Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the default scale update subscription
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDefaultScaleUpdateSubscription()
            var quantityKind = this.Thing as QuantityKind;

            if (quantityKind == null)

            if (this.defaultScaleObject != null && quantityKind.DefaultScale == this.defaultScaleObject)

            if (this.defaultScaleSubscription != null)

            this.defaultScaleObject       = quantityKind.DefaultScale;
            this.defaultScaleSubscription = CDPMessageBus.Current.Listen <ObjectChangedEvent>(this.defaultScaleObject)
                                            .Where(objectChange => objectChange.EventKind == EventKind.Updated)
                                            .Subscribe(x => { this.DefaultScale = this.defaultScaleObject.ShortName; });

            this.DefaultScale = this.defaultScaleObject.ShortName;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign measurement scale to given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        public void AssignMeasurementScale()
            MeasurementScale measurementScale = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.commandArguments.Scale))
                measurementScale = this.sessionService.SiteDirectory.SiteReferenceDataLibrary.SelectMany(r => r.Scale).SingleOrDefault(x => x.ShortName == this.commandArguments.Scale);

            if (measurementScale == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid action \"set-scale\": short name of a valid scale must be given in --scale.");

            if (!this.commandArguments.SelectedParameters.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("No --parameters given. Action set-scale skipped.");

            foreach (var elementDefinition in this.sessionService.Iteration.Element.Where(e => this.filterService.IsFilteredIn(e)).OrderBy(x => x.ShortName))
                foreach (var parameter in elementDefinition.Parameter.Where(this.filterService.IsParameterSpecifiedOrAny).OrderBy(x => x.ParameterType.ShortName))
                    if (!(parameter.ParameterType is QuantityKind quantityKind))

                    var allPossibleScale = quantityKind.AllPossibleScale;

                    if (parameter.Scale == null)
                            $"No measurement scale assigned to parameter {parameter.UserFriendlyShortName}: should be one of " +
                            $"{string.Join(", ", allPossibleScale.Select(x => x.ShortName).OrderBy(x => x))}");
                    else if (!allPossibleScale.Contains(parameter.Scale))
                            $"Invalid measurement scale {parameter.Scale.ShortName} assigned to parameter {parameter.UserFriendlyShortName}: should be one of" +
                            $" {string.Join(", ", allPossibleScale.Select(x => x.ShortName).OrderBy(x => x))}");

                    if (this.commandArguments.SelectedParameters.Contains(parameter.ParameterType.ShortName) &&
                        allPossibleScale.Contains(measurementScale) && parameter.Scale != measurementScale)
                        var parameterClone = parameter.Clone(true);
                        this.sessionService.Transactions.Add(new ThingTransaction(TransactionContextResolver.ResolveContext(parameterClone), parameterClone));
                        parameterClone.Scale = measurementScale;

                        Console.WriteLine($"Assigned scale \"{measurementScale.ShortName}\" to parameter {parameter.UserFriendlyShortName}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a <see cref="MeasurementScaleRowViewModel"/> from the view model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> for which the row view model has to be removed
        /// </param>
        private void RemoveMeasurementScaleRowViewModel(MeasurementScale scale)
            var row = this.MeasurementScales.SingleOrDefault(rowViewModel => rowViewModel.Thing == scale);

            if (row != null)
Example #4
        public void Setup()
            RxApp.MainThreadScheduler = Scheduler.CurrentThread;
            this.permissionService    = new Mock <IPermissionService>();
            this.cache = new ConcurrentDictionary <CacheKey, Lazy <Thing> >();

            this.session = new Mock <ISession>();
            var person = new Person(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                Container = this.siteDir

            this.session.Setup(x => x.ActivePerson).Returns(person);

            this.siteDir = new SiteDirectory(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null);
            this.srdl = new SiteReferenceDataLibrary(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null)
                Name = "testRDL", ShortName = "test"
            this.compoundPt = new CompoundParameterType {
                Name = "parameterType", ShortName = "cat"
            this.cat = new Category(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null)
                Name = "category1", ShortName = "cat1"
            this.session.Setup(x => x.RetrieveSiteDirectory()).Returns(this.siteDir);
            this.session.Setup(x => x.OpenReferenceDataLibraries).Returns(new HashSet <ReferenceDataLibrary>(this.siteDir.SiteReferenceDataLibrary));
            this.bpt = new BooleanParameterType(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null);
            this.cpt = new CompoundParameterType(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null);

            this.qt = new SimpleQuantityKind(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null);

            this.scale = new OrdinalScale(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null);

            this.cache.TryAdd(new CacheKey(this.srdl.Iid, null), new Lazy <Thing>(() => this.srdl));
            this.permissionService.Setup(x => x.CanWrite(It.IsAny <ClassKind>(), It.IsAny <Thing>())).Returns(true);
            this.permissionService.Setup(x => x.CanWrite(It.IsAny <Thing>())).Returns(true);
            this.session.Setup(x => x.PermissionService).Returns(this.permissionService.Object);

            var dal = new Mock <IDal>();

            this.session.Setup(x => x.DalVersion).Returns(new Version(1, 1, 0));
            this.session.Setup(x => x.Dal).Returns(dal.Object);
            dal.Setup(x => x.MetaDataProvider).Returns(new MetaDataProvider());
            this.parameterType = new ParameterTypeComponent();
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the extra mass contributions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="budgetConfig">The current <see cref="BudgetConfig"/></param>
        /// <param name="element">The current <see cref="ElementDefinition"/> to compute the budget for</param>
        /// <param name="option">The current <see cref="Option"/></param>
        /// <param name="currentDomain">The current <see cref="DomainOfExpertise"/></param>
        /// <returns>The list of <see cref="ExtraContribution"/></returns>
        public IReadOnlyList <ExtraContribution> GetExtraMassContributions(BudgetConfig budgetConfig, ElementDefinition element, Option option, DomainOfExpertise currentDomain)
            var config = (MassBudgetParameterConfig)budgetConfig.BudgetParameterConfig;
            var extraMassContributorUsages = new Dictionary <ExtraMassContributionConfiguration, List <ElementUsage> >();

            foreach (var extraConfig in config.ExtraMassContributionConfigurations)
                extraMassContributorUsages.Add(extraConfig, new List <ElementUsage>());

            this.WalkProductTree(element, option, eu => this.FindExtraMassContributors(eu, config, extraMassContributorUsages));

