public void ScaleAndCopyTest()
     //this test checks that a object is correctly copied and moved
     //create a box
     using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
         using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
             var block     = IfcModelBuilder.MakeBlock(m, 10, 10, 10);
             var solid     = _geomEngine.CreateSolid(block);
             var transform = IfcModelBuilder.MakeCartesianTransformationOperator3D(m);
             transform.Scale = 2;
             var solidA = _geomEngine.Transformed(solid, transform);
             var bb     = solid.BoundingBox;
             var bbA    = solidA.BoundingBox;
             Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(bb.Volume - 1000) < 1e-9, "Bounding box volume is incorrect in original shape");
             Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(bbA.Volume - 8000) < 1e-9, "Bounding box volume is incorrect in scaled shape");
             var transformNonUniform = IfcModelBuilder.MakeCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform(m);
             transformNonUniform.Scale3 = 100;
             var solidB = _geomEngine.Transformed(solid, transformNonUniform);
             Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solidB.BoundingBox.Volume - 100000) < 1e-9, "Bounding box volume is incorrect in non uniform scaled shape");
             Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(bb.Volume - 1000) < 1e-9, "Bounding box volume of original shape as been changed");
        public void SectionWithInnerWireTest()
            using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
                using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction(""))
                    var csgTree       = m.Instances.New <IfcCsgSolid>();
                    var bresult       = m.Instances.New <IfcBooleanResult>();
                    var cylinderInner = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRightCircularCylinder(m, 10, 20);
                    var cylinderOuter = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRightCircularCylinder(m, 20, 20);
                    bresult.FirstOperand       = cylinderOuter;
                    bresult.SecondOperand      = cylinderInner;
                    bresult.Operator           = IfcBooleanOperator.DIFFERENCE;
                    csgTree.TreeRootExpression = bresult;

                    var solid    = geomEngine.CreateSolidSet(csgTree, logger).FirstOrDefault();
                    var plane    = IfcModelBuilder.MakePlane(m, new XbimPoint3D(cylinderInner.Position.Location.X + 1, cylinderInner.Position.Location.Y, cylinderInner.Position.Location.Z), new XbimVector3D(0, 0, 1), new XbimVector3D(0, 1, 0));
                    var cutPlane = geomEngine.CreateFace(plane, logger);
                    var section  = solid.Section(cutPlane, m.ModelFactors.PrecisionBoolean);
                    Assert.IsTrue(section.First != null, "Result should be a face");
                    Assert.IsTrue(section.First.OuterBound.Edges.Count == 1, "1 edge is required for this section of a cylinder");
                    Assert.IsTrue(section.First.InnerBounds.Count == 1, "1 inner wire is required for this section of a cylinder");
        public void ReadPreProcessorTest()
            string revitPattern = @"- Exporter\s(\d*.\d*.\d*.\d*)";

            string[] files = new[] {
            var surfaceOfLinearExtrusionVersion = new Version(17, 0, 416, 0);

            foreach (var file in files)
                using (var store = MemoryModel.OpenRead(file))
                    var matches = Regex.Matches(store.Header.FileName.OriginatingSystem, revitPattern,
                    Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count > 0, "No match found");
                    Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Groups.Count == 2, "Should only be two matches");
                    if (Version.TryParse(matches[0].Groups[1].Value, out Version modelVersion))
                        var shouldHaveWorkAround = (modelVersion <= surfaceOfLinearExtrusionVersion);

                        if (shouldHaveWorkAround)
                            Assert.IsTrue(store.ModelFactors.ApplyWorkAround("#SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion"), "Work around should be implemented");
                            Assert.IsFalse(store.ModelFactors.ApplyWorkAround("#SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion"), "Work around should not be implemented");
Example #4
        public void CreatingPartialFile()
            using (var w = new StringWriter())
                using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("SmallModelIfc2x3.ifc"))
                    var extrusion = mm.Instances.FirstOrDefault <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>();
                    ModelHelper.WritePartialFile(mm, extrusion, w, new HashSet <int>());

                    var part = w.ToString();

                    var ef = new EntityFactoryIfc2x3();
                    using (var insModel = new MemoryModel(ef))
                        insModel.InsertCopy(extrusion, new Common.XbimInstanceHandleMap(mm, insModel), null, false, true, true);
                        using (var partModel = new MemoryModel(ef))
                            var errs = partModel.LoadStep21Part(part);
                            Assert.IsTrue(errs == 0);
                            Assert.IsTrue(insModel.Instances.Count == partModel.Instances.Count);

