Example #1
    private static void GenerateMeshChunks(float[, ][,] heightMaps, Color[, ][,] c, Transform map)
        GameObject chunkPrefab = CreateEmptyMesh();

        for (int x = 0; x < heightMaps.GetLength(0); x += MeshChunk.MaxSideLength)
            for (int y = 0; y < heightMaps.GetLength(1); y += MeshChunk.MaxSideLength)
                int chunkWidth = (x + MeshChunk.MaxSideLength <= heightMaps.GetLength(0))
                    ? MeshChunk.MaxSideLength : heightMaps.GetLength(0) - x;
                int chunkHeight = (y + MeshChunk.MaxSideLength <= heightMaps.GetLength(1))
                    ? MeshChunk.MaxSideLength : heightMaps.GetLength(1) - y;
                float[, ][,] chunk  = new float[chunkWidth, chunkHeight][, ];
                Color[, ][,] colors = new Color[chunkWidth, chunkHeight][, ];
                for (int xi = 0; xi < chunkWidth; xi++)
                    for (int yi = 0; yi < chunkHeight; yi++)
                        chunk[xi, yi]  = heightMaps[x + xi, y + yi];
                        colors[xi, yi] = c[x + xi, y + yi];

                GameObject mapChunk = Object.Instantiate(chunkPrefab, map);
                mapChunk.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = MeshChunk.GenerateMeshChunk(chunk, colors, tileSize);
                mapChunk.transform.localPosition          = new Vector3(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, 0);
Example #2
 public Mesh(MeshChunk meshChunk, BitmapChunk bmpChunk)
     _polys     = meshChunk.Polygons;
     Identifier = meshChunk.Identifier;
     BoundingBox = GetBoundingBox();
Example #3
    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceNorth(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 4
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 5
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 6
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 7



Example #4
    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceSouth(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 0
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 1
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 2
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 3



Example #5
    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceAbove(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 6
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 5
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 2
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 1



Example #6
    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceBelow(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 0
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 3
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 4
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 7



Example #7
    // vertices for opposite sides have one inverted axis, and reversed vertex order

    //   6---------5 //
    //  /|        /| //
    // 1-+-------2 | //
    // | |       | | //
    // | 7-------+-4 //
    // |/        |/  //
    // 0---------3   //

    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceWest(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 7
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 6
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 1
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x - 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 0



Example #8
    protected virtual MeshChunk SurfaceEast(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 3
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z - 0.5f)); // 2
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 5
        m.AddVertex(new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y - 0.5f, z + 0.5f)); // 4



Example #9
    // updates the chunk based on its contents
    void UpdateChunk()
        MeshChunk m = new MeshChunk();

        for (int x = 0; x < sizeChunk; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < sizeChunk; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < sizeChunk; z++)
                    m = blocks[x, y, z].MeshBlock(this, x, y, z, m);

Example #10
    // retrieves mesh data
    public virtual MeshChunk MeshBlock(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
        m.isShared = true; // uses same mesh for renderer and collider

        // check west-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x - 1, y, z).IsSolid(Surface.EAST))
            m = SurfaceWest(c, x, y, z, m);

        // check east-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x + 1, y, z).IsSolid(Surface.WEST))
            m = SurfaceEast(c, x, y, z, m);

        // check below-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x, y - 1, z).IsSolid(Surface.ABOVE))
            m = SurfaceBelow(c, x, y, z, m);

        // check above-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x, y + 1, z).IsSolid(Surface.BELOW))
            m = SurfaceAbove(c, x, y, z, m);

        // check south-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x, y, z - 1).IsSolid(Surface.NORTH))
            m = SurfaceSouth(c, x, y, z, m);

        // check north-connected block
        if (!c.GetBlock(x, y, z + 1).IsSolid(Surface.SOUTH))
            m = SurfaceNorth(c, x, y, z, m);

Example #11
    // sends calculated mesh data to renderer and collider
    void RenderMesh(MeshChunk m)
        // renderer features

        mf.mesh.vertices  = m.vx.ToArray(); // adds renderer vertices
        mf.mesh.triangles = m.tx.ToArray(); // adds renderer triangles
        mf.mesh.uv        = m.uv.ToArray(); // adds uv-maps