            MeasurementScale scale = null;
            var results            = new List <ExtraContribution>();

            foreach (var extraMassContributorUsage in extraMassContributorUsages)
                var total           = 0f;
                var totalWithMargin = 0f;
                foreach (var elementUsage in extraMassContributorUsage.Value)
                    var floatValue  = elementUsage.GetFloatActualValue(extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MassParameterType, null, option, currentDomain);
                    var marginValue = extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MarginParameterType != null
                        ? elementUsage.GetFloatActualValue(extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MarginParameterType, null, option, currentDomain)
                        : 0f;

                    var ptScale = elementUsage.GetScale(extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MassParameterType);
                    if (scale == null && ptScale != null)
                        scale = ptScale;
                    else if (ptScale != null && scale.Iid != ptScale.Iid)
                        throw new BudgetComputationException($"Different scales used in the element-usage {elementUsage.Name}.{extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MassParameterType.ShortName}");

                    if (floatValue.HasValue)
                        total += floatValue.Value;

                        if (marginValue.HasValue)
                            totalWithMargin += floatValue.Value * (1 + marginValue.Value / 100f);
                            totalWithMargin += floatValue.Value;

                results.Add(new ExtraContribution(extraMassContributorUsage.Key.ContributionCategories, total, totalWithMargin, extraMassContributorUsage.Key.MassParameterType, scale));

Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new <see cref="Parameter"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="elementDefinition">
 /// The container <see cref="ElementDefinition"/> of the <see cref="Parameter"/> that is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="group">
 /// The <see cref="ParameterGroup"/> that the <see cref="Parameter"/> is to be grouped in.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType">
 /// The <see cref="ParameterType"/> that the new <see cref="Parameter"/> references
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="measurementScale">
 /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> that the <see cref="Parameter"/> references in case the <see cref="ParameterType"/> is a <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="owner">
 /// The <see cref="DomainOfExpertise"/> that is the owner of the <see cref="Parameter"/> that is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The <see cref="ISession"/> in which the current <see cref="Parameter"/> is to be added
 /// </param>
 public Task CreateParameter(
     ElementDefinition elementDefinition,
     ParameterGroup @group,
     ParameterType parameterType,
     MeasurementScale measurementScale,
     DomainOfExpertise owner,
     ISession session)
     throw new Exception("The parameter could not be created");
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the new value of a <see cref="ParameterValueSetBase"/> or <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/> and return an error if any
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new value to validate</param>
        /// <param name="parameterType">The associated <see cref="ParameterType"/></param>
        /// <param name="scale">An optional <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> if the <paramref name="parameterType"/> is a <see cref="QuantityKind"/></param>
        /// <returns>An error message if any</returns>
        public static string Validate(object newValue, ParameterType parameterType, MeasurementScale scale = null)
            if (parameterType == null)
                logger.Error("The parameter type is null.");
                return("Error: The parameter type is null.");

            var stringValue = newValue.ToValueSetString(parameterType);
            var result      = parameterType.Validate(stringValue, scale);

            return((result.ResultKind == ValidationResultKind.Valid) ? null : result.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check that the values of this row are valid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale">The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/></param>
        public override void CheckValues(MeasurementScale scale)
            if (this.ContainedRows.Count == 0)

            foreach (IDialogValueSetRow row in this.ContainedRows)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the  to check whether it is a <see cref="ScalarParameterType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quantityKind">
        /// A <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// the string representation of a <see cref="ScalarParameterType"/> value
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this QuantityKind quantityKind, MeasurementScale scale, string value)
            ValidationResult result;

            if (value == DefaultValue)
                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            result = scale.Validate(value);

Example #10
        public void Setup()
            RxApp.MainThreadScheduler = Scheduler.CurrentThread;
            this.iteration            = new Iteration(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null);

            this.elementDefinition = new ElementDefinition(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                ShortName = "ED"


            this.elementUsage = new ElementUsage(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                ElementDefinition = this.elementDefinition,
                ShortName         = "EU"


            this.simpleQuantityKind = new SimpleQuantityKind(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                ShortName = "SQ"

            this.scale = new RatioScale(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                ShortName = "SC"

            this.parameter = new Parameter(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                ParameterType = this.simpleQuantityKind,
                Scale         = this.scale,
                Container     = this.elementDefinition

            this.parameterOverride = new ParameterOverride(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                Parameter = this.parameter,
                Container = this.elementUsage

            this.iterationTrackParameterForParameter = new IterationTrackParameter(this.parameter);

            this.iterationTrackParameterForParameterOverride = new IterationTrackParameter(this.parameterOverride);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the  to check whether it is a <see cref="ScalarParameterType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quantityKind">
        /// A <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The value that is to be validated.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">
        /// The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> used to validate, if set to null <see cref="CultureInfo.CurrentCulture"/> will be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this QuantityKind quantityKind, MeasurementScale scale, object value, IFormatProvider provider = null)
            ValidationResult result;

            if (scale == null)
                Logger.Error("The scale is null with a quantity kind as the parameter type.");
                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                result.Message    = "The scale is null with a quantity kind as the parameter type.";

            var stringValue = value as string;

            if (stringValue != null && stringValue == DefaultValue)
                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            result = scale.Validate(value, provider);
Example #12
        public DataAttribute CreateDataAttribute(string shortName, string name, string description, bool isMultiValue, bool isBuiltIn, string scope, MeasurementScale measurementScale, DataContainerType containerType, string entitySelectionPredicate,
                                                 DataType dataType, Unit unit, Methodology methodology, Classifier classifier,
                                                 ICollection <AggregateFunction> functions, ICollection <GlobalizationInfo> globalizationInfos, ICollection <Constraint> constraints,
                                                 ICollection <ExtendedProperty> extendedProperies
            Contract.Requires(dataType != null && dataType.Id >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(unit != null && unit.Id >= 0);

