public void TestCodeChallengeReadMeMd()
            var readme = new MdDocument();


            readme.WriteLine("This is the repository for {0} Code Challenge.", Md.Italics("Snacks API"));


            readme.WriteLine("This solution is built with the following technologies:");


            readme.UnorderedList("ASP.NET Core", "Entity Framework Core");


            readme.UnorderedList("Angular 6", "Angular Material 6");

            readme.H2("Executing Solution");


            readme.WriteLine("In order to run this solution, install the following components:");

            readme.UnorderedList(".NET Core", "NodeJS", "Angular CLI");

            readme.H3("First Run");

            readme.WriteLine("If is the first run, execute {0} file inside of {1} directory.", Md.Italics("build.bat"), Md.Italics("SourceCode"));

            readme.WriteLine("Then execute {0} file from {1} directory.", Md.Italics("deploy.bat"), Md.Italics("Database"));

            readme.WriteLine(Md.Italics("To deploy database script, you need access to SQL Server instance."));

            readme.H3("Running Solution");

            readme.WriteLine("Execute {0} file inside of {1} directory.", Md.Italics("run.bat"), Md.Italics("SourceCode"));

                string.Format("{0} project runs on {1} port.", Md.Bold("AuthAPI"), Md.Italics("5600")),
                string.Format("{0} project runs on {1} port.", Md.Bold("API"), Md.Italics("5700")),
                string.Format("Angular client runs on {0} port.", Md.Italics("4200"))

            readme.H4("API Help Page");

            readme.WriteLine("Open {0} url in browser:", Md.Italics("http://localhost:5700/swagger/index.html"));


            readme.WriteLine(Md.Image("Help Api Page", "HelpApiPage.jpg"));


            readme.WriteLine("There is a collection for Postman Inside of {0} directory.", Md.Italics("Tests"));

            File.WriteAllText("C:\\Temp\\CatFactory\\", readme.ToString());
        public void TestTestsReadMeMd()
            var readme = new MdDocument();

            readme.H1("Tests for Snacks API");

            readme.WriteLine("{0} file contains the following tests for {1}:", Md.Italics("Store API.postman_collection.json"), Md.Bold("Snacks API"));

                new MdTable
                Header = new MdTableHeader("Name", "Requires Authentication", "Role", "Description"),
                Rows   =
                    new MdTableRow("Get Products",         "No", "None", "Retrieves products"),
                    new MdTableRow("Get Products by Name", "No", "None", "Retrieves products filtering by name")

            File.WriteAllText("C:\\Temp\\CatFactory\\", readme.ToString());