        // collider features
        mc.sharedMesh = null;            // removes default collision mesh

        Mesh temp = new Mesh();          // temporary mesh

        temp.vertices  = m.vc.ToArray(); // adds collider vertices
        temp.triangles = m.tc.ToArray(); // adds collider triangles


        mc.sharedMesh = temp; // inserts new collision mesh
Example #12
        private void updateChunk(BinaryReader file, long startPosition, Vector3 offset, Quaternion rotation)
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_GROUP_NAME_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Get the name of the meshchunk this info is for
            String currentMeshChunkName = IOUtilities.readECString(file, binaryFile.dataOffset + file.ReadInt32());

            //Console.WriteLine("Doing Chunk " + currentMeshChunkName);

            //Find the meshChunk we need
            MeshChunk currentMeshChunk = null;

            foreach (MeshChunk m in mesh.chunks)
                if (m.name == currentMeshChunkName)
                    currentMeshChunk = m;
            //If no mesh chunk could be found there was a problem
            if (currentMeshChunk == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find mesh chunk \"{0}\" in msh file \"{1}\".", currentMeshChunkName, mshName);
                throw new Exception("COULD NOT FIND MESHCHUNK, LOOK AT CONSOLE!!!!!!");

            //Get the material name
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_MATERIAL_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            currentMeshChunk.materialObjectName = IOUtilities.readECString(file, binaryFile.dataOffset + file.ReadInt32()) + ".mao";

            //Get the chunk ID
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_ID_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            currentMeshChunk.id = IOUtilities.readECString(file, binaryFile.dataOffset + file.ReadInt32());

            //Get whether it casts shadows
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_CASTS_BAKED_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            currentMeshChunk.casts = file.ReadByte() == 1;

            //Get whether it receives shadows
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_RECEIVES_BAKED_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            currentMeshChunk.receives = currentMeshChunk.usesTwoTexCoords ? file.ReadByte() == 1 : false;

            //Get translation offset and rotation
            file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + meshChunkInfoStruct.fields[MSH_CHUNK_CHILDREN_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int reference = file.ReadInt32();

            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            GenericList attributes = new GenericList(file);

