Example #1
 public void OnAccountLoaded(MbtAccount account)
     this.m_account = account;
     if (firstTime)
         orderLog.Notice("Starting account = " + Display(m_account));
         m_position = m_OrderClient.Positions.Find(m_account, symbol.Symbol);
         if (m_position != null)
             orderLog.Notice("Starting position = " + Display(m_position));
         MbtOpenOrders orders = m_OrderClient.OpenOrders;
         for (int i = 0; i < orders.Count; i++)
             orderLog.Notice("Order " + i + ": " + Display(orders[i]));
             m_orders[orders[i].OrderNumber] = orders[i];
         foreach (string orderNum in m_orders.Keys)
             string bstrRetMsg = null;
             if (m_OrderClient.Cancel(orderNum, ref bstrRetMsg) == true)
                 orderLog.Notice("Order " + orderNum + ": Canceled. " + bstrRetMsg);
                 orderLog.Notice("Order " + orderNum + ": Cancel Failed: " + bstrRetMsg);
     firstTime = false;
Example #2
 public void OnPositionUpdated(MbtPosition position)
     m_position = position;
     if (debug)
         orderLog.Debug("Account: OnPositionUpdated(  )");
Example #3
 public void OnPositionAdded(MbtPosition position)
     m_position = position;
     if (debug)
         orderLog.Debug("OnPositionAdded( )");
Example #4
        public int GetPositionSize()
            int size = 0;

            try {
                MbtPosition position = m_position;
                if (position != null)
                    size += position.PendingBuyShares - position.PendingSellShares +
                            position.IntradayPosition + position.OvernightPosition;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                orderLog.Notice("Exception: " + ex);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper, converts from MBT to OFxP object.
        /// </summary>
        PositionInfo?ConvertToPositionInfo(MbtPosition position)
            PositionInfo result = new PositionInfo();

            Symbol?symbol = _adapter.GetSymbolByName(position.Symbol, true);

            if (symbol.HasValue == false)

            result.Symbol            = symbol.Value;
            result.Volume            = position.CloseableShares;
            result.Commission        = (decimal)Math.Round(position.Commission, 4);
            result.PendingBuyVolume  = position.PendingBuyShares;
            result.PendingSellVolume = position.PendingSellShares;
            result.Result            = (decimal)Math.Round(position.RealizedPNL, 4);

Example #6
 void _orderClient_OnPositionAdded(MbtPosition pPos)
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper, converts from MBT to OFxP object.
        /// </summary>
        PositionInfo? ConvertToPositionInfo(MbtPosition position)
            PositionInfo result = new PositionInfo();

            Symbol? symbol = _adapter.GetSymbolByName(position.Symbol, true);
            if (symbol.HasValue == false)
                return null;

            result.Symbol = symbol.Value;
            result.Volume = position.CloseableShares;
            result.Commission = (decimal)Math.Round(position.Commission, 4);
            result.PendingBuyVolume = position.PendingBuyShares;
            result.PendingSellVolume = position.PendingSellShares;
            result.Result = (decimal)Math.Round(position.RealizedPNL, 4);

            return result;
 void _orderClient_OnPositionAdded(MbtPosition pPos)
Example #9
 void m_OrderClient_OnPositionUpdated(MbtPosition pPos)
Example #10
		  void PositionHasChanged(MbtPosition pPos) //pmh - Renamed from OnPositionChanged. This is not an event - don't name it so.
			  debug(String.Format("PositionHasChanged {0} {1}", pPos.Symbol, pPos.AggregatePosition));
			  string sym = pPos.Symbol;
			  //TODO: check accuracy of AveragePrice2. Currently known to not correctly include prices from further than 1 day back
			  //AveragePrice2 only available in release candidates so reverting to the calc below that
			  //decimal price = (decimal) pPos.AveragePrice2;
			  decimal price =
//pmh check each, not together   (pPos.IntradayPosition + pPos.OvernightPosition != 0)
						(pPos.IntradayPosition != 0 && pPos.OvernightPosition != 0)       //pmh - do this instead!
//pmh bug!        (decimal)(((pPos.IntradayPosition * pPos.IntradayPrice) + (pPos.OvernightPosition * pPos.OvernightPrice)) / (pPos.IntradayPrice + pPos.OvernightPosition))
						(decimal)(((pPos.IntradayPosition * pPos.IntradayPrice) + (pPos.OvernightPosition * pPos.OvernightPrice)) / (pPos.IntradayPosition + pPos.OvernightPosition))
			  int size = pPos.AggregatePosition; //TODO: make this pPos.RealizedPNL2 when it is available
			  decimal cpl = (decimal)pPos.RealizedPNL;
			  string account = pPos.Account.Account;
			  Position p = new PositionImpl(sym, price, size, cpl, account);
Example #11
		  void m_OrderClient_OnPositionUpdated(MbtPosition pPos)
			  debug(String.Format("m_OrderClient_OnPositionUpdated: {0} {1} {2}", pPos.Account.Account, pPos.Symbol, pPos.AggregatePosition));
Example #12
 void m_OrderClient_OnPositionUpdated(MbtPosition pPos)
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper, converts from MBT to OFxP object.
        /// </summary>
        PositionInfo? ConvertToPositionInfo(MbtPosition position, MBTradingQuote quotes)
            PositionInfo result = new PositionInfo();

