Example #1
 public static void Main()
         MemberFilter myFilter      = Type.FilterNameIgnoreCase;
         Type         myType        = typeof(System.String);
         MemberInfo[] myMemberinfo1 = myType.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Constructor
                                                         | MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static |
                                                         BindingFlags.Instance, myFilter, "C*");
         foreach (MemberInfo myMemberinfo2 in myMemberinfo1)
             Console.Write("\n" + myMemberinfo2.Name);
             MemberTypes Mymembertypes = myMemberinfo2.MemberType;
             Console.WriteLine(" is a " + Mymembertypes.ToString());
     catch (ArgumentNullException e)
         Console.Write("ArgumentNullException : " + e.Message);
     catch (SecurityException e)
         Console.Write("SecurityException : " + e.Message);
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.Write("Exception : " + e.Message);
Example #2
        public override MemberElement CreateMemberElement(TypeElement type, string memberName, string returnType, MemberTypes memberType, IncludeStatus includeStatus, VisibilityOverride visibilityOverride, SecurityTransparencyStatus securityTransparencyStatus)
            // Identify the member by category (method/prop/field/event), name, and return type.  These
            // strings are what matched by ModelSigFormatter

            string memberSig = memberType.ToString() + " : " + memberName;
            if (returnType != null) memberSig = memberSig + " : " + returnType;

            CodeMemberElement member = new CodeMemberElement(includeStatus, visibilityOverride, securityTransparencyStatus, memberSig, returnType, memberType, memberName);
            (type as CodeTypeElement).m_members.Add(memberSig, member);
            return member;
        public override MemberElement CreateMemberElement(TypeElement type, string memberName, string returnType, MemberTypes memberType, IncludeStatus includeStatus, VisibilityOverride visibilityOverride, SecurityTransparencyStatus securityTransparencyStatus)
            // Identify the member by category (method/prop/field/event), name, and return type.  These
            // strings are what matched by ModelSigFormatter

            string memberSig = memberType.ToString() + " : " + memberName;

            if (returnType != null)
                memberSig = memberSig + " : " + returnType;

            CodeMemberElement member = new CodeMemberElement(includeStatus, visibilityOverride, securityTransparencyStatus, memberSig, returnType, memberType, memberName);

            (type as CodeTypeElement).m_members.Add(memberSig, member);
    public static int Main()
        Myfield Myfield = new Myfield();

        // Get the Type and FieldInfo.
        Type      MyType      = typeof(Myfield);
        FieldInfo Myfieldinfo = MyType.GetField("field", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        // Get and display the MemberType.
        Console.Write("\n{0}.", MyType.FullName);
        Console.Write("{0} - ", Myfieldinfo.Name);
        Console.Write("{0};", Myfield.Field);
        MemberTypes Mymembertypes = Myfieldinfo.MemberType;

        Console.Write("MemberType is a {0}.", Mymembertypes.ToString());
Example #5
        static int GetImageIndex(MemberTypes type)
            switch (type.ToString())
            case "Field":
            case "Property":

            case "Event":

            case "Method":
            case "Constructor":

Example #6
        private void QueryColumnData(List <ColumnMetaInfo> colList, List <FKSpecification> fkList, object xag)
            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in xag.GetType().GetProperties())
                MemberTypes        mt   = pi.MemberType;
                string             val  = mt.ToString();
                PropertyAttributes patt = pi.Attributes;
                string             nm   = pi.PropertyType.Name;
                String             name = pi.Name;
                Type   rt    = pi.GetMethod.ReturnType;
                string tName = GuessMainType(rt.FullName);

                FKSpecification fkSpec = null;

                bool           hasFK = LookupFKForColumn(name, out fkSpec, fkList);
                ColumnMetaInfo cmi   = new ColumnMetaInfo()
                    columnName = name, fkSpec = fkSpec, hasFK = hasFK, dbTypeName = tName
Example #7
        public MissingMember CreateMember(MemberInfo infoMono, MemberInfo infoMS)
            MemberTypes   mt = (infoMono != null) ? infoMono.MemberType : infoMS.MemberType;
            MissingMember mm;

            switch (mt)
            case MemberTypes.Method:
                mm = new MissingMethod(infoMono, infoMS);

            case MemberTypes.Property:
                mm = new MissingProperty(infoMono, infoMS);

            case MemberTypes.Event:
                mm = new MissingEvent(infoMono, infoMS);

