public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(NativeArray <float3> vertices, NativeArray <int3> triangles, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
            // Copy vertices
            var tempVertices = new NativeArray <float3>(vertices, Allocator.Temp);

            // Triangle indices - needed for WeldVertices
            var tempIndices = new NativeArray <int>(triangles.Length * 3, Allocator.Temp);

            for (int iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < triangles.Length; iTriangle++)
                if (triangles[iTriangle][0] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][0] < vertices.Length &&
                    triangles[iTriangle][1] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][1] < vertices.Length &&
                    triangles[iTriangle][2] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][2] < vertices.Length)
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3]     = triangles[iTriangle][0];
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3 + 1] = triangles[iTriangle][1];
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3 + 2] = triangles[iTriangle][2];
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create a MeshCollider with indices referencing outside vertex array");

            // Build connectivity and primitives

            NativeList <float3> uniqueVertices = MeshConnectivityBuilder.WeldVertices(tempIndices, tempVertices);

            var tempTriangleIndices = new NativeArray <int3>(triangles.Length, Allocator.Temp);

            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempTriangleIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), tempIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), tempIndices.Length * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <int>());

            var connectivity = new MeshConnectivityBuilder(tempTriangleIndices, uniqueVertices);
            NativeList <MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive> primitives = connectivity.EnumerateQuadDominantGeometry(tempTriangleIndices, uniqueVertices);

            // Build bounding volume hierarchy
            int nodeCount = math.max(primitives.Length * 2 + 1, 2); // We need at least two nodes - an "invalid" node and a root node.
            var nodes     = new NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>(nodeCount, Allocator.Temp);
            int numNodes  = 0;

                // Prepare data for BVH
                var points = new NativeList <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex>(primitives.Length, Allocator.Temp);
                var aabbs  = new NativeArray <Aabb>(primitives.Length, Allocator.Temp);

                for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Length; i++)
                    MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive p = primitives[i];

                    // Skip degenerate triangles
                    if (MeshConnectivityBuilder.IsTriangleDegenerate(p.Vertices[0], p.Vertices[1], p.Vertices[2]))

                    aabbs[i] = Aabb.CreateFromPoints(p.Vertices);
                    points.Add(new BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex
                        Position = aabbs[i].Center,
                        Index    = i

                var bvh = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy(nodes);

                bvh.Build(points.AsArray(), aabbs, out numNodes, useSah: true);

            // Build mesh sections
            BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *nodesPtr = (BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *)nodes.GetUnsafePtr();
            MeshBuilder.TempSection       sections = MeshBuilder.BuildSections(nodesPtr, numNodes, primitives);

            // Allocate collider
            int meshDataSize      = Mesh.CalculateMeshDataSize(numNodes, sections.Ranges);
            int totalColliderSize = Math.NextMultipleOf(sizeof(MeshCollider), 16) + meshDataSize;

            MeshCollider *meshCollider = (MeshCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalColliderSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            // Initialize it
                UnsafeUtility.MemClear(meshCollider, totalColliderSize);
                meshCollider->MemorySize = totalColliderSize;

                meshCollider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Mesh;
                meshCollider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Composite;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Version      += 1;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;

                ref var mesh = ref meshCollider->Mesh;

                mesh.Init(nodesPtr, numNodes, sections, filter, material);

                // Calculate combined filter
                meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = mesh.Sections.Length > 0 ? mesh.Sections[0].Filters[0] : CollisionFilter.Default;
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Sections.Length; ++i)
                    for (var j = 0; j < mesh.Sections[i].Filters.Length; ++j)
                        var f = mesh.Sections[i].Filters[j];
                        meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = CollisionFilter.CreateUnion(meshCollider->m_Header.Filter, f);

                meshCollider->m_Aabb             = meshCollider->Mesh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Domain;
                meshCollider->NumColliderKeyBits = meshCollider->Mesh.NumColliderKeyBits;
Example #2
        internal static unsafe List <TempSection> BuildSections(BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *nodes, int nodeCount, List <MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive> primitives)
            var tempSections = new List <TempSection>();

            // Traverse the tree and break out geometry into sections
            int *nodesIndexStack = stackalloc int[BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Constants.UnaryStackSize];
            int  stackSize       = 1;

            nodesIndexStack[0] = 1;

            const float uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor = 1.5f;

            int[] primitivesCountInSubTree = ProducedPrimitivesCountPerSubTree(nodes, nodeCount);

                int nodeIndex = nodesIndexStack[--stackSize];
                int subTreeVertexCountEstimate = (int)(uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[nodeIndex]);

                var subTreeIndices = new List <int>();

                if (subTreeVertexCountEstimate < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                    // Sub tree is too big, break it up.
                    BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node node = nodes[nodeIndex];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (node.IsChildValid(i))
                            int childNodeIndex         = node.Data[i];
                            int nodeSubTreeVertexCount = (int)(uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[childNodeIndex]);