            for (int j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++)
                if ((int)(attributes.type[j].id) == rotationStructIndex)
                    file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + attributes[j], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    currentMeshChunk.chunkRotation = new Quaternion(file.ReadSingle(), file.ReadSingle(), file.ReadSingle(), file.ReadSingle()) * rotation;
                else if ((int)(attributes.type[j].id) == translationStructIndex)
                    file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + attributes[j], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    currentMeshChunk.chunkOffset = offset + new Vector3(file.ReadSingle(), file.ReadSingle(), file.ReadSingle());
                else if ((int)(attributes.type[j].id) == meshChunkInfoIndex)
                    updateChunk(file, binaryFile.dataOffset + attributes[j], currentMeshChunk.chunkOffset, currentMeshChunk.chunkRotation);
Example #13
        ///Initializes all the chunk classes and adds them to a hashtable
        ///for lookup and retrieval based on their chunk ID;
        private void initializeChunks()
            Chunk meshChunk                     = new MeshChunk();
            Chunk hierarchyChunk                = new HierarchyChunk();
            Chunk hierarchyHeaderChunk          = new HierarchyHeaderChunk();
            Chunk pivotsChunk                   = new PivotsChunk();
            Chunk pivotFixupsChunk              = new PivotFixupsChunk();
            Chunk hlodChunk                     = new HlodChunk();
            Chunk hlodHeaderChunk               = new HlodHeaderChunk();
            Chunk hlodLodArrayChunk             = new HlodLodArrayChunk();
            Chunk hlodSubObjectArrayHeaderChunk = new HlodSubObjectArrayHeaderChunk();
            Chunk hlodSubObjectChunk            = new HlodSubObjectChunk();
            Chunk hlodProxyArrayChunk           = new HLodProxyArrayChunk();
            Chunk meshHeader3Chunk              = new MeshHeader3Chunk();
            Chunk verticesChunk                 = new VerticesChunk();
            Chunk vertexNormalsChunk            = new VertexNormalsChunk();
            Chunk trianglesChunk                = new TrianglesChunk();
            Chunk vertexShadeIndicesChunk       = new VertexShadeIndicesChunk();
            Chunk materialInfoChunk             = new MaterialInfoChunk();
            Chunk vertexMaterialsChunk          = new VertexMaterialsChunk();
            Chunk vertexMaterialChunk           = new VertexMaterialChunk();
            Chunk vertexMaterialNameChunk       = new VertexMaterialNameChunk();
            Chunk vertexMaterialInfoChunk       = new VertexMaterialInfoChunk();
            Chunk shadersChunk                  = new ShadersChunk();
            Chunk texturesChunk                 = new TexturesChunk();
            Chunk textureChunk                  = new TextureChunk();
            Chunk textureNameChunk              = new TextureNameChunk();
            Chunk textureInfoChunk              = new TextureInfoChunk();
            Chunk materialPassChunk             = new MaterialPassChunk();
            Chunk vertexMaterialIdsChunk        = new VertexMaterialIdsChunk();
            Chunk shaderIdsChunk                = new ShaderIdsChunk();
            Chunk textureStageChunk             = new TextureStageChunk();
            Chunk textureIdsChunk               = new TextureIdsChunk();
            Chunk stageTexCoordsChunk           = new StageTexCoordsChunk();
            Chunk aabTreeChunk                  = new AabTreeChunk();
            Chunk aabTreeHeaderChunk            = new AabTreeHeaderChunk();
            Chunk aabTreePolyIndicesChunk       = new AabTreePolyIndicesChunk();
            Chunk aabTreeNodesChunk             = new AabTreeNodesChunk();
            Chunk aggregateChunk                = new AggregateChunk();
            Chunk aggregateHeaderChunk          = new AggregateHeaderChunk();
            Chunk aggregateInfoChunk            = new AggregateInfoChunk();
            Chunk aggregateClassInfoChunk       = new AggregateClassInfoChunk();
            Chunk textureReplacerChunk          = new TextureReplacerChunk();
            Chunk vertexMapperArgs0Chunk        = new VertexMapperArgs0Chunk();
            Chunk vertexMapperArgs1Chunk        = new VertexMapperArgs1Chunk();
            Chunk animationChunk                = new AnimationChunk();
            Chunk animationHeaderChunk          = new AnimationHeaderChunk();
            Chunk animationChannelChunk         = new AnimationChannelChunk();
            Chunk bitChannelChunk               = new BitChannelChunk();
            Chunk emitterChunk                  = new EmitterChunk();
            Chunk emitterHeaderChunk            = new EmitterHeaderChunk();
            Chunk emitterUserDataChunk          = new EmitterUserDataChunk();
            Chunk emitterInfoChunk              = new EmitterInfoChunk();
            Chunk emitterInfo2Chunk             = new EmitterInfo2Chunk();
            Chunk emitterPropsChunk             = new EmitterPropsChunk();
            Chunk emitterRotationKeyframesChunk = new EmitterRotationKeyFramesChunk();
            Chunk emitterFrameKeyFramesChunk    = new EmitterFrameKeyFramesChunk();
            Chunk emitterBlurTimeKeyFramesChunk = new EmitterBlurTimeKeyFramesChunk();
            Chunk emitterLinePropertiesChunk    = new EmitterLinePropertiesChunk();
            Chunk vertexInfluencesChunk         = new VertexInfluencesChunk();
            Chunk dcgChunk                        = new DcgChunk();
            Chunk hModelChunk                     = new HModelChunk();
            Chunk hModelHeaderChunk               = new HModelHeaderChunk();
            Chunk hModelAuxDataChunk              = new HModelAuxDataChunk();
            Chunk nodeChunk                       = new NodeChunk();
            Chunk compressedAnimationChunk        = new CompressedAnimationChunk();
            Chunk compressedAnimationHeaderChunk  = new CompressedAnimationHeaderChunk();
            Chunk compressedAnimationChannelChunk = new CompressedAnimationChannelChunk();
            Chunk compressedBitChannelChunk       = new CompressedBitChannelChunk();
            Chunk hLodAggregateArrayChunk         = new HLodAggregateArrayChunk();
            Chunk prelitUnlitChunk                = new PrelitUnlitChunk();
            Chunk prelitVertexChunk               = new PrelitVertexChunk();
            Chunk prelitLightMultiPassChunk       = new PrelitLightMultiPassChunk();
            Chunk prelitLightMultiTextureChunk    = new PrelitLightMultiTextureChunk();
            Chunk meshUserTextChunk               = new MeshUserTextChunk();
            Chunk collectionChunk                 = new CollectionChunk();
            Chunk collectionHeaderChunk           = new CollectionHeaderChunk();
            Chunk collectionObjectNameChunk       = new CollectionObjectNameChunk();
            Chunk placeholderChunk                = new PlaceholderChunk();
            Chunk transformNodeChunk              = new TransformNodeChunk();
            Chunk dazzleChunk                     = new DazzleChunk();
            Chunk dazzleNameChunk                 = new DazzleNameChunk();
            Chunk dazzleTypeNameChunk             = new DazzleTypeNameChunk();
            Chunk boxChunk                        = new BoxChunk();
            Chunk deformChunk                     = new DeformChunk();
            Chunk deformSetChunk                  = new DeformSetChunk();
            Chunk deformKeyframeChunk             = new DeformKeyframeChunk();
            Chunk deformDataChunk                 = new DeformDataChunk();

