protected virtual void ActivateMenuObject(MenuObjectsHandler toOpen)
        _handler.SetState(false, false, null);
        toOpen.SetState(true, true, _handler);

        _mouseOvered = false;
    public void SetState(bool state, bool forward, MenuObjectsHandler sender)
        _finishedTransitioning = false;

        //  We need to stop all current coroutines to stop issues where
        //  HideHandler cr hadn't finished making all the menus deactivate.

        if (state)
            if (gui) StartCoroutine(ToggleGui());
            //  We only want to save the one who activated the object
            //  so if it's turned off, we shouldn't change it.
            if (forward)
                _activatedBy = sender;
            if (gui) gui.beingShown = false;

        //  Have to do it here as the gameobject may not yet be active.

        for (var i = 0; i < menuObjects.Length; i++)
            var trans = state ? onPositions[i] : offPositions[i];
            menuObjects[i].targetPosition = trans;

            //  Set this to stop them being clickable
            menuObjects[i].transitioningOut = !state;
 private void Awake()
     _handler = GetComponent<MenuObjectsHandler>();
 protected override void ActivateMenuObject( MenuObjectsHandler toOpen )
     //  Overriding so we don't do anything on this call.