Example #1
 void OnDestroy()
     if (Instance == this)
         Instance = null;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     converter  = new MeshConverter();
     subdivider = new LoopSubdivider();
     shape      = converter.OnConvert(meshFilter.mesh);
     text.text  = shape.AllPoints.Count.ToString();
Example #3
        private void ExportCurrentProject(MeshExportOptions exportOptions, string filepath)
            var assimpScene = MeshConverter.PartProjectToAssimp(CurrentProject, exportOptions);

            AssimpContext.ExportFile(assimpScene, filepath,
Example #4
 void Awake()
     if (Instance == null)
         Instance = this;
     //userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
     userName = Environment.UserName;
Example #5
        private void ExportSelectedPart(MeshExportOptions exportOptions, string filepath)
            var partInfo    = PartWrapper.LoadPart(LDDEnvironment.Current, PartToExport.PartId, true);
            var assimpScene = MeshConverter.LddPartToAssimp(partInfo, exportOptions);

            AssimpContext.ExportFile(assimpScene, filepath,
Example #6
 public override Object Convert(IExportContainer container)
     return(MeshConverter.Convert(container, this));
Example #7
        IEnumerator CreateInitialData()
            HttpWrapper wrapper = new HttpWrapper();

            //Get ChannelInfo
            ChannelInfo channelInfo = null;

            wrapper.RequestInfo <ChannelInfo>(GetAbsoluteURL(m_PlaylistName), info => { channelInfo = info; });
            yield return(new WaitUntil(wrapper.RequestFinished));

            if (channelInfo != null)
                //Get PlayLists and others
                m_StreamPlayListName = channelInfo.stream_info;
                m_AudioPlayListName  = channelInfo.audio_info;
                m_PollingInterval    = channelInfo.frame_interval * channelInfo.combined_frames;

                //Get CombinedData
                byte[] combinedData = null;
                wrapper.RequestBinary(GetAbsoluteURL(channelInfo.data), bin => {
                    if (bin != null)
                        combinedData = ExternalTools.Decompress(bin);
                yield return(new WaitUntil(wrapper.RequestFinished));

                if (combinedData == null)
                    yield break;

                StreamingMeshRenderer meshRenderer = new StreamingMeshRenderer
                    ContainerSize  = channelInfo.container_size,
                    PackageSize    = channelInfo.package_size,
                    FrameInterval  = channelInfo.frame_interval,
                    CombinedFrames = channelInfo.combined_frames

                StreamingAudioRenderer audioRenderer = new StreamingAudioRenderer
                    FrameInterval  = channelInfo.frame_interval,
                    CombinedFrames = channelInfo.combined_frames
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelInfo.audio_info))
                    m_AudioRenderer = audioRenderer;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelInfo.audio_clip))
                    m_AudioRenderer = audioRenderer;

                //Split Textures and Materials and Mesh from CombinedData
                int offsetBytes = 0;

                //Split Textures
                List <string> textureNames = channelInfo.textures;
                List <int>    textureSizes = channelInfo.textureSizes;
                for (int i = 0; i < textureSizes.Count; i++)
                    int       size    = textureSizes[i];
                    Texture2D texture = TextureConverter.DeserializeFromBinary(combinedData, offsetBytes, size);
                    string    name    = textureNames[i];
                    if (texture != null)
                        meshRenderer.AddTexture(name, texture);
                    offsetBytes += size;
                    yield return(null);

                //Split Materials
                List <string> materialNames = channelInfo.materials;
                List <int>    materialSizes = channelInfo.materialSizes;
                for (int i = 0; i < materialSizes.Count; i++)
                    int      size     = materialSizes[i];
                    Material material = MaterialConverter.DeserializeFromBinary(
                        combinedData, offsetBytes, size, m_CustomShaders, m_DefaultShader, meshRenderer.TextureDictionary);
                    string name = material.name;
                    meshRenderer.AddMaterial(name, material);
                    offsetBytes += size;
                    yield return(null);

                GameObject rootGameObject = new GameObject("RootGameObject");
                rootGameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

                //Split Meshes
                List <string> meshNames = channelInfo.meshes;
                List <int>    meshSizes = channelInfo.meshSizes;
                for (int i = 0; i < meshSizes.Count; i++)
                    string        name         = meshNames[i];
                    int           size         = meshSizes[i];
                    List <string> refMaterials = null;
                    Mesh          mesh         = MeshConverter.DeserializeFromBinary(
                        combinedData, offsetBytes, size, channelInfo.container_size, out refMaterials);

                    List <Material> materials = new List <Material>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < refMaterials.Count; j++)
                        Material material = null;
                        if (meshRenderer.MaterialDictionary.TryGetValue(refMaterials[i], out material))
                            yield return(null);

                    GameObject obj = new GameObject("Mesh_" + name);
                    obj.transform.SetParent(rootGameObject.transform, false);
                    MeshFilter   meshFilter = obj.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    MeshRenderer renderer   = obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

                    meshFilter.mesh    = mesh;
                    renderer.materials = materials.ToArray();
                    meshRenderer.AddMesh(name, mesh);
                    offsetBytes += size;
                    yield return(null);

                meshRenderer.CreateVertexContainer(channelInfo.package_size, channelInfo.container_size);
                meshRenderer.RootGameObject = rootGameObject;
                m_MeshRenderer = meshRenderer;
Example #8
 void CreateConverter()
     if (converter == null)
         converter = new MeshConverter();
Example #9
 protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (!disposed)
         if (disposing)
             if (converter != null) converter.Dispose();
             converter = null;
         this.disposed = true;