                            var ext2 = partModel.Instances.FirstOrDefault <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>();
                            Assert.IsTrue(ext2.Depth == extrusion.Depth);
                            Assert.IsTrue(ext2.ExtrudedDirection.X == extrusion.ExtrudedDirection.X);
                            Assert.IsTrue(ext2.ExtrudedDirection.Y == extrusion.ExtrudedDirection.Y);
                            Assert.IsTrue(ext2.ExtrudedDirection.Z == extrusion.ExtrudedDirection.Z);
Example #5
        public void IfcDateAndTimeToIfcDateTimeTest()
            using (var iModel = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc2x3.EntityFactory()))
                using (var txn = iModel.BeginTransaction("Insert date time"))
                    var ifc2x3DateAndTime = iModel.Instances.New <IfcDateAndTime>();

                    var res = ifc2x3DateAndTime.ToISODateTimeString();
                    Assert.IsTrue(res == "0001-01-01T12:00:00.000");
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.DateComponent = iModel.Instances.New <IfcCalendarDate>();
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.DateComponent.YearComponent  = 2015;
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.DateComponent.MonthComponent = 11;
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.DateComponent.DayComponent   = 5;
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.TimeComponent = iModel.Instances.New <IfcLocalTime>();
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.TimeComponent.HourComponent   = 12;
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.TimeComponent.MinuteComponent = 11;
                    ifc2x3DateAndTime.TimeComponent.SecondComponent = 32.123456789;
                    res = ifc2x3DateAndTime.ToISODateTimeString();
                    Assert.IsTrue(res == "2015-11-05T12:11:32.123");
                    res = ifc2x3DateAndTime.DateComponent.ToISODateTimeString();
                    Assert.IsTrue(res == "2015-11-05T12:00:00");
                    res = ifc2x3DateAndTime.TimeComponent.ToISODateTimeString();
                    Assert.IsTrue(res == "0001-01-01T12:11:32.123");
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor only opens an in memory model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="labelFrom"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CobieModel OpenStep21(Stream input, long streamSize, int labelFrom)
            var model = new MemoryModel(new EntityFactory(), labelFrom);

            model.LoadStep21(input, streamSize);
            return(new CobieModel(model));
Example #7
        private IModel ParseModelFile(string ifcFileName, bool caching, ILogger <BatchProcessor> logger, ReportProgressDelegate progress)
            IModel ret = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcFileName))
            if (!File.Exists(ifcFileName))
            // create a callback for progress
            var ext = Path.GetExtension(ifcFileName).ToLowerInvariant();

            switch (ext)
            case ".ifc":
            case ".ifczip":
            case ".ifcxml":
                if (caching)
                    ret = IfcStore.Open(ifcFileName, null, 0, progress);
                    ret = MemoryModel.OpenRead(ifcFileName, logger, progress);

                logger?.LogError("XbimRegression does not support {0} file format.", ext);
        public void CreateSerializeAndDeserialize()
            var lat = new List <long> {
                45, 12, 79
            var lon = new List <long> {
                2, 23, 80

            var model = new MemoryModel(new EntityFactoryIfc2x3());

            using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Site creation"))
                var site = model.Instances.New <IfcSite>();
                site.RefLatitude  = lat;
                site.RefLongitude = lon;
            using (var fileStream = new StreamWriter("site.ifc"))

            model = new MemoryModel(new EntityFactoryIfc2x3());
            var site2 = model.Instances.FirstOrDefault <IfcSite>();

