Earth
            planet = new SceneEntity("Earth", new PlanetAction(RC, new float3(0, 0.69635f * 365, 0)),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/earth.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(2.9f,    0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)



            // Setup Moon
            planet = new SceneEntity("Moon", new PlanetAction(RC, new float3(0, 2.7f, 0)),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/moon.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(0.5f,      0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f)


            // Setup Mercury
            planet = new SceneEntity("Mercury", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 6.2234f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/merkur.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(2.35f,     0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f)


            // Setup Venus
            planet = new SceneEntity("Venus", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 1.5021f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/venus.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(2.6f,      0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f)


            // Setup Mars
            planet = new SceneEntity("Mars", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 374.125f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/mars.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(3.25f,     0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.07f, 0.07f, 0.07f)


            // Setup Jupiter
            planet = new SceneEntity("Jupiter", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 882.62f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/jupiter.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(4,       0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)


            // Setup Saturn
            planet = new SceneEntity("Saturn", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 820.61f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/saturn.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(5,       0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f)


            // Setup Uranus
            planet = new SceneEntity("Uranus", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 509.30f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/uranus.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(6,         0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f)


            // Setup Neptun
            planet = new SceneEntity("Neptun", new PlanetAction(RC, _earthSpeed * 544.10f),
                                     new PlanetMaterial(RC, MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC), "Assets/neptune.jpg"),
                                     new Renderer(planetMesh))
                Transform =
                    GlobalPosition = new float3(7,         0, 0),
                    GlobalScale    = new float3(0.14f, 0.14f, 0.14f)



            // Random Rotations
            emptyEarth.Transform.LocalEulerAngles   = new float3(0, 45, 0);
            emptyMercury.Transform.LocalEulerAngles = new float3(0, 55, 0);
            emptyVenus.Transform.LocalEulerAngles   = new float3(0, 335, 0);
            emptyMars.Transform.LocalEulerAngles    = new float3(0, 125, 0);
            emptyJupiter.Transform.LocalEulerAngles = new float3(0, 65, 0);
            emptySaturn.Transform.LocalEulerAngles  = new float3(0, 95, 0);
            emptyUranus.Transform.LocalEulerAngles  = new float3(0, 145, 0);
            emptyNeptun.Transform.LocalEulerAngles  = new float3(0, 245, 0);

            RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 0, 0, 1);