Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Predicts the next state using the current state and <paramref name="controlVector"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controlVector">Set of data for external system control.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Estimates the subsequent model state.</para>
        /// <para>
        /// x'(k) = A * x(k-1) + B * u(k).
        /// P'(k) = A * P(k-1) * At + Q
        /// K(k) = P'(k) * Ht * (H * P'(k) * Ht + R)^(-1)
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        public void Predict(double[] controlVector)
            //x'(k) = A * x(k-1)
            //this.state = this.state.Multiply(this.TransitionMatrix);
            state = TransitionMatrix.Dot(state);

            //x'(k) =  x'(k) + B * u(k)
            if (controlVector is not null)
                state = state.Add(ControlMatrix.Dot(controlVector));

            //P'(k) = A * P(k-1) * At + Q
            EstimateCovariance = TransitionMatrix.Multiply(EstimateCovariance).Multiply(TransitionMatrix.Transpose()).Add(ProcessNoise);

            /******* calculate Kalman gain **********/
            var measurementMatrixTransponsed = MeasurementMatrix.Transpose();

            //S(k) = H * P'(k) * Ht + R
            ResidualCovariance    = MeasurementMatrix.Multiply(EstimateCovariance).Multiply(measurementMatrixTransponsed).Add(MeasurementNoise);
            ResidualCovarianceInv = ResidualCovariance.Inverse();

            //K(k) = P'(k) * Ht * S(k)^(-1)
            KalmanGain = EstimateCovariance.Multiply(measurementMatrixTransponsed).Multiply(ResidualCovarianceInv);
            /******* calculate Kalman gain **********/
Example #2
        private double[] CalculateDelta(double[] measurement)
            //innovation vector (measurement error)
            var stateMeasurement = MeasurementMatrix.Dot(state);
            var measurementError = measurement.Subtract(stateMeasurement);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates Mahalanobis distance between the provided measurement and the predicted state.
        /// <para>Covariance matrix is the <see cref="ResidualCovariance"/>.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurement">Measurement.</param>
        /// <param name="delta">The residual from the measurement and the current state.</param>
        /// <returns>Mahalanobis distance.</returns>
        public double CalculateMahalanobisDistance(TMeasurement measurement, out double[] delta)

            var m = measurementConvertFunc(measurement);
            var stateMeasurement = MeasurementMatrix.Dot(state);

            delta = m.Subtract(stateMeasurement);

            var distance = Distance.Mahalanobis(m, stateMeasurement, ResidualCovarianceInv);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks pre-conditions: matrix sizes.
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckPrerequisites()
            /************************** TRANSITION MATRIX ***************************/
            if (TransitionMatrix is null)
                throw new Exception("Transition matrix cannot be null!");

            if (TransitionMatrix.GetLength(0) != StateVectorDimension || TransitionMatrix.GetLength(1) != StateVectorDimension)
                throw new Exception("Transition matrix dimensions are not valid!");
            /************************** TRANSITION MATRIX ***************************/

            /************************** CONTROL MATRIX ***************************/
            if (ControlMatrix is null && ControlVectorDimension != 0)
                throw new Exception("Control matrix can be null only if control vector dimension is set to 0!");

            if (ControlMatrix is not null && (ControlMatrix.GetLength(0) != StateVectorDimension || ControlMatrix.GetLength(1) != ControlVectorDimension))
                throw new Exception("Control matrix dimensions are not valid!");
            /************************** CONTROL MATRIX ***************************/

            /************************** MEASUREMENT MATRIX ***************************/
            if (MeasurementMatrix is null)
                throw new Exception("Measurement matrix cannot be null!");

            if (MeasurementMatrix.GetLength(0) != MeasurementVectorDimension || MeasurementMatrix.GetLength(1) != StateVectorDimension)
                throw new Exception("Measurement matrix dimesnions are not valid!");
            /************************** MEASUREMENT MATRIX ***************************/

            /************************** PROCES NOISE COV. MATRIX ***************************/
            if (ProcessNoise is null)
                throw new Exception("Process noise covariance matrix cannot be null!");

            if (ProcessNoise.GetLength(0) != StateVectorDimension || ProcessNoise.GetLength(1) != StateVectorDimension)
                throw new Exception("Process noise covariance matrix dimensions are not valid!");
            /************************** PROCES NOISE COV. MATRIX ***************************/

            /************************** MEASUREMENT NOISE COV. MATRIX ***************************/
            if (MeasurementNoise is null)
                throw new Exception("Measurement noise covariance matrix cannot be null!");

            if (MeasurementNoise.GetLength(0) != MeasurementVectorDimension || MeasurementNoise.GetLength(1) != MeasurementVectorDimension)
                throw new Exception("Measurement noise covariance matrix dimensions are not valid!");
            /************************** MEASUREMENT NOISE COV. MATRIX ***************************/