            Assert.IsTrue(lat == site2.RefLatitude);
            Assert.AreEqual((IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure)lon, site2.RefLongitude);
Example #9
 public void OpenReadIfc2x3XmlFormatTest()
     using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("4walls1floorSite.ifcxml"))
         Assert.IsTrue(mm.Instances.Count == 579);
Example #10
        public void CreateNew()
            var ef2x3 = new Ifc2x3.EntityFactoryIfc2x3();

            using (var mm = new MemoryModel(ef2x3))
                using (var txn = mm.BeginTransaction("Simple"))
                    mm.Instances.New <Ifc2x3.ActorResource.IfcPerson>();
                    Assert.IsTrue(mm.Instances.Count == 1);
            var ef4 = new Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4();

            using (var mm = new MemoryModel(ef4))
                using (var txn = mm.BeginTransaction("Simple"))
                    mm.Instances.New <Ifc4.ActorResource.IfcPerson>();
                    Assert.IsTrue(mm.Instances.Count == 1);
Example #11
 public void OpenReadIfc4StepZipFormatTest()
     using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("SmallModelIfc4.ifczip"))
         Assert.IsTrue(mm.Instances.Count == 52);
Example #12
 public void OpenReadIfc2x3StepFormatTest()
     using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("SmallModelIfc2x3.ifc"))
         Assert.IsTrue(mm.Instances.Count == 579);
Example #13
 public void OpenReadModelFactorPrecisionTest()
     using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("Axis2PlacementError.ifc"))
         Assert.IsTrue(mm.ModelFactors.Precision == 0.01);
Example #14
	public void UpdateScore (MemoryModel model)
        for (int i = 0; i < model.Players.Length; i++)
            scorePanels[i].Show(model.Players[i].score, i, model.PlayerIndex == i);
Example #15
        private Dictionary <int, string> GetXmlEntityMap(Stream stream, IModel model)
            var result = new Dictionary <int, string>(model.Instances.Count());
            var schema = model.Header.FileSchema.Schemas.First();

            if (string.Equals(schema, "IFC2X3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                log.LogWarning("Only IFC4 models are supported to report XML ids");

            _dummyModel = new MemoryModel(_factory4);
            // pass in null logger as this is not critical
            var xmlReader = new XbimXmlReader4(GetOrCreateXMLEntity, entity => { }, model.Metadata, NullLogger.Instance);

            xmlReader.Read(stream, _dummyModel);

            // swap the dictionary
            foreach (var item in xmlReader.IdMap)
                result.Add(item.Value, item.Key);

            _dummyModel = null;
        public void CollectionRemoval()
            // arrange
            using (var model = new MemoryModel(new Ifc2x3.EntityFactoryIfc2x3()))
                using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction(""))
                    IfcWall wall1 = model.Instances.New <IfcWall>();
                    IfcWall wall2 = model.Instances.New <IfcWall>();

                    var propertySet = model.Instances.New <Ifc2x3.Kernel.IfcPropertySet>();
                    propertySet.HasProperties.Add(model.Instances.New <Ifc2x3.PropertyResource.IfcPropertySingleValue>());

                    // Changing the type of the rel variable from interface to IfcRelDefinesByProperties solves the issue.
                    IIfcRelDefinesByProperties rel = model.Instances.New <Ifc2x3.Kernel.IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();

                    rel.RelatingPropertyDefinition = propertySet;

                    // act

                    // assert failed. Expected: 1, actual: 2 (null, wall2).
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, rel.RelatedObjects.Count);

        public void CreateIfcAlignment()
            using (var model = new MemoryModel(ef))
                using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Init"))
                    var a = model.Instances.New <IfcAlignment>();
                    a.GlobalId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    a.Name     = "Testing alignment";
                    a.Axis     = model.Instances.New <IfcAlignmentCurve>();
                using (var w = File.CreateText("xbim_alignment.ifc"))

            using (var model = new MemoryModel(ef))

                var a = model.Instances.FirstOrDefault <IfcAlignment>();