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <DataAttribute>() != null && Contract.Result <DataAttribute>().Id >= 0);
            DataAttribute e = new DataAttribute()
                ShortName                = shortName,
                Name                     = name,
                Description              = description,
                IsMultiValue             = isMultiValue,
                IsBuiltIn                = isBuiltIn,
                Scope                    = scope,
                MeasurementScale         = measurementScale,
                ContainerType            = containerType,
                EntitySelectionPredicate = entitySelectionPredicate,
                DataType                 = dataType,
                Unit                     = unit,
                Methodology              = methodology,
                AggregateFunctions       = functions,
                GlobalizationInfos       = globalizationInfos,
                Constraints              = constraints,
                ExtendedProperties       = extendedProperies,

            if (classifier != null && classifier.Id > 0)
                e.Classification = classifier;
            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository <DataAttribute> repo = uow.GetRepository <DataAttribute>();
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the  to check whether the <paramref name="value"/> is valid with respect to the <paramref name="parameterType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterType">
        /// A <see cref="BooleanParameterType"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The value that is to be validated
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The measurement Scale.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">
        /// The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> used to validate, if set to null <see cref="CultureInfo.CurrentCulture"/> will be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this ParameterType parameterType, object value, MeasurementScale measurementScale = null, IFormatProvider provider = null)
            ValidationResult result;

            var stringValue = value as string;

            if (stringValue != null && stringValue == DefaultValue)
                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            var booleanParameter = parameterType as BooleanParameterType;

            if (booleanParameter != null)

            var dateParameterType = parameterType as DateParameterType;

            if (dateParameterType != null)

            var dateTimeParameterType = parameterType as DateTimeParameterType;

            if (dateTimeParameterType != null)

            var enumerationParameterType = parameterType as EnumerationParameterType;

            if (enumerationParameterType != null)

            var quantityKind = parameterType as QuantityKind;

            if (quantityKind != null)
                return(quantityKind.Validate(measurementScale, value, provider));

            var textParameterType = parameterType as TextParameterType;

            if (textParameterType != null)

            var timeOfDayParameterType = parameterType as TimeOfDayParameterType;

            if (timeOfDayParameterType != null)

            throw new NotSupportedException($"The Validate method is not suported for parameterType: {parameterType}");
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the provided value is valid with respect to the <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The value that is to be validated
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">
        /// The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> used to validate, if set to null <see cref="CultureInfo.CurrentCulture"/> will be used.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this MeasurementScale measurementScale, object value, IFormatProvider provider = null)
            ValidationResult result;

            bool isMaximumPermissibleValue;
            bool isMinimumPermissibleValue;

            var stringValue = value as string;

            switch (measurementScale.NumberSet)
            case NumberSetKind.INTEGER_NUMBER_SET:

                bool isInteger = false;
                int  integer   = 0;

                if (value is int)
                    isInteger = true;
                    integer   = (int)value;

                // the value parameter may be passed as a double, provided it has no digits after
                // the decimal separator, we consider it may be a integer number
                if (value is double)
                    var d = (double)value;
                    if (d % 1 == 0)
                        isInteger = true;
                        integer   = (int)d;

                if (stringValue != null)
                    isInteger = int.TryParse(stringValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out integer);

                if (!isInteger)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = $"{value.GetType().Name}:\"{value}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET";

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    int intMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out intMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && integer > intMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{integer}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{intMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && integer >= intMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{integer}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{intMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    int intMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out intMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && integer < intMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{integer}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{intMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && integer <= intMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{integer}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{intMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            case NumberSetKind.NATURAL_NUMBER_SET:

                int  natural   = 0;
                bool isNatural = false;

                if (value is int)
                    isNatural = true;
                    natural   = (int)value;

                // the value parameter may be passed as a double, provided it has no digits after
                // the decimal separator, we consider it may be a natural number
                if (value is double)
                    var d = (double)value;
                    if (d % 1 == 0)
                        isNatural = true;
                        natural   = (int)d;

                if (stringValue != null)
                    isNatural = int.TryParse(stringValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out natural);

                if (!isNatural)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = $"{value.GetType().Name}:\"{value}\" is not a member of the NATURAL NUMBER SET";

                if (natural < 0)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = $"\"{value}\" is not a member of the NATURAL NUMBER SET";

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    int naturalMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out naturalMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && natural > naturalMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{natural}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{naturalMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && natural >= naturalMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{natural}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{naturalMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    int naturalMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out naturalMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && natural < naturalMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{natural}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{naturalMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && natural <= naturalMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{natural}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{naturalMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            case NumberSetKind.RATIONAL_NUMBER_SET:

                Logger.Warn("RATIONAL NUMBER SET currently not validated and always returns ValidationResultKind.Valid");

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = "RATIONAL NUMBER SET are not validated";

            case NumberSetKind.REAL_NUMBER_SET:

                if (provider == null)
                    provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

                double real   = 0;
                bool   isReal = false;

                // the real numbers include all the integers
                if (value is int)
                    isReal = true;
                    real   = Convert.ToDouble(value);

                if (value is double)
                    isReal = true;
                    real   = (double)value;

                if (stringValue != null)
                    isReal = double.TryParse(stringValue, NumberStyles.Float, provider, out real);

                if (!isReal)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = $"{value.GetType().Name}:\"{value}\" is not a member of the REAL NUMBER SET";