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_ANIMATION, animationChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_ANIMATION_HEADER, animationHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_ANIMATION_CHANNEL, animationChannelChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_BIT_CHANNEL, bitChannelChunk);

            // Aggregate
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AGGREGATE, aggregateChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AGGREGATE_HEADER, aggregateHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AGGREGATE_INFO, aggregateInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AGGREGATE_CLASS_INFO, aggregateClassInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE_REPLACER_INFO, textureReplacerChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COLLECTION, collectionChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COLLECTION_HEADER, collectionHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COLLECTION_OBJ_NAME, collectionObjectNameChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PLACEHOLDER, placeholderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TRANSFORM_NODE, transformNodeChunk);

            //Compressed Animation
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COMPRESSED_ANIMATION, compressedAnimationChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COMPRESSED_ANIMATION_HEADER, compressedAnimationHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COMPRESSED_ANIMATION_CHANNEL, compressedAnimationChannelChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_COMPRESSED_BIT_CHANNEL, compressedBitChannelChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DAZZLE, dazzleChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DAZZLE_NAME, dazzleNameChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DAZZLE_TYPENAME, dazzleTypeNameChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DEFORM, deformChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DEFORM_SET, deformSetChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DEFORM_KEYFRAME, deformKeyframeChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DEFORM_DATA, deformDataChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER, emitterChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_HEADER, emitterHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_USER_DATA, emitterUserDataChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_INFO, emitterInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_INFOV2, emitterInfo2Chunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_PROPS, emitterPropsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_LINE_PROPERTIES, emitterLinePropertiesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_ROTATION_KEYFRAMES, emitterRotationKeyframesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_FRAME_KEYFRAMES, emitterFrameKeyFramesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_EMITTER_BLUR_TIME_KEYFRAMES, emitterBlurTimeKeyFramesChunk);

            // Mesh
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_MESH, meshChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_MESH_HEADER3, meshHeader3Chunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTICES, verticesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_NORMALS, vertexNormalsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TRIANGLES, trianglesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_SHADE_INDICES, vertexShadeIndicesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL_INFO, materialInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_MESH_USER_TEXT, meshUserTextChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MATERIALS, vertexMaterialsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MATERIAL, vertexMaterialChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MATERIAL_NAME, vertexMaterialNameChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MATERIAL_INFO, vertexMaterialInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_SHADERS, shadersChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURES, texturesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE, textureChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE_NAME, textureNameChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE_INFO, textureInfoChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_MATERIAL_PASS, materialPassChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE_STAGE, textureStageChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_TEXTURE_IDS, textureIdsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_STAGE_TEXCOORDS, stageTexCoordsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MATERIAL_IDS, vertexMaterialIdsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MAPPER_ARGS0, vertexMapperArgs0Chunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_MAPPER_ARGS1, vertexMapperArgs1Chunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_SHADER_IDS, shaderIdsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_INFLUENCES, vertexInfluencesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AABTREE, aabTreeChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AABTREE_HEADER, aabTreeHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AABTREE_POLYINDICES, aabTreePolyIndicesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_AABTREE_NODES, aabTreeNodesChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_DCG, dcgChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_BOX, boxChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HIERARCHY, hierarchyChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HIERARCHY_HEADER, hierarchyHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PIVOTS, pivotsChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PIVOT_FIXUPS, pivotFixupsChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD, hlodChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_HEADER, hlodHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_LOD_ARRAY, hlodLodArrayChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_SUB_OBJECT_ARRAY_HEADER, hlodSubObjectArrayHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_SUB_OBJECT, hlodSubObjectChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_AGGREGATE_ARRAY, hLodAggregateArrayChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HLOD_PROXY_ARRAY, hlodProxyArrayChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HMODEL, hModelChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HMODEL_HEADER, hModelHeaderChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_HMODEL_AUX_DATA, hModelAuxDataChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_NODE, nodeChunk);