Example #18
        public static void ExpandAttributes()
            using (var cobie = new MemoryModel(new EntityFactory()))
                using (var txn = cobie.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                    var component1 = cobie.Instances.New <CobieComponent>(c => c.Name = "Chair A");
                    var component2 = cobie.Instances.New <CobieComponent>(c => c.Name = "Chair B");
                    var a1         = cobie.Instances.New <CobieAttribute>(c =>
                        c.Name  = "A";
                        c.Value = new StringValue("Value A");
                    var a2 = cobie.Instances.New <CobieAttribute>(c =>
                        c.Name  = "B";
                        c.Value = new StringValue("Value B");
                    component1.Attributes.AddRange(new[] { a1, a2 });
                    component2.Attributes.AddRange(new[] { a1, a2 });

                    Expand(cobie, (CobieComponent c) => c.Attributes);

                    if (component1.Attributes.Any(a => component2.Attributes.Contains(a)))
                        throw new Exception("Didn't work!");
        public static IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots MakeBSplineCurveWithKnots(MemoryModel m)
            var c = m.Instances.New <IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots>();

            c.Degree = 3;
            var p1 = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(p => p.SetXYZ(240, 192, -84));
            var p2 = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(p => p.SetXYZ(0, 275, -84));
            var p3 = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(p => p.SetXYZ(-240, 192, -84));

            c.ControlPointsList.Add(m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(p => p.SetXYZ(0, -108, -84)));

            c.CurveForm = IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED;
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                c.Knots.Add(i - 7.0);

            c.ClosedCurve   = false;
            c.SelfIntersect = false;
            c.KnotSpec      = IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED;
Example #20
        public void Ifc4InterfacesToIfc2X3()
            var model = new MemoryModel(new EntityFactory());

            model.LoadStep21("4walls1floorSite.ifc", null);

            var walls = model.Instances.OfType <IIfcWall>().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, walls.Count);

            foreach (var wall in walls)

                var properties = wall.IsDefinedBy
                                 .Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IIfcPropertySet)
                                 .SelectMany(r => ((IIfcPropertySet)r.RelatingPropertyDefinition).HasProperties);

                foreach (var property in properties)
                    var single = property as IIfcPropertySingleValue;
                    if (single != null)

                var type = wall.IsTypedBy.Select(r => r.RelatingType).FirstOrDefault();
Example #21
        public void IfcSphereTest()
            using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
                using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                    const double r = 0.5;

                    var sphere = IfcModelBuilder.MakeSphere(m, r);

                    var solid = geomEngine.CreateSolid(sphere);
                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count == 1, "1 face is required of a sphere");
                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Vertices.Count == 2, "2 vertices are required of a sphere");
                    var meshRec = new MeshHelper();
                    geomEngine.Mesh(meshRec, solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance * 10);
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.FaceCount == 1, "1 mesh face is required of a sphere");
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.PointCount == 168, "168 mesh points are required of a sphere");
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.TriangleCount == 306, "306 triangles are required of a sphere");
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.TriangleCount * 3 == meshRec.TriangleIndicesCount, "Incorrect triangulation");
Example #22
        public void TestingLinqWhere2()
            using (var model1 = MemoryModel.OpenRead("email.ifc"))
                var telecom = model1.Instances[28] as IIfcTelecomAddress;

                // the linq queries below should return the same value,
                // indeed resharper suggest to transform one into the other
                // but the values returned are different.
                // Is this a problem with linq or Essentials?
                // the problem goes away if we use "using Xbim.Ifc2x3.Interfaces;" instead of ifc4.
                var add = telecom.ElectronicMailAddresses;

                var enum1     = add.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.ToString()));
                var enumFrom1 = enum1.FirstOrDefault();

                var ml1 = add.Where(t => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.ToString())).FirstOrDefault();
                var ml2 = add.FirstOrDefault(t => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.ToString()));