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    double realMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = double.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Float, null, out realMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && real > realMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{real}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{realMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && real >= realMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{real}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{realMaximumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    double realMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = double.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out realMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && real < realMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{real}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{realMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && real <= realMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = $"The value \"{real}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{realMinimumPermissibleValue}\"";
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

                throw new Exception("Invalid NumberSetKind");
Example #15
        public void Setup()
            this.domain = new DomainOfExpertise();

            this.modelReferenceDataLibrary = new ModelReferenceDataLibrary();

            this.iteration = new Iteration()
                Element = { new ElementDefinition()
                                Owner = this.domain
                            } },
                Option    = { new Option() },
                Container = new EngineeringModel()
                    EngineeringModelSetup = new EngineeringModelSetup()
                        RequiredRdl = { this.modelReferenceDataLibrary },
                        Container   = new SiteReferenceDataLibrary()
                            Container = new SiteDirectory()

            this.hubController = new Mock <IHubController>();
            this.hubController.Setup(x => x.OpenIteration).Returns(this.iteration);
            this.hubController.Setup(x => x.CurrentDomainOfExpertise).Returns(this.domain);
            this.hubController.Setup(x => x.GetSiteDirectory()).Returns(new SiteDirectory());

            this.dstController = new Mock <IDstController>();
            this.dstController.Setup(x => x.Map(It.IsAny <List <VariableRowViewModel> >()));

            this.variableRowViewModels = new List <VariableRowViewModel>
                new VariableRowViewModel(
                    (new ReferenceDescription()
                    NodeId = new ExpandedNodeId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                    DisplayName = new LocalizedText("", "el.DummyVariable0")
                }, new DataValue()
                    Value = .2

                new VariableRowViewModel(
                    (new ReferenceDescription()
                    NodeId = new ExpandedNodeId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                    DisplayName = new LocalizedText("", "res0.DummyVariable1")
                }, new DataValue())),

                new VariableRowViewModel(
                    (new ReferenceDescription()
                    NodeId = new ExpandedNodeId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                    DisplayName = new LocalizedText("", "trans0.Gain.DummyVariable2")
                }, new DataValue()))

            this.scale = new RatioScale()
                Name = "scale", NumberSet = NumberSetKind.REAL_NUMBER_SET

            this.parameterType = new SampledFunctionParameterType()
                Name = "TextXQuantity",
                IndependentParameterType =
                    new IndependentParameterTypeAssignment()
                        ParameterType = new TextParameterType()
                            Name = "IndependentText"

                DependentParameterType =
                    new DependentParameterTypeAssignment()
                        ParameterType = new SimpleQuantityKind()
                            Name          = "DependentQuantityKing",
                            DefaultScale  = this.scale,
                            PossibleScale ={ this.scale                     }

            var invalidParameterType = new SampledFunctionParameterType()
                Name = "TextXQuantity",
                IndependentParameterType =
                    new IndependentParameterTypeAssignment()
                        ParameterType = new CompoundParameterType()
                            Name = "IndependentText"

                DependentParameterType =
                    new DependentParameterTypeAssignment()
                        ParameterType = new SimpleQuantityKind()
                            Name = "DependentQuantityKing"

            this.quantityKindParameterType = new SimpleQuantityKind()
                DefaultScale  = this.scale,
                PossibleScale = { this.scale },
                Name          = "SimpleQuantityKind"

            this.statusBar = new Mock <IStatusBarControlViewModel>();

            this.navigationService = new Mock <INavigationService>();

            this.viewModel = new DstMappingConfigurationDialogViewModel(
                this.hubController.Object, this.dstController.Object, this.statusBar.Object, this.navigationService.Object);



            this.closeBehavior = new Mock <ICloseWindowBehavior>();
            this.closeBehavior.Setup(x => x.Close());
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new <see cref="Parameter"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementDefinition">
        /// The container <see cref="ElementDefinition"/> of the <see cref="Parameter"/> that is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="group">
        /// The <see cref="ParameterGroup"/> that the <see cref="Parameter"/> is to be grouped in.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameterType">
        /// The <see cref="ParameterType"/> that the new <see cref="Parameter"/> references
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> that the <see cref="Parameter"/> references in case the <see cref="ParameterType"/> is a <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="owner">
        /// The <see cref="DomainOfExpertise"/> that is the owner of the <see cref="Parameter"/> that is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The <see cref="ISession"/> in which the current <see cref="Parameter"/> is to be added
        /// </param>
        public async Task CreateParameter(ElementDefinition elementDefinition, ParameterGroup group, ParameterType parameterType, MeasurementScale measurementScale, DomainOfExpertise owner, ISession session)
            if (elementDefinition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elementDefinition), "The container ElementDefinition may not be null");

            if (parameterType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameterType), "The ParameterType may not be null");

            if (owner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(owner), "The owner DomainOfExpertise may not be null");

            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(session), "The session may not be null");

            var parameter = new Parameter(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null)
                Owner         = owner,
                ParameterType = parameterType,
                Scale         = measurementScale,
                Group         = group

            var clone = elementDefinition.Clone(false);


            var transactionContext = TransactionContextResolver.ResolveContext(elementDefinition);
            var transaction        = new ThingTransaction(transactionContext, clone);


                var operationContainer = transaction.FinalizeTransaction();
                await session.Write(operationContainer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("The parameter could not be created", ex);
                throw ex;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/> .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterSubscriptionValueSet">
        /// The <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/> to be processed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="componentIndex">
        /// The index of the <see cref="ParameterTypeComponent"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="currentRow">
        /// The row in the Parameter sheet that contains the <see cref="ParameterValueSet"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="manualValue">
        /// The manual value of the <see cref="ParameterValueSet"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="switchValue">
        /// The string value of the <see cref="ParameterSwitchKind"/> of the <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="valuesets">
        /// A <see cref="Dictionary{Guid,ProcessedValueSet}"/> of <see cref="ProcessedValueSet"/>s that capture the updated <see cref="Thing"/>s with its value validation result
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="provider">
        /// The <see cref="IFormatProvider"/> used to validate.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> for the <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/>
        /// </returns>
        private void ProcessValueSet(ParameterSubscriptionValueSet parameterSubscriptionValueSet, int componentIndex, int currentRow, object manualValue, string switchValue, ref Dictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet> valuesets, IFormatProvider provider)
            var validationResult = ValidationResultKind.InConclusive;

            var              switchKind       = ParameterSwitchKind.MANUAL;
            ParameterType    parameterType    = null;
            MeasurementScale measurementScale = null;