            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PRELIT_UNLIT, prelitUnlitChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PRELIT_VERTEX, prelitVertexChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PRELIT_LIGHTMAP_MULTI_PASS, prelitLightMultiPassChunk);
            chunkMap.Add((int)ChunkHeader.W3D_CHUNK_PRELIT_LIGHTMAP_MULTI_TEXTURE, prelitLightMultiTextureChunk);
Example #14
        public static MeshChunk[] ChunkTerrain(Terrain terrainObj, int xChunks, int zChunks, int bladesPerChunk, float expandAmnt, float bladeHeight) {
            TerrainData terrain = terrainObj.terrainData;
            Vector3 terrainScale = terrain.size;

            Vector3 chunkSize = new Vector3(terrainScale.x / xChunks, terrainScale.y * 0.5f, terrainScale.z / zChunks);
            Vector3 halfChunkSize = chunkSize * 0.5f;

            MeshChunk[] chunks = new MeshChunk[xChunks * zChunks];

            int w = terrain.heightmapWidth - 1;
            int h = terrain.heightmapHeight - 1;
            float cWf = w / (float)xChunks;
            float cHf = h / (float)zChunks;
            int cW = (int)cWf;
            int cH = (int)cHf;

            int index = 0;
            for (int z = 0; z < zChunks; z++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < xChunks; x++) {
                    float[,] tHeights = terrain.GetHeights((int)(cWf * x), (int)(cHf * z), cW, cH);
                    float maxHeight = 0;
                    float minHeight = 1;
                    foreach (float tH in tHeights) {
                        if (tH > maxHeight)
                            maxHeight = tH;
                        if (tH < minHeight)
                            minHeight = tH;

                    MaterialPropertyBlock propBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                    Vector3 chunkPos = Vector3.Scale(chunkSize, new Vector3(x, 0, z));
                    Vector3 mapChunkPos = new Vector4(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z);
                    propBlock.SetVector("_chunkPos", mapChunkPos);

                    chunkPos += halfChunkSize;
                    chunkPos.y = chunkSize.y * (maxHeight + minHeight);

                    halfChunkSize.y = chunkSize.y * (maxHeight - minHeight);

                    Mesh cMesh = new Mesh();
                    cMesh.vertices = new Vector3[] { Vector3.zero };
                    cMesh.SetTriangles(new int[bladesPerChunk * 3], 0, false);

                    chunks[index++] = new MeshChunk() {
                        meshBounds = new Bounds() {
                            center = chunkPos,
                            extents = halfChunkSize
                        worldBounds = new Bounds() {
                            extents = halfChunkSize
                        chunkPos = mapChunkPos,
                        propertyBlock = propBlock,
                        mesh = cMesh

            ExpandChunks(chunks, expandAmnt, bladeHeight);

            return chunks;
Example #15
        public override void readData()
            BinaryReader file = binaryFile.openReader();

            //holds references
            int reference;
            //Holds length of lists
            uint listLength;

            Vector3[] verts;
            //1st channel uvs
            Vector2[] uvs;
            //second channel (lightmap) uvs
            Vector2[] luvs;

            //Make sure this is not a FX mesh (instance stream is 0)

            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + binaryFile.structs[0].fields[5].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            if (file.ReadByte() != 0)
                chunks = new MeshChunk[0];