                Assert.AreEqual(ml1, ml2);
Example #23
        public void IfcRectangularPyramidTest()
            using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
                using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                    var pyramid = m.Instances.New <IfcRectangularPyramid>();
                    var p       = m.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
                    p.Axis           = m.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0));
                    p.Location       = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(c => c.SetXYZ(10, 10, 0));
                    pyramid.Position = p;
                    pyramid.Height   = 20;
                    pyramid.XLength  = 10;
                    pyramid.YLength  = 15;

                    var solid = geomEngine.CreateSolid(pyramid);

                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count == 5, "5 faces are required of a pyramid");
                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Vertices.Count == 5, "5 vertices are required of a pyramid");
                    var meshRec = new MeshHelper();
                    geomEngine.Mesh(meshRec, solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance * 10);
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.FaceCount == 5, "5 mesh faces are required of a pyramid");
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.PointCount == 16, "16 mesh points are required of a pyramid");
Example #24
        private IModel ParseModelFile(string ifcFileName, bool caching, ILogger <BatchProcessor> logger)
            IModel ret = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcFileName))
            // create a callback for progress
            switch (Path.GetExtension(ifcFileName).ToLowerInvariant())
            case ".ifc":
            case ".ifczip":
            case ".ifcxml":
                if (caching)
                    ret = IfcStore.Open(ifcFileName, null, 0);
                    ret = MemoryModel.OpenRead(ifcFileName, logger);

                throw new NotImplementedException(
                          string.Format("XbimRegression does not support {0} file formats currently",
Example #25
        public void IfcRightCircularConeTest()
            using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
                using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                    var cylinder = m.Instances.New <IfcRightCircularCone>();
                    var p        = m.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
                    p.Axis                = m.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0));
                    p.Location            = m.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(c => c.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0));
                    cylinder.Position     = p;
                    cylinder.BottomRadius = 0.5;
                    cylinder.Height       = 2;

                    var solid = geomEngine.CreateSolid(cylinder);

                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Faces.Count == 2, "2 faces are required of a cone");
                    Assert.IsTrue(solid.Vertices.Count == 2, "2 vertices are required of a cone");
                    var meshRec = new MeshHelper();
                    geomEngine.Mesh(meshRec, solid, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance * 10);
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.FaceCount == 2, "2 mesh faces are required of a cone");
                    Assert.IsTrue(meshRec.PointCount == 55, "55 mesh points are required of a cone");
 public void MoveAndCopyTest()
     //this test checks that a object is correctly copied and moved
     //create a box
     using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
         using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                 var block = IfcModelBuilder.MakeBlock(m, 10, 10, 10);
                 var solid = _geomEngine.CreateSolid(block);
                 var ax3D  = IfcModelBuilder.MakeAxis2Placement3D(m);
                 ax3D.Location.Y = 100;
                 var solidA = _geomEngine.Moved(solid, ax3D) as IXbimSolid;
                 Assert.IsNotNull(solidA, "Should be the same type as the master");
                 Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solidA.Volume - solid.Volume) < 1e-9, "Volume has changed");
                 var displacement = solidA.BoundingBox.Centroid() - solid.BoundingBox.Centroid();
                 Assert.IsTrue(displacement == new XbimVector3D(0, 100, 0));
                 var bbA    = solidA.BoundingBox;
                 var solidB = _geomEngine.Moved(solid, ax3D);
                 Assert.IsTrue(bbA.Centroid() - solidB.BoundingBox.Centroid() == new XbimVector3D(0, 0, 0));
Example #27
        public static void Create(string path, XbimSchemaVersion schema, Action <IModel> creation)
            var f = MemoryModel.GetFactory(schema);

            using (var model = new MemoryModel(f))
                using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Creation"))

                using (var file = File.Create(path))
                    if (path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".ifc"))
                    else if (path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".ifcxml"))
                        model.SaveAsXml(file, new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings {
                            Indent = true, IndentChars = "  "
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected extension");