            ParameterSheetUtilities.QueryParameterTypeAndScale(parameterSubscriptionValueSet, componentIndex, out parameterType, out measurementScale);

            ValidationResult validSwitch;
            var isValidSwitchKind = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ParameterSwitchKind), switchValue);

            if (isValidSwitchKind)
                switchKind  = (ParameterSwitchKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(ParameterSwitchKind), switchValue);
                validSwitch = new ValidationResult {
                    ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid, Message = string.Empty
                switchKind  = ParameterSwitchKind.MANUAL;
                validSwitch = new ValidationResult {
                    ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid, Message = string.Format("{0} is not a valid Parameter Switch Kind", switchValue)

            if (validSwitch.ResultKind > validationResult)
                validationResult = validSwitch.ResultKind;

            var validManualValue = new ValidationResult
                ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.InConclusive,
                Message    = string.Empty

            if (parameterType != null)
                if (parameterType is TimeOfDayParameterType)
                    ParameterSheetUtilities.ConvertDoubleToDateTimeObject(ref manualValue, parameterType);

                validManualValue = parameterType.Validate(manualValue, measurementScale, provider);
                if (validManualValue.ResultKind > validationResult)
                    validationResult = validManualValue.ResultKind;

            ParameterSheetUtilities.Decorate(validManualValue, this.parameterSheet, currentRow, ParameterSheetConstants.ManualColumn);

            ProcessedValueSet processedValueSet;
            var valueSetExists = valuesets.TryGetValue(parameterSubscriptionValueSet.Iid, out processedValueSet);

            if (!valueSetExists)
                processedValueSet = new ProcessedValueSet(parameterSubscriptionValueSet, validationResult);

            ValueSetValues valueSetValues;

            if (processedValueSet.IsDirty(componentIndex, parameterType, switchKind, manualValue, null, null, null, out valueSetValues))
                if (!valueSetExists)
                    valuesets.Add(parameterSubscriptionValueSet.Iid, processedValueSet);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add an Scale row view model to the list of <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// The <see cref="Scale"/> that is to be added
        /// </param>
        private IMeasurementScaleRowViewModel <MeasurementScale> AddScaleRowViewModel(MeasurementScale scale)
            var cyclicRatioScale = scale as CyclicRatioScale;

            if (cyclicRatioScale != null)
                return(new CyclicRatioScaleRowViewModel(cyclicRatioScale, this.Session, this));
            var ordinalScale = scale as OrdinalScale;

            if (ordinalScale != null)
                return(new OrdinalScaleRowViewModel(ordinalScale, this.Session, this));
            var ratioScale = scale as RatioScale;

            if (ratioScale != null)
                return(new RatioScaleRowViewModel(ratioScale, this.Session, this));
            var intervalScale = scale as IntervalScale;

            if (intervalScale != null)
                return(new IntervalScaleRowViewModel(intervalScale, this.Session, this));
            var logarithmicScale = scale as LogarithmicScale;

            if (logarithmicScale != null)
                return(new LogarithmicScaleRowViewModel(logarithmicScale, this.Session, this));
            throw new Exception("No MeasurementScale to return");
Example #19
        public DataAttribute CreateDataAttribute(string shortName, string name, string description, bool isMultiValue, bool isBuiltIn, string scope, MeasurementScale measurementScale, DataContainerType containerType, string entitySelectionPredicate,
            DataType dataType, Unit unit, Methodology methodology, Classifier classifier,
            ICollection<AggregateFunction> functions, ICollection<GlobalizationInfo> globalizationInfos, ICollection<Constraint> constraints,
            ICollection<ExtendedProperty> extendedProperies
            Contract.Requires(dataType != null && dataType.Id >= 0);
            Contract.Requires(unit != null && unit.Id >= 0);

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<DataAttribute>() != null && Contract.Result<DataAttribute>().Id >= 0);
            DataAttribute e = new DataAttribute()
                ShortName = shortName,
                Name = name,
                Description = description,
                IsMultiValue = isMultiValue,
                IsBuiltIn = isBuiltIn,
                Scope = scope,
                MeasurementScale = measurementScale,
                ContainerType = containerType,
                EntitySelectionPredicate = entitySelectionPredicate,
                DataType = dataType,
                Unit = unit,
                Methodology = methodology,
                AggregateFunctions = functions,
                GlobalizationInfos = globalizationInfos,
                Constraints = constraints,
                ExtendedProperties = extendedProperies,
            if (classifier != null && classifier.Id > 0)
                e.Classification = classifier;
            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<DataAttribute> repo = uow.GetRepository<DataAttribute>();
            return (e);
Example #20
        public void Setup()
            this.scaleValueDefinition = new ScaleValueDefinition(Guid.NewGuid(), 0);

            this.containerMeasurementScale = new OrdinalScale(Guid.NewGuid(), 0)
                ValueDefinition =

            this.rootMappingToReferenceScale = new MappingToReferenceScale(Guid.NewGuid(), 0)
                ReferenceScaleValue = this.scaleValueDefinition.Iid,
                DependentScaleValue = this.scaleValueDefinition.Iid

            this.rootMeasurementScale = new OrdinalScale(Guid.NewGuid(), 0)
                MappingToReferenceScale =

            // RDL chain: mrdl -> srdl
            this.srdl = new SiteReferenceDataLibrary(Guid.NewGuid(), 0);

            this.mrdl = new ModelReferenceDataLibrary(Guid.NewGuid(), 0)
                Scale =
                RequiredRdl = this.srdl.Iid

