static void Main(string[] args)
            MenuCollection menus = MenuGenerator.CreateMenuCollection();

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // build a collection of menus
        // can have as deep a structure as you like
        // give each menu a unique integer MenuId
        // link to other menus by setting HasSubMenu to true, and the SubMenuId to the MenuId of the menu you wish to link to
        // or, set HasSubMenu to false, and have an Action performed when the menuitem is selected
        MenuCollection collection = new MenuCollection()
            Menus =
                new Menu()
                    MenuId    = 1,
                    MenuItems =
                        new MenuItem()
                            Text       = "Go to sub menu",
                            HasSubMenu = true,
                            SubMenuId  = 2
                        new MenuItem()
                            Text       = "Print Action",
                            HasSubMenu = false,
                            Action     = () =>
                                Console.WriteLine("I printed from an action");
                new Menu()
                    MenuId    = 2,
                    MenuItems =
                        new MenuItem()
                            Text       = "Sub menu option 1",
                            HasSubMenu = false,
                            Action     = () =>
                                Console.WriteLine("Printed from a sub menu");
                        new MenuItem()
                            Text       = "Back to the top menu",
                            HasSubMenu = true,
                            SubMenuId  = 1