            case MemberTypes.Field:
                mm = new MissingField(infoMono, infoMS);

            case MemberTypes.Constructor:
                mm = new MissingConstructor(infoMono, infoMS);

            case MemberTypes.NestedType:
                mm = new MissingNestedType(infoMono, infoMS);

                throw new Exception("Unexpected MemberType: " + mt.ToString());
Example #8
        private List <ColumnMetaInfo> QueryColumns(string connString, object ob, string tableName)
            List <FKSpecification> fkList  = ForeignKeyUtils.QueryForeignKeyRelationships(connString, tableName);
            List <ColumnMetaInfo>  colList = new List <ColumnMetaInfo>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in ob.GetType().GetProperties())
                MemberTypes        mt     = pi.MemberType;
                string             val    = mt.ToString();
                PropertyAttributes patt   = pi.Attributes;
                string             nm     = pi.PropertyType.Name;
                String             name   = pi.Name;
                FKSpecification    fkSpec = null;
                bool           hasFK      = LookupFKForColumn(name, out fkSpec, fkList);
                Type           rt         = pi.GetMethod.ReturnType;
                string         tName      = GuessMainType(rt.FullName);
                ColumnMetaInfo cmi        = new ColumnMetaInfo()
                    columnName = name, fkSpec = fkSpec, hasFK = hasFK, dbTypeName = tName
 public static string FormatMemberType(MemberTypes memberType)
 public MemberCollection GroupsMembersGetList(string groupId, int page, int perPage, MemberTypes memberType)
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
     dictionary.Add("method", "flickr.groups.members.getList");
     dictionary.Add("group_id", groupId);
     if (page != 0) dictionary.Add("page", page.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
     if (perPage != 0) dictionary.Add("per_page", perPage.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
     if (memberType != MemberTypes.None) dictionary.Add("member_type", memberType.ToString().ToLower());
     return GetResponse<MemberCollection>(dictionary);
Example #11
        internal void CheckAccessibility(MemberInfo member)
            bool flag;

            if (member == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("member");
            MemberTypes memberType = member.MemberType;

            if (this.NonPublic)
            MemberTypes types2 = memberType;

            if (types2 <= MemberTypes.Method)
                switch (types2)
                case MemberTypes.Constructor:
                    ConstructorInfo info2 = (ConstructorInfo)member;
                    flag = info2.IsPublic || ((info2.IsAssembly || info2.IsFamilyOrAssembly) && this.InternalsVisible(info2.DeclaringType.Assembly));
                    goto Label_01E6;

                case MemberTypes.Field:
                    FieldInfo info = (FieldInfo)member;
                    flag = info.IsPublic || ((info.IsAssembly || info.IsFamilyOrAssembly) && this.InternalsVisible(info.DeclaringType.Assembly));
                    goto Label_01E6;

                case MemberTypes.Method:
                    MethodInfo info3 = (MethodInfo)member;
                    flag = info3.IsPublic || ((info3.IsAssembly || info3.IsFamilyOrAssembly) && this.InternalsVisible(info3.DeclaringType.Assembly));
                    if (!flag && ((member is MethodBuilder) || (member.DeclaringType == this.MapType(typeof(TypeModel)))))
                        flag = true;
                    goto Label_01E6;
                if (types2 == MemberTypes.Property)
                    flag = true;
                    Type type;
                    if (types2 != MemberTypes.TypeInfo)
                        if (types2 == MemberTypes.NestedType)
                            type = (Type)member;
                                flag = (type.IsNestedPublic || type.IsPublic) || ((((type.DeclaringType == null) || type.IsNestedAssembly) || type.IsNestedFamORAssem) && this.InternalsVisible(type.Assembly));
                                if (!flag)
                            }while ((type = type.DeclaringType) != null);
                            goto Label_01E6;
                        goto Label_01D5;
                    type = (Type)member;
                    flag = type.IsPublic || this.InternalsVisible(type.Assembly);
                goto Label_01E6;
            throw new NotSupportedException(memberType.ToString());
            if (!flag)
                switch (memberType)
                case (MemberTypes.TypeInfo & MemberTypes.NestedType):
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Non-public member cannot be used with full dll compilation: " + member.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + member.Name);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Non-public type cannot be used with full dll compilation: " + ((Type)member).FullName);
Example #12
 public ExpectedButGotException(MemberTypes[] expected, MemberTypes got)
     : this(expected.Select(e => e.ToString()).ToArray(), got.ToString())
Example #13
        private static void AddMember(ref List <string> list, int longestMemberCategory, MemberTypes memberType, bool isPrivate, string memberName)
            string memberCategory = (memberType.ToString() + ":").PadRight(longestMemberCategory + 1, ' ');