            //seek to the beginning of the data part of the file
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //get the reference to the name of the mesh
            //get the name of the mesh
            name = IOUtilities.readECString(file, binaryFile.dataOffset + file.ReadInt32());

            //Get the reference to the list of chunks
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + binaryFile.structs[0].fields[1].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();

            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            listLength = file.ReadUInt32();

            //Save the current position for the loop
            long startPosition = file.BaseStream.Position;

            //Make an array of chunks of the correct size
            chunks = new MeshChunk[listLength];
            int triangleNum = 0;

            //Create all the chunks
            for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++)
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startPosition + (i * 4), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + file.ReadInt32(), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                chunks[i]    = new MeshChunk(file, binaryFile.dataOffset, binaryFile.structs[4], binaryFile.structs[1]);
                triangleNum += (int)chunks[i].indexCount / 3;

            triangleNum = 0;

            //Seek to the vertex data position
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + binaryFile.structs[0].fields[2].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //Get the reference to the list
            long vertexOffset = file.ReadUInt32() + binaryFile.dataOffset + 4;

            //Seek to the index data position
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + binaryFile.structs[0].fields[3].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //Get the reference to the list
            long indexOffset = file.ReadUInt32() + binaryFile.dataOffset + 4;
            //Index variables for triangles
            ushort index1, index2, index3;

            //For each chunk read in vertex data
            for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++)
                verts = new Vector3[chunks[i].vertexCount];
                uvs   = new Vector2[chunks[i].vertexCount];
                luvs  = new Vector2[chunks[i].vertexCount];
                //Read in the vertex data
                for (int j = 0; j < chunks[i].vertexCount; j++)
                    int vertArrayIndex = j * (chunks[i].vertexElementCount);
                    int positionIndex  = vertArrayIndex;
                    int normalIndex    = vertArrayIndex + 3;
                    int uvIndex        = vertArrayIndex + 6;

                    long currentIndex = vertexOffset + chunks[i].vertexOffset + (chunks[i].vertexSize * j);
                    //Read in the positions
                    file.BaseStream.Seek(currentIndex + chunks[i].positionOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    //Put them in the vert array
                    verts[j] = new Vector3(IOUtilities.readFloat16(file), IOUtilities.readFloat16(file), IOUtilities.readFloat16(file));
                    //Put them in the chunk for easy rendering
                    chunks[i].verts[positionIndex]     = verts[j].X;
                    chunks[i].verts[positionIndex + 1] = verts[j].Y;
                    chunks[i].verts[positionIndex + 2] = verts[j].Z;

                    //Read in the normals for rendering only, we make our own normals later
                    file.BaseStream.Seek(currentIndex + chunks[i].normalOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    chunks[i].verts[normalIndex]     = IOUtilities.readFloat16(file);
                    chunks[i].verts[normalIndex + 1] = IOUtilities.readFloat16(file);
                    chunks[i].verts[normalIndex + 2] = IOUtilities.readFloat16(file);

                    //Read in the uvs
                    file.BaseStream.Seek(currentIndex + chunks[i].textureOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    uvs[j] = new Vector2(IOUtilities.readFloat16(file), IOUtilities.readFloat16(file));
                    //Put them in the chunk for easy rendering
                    chunks[i].verts[uvIndex]     = uvs[j].X;
                    chunks[i].verts[uvIndex + 1] = uvs[j].Y;

                    //If there are a second set, read them in too
                    if (chunks[i].usesTwoTexCoords)
                        file.BaseStream.Seek(currentIndex + chunks[i].texture2Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        luvs[j] = new Vector2(IOUtilities.readFloat16(file), IOUtilities.readFloat16(file));

                //Seek to index data (skipping the length int at beginning)
                file.BaseStream.Seek(indexOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int j = 0; j < chunks[i].indexCount / 3; j++)
                    int indexIndex = j * 3;
                    //Read in the indices
                    index1 = file.ReadUInt16();
                    index2 = file.ReadUInt16();
                    index3 = file.ReadUInt16();

                    chunks[i].indices[indexIndex]     = index1;
                    chunks[i].indices[indexIndex + 1] = index2;
                    chunks[i].indices[indexIndex + 2] = index3;