        public void ObjectPlacementTest()
            //this test checks that a object is correctly copied and moved
            //create a box
            using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
                using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
                    var block     = IfcModelBuilder.MakeBlock(m, 50, 10, 10);
                    var solid     = _geomEngine.CreateSolid(block);
                    var placement = IfcModelBuilder.MakeLocalPlacement(m);
                    ((IfcAxis2Placement3D)placement.RelativePlacement).Location.X = 100;
                    var bb     = solid.BoundingBox;
                    var solidA = _geomEngine.Moved(solid, placement) as IXbimSolid;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(solidA, "Should be the same type as the master");
                    var displacement = solidA.BoundingBox.Centroid() - solid.BoundingBox.Centroid();
                    Assert.IsTrue(displacement == new XbimVector3D(100, 0, 0));

                    var placementRelTo = ((IfcLocalPlacement)placement.PlacementRelTo);
                    var zDir           = m.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1));
                    ((IfcAxis2Placement3D)placementRelTo.RelativePlacement).Axis = zDir;
                    var yDir = m.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => d.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0));
                    ((IfcAxis2Placement3D)placementRelTo.RelativePlacement).RefDirection = yDir; //point in Y
                    ((IfcAxis2Placement3D)placementRelTo.RelativePlacement).Location.X   = 2000;
                    var solidB = _geomEngine.Moved(solid, placement) as IXbimSolid;
                    displacement = solidB.BoundingBox.Centroid() - solid.BoundingBox.Centroid();
                    var meshbuilder = new MeshHelper();
                    _geomEngine.Mesh(meshbuilder, solidB, m.ModelFactors.Precision, m.ModelFactors.DeflectionTolerance);
                    var box = meshbuilder.BoundingBox;
                    Assert.IsTrue(displacement == new XbimVector3D(1970, 120, 0));
Example #29
        static ModelFactory()
            FileProviders.Add((path) =>
            FileProviders.Add((path) =>
                // return Esent DB
                return(Ifc.IfcStore.Open(path, null, 0, (pct, o) => { }));

            FileProviders.Add((path) =>
                // return Memory DB
                return(Ifc.IfcStore.Open(path, null, null, (pct, o) => { }));

            ModelProviders.Add((factory) =>
                return(new MemoryModel(factory));
            ModelProviders.Add((factory) =>
        public void SubtractionResultsInClosedWindow()
            using (var model = MemoryModel.OpenRead(@"SubtractionResultsInClosedWindow.ifc"))
                logger.LogInformation("Running SubtractionResultsInClosedWindow");
                var wallBrep           = model.Instances[12752] as IIfcFacetedBrep;
                var wallPlacement      = model.Instances[12562] as IIfcLocalPlacement;
                var wallTransform      = wallPlacement.ToMatrix3D();
                var openingExtrudeArea = model.Instances[286479] as IIfcExtrudedAreaSolid;
                var openingPlacement   = model.Instances[286487] as IIfcLocalPlacement;
                var openingTransform   = openingPlacement.ToMatrix3D();

                var wallSolid       = geomEngine.CreateSolidSet(wallBrep, logger).FirstOrDefault();
                var transformedWall = wallSolid.Transform(wallTransform) as IXbimSolid;

                var openingSolid       = geomEngine.CreateSolid(openingExtrudeArea, logger);
                var transformedOpening = openingSolid.Transform(openingTransform) as IXbimSolid;
                var cutWall            = transformedWall.Cut(transformedOpening, model.ModelFactors.Precision, logger).FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.IsNotNull(cutWall, "Cut wall should not be null");
                // note this faceted brep already has the openings cut out and we are cutting them again so the volume should not change
                var volDiff = cutWall.Volume - transformedWall.Volume;
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(volDiff) < 1e-5);
                // Assert.IsTrue(er.Entity != null, "No IfcBooleanResult found");
                //  var solid = geomEngine.CreateSolid(er.Entity, logger);
                //  Assert.IsFalse(solid.Faces.Any(), "This solid should have 0 faces");
 public void OpenReadIfc4XmlZipFormatTest()
     using (var mm = MemoryModel.OpenRead("HelloWallXml.ifczip"))
         Assert.AreEqual(163, mm.Instances.Count);