            list.Add(string.Format("[{0}] {1} {2}", isPrivate ? "-" : "+", memberCategory, memberName));
Example #14
        public object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
            switch (_memberType)
            case MemberTypes.Constructor:
                ConstructorInfo [] ctors;

                ctors = _reflectedType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                for (int i = 0; i < ctors.Length; i++)
                    if (ctors[i].ToString().Equals(_memberSignature))

                throw new SerializationException("Failed to find serialized constructor");

            case MemberTypes.Method:
                MethodInfo [] methods;

                methods = _reflectedType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
                for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                    if ((methods[i]).ToString().Equals(_memberSignature))

                throw new SerializationException("Failed to find serialized method");

                throw new SerializationException("Failed to get object for member type " + _memberType.ToString());
Example #15
        internal void CheckAccessibility(MemberInfo member)
            Type type;
            bool flag;
            bool flag1;
            Type declaringType;
            bool flag2;
            bool flag3;
            bool flag4;

            if (member == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("member");
            MemberTypes memberType = member.MemberType;

            if (!this.NonPublic)
                MemberTypes memberType1 = memberType;
                if (memberType1 <= MemberTypes.Method)
                    if (memberType1 == MemberTypes.Constructor)
                        ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = (ConstructorInfo)member;
                        if (constructorInfo.IsPublic)
                            flag2 = true;
                            flag2 = (constructorInfo.IsAssembly || constructorInfo.IsFamilyOrAssembly ? this.InternalsVisible(constructorInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly) : false);
                        flag = flag2;
                    else if (memberType1 == MemberTypes.Field)
                        FieldInfo fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)member;
                        if (fieldInfo.IsPublic)
                            flag3 = true;
                            flag3 = (fieldInfo.IsAssembly || fieldInfo.IsFamilyOrAssembly ? this.InternalsVisible(fieldInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly) : false);
                        flag = flag3;
                        if (memberType1 != MemberTypes.Method)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(memberType.ToString());
                        MethodInfo methodInfo = (MethodInfo)member;
                        if (methodInfo.IsPublic)
                            flag4 = true;
                            flag4 = (methodInfo.IsAssembly || methodInfo.IsFamilyOrAssembly ? this.InternalsVisible(methodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly) : false);
                        flag = flag4;
                        if (!flag && (member is MethodBuilder || member.DeclaringType == this.MapType(typeof(TypeModel))))
                            flag = true;
                else if (memberType1 == MemberTypes.Property)
                    flag = true;
                else if (memberType1 == MemberTypes.TypeInfo)
                    type = (Type)member;
                    flag = (type.IsPublic ? true : this.InternalsVisible(type.Assembly));
                    if (memberType1 != MemberTypes.NestedType)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(memberType.ToString());
                    type = (Type)member;
                        if (type.IsNestedPublic || type.IsPublic)
                            flag1 = true;
                            flag1 = (type.DeclaringType == null || type.IsNestedAssembly || type.IsNestedFamORAssem ? this.InternalsVisible(type.Assembly) : false);
                        flag = flag1;
                        if (!flag)
                            goto Label2;
                        declaringType = type.DeclaringType;
                        type          = declaringType;
                    }while (declaringType != null);
                if (!flag)
                    MemberTypes memberType2 = memberType;
                    if (memberType2 == MemberTypes.TypeInfo || memberType2 == MemberTypes.NestedType)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Concat("Non-public type cannot be used with full dll compilation: ", ((Type)member).FullName));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Concat("Non-public member cannot be used with full dll compilation: ", member.DeclaringType.FullName, ".", member.Name));
Example #16
 static bool HasEqualMemberType(MemberType commentMemberType, MemberTypes memberType)
     return(commentMemberType.ToString().Equals(memberType.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Example #17
 public static void IsInMembertypeSet(MemberTypes value, string parameterName, MemberTypes enumFlagSet)
     if ((value & enumFlagSet) != value || // Ensure the member is in the set
         (value & (value - 1)) != 0)       // Ensure that there is only one flag in the value (i.e. value is a power of 2).
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEnumInSet, parameterName, value, enumFlagSet.ToString()), parameterName);
        private string getPropiedades(Type tipo)
            string codigo = "";