                    //If lightmap coords are specified make a triangle with them
                    if (chunks[i].usesTwoTexCoords)
                        chunks[i].tris[j] = new Triangle(verts[index1], verts[index2], verts[index3], uvs[index1], uvs[index2], uvs[index3], luvs[index1], luvs[index2], luvs[index3]);
                        //Otherwise make one without them
                        chunks[i].tris[j] = new Triangle(verts[index1], verts[index2], verts[index3], uvs[index1], uvs[index2], uvs[index3]);

                    //Calculate the area of the triangle and add it to the total area of the mesh
                    chunks[i].area += 0.5 * Vector3.Cross(chunks[i].tris[j].y - chunks[i].tris[j].x, chunks[i].tris[j].z - chunks[i].tris[j].x).Length;

                    //Increase offset by 3 indices (2 bytes each)
                    indexOffset += 6;

            //Close the file
Example #16
        public override void  readData()
            int  reference, length;
            long startOfList;

            //Get the binary reader
            BinaryReader file = binaryFile.openReader();

            //Set up the struct definitions

            //Get the sector ID
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[SECTOR_ID_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            _sectorID = file.ReadInt32();

            name = "Sector " + sectorID;

            /*----------MAP VERTS----------*/
            //Get the reference to the map vertex list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MAP_VERTEX_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Fill the map vertex list with all the map verts
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _mapVerts   = new List <TerrainMapVertex>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * mapVertexStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Add it to the list
                _mapVerts.Add(new TerrainMapVertex(mapVertexStruct, file));

            /*----------MAP EDGES----------*/
            //Get the reference to the map edge list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MAP_EDGE_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Fill the map edge list with all the map edges
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _mapEdges   = new List <TerrainMapEdge>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            TerrainMapEdge tempEdge;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * mapEdgeStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Create the edge
                tempEdge = new TerrainMapEdge(mapEdgeStruct, file);
                //Get the actual index in the array of the map vert
                for (int j = 0; j < _mapVerts.Count; j++)
                    if (_mapVerts[j].id == tempEdge.startVertexIndex)
                        tempEdge.startVertexIndex = j;
                //Add it to the list

            /*----------MAP FACES----------*/
            //Get the reference to the map face list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MAP_FACE_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Fill the map face list with all the map faces
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _mapFaces   = new List <TerrainMapFace>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            TerrainMapFace tempFace;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * mapFaceStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Create the face
                tempFace = new TerrainMapFace(mapFaceStruct, file);
                //Find the actual edge indices
                for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < 3; edgeIndex++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _mapEdges.Count; j++)
                        if (tempFace[edgeIndex] == _mapEdges[j].id)
                            tempFace[edgeIndex] = j;
                //Add it to the list

            /*----------MESH VERTS----------*/
            //Get the reference to the mesh vertex list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MESH_VERTEX_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Fill the vertex list with all the vertex
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _verts      = new List <TerrainMeshVertex>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * meshVertexStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Add it to the list
                _verts.Add(new TerrainMeshVertex(meshVertexStruct, file));

            /*----------MESH EDGES----------*/
            //Get the reference to the mesh edge list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MESH_EDGE_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Fill the edge list with all the edge
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _edges      = new List <TerrainMeshEdge>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            TerrainMeshEdge tempMeshEdge;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * meshEdgeStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Create the edge
                tempMeshEdge = new TerrainMeshEdge(meshEdgeStruct, file);
                //Get the actual index in the array of the mesh vert
                for (int j = 0; j < _mapVerts.Count; j++)
                    if (_verts[j].id == tempMeshEdge.startVertexIndex)
                        tempMeshEdge.startVertexIndex = j;
                //Add it to the list

            /*----------MESH FACES----------*/
            //Get the reference to the mesh face list and go there
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + infoStruct.fields[MESH_FACE_LIST_INDEX].index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            reference = file.ReadInt32();
            file.BaseStream.Seek(binaryFile.dataOffset + reference, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //Fill the face list with all the faces
            length      = file.ReadInt32();
            _faces      = new List <TerrainMeshFace>(length);
            startOfList = file.BaseStream.Position;
            TerrainMeshFace tempMeshFace;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Seek to the next struct in the list
                file.BaseStream.Seek(startOfList + (i * meshFaceStruct.structSize), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Make the face
                tempMeshFace = new TerrainMeshFace(meshFaceStruct, file);