                            if (nodeSubTreeVertexCount < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                                nodesIndexStack[stackSize++] = childNodeIndex;

                float       tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor = 1.0f;
                const float factorStepIncrement             = 0.25f;

                while (subTreeIndices.Any())
                    // Try to combine sub trees if multiple sub trees can fit into one section.
                    var nodeIndices         = new List <int>();
                    int vertexCountEstimate = 0;

                    foreach (int subTreeNodeIndex in subTreeIndices)
                        int nodeIndexCount = (int)(tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[subTreeNodeIndex]);
                        if (vertexCountEstimate + nodeIndexCount < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                            vertexCountEstimate += nodeIndexCount;

                    if (!nodeIndices.Any())
                        // We failed to fit any sub tree into sections.
                        // Split up nodes and push them to stack.
                        foreach (int subTreeNodeIndex in subTreeIndices)
                            BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node nodeToSplit = nodes[subTreeNodeIndex];

                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                if (nodeToSplit.IsChildValid(i))
                                    nodesIndexStack[stackSize++] = nodeToSplit.Data[i];


                    // Collect vertices from all sub trees.
                    var tmpVertices = new List <float3>();
                    foreach (int subTreeNodeIndex in nodeIndices)
                        tmpVertices.AddRange(CollectAllVerticesFromSubTree(nodes, subTreeNodeIndex, primitives));

                    float3[] allVertices = tmpVertices.ToArray();

                    int[] vertexIndices = new int[allVertices.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndices.Length; i++)
                        vertexIndices[i] = i;

                    MeshConnectivityBuilder.WeldVertices(vertexIndices, ref allVertices);

                    if (allVertices.Length < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                        tempSections.Add(BuildSectionGeometry(tempSections.Count, primitives, nodeIndices, nodes, allVertices));

                        // Remove used indices
                        foreach (int nodeTreeIndex in nodeIndices)
                        // Estimate of num vertices per primitives was wrong.
                        // Increase the tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor.
                        tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor += factorStepIncrement;
            }while (stackSize > 0);

Example #3
        internal static unsafe TempSection BuildSections(BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *nodes, int nodeCount, NativeList <MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive> primitives)
            var tempSections = new TempSection()
                PrimitivesFlags = new NativeList <Mesh.PrimitiveFlags>(Allocator.Temp),
                Primitives      = new NativeList <Mesh.PrimitiveVertexIndices>(Allocator.Temp),
                Vertices        = new NativeList <float3>(Allocator.Temp),
                Ranges          = new NativeList <TempSectionRanges>(Allocator.Temp)

            if (primitives.Length == 0)
                // Early-out in the case of no input primitives

            // Traverse the tree and break out geometry into sections
            int *nodesIndexStack = stackalloc int[BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Constants.UnaryStackSize];
            int  stackSize       = 1;

            nodesIndexStack[0] = 1;

            const float uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor = 1.5f;

            var primitivesCountInSubTree = ProducedPrimitivesCountPerSubTree(nodes, nodeCount);

            var subTreeIndices = new NativeList <int>(Allocator.Temp);
            var nodeIndices    = new NativeList <int>(Allocator.Temp);
            var tmpVertices    = new NativeList <float3>(Allocator.Temp);

                int nodeIndex = nodesIndexStack[--stackSize];
                int subTreeVertexCountEstimate = (int)(uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[nodeIndex]);


                if (subTreeVertexCountEstimate < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                    // Sub tree is too big, break it up.
                    BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node node = nodes[nodeIndex];

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        if (node.IsChildValid(i))
                            int childNodeIndex         = node.Data[i];
                            int nodeSubTreeVertexCount = (int)(uniqueVerticesPerPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[childNodeIndex]);

                            if (nodeSubTreeVertexCount < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                                nodesIndexStack[stackSize++] = childNodeIndex;

                float       tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor = 1.0f;
                const float factorStepIncrement             = 0.25f;

                while (subTreeIndices.Length > 0)
                    // Try to combine sub trees if multiple sub trees can fit into one section.
                    int vertexCountEstimate = 0;

                    for (var i = 0; i < subTreeIndices.Length; ++i)
                        var subTreeNodeIndex = subTreeIndices[i];
                        int nodeIndexCount   = (int)(tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor * primitivesCountInSubTree[subTreeNodeIndex]);
                        if (vertexCountEstimate + nodeIndexCount < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                            vertexCountEstimate += nodeIndexCount;

                    if (nodeIndices.Length == 0)
                        // We failed to fit any sub tree into sections.
                        // Split up nodes and push them to stack.
                        for (var index = 0; index < subTreeIndices.Length; ++index)
                            var subTreeNodeIndex = subTreeIndices[index];
                            BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node nodeToSplit = nodes[subTreeNodeIndex];