            // setup services
            this.npgsqlTransaction = null;
            this.securityContext   = new Mock <ISecurityContext>();

            this.siteReferenceDataLibraryService = new Mock <ISiteReferenceDataLibraryService>();
            .Setup(x => x.Get(
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <ISecurityContext>()))
            .Returns(new List <ReferenceDataLibrary>

            this.mappingToReferenceScaleService = new Mock <IMappingToReferenceScaleService>();
            .Setup(x => x.Get(
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Guid> >(),
                       It.IsAny <ISecurityContext>()))
            .Returns <NpgsqlTransaction, string, IEnumerable <Guid>, ISecurityContext>(
                (transaction, partition, iids, context) =>
                iids = iids.ToList();

                return(new List <Thing>
                }.Where(qk => iids.Contains(qk.Iid)));

            this.scaleValueDefinitionService = new Mock <IScaleValueDefinitionService>();
            .Setup(x => x.Get(
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Guid> >(),
                       It.IsAny <ISecurityContext>()))
            .Returns <NpgsqlTransaction, string, IEnumerable <Guid>, ISecurityContext>(
                (transaction, partition, iids, context) =>
                iids = iids.ToList();

                return(new List <Thing>
                }.Where(qk => iids.Contains(qk.Iid)));

            this.measurementScaleService = new Mock <IMeasurementScaleService>();
            .Setup(x => x.Get(
                       It.IsAny <string>(),
                       It.IsAny <ISecurityContext>()))
            .Returns(new List <MeasurementScale>

            this.sideEffect = new MeasurementScaleSideEffect
                SiteReferenceDataLibraryService = this.siteReferenceDataLibraryService.Object,
                MappingToReferenceScaleService  = this.mappingToReferenceScaleService.Object,
                ScaleValueDefinitionService     = this.scaleValueDefinitionService.Object,
                MeasurementScaleService         = this.measurementScaleService.Object
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that the <paramref name="parameterType"/> is compatible with this dst adapter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterType">The <see cref="SampledFunctionParameterType"/></param>
        /// <param name="value">The <see cref="object"/> value</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/></param>
        /// <returns>A value indicating if the <paramref name="parameterType"/> is compliant</returns>
        public static bool Validate(this SampledFunctionParameterType parameterType, object value, MeasurementScale scale = null)
            if (!parameterType.HasTheRightNumberOfParameterType(out var independantParameterType, out var dependantParameterType))

            var independentValidation = independantParameterType.IsQuantityKindOrText();
            var measurementScale      = scale ?? (dependantParameterType as QuantityKind)?.DefaultScale;
            var validate            = dependantParameterType.Validate(value, measurementScale);
            var dependentValidation = validate.ResultKind == ValidationResultKind.Valid;

            return(independentValidation && dependentValidation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a <see cref="MeasurementScaleRowViewModel"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale">
        /// The associated <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> for which the row is to be added.
        /// </param>
        private void AddMeasurementScaleRowViewModel(MeasurementScale scale)
            var row = new MeasurementScaleRowViewModel(scale, this.Session, this);

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParameterTypeColumn"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterType">
 /// The <see cref="CDP4Common.SiteDirectoryData.ParameterType"/> of the <see cref="ParameterTypeColumn"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="measurementScale">
 /// The <see cref="CDP4Common.SiteDirectoryData.MeasurementScale"/> of the <see cref="ParameterTypeColumn"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="column">
 /// the column number of the <see cref="ParameterTypeColumn"/>
 /// </param>
 public ParameterTypeColumn(ParameterType parameterType, MeasurementScale measurementScale, int column)
     this.ParameterType    = parameterType;
     this.MeasurementScale = measurementScale;
     this.Column           = column;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="AttributeValue"/> representation of the value of a <see cref="SimpleParameterValue"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterType">The <see cref="ParameterType"/></param>
        /// <param name="attributeDefinition">The associated <see cref="AttributeDefinition"/></param>
        /// <param name="valuearray">The <see cref="ValueArray{String}"/> containing the values</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale used</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="AttributeValue"/></returns>
        private AttributeValue ToReqIfAttributeValue(ParameterType parameterType, AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition, ValueArray <string> valuearray, MeasurementScale scale = null)
            if (parameterType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameterType");

            if (parameterType is EnumerationParameterType)
                var enumParameterType = (EnumerationParameterType)parameterType;

                var concatEnumValue  = valuearray.Single();
                var enumValues       = concatEnumValue.Split(parameterEnumSeparator).Select(x => x.Trim()); // retrieve the list of litteral
                var valueDefinitions = enumParameterType.ValueDefinition.Where(x => enumValues.Contains(x.ShortName)).ToList();

                // Assuming the model is not wrong the values in the SimpleParameterValue references the ValueDefinition by its ShortName

                var attributeValue = new AttributeValueEnumeration
                    Definition = (AttributeDefinitionEnumeration)attributeDefinition

                var reqIfEnumValues = ((DatatypeDefinitionEnumeration)attributeDefinition.DatatypeDefinition).SpecifiedValues;
                attributeValue.Values.AddRange(valueDefinitions.Select(x => reqIfEnumValues.Single(e => e.Properties.OtherContent == x.ShortName)));


            if (parameterType is DateParameterType ||
                parameterType is DateTimeParameterType ||
                parameterType is TimeOfDayParameterType)
                var      value = valuearray.SingleOrDefault();
                DateTime date;

