Example #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        timeElapsed += Time.deltaTime; //Timer
        if (counter >= agentCalls)     //Every X smallUpdates
            bigUpdateTrigger();              //Call all tiles bigUpdates
            counter = 0;                     //Reset counter

            if (StaticValues.cityMoney < 0)  //If the player is bankrupt
                StaticValues.winStrikes = 0; //Reset winning counter
                if (StaticValues.loseStrikes == 3)
                    levelChanges.LoadLevelNumber(2); //Game over
                    StaticValues.loseStrikes++;           //Closer to game over
                    soundManager.PlayingSound(10, 0.75f); //Warning
            else if (StaticValues.cityMoney > StaticValues.goalMoney)
                StaticValues.loseStrikes = 0;
                if (StaticValues.winStrikes == 3)    //Reached target for 3 months?
                    levelChanges.LoadLevelNumber(1); //Level Complete!
                    soundManager.PlayingSound(5, 0.75f);
            else //Reset both win and lose
                StaticValues.winStrikes  = 0;
                StaticValues.loseStrikes = 0;

        if (timeElapsed >= timeSmallInterval)      //Call smallupdate if enough time has elapsed
            smallUpdateTrigger(counter);           //Call all subscribed methods
            counter++;                             //count the number of small updates so bigupdate can be triggered
            timeElapsed = 0;                       //reset timer
            StaticValues.AssignIncomingOutgoing(); //Complete incoming outgoing lists