                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                if (nodeToSplit.IsChildValid(i))
                                    nodesIndexStack[stackSize++] = nodeToSplit.Data[i];


                    // Collect vertices from all sub trees.
                    for (var i = 0; i < nodeIndices.Length; ++i)
                        var subTreeNodeIndex = nodeIndices[i];
                        CollectAllVerticesFromSubTree(nodes, subTreeNodeIndex, primitives, tmpVertices);

                    var vertexIndices = new NativeArray <int>(tmpVertices.Length, Allocator.Temp);
                    for (int i = 0; i < vertexIndices.Length; i++)
                        vertexIndices[i] = i;

                    NativeList <float3> uniqueVertices = MeshConnectivityBuilder.WeldVertices(vertexIndices, new NativeArray <float3>(tmpVertices, Allocator.Temp));

                    if (uniqueVertices.Length < Mesh.Section.MaxNumVertices)
                        BuildSectionGeometry(tempSections, primitives, nodeIndices, nodes, new NativeArray <float3>(uniqueVertices, Allocator.Temp));

                        // Remove used indices
                        for (var i = 0; i < nodeIndices.Length; ++i)
                            var nodeTreeIndex = nodeIndices[i];
                        // Estimate of num vertices per primitives was wrong.
                        // Increase the tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor.
                        tempUniqueVertexPrimitiveFactor += factorStepIncrement;
            }while (stackSize > 0);

        // followed by variable sized mesh data

        #region Construction

        // Create a mesh collider asset from a set of triangles
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(float3[] vertices, int[] indices, CollisionFilter?filter = null, Material?material = null)
            int numVertices  = vertices.Length;
            int numIndices   = indices.Length;
            int numTriangles = numIndices / 3;

            // Copy vertices
            float3[] tempVertices = new float3[numVertices];
            Array.Copy(vertices, tempVertices, numVertices);

            // Copy indices
            int[] tempIndices = new int[numIndices];
            for (int iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < numTriangles; iTriangle++)
                int iIndex0 = iTriangle * 3;
                int iIndex1 = iIndex0 + 1;
                int iIndex2 = iIndex0 + 2;
                tempIndices[iIndex0] = indices[iIndex0];
                tempIndices[iIndex1] = indices[iIndex1];
                tempIndices[iIndex2] = indices[iIndex2];

            // Build connectivity and primitives
            List <MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive> primitives = null;
                MeshConnectivityBuilder.WeldVertices(tempIndices, ref tempVertices);
                var connectivity = new MeshConnectivityBuilder(tempIndices, tempVertices);
                primitives = connectivity.EnumerateQuadDominantGeometry(tempIndices, tempVertices);

            // Build bounding volume hierarchy
            var nodes    = new NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>(primitives.Count * 2 + 1, Allocator.Temp);
            int numNodes = 0;

                // Prepare data for BVH
                var points = new NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex>(primitives.Count, Allocator.Temp);
                var aabbs  = new NativeArray <Aabb>(primitives.Count, Allocator.Temp);

                for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Count; i++)
                    MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive p = primitives[i];

                    // Skip degenerate triangles
                    if (MeshConnectivityBuilder.IsTriangleDegenerate(p.Vertices[0], p.Vertices[1], p.Vertices[2]))

                    aabbs[i]  = Aabb.CreateFromPoints(p.Vertices);
                    points[i] = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex
                        Position = aabbs[i].Center,
                        Index    = i

                var bvh = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy(nodes);
                bvh.Build(points, aabbs, out numNodes, useSah: true);


            // Build mesh sections
            BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node * nodesPtr = (BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *)nodes.GetUnsafePtr();
            List <MeshBuilder.TempSection> sections = MeshBuilder.BuildSections(nodesPtr, numNodes, primitives);

            // Allocate collider
            int           meshDataSize      = Mesh.CalculateMeshDataSize(numNodes, sections);
            int           totalColliderSize = Math.NextMultipleOf(sizeof(MeshCollider), 16) + meshDataSize;
            MeshCollider *meshCollider      = (MeshCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalColliderSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            // Initialize it
                UnsafeUtility.MemClear(meshCollider, totalColliderSize);
                meshCollider->MemorySize = totalColliderSize;

                meshCollider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Mesh;
                meshCollider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Composite;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Version      += 1;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;

                ref var mesh = ref meshCollider->Mesh;

                mesh.Init(nodesPtr, numNodes, sections, filter ?? CollisionFilter.Default, material ?? Material.Default);

                // Calculate combined filter
                meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = mesh.Sections[0].Filters[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Sections.Length; ++i)
                    foreach (CollisionFilter f in mesh.Sections[i].Filters)
                        meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = CollisionFilter.CreateUnion(meshCollider->m_Header.Filter, f);

                meshCollider->m_Aabb             = meshCollider->Mesh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Domain;
                meshCollider->NumColliderKeyBits = meshCollider->Mesh.NumColliderKeyBits;