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out date))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The string {0} cannot be parsed to a DateTime", value));

                return(new AttributeValueDate
                    TheValue = date,
                    Definition = (AttributeDefinitionDate)attributeDefinition

            if (parameterType is TextParameterType)
                var value = valuearray.Single();
                return(new AttributeValueString
                    TheValue = value,
                    Definition = (AttributeDefinitionString)attributeDefinition

            if (parameterType is BooleanParameterType)
                var value   = valuearray.Single();
                var boolean = Boolean.Parse(value);

                return(new AttributeValueBoolean
                    TheValue = boolean,
                    Definition = (AttributeDefinitionBoolean)attributeDefinition

            if (parameterType is QuantityKind)
                var value = valuearray.Single();
                return(new AttributeValueString
                    TheValue = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", value, scale != null ? scale.ShortName : "-"),
                    Definition = (AttributeDefinitionString)attributeDefinition

            // CompoundParameterType
            var compoundType = (CompoundParameterType)parameterType;
            var theValue     = "Error: The value could not be parsed.";

            if (valuearray.Count() == compoundType.Component.Count)
                var values = new List <string>();
                for (var i = 0; i < valuearray.Count(); i++)
                    var component = compoundType.Component[i].Scale != null ? compoundType.Component[i].Scale.ShortName : "-";
                    values.Add(string.Format("{0}: {1} [{2}]", compoundType.Component[i].ShortName, valuearray[i], component));

                theValue = string.Format("{{ {0} }}", string.Join(", ", values));

            return(new AttributeValueString
                TheValue = theValue,
                Definition = (AttributeDefinitionString)attributeDefinition
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExtraContribution"/> structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="categories">The categories</param>
 /// <param name="total">The total</param>
 /// <param name="totalWithMargin">Thetotal with  margin</param>
 /// <param name="quantityKind">The quantityKind</param>
 /// <param name="scale">The measurement-scale for this extra-contribution</param>
 public ExtraContribution(IReadOnlyList <Category> categories, float total, float totalWithMargin, QuantityKind quantityKind, MeasurementScale scale)
     this.Categories        = categories;
     this.TotalContribution = total;
     this.TotalWithMargin   = totalWithMargin;
     this.QuantityKind      = quantityKind;
     this.Scale             = scale;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the excel format string based on a <see cref="ParameterType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterType">
        /// an instance of <see cref="ParameterType"/> that is used to determine the format string
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The optional <see cref="MeasurementScale"/> in case the <see cref="ParameterType"/> is a <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// an excel format string, the default value is "@"
        /// </returns>
        public static string Format(ParameterType parameterType, MeasurementScale measurementScale = null)
            var booleanParameterType = parameterType as BooleanParameterType;

            if (booleanParameterType != null)

            var compoundParameterType = parameterType as CompoundParameterType;

            if (compoundParameterType != null)

            var dateParameterType = parameterType as DateParameterType;

            if (dateParameterType != null)

            var dateTimeParameterType = parameterType as DateTimeParameterType;

            if (dateTimeParameterType != null)
                return("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss");

            var enumerationParameterType = parameterType as EnumerationParameterType;

            if (enumerationParameterType != null)

            var quantityKind = parameterType as QuantityKind;

            if (quantityKind != null)
                if (measurementScale != null)
                    return(measurementScale.NumberSet == NumberSetKind.INTEGER_NUMBER_SET ? "0" : "general");


            var textParameterType = parameterType as TextParameterType;

            if (textParameterType != null)

            var timeOfDayParameterType = parameterType as TimeOfDayParameterType;

            if (timeOfDayParameterType != null)

Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates whether the provided value is valid with respect to the <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The value that is to be validated
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this MeasurementScale measurementScale, string value)
            ValidationResult result;

            bool isMaximumPermissibleValue;
            bool isMinimumPermissibleValue;

            switch (measurementScale.NumberSet)
            case NumberSetKind.INTEGER_NUMBER_SET:

                int integer;
                var isInteger = int.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out integer);

                if (!isInteger)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    int intMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out intMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && integer > intMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", integer, intMaximumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && integer >= intMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", integer, intMaximumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    int intMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out intMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && integer < intMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", integer, intMinimumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && integer <= intMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", integer, intMinimumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            case NumberSetKind.NATURAL_NUMBER_SET:

                int natural;
                var isNatural = int.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out natural);

                if (!isNatural)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a member of the NATURAL NUMBER SET", value);

                if (natural < 0)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a member of the NATURAL NUMBER SET", value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    int naturalMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out naturalMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && natural > naturalMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", natural, naturalMaximumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && natural >= naturalMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", natural, naturalMaximumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    int naturalMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = int.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out naturalMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && natural < naturalMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", natural, naturalMinimumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && natural <= naturalMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", natural, naturalMinimumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            case NumberSetKind.RATIONAL_NUMBER_SET:

                Logger.Warn("RATIONAL NUMBER SET currently not validated and always returns ValidationResultKind.Valid");

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = "RATIONAL NUMBER SET are not validated";

            case NumberSetKind.REAL_NUMBER_SET:

                double real;
                var    isReal = double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Float, null, out real);

                if (!isReal)
                    result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Invalid;
                    result.Message    = string.Format("\"{0}\" is not a member of the REAL NUMBER SET", value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue))
                    double realMaximumPermissibleValue;
                    isMaximumPermissibleValue = double.TryParse(measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Float, null, out realMaximumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMaximumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && real > realMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", real, realMaximumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMaximumInclusive && real >= realMaximumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is greater than or equal to the maximium permissible value of \"{1}\"", real, realMaximumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MaximumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MaximumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue))
                    double realMinimumPermissibleValue;
                    isMinimumPermissibleValue = double.TryParse(measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out realMinimumPermissibleValue);
                    if (isMinimumPermissibleValue)
                        if (measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && real < realMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", real, realMinimumPermissibleValue);

                        if (!measurementScale.IsMinimumInclusive && real <= realMinimumPermissibleValue)
                            result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.OutOfBounds;
                            result.Message    = string.Format("The value \"{0}\" is smaller than or equal to the minimum permissible value of \"{1}\"", real, realMinimumPermissibleValue);
                        Logger.Warn("The MinimumPermissibleValue \"{0}\" of MeasurementScale \"{1}\" is not a member of the INTEGER NUMBER SET", measurementScale.MinimumPermissibleValue, measurementScale.Iid);