                //Find the actual edge indices
                for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < 3; edgeIndex++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _edges.Count; j++)
                        if (tempMeshFace[edgeIndex] == _edges[j].id)
                            tempMeshFace[edgeIndex] = j;
                //Find the actual map face index
                for (int j = 0; j < _mapFaces.Count; j++)
                    if (tempMeshFace.mapId == _mapFaces[j].id)
                        tempMeshFace.mapId = j;
                //Add it to the list

            chunks = new MeshChunk[1];
            Triangle[] tris = new Triangle[faces.Count];
            //Hold temporary vertex values
            Vector3 x, y, z;
            Vector2 u, v, w;

            //For each faces make a triangle
            for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                //Get the mesh coordinates
                x = verts[edges[faces[i].edges[0]].startVertexIndex].position;
                y = verts[edges[faces[i].edges[1]].startVertexIndex].position;
                z = verts[edges[faces[i].edges[2]].startVertexIndex].position;

                //Get the map coordinates (lightmap coordinates are the same)
                u = mapVerts[mapEdges[mapFaces[faces[i].mapId].edges[0]].startVertexIndex].position.Xy;
                v = mapVerts[mapEdges[mapFaces[faces[i].mapId].edges[1]].startVertexIndex].position.Xy;
                w = mapVerts[mapEdges[mapFaces[faces[i].mapId].edges[2]].startVertexIndex].position.Xy;

                //Make the triangle
                tris[i] = new Triangle(x, y, z, u, v, w, u, v, w);
            chunks[0]          = new MeshChunk(tris);
            chunks[0].casts    = true;
            chunks[0].receives = true;
Example #17
 void discard_chunk(MeshChunk m)
     m.submesh       = null;
     m.current_count = 0;
Example #18
        static Color BrakeOnColor  = new Color(158, 110, 6);       //color of brake-off light color...

        public CarMesh(MeshChunk meshChunk, BitmapChunk bmpChunk, Color brakeColor)
            : base(meshChunk, bmpChunk)
            foreach (var poly in _polys)
                switch (poly.Label)
                case "rt_rear":
                    _rightRearWheel = poly;

                case "lt_rear":
                    _leftRearWheel = poly;

                case "rt_frnt":
                    _rightFrontWheel = poly;

                case "lt_frnt":
                    _leftFrontWheel = poly;

                case "bkll":
                    _leftBrakeLight = poly;

                case "bklr":
                    _rightBrakeLight = poly;
            var tyreEntry = bmpChunk.FindByName("tyr1");

            if (tyreEntry != null)
                _wheelTexture = tyreEntry.Texture;

            // This seems like it should be done in a shader but I couldn't get it to work well enough
            // (dealing with original paletted colors doesn't work so well in a texture stretched over a polygon)

            var rsidPoly = _polys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TextureName == "rsid");

            if (rsidPoly != null)
                // Generate a new texture for brake lights on.
                Color[] pixels = new Color[rsidPoly.Texture.Width * rsidPoly.Texture.Height];
                rsidPoly.Texture.GetData <Color>(pixels);
                for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    if (pixels[i] == brakeColor)
                        pixels[i] = BrakeOnColor;

                _brakeOnTexture = new Texture2D(Engine.Instance.Device, rsidPoly.Texture.Width, rsidPoly.Texture.Height);
                _brakeOnTexture.SetData <Color>(pixels);

                // Generate a new texture for brake lights off.
                for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                    if (pixels[i] == BrakeOnColor)
                        pixels[i] = BrakeOffColor;

                _brakeOffTexture = new Texture2D(Engine.Instance.Device, _leftBrakeLight.Texture.Width, _leftBrakeLight.Texture.Height);
                _brakeOffTexture.SetData <Color>(pixels);
Example #19
 public override MeshChunk MeshBlock(Chunk c, int x, int y, int z, MeshChunk m)
Example #20
 public Mesh(DatDigger.Sections.Model.MeshChunk mesh, Cache.VarEquip varEquip) : base()
     this.mesh     = mesh;
     this.varEquip = varEquip;