            PropertyInfo[] propiedades;

            // Propiedades públicas
            codigo     += this.SALTO;
            codigo     += "//[PROPIEDADES PÚBLICAS]";
            codigo     += this.SALTO;
            propiedades = this.tipoDeClase.GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo atributo in propiedades)
                MethodInfo metodo = atributo.GetGetMethod();
                //                String ambito = metodo.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray().ToString();
                String ambito = "";
                ambito  = this.getAmbito(metodo);
                codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                codigo += "texto += \"{{\"" + ambito + "\"}, {" + atributo.PropertyType + "},{\" + obj." + atributo.Name + " + \"},{\"" + atributo.GetValue(this.clase, null) + "\"}},\";";

            // Propiedades privadas y protegidas
            codigo     += this.SALTO;
            codigo     += "//[PROPIEDADES PRIVADAS Y PROTEGIDAS]";
            codigo     += this.SALTO;
            propiedades = this.tipoDeClase.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (PropertyInfo atributo in propiedades)
                String ambito = "";
                if (atributo.GetGetMethod() != null)
                    ambito = this.getAmbito(atributo.GetGetMethod());
                codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                codigo += "texto += \"{{\"" + ambito + "\"}, {" + atributo.PropertyType + "},{\" + obj." + atributo.Name + " + \"},{\"" + atributo.GetValue(this.clase, null) + "\"}},\";";

            // Propiedades privadas estáticas
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            codigo += "//[PROPIEDADES PRIVADAS ESTÁTICAS]";
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            //            FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = this.tipoDeClase.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = this.tipoDeClase.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fieldInfos)
                String ambito = this.getAmbitoField(field);
                codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                codigo += "texto += \"{{\"" + ambito + "\"}, {" + field.FieldType + "},{\" + obj." + field.Name + " + \"},{\"" + field.GetValue(this.clase) + "\"}},\";";

            // Propiedades públicas estáticas
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            codigo += "//[PROPIEDADES PÚBLICAS ESTÁTICAS]";
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            //            FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = this.tipoDeClase.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            fieldInfos = this.tipoDeClase.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fieldInfos)
                String ambito = this.getAmbitoField(field);
                codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                codigo += "texto += \"{{\"" + ambito + "\"}, {" + field.FieldType + "},{\" + obj." + field.Name + " + \"},{\"" + field.GetValue(this.clase) + "\"}},\";";

            // Otras propiedades complejas (OJO, aparecen también estáticas)
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            codigo += "[MIEMBROS]";
            codigo += this.SALTO;
            MemberInfo[] miembros = this.tipoDeClase.GetMembers();
            foreach (MemberInfo miembro in miembros)
                if (miembro.MemberType.ToString() != "Method" &&
                    miembro.MemberType.ToString() != "Constructor" &&
                    miembro.MemberType.ToString() != "Property" // Ya estaban identificadas antes con PropertyInfo
                    codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;

                     *                  Type tipo1 = Type.GetType(miembro.GetProperty("FieldType").ToString());
                     *                  codigo += "Tipo de miembro " + tipo1.ToString();
                    MemberTypes tipoDeMiembro = miembro.MemberType;
                    if (tipoDeMiembro.ToString() == "NestedType")
                        if (tipoDeMiembro.GetType().IsEnum)
                            codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                            codigo += "// A continuación se declara el tipo " + miembro.GetType().ReflectedType + " - " + miembro.Name + "";
                            codigo += Type.GetTypeCode(miembro.GetType()).ToString();
                        codigo += this.SALTO + this.TAB + this.TAB;
                        codigo += "texto += \"{{" + miembro.MemberType.ToString() + "},{\" + obj." + miembro.Name + " + \"}},\";";

                    /*                codigo += miembro.ReflectedType; // Indica el tipo de miembro que es
                     *              codigo += this.SALTO;
                     *              codigo += miembro.DeclaringType; // Indica la clase de este miembro
                     *              codigo += this.SALTO;
                     *              codigo += miembro.GetType(); // Tipo de objeto del campo
                     *              codigo += this.SALTO;
Example #19
 public ExpectedButGotException(MemberTypes[] expected, MemberTypes got)
     : this(expected.Select(e => e.ToString()).ToArray(), got.ToString())