                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

                throw new Exception("Invalid NumberSetKind");
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a parameter value and scale.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementDefinitionShortName"> The element definition user friendly short name </param>
        /// <param name="parameterClone"> The parameter clone </param>
        /// <param name="oldScale"> The old scale. </param>
        /// <param name="newScale"> The new scale. </param>
        /// <param name="conversionFactor">the conversion factor in <see cref="double" /></param>
        private void ConvertParameterValueAndScale(string elementDefinitionShortName, Parameter parameterClone, string oldScale, MeasurementScale newScale, double conversionFactor)
            var ownerShortName = parameterClone.Owner.ShortName;
            var errorCount     = 0;

            foreach (var thingClone in parameterClone.ValueSet.Select(p => p.Clone(true)))
                this.sessionService.Transactions.Add(new ThingTransaction(TransactionContextResolver.ResolveContext(thingClone), thingClone));

                if (thingClone.Computed.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Computed[0];
                    thingClone.Computed[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, ownerShortName, oldValue, thingClone.Computed[0], errorCount == 0);

                if (thingClone.Manual.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Manual[0];
                    thingClone.Manual[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, ownerShortName, oldValue, thingClone.Manual[0], errorCount == 0);

                if (thingClone.Reference.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Reference[0];
                    thingClone.Reference[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, ownerShortName, oldValue, thingClone.Reference[0], errorCount == 0);


            foreach (var thingClone in parameterClone.ParameterSubscription.SelectMany(p => p.ValueSet.Select(v => v.Clone(true))))
                var subscriber = (thingClone.Container as ParameterSubscription)?.Owner.ShortName;
                this.sessionService.Transactions.Add(new ThingTransaction(TransactionContextResolver.ResolveContext(thingClone), thingClone));

                if (thingClone.Computed.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Computed[0];
                    thingClone.Computed[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, subscriber, oldValue, thingClone.Computed[0], errorCount == 0, true);

                if (thingClone.Manual.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Manual[0];
                    thingClone.Manual[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, subscriber, oldValue, thingClone.Manual[0], errorCount == 0, true);

                if (thingClone.Reference.Count == 1 && errorCount == 0)
                    var oldValue = thingClone.Reference[0];
                    thingClone.Reference[0] = this.ConvertNumericValue(oldValue, conversionFactor, ref errorCount);
                    this.OutputReport(elementDefinitionShortName, parameterClone.UserFriendlyShortName, oldScale, newScale, subscriber, oldValue, thingClone.Reference[0], errorCount == 0, true);


            if (errorCount == 0)
                var transaction = new ThingTransaction(TransactionContextResolver.ResolveContext(parameterClone), parameterClone);
                parameterClone.Scale = newScale;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries the container of the <see cref="ParameterValueSet"/> for the <see cref="ParameterType"/> and <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterSubscriptionValueSet">
        /// The subject <see cref="ParameterSubscriptionValueSet"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="componentIndex">
        /// The index of the <see cref="ParameterTypeComponent"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parameterType">
        /// The resulting <see cref="ParameterType"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The resulting <see cref="MeasurementScale"/>, this may be null if the <see cref="ParameterType"/> is not a <see cref="QuantityKind"/>
        /// </param>
        public static void QueryParameterTypeAndScale(ParameterSubscriptionValueSet parameterSubscriptionValueSet, int componentIndex, out ParameterType parameterType, out MeasurementScale measurementScale)
            var parameterSubscription = (ParameterSubscription)parameterSubscriptionValueSet.Container;

            var scalarParameterType = parameterSubscription.ParameterType as ScalarParameterType;

            if (scalarParameterType != null)
                parameterType    = scalarParameterType;
                measurementScale = parameterSubscription.Scale;

            var compoundParameterType = parameterSubscription.ParameterType as CompoundParameterType;

            if (compoundParameterType != null)
                var component = compoundParameterType.Component[componentIndex];
                parameterType    = component.ParameterType;
                measurementScale = component.Scale;

            logger.Debug("The ParameterType and MeasurementScale of ParameterSubscriptionValueSet {0} could not be queried", parameterSubscriptionValueSet.Iid);

            parameterType    = null;
            measurementScale = null;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the  to check whether the <paramref name="value"/> is valid with respect to the <paramref name="parameterType"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameterType">
        /// A <see cref="BooleanParameterType"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// The string value that is to be validated
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="measurementScale">
        /// The measurement Scale.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a <see cref="ValidationResult"/> that carries the <see cref="ValidationResultKind"/> and an optional message.
        /// </returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(this ParameterType parameterType, string value, MeasurementScale measurementScale = null)
            ValidationResult result;

            if (value == DefaultValue)
                result.ResultKind = ValidationResultKind.Valid;
                result.Message    = string.Empty;

            switch (parameterType.ClassKind)
            case ClassKind.BooleanParameterType:
                var booleanParameter = (BooleanParameterType)parameterType;

            case ClassKind.DateParameterType:
                var dateParameterType = (DateParameterType)parameterType;

            case ClassKind.DateTimeParameterType:
                var dateTimeParameterType = (DateTimeParameterType)parameterType;

            case ClassKind.EnumerationParameterType:
                var enumerationParameterType = (EnumerationParameterType)parameterType;

            case ClassKind.QuantityKind:
            case ClassKind.SimpleQuantityKind:
            case ClassKind.DerivedQuantityKind:
            case ClassKind.SpecializedQuantityKind:
                var quantityKind = (QuantityKind)parameterType;
                return(quantityKind.Validate(measurementScale, value));

            case ClassKind.TextParameterType:
                var textParameterType = (TextParameterType)parameterType;

            case ClassKind.TimeOfDayParameterType:
                var timeOfDayParameterType = (TimeOfDayParameterType)parameterType;

                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The Validate method is not suported for parameterType: {0}", parameterType));