            Symbol? symbol = _adapter.GetSymbolByName(position.Symbol, true);
            if (symbol.HasValue == false)
                return null;

            result.Symbol = symbol.Value;
            result.Volume = position.AggregatePosition;/*position.CloseableShares;*/
            result.Commission = (decimal)Math.Round(position.Commission, IntegrationAdapter.AdvisedAccountDecimalsPrecision);
            result.PendingBuyVolume = position.PendingBuyShares;
            result.PendingSellVolume = position.PendingSellShares;
            result.MarketValue = 0;
            result.ClosedResult = (decimal)Math.Round(position.RealizedPNL, 4);

            if (quotes.SessionsQuotes.ContainsKey(symbol.Value.Name))
                double openPnL, basis;
                if (CalculatePositionOpenPnLAndBasis(position, quotes.SessionsQuotes[symbol.Value.Name].Quote, out openPnL, out basis))
                    result.Result = (decimal)Math.Round(openPnL, IntegrationAdapter.AdvisedAccountDecimalsPrecision);
                    result.Basis = (decimal)basis;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// This will work properly only for USD *BASED ACCOUNTS*.
        /// Code based on the forexOpenPnL.txt VB6 code file from the SDK.
        /// See here for details: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/mbtsdk/message/6120
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool CalculatePositionOpenPnLAndBasis(MbtPosition position, Quote? positionSymbolQuote, out double openPnL, out double basis)
            openPnL = 0;
            basis = 0;

            if (positionSymbolQuote.HasValue == false ||
                positionSymbolQuote.Value.Ask.HasValue == false || positionSymbolQuote.Value.Bid.HasValue == false)
                return false;

            long aggregatedPosition = position.AggregatePosition;
            if (aggregatedPosition == 0)
                return true;

            // This also assumes aggregatedPosition is not zero!
            basis = ((position.OvernightPrice * position.OvernightPosition) + (position.IntradayPrice * position.IntradayPosition)) / aggregatedPosition;
            Symbol? symbol = Symbol.CreateForexPairSymbol(position.Symbol);

            if (symbol.HasValue == false)
                return false;

            bool isLong = aggregatedPosition > 0;

            double ask = (double)positionSymbolQuote.Value.Ask.Value;
            double bid = (double)positionSymbolQuote.Value.Bid.Value;

            if (symbol.Value.ForexCurrency1 == "USD")
            {// Based C1.
                if (isLong)
                {// Long. long position - use Bid ' ((bid - basis) / bid) * qty
                    openPnL = ((bid - basis) / bid) * aggregatedPosition;
                    return true;
                {// Short. short position - use Ask ' ((ask - basis) / ask) * qty
                    openPnL = ((ask - basis) / ask) * aggregatedPosition;
                    return true;
            else if (symbol.Value.ForexCurrency2 == "USD")
            {// Based C2.
                if (isLong)
                {// Long. ' long position - use Bid ' (bid - basis) * qty
                    openPnL = (bid - basis) * aggregatedPosition;
                    return true;
                {// Short. ' short position - use Ask ' (ask - basis) * qty
                    openPnL = (ask - basis) * aggregatedPosition;
                    return true;
            {// Not based.

                // This is the code that covers this scenario (from the forexOpenPnL.txt from the SDK),
                // however it requires the usage of other pairs data... so not implemented right now.
                //SystemMonitor.OperationWarning(string.Format("Position PnL not calculated for symbol [{0}] since pair not USD based.", position.Symbol));

                return false;

                //' Neither C1 or C2 is our base. therefore, find a "related symbol" for
                //' C2 that will relate C2 back to our base "USD", and use the related
                //' symbol's Bid/Ask as part of the calculation. Do this by creating a
                //' temp variable "f" with the value of the Bid/Ask, inverted if necessary.
                //Dim f As Double
                //    f = 0
                //    For j = 0 To mlSymCnt
                //' Find C1 base (e.g. EUR/CHF produces USD/CHF)
                //        If Left(msSyms(j), 3) = "USD" And Right(s, 3) = Right(msSyms(j), 3) Then
                //' use Ask for short, Bid for long, and invert
                //            f = 1 / (IIf(aggregatedPosition < 0, mdCAsk(j), mdCBid(j)))
                //'			dOpenPnL = (IIf(aggregatedPosition < 0, a, b) - dBasis) * f * aggregatedPosition
                //            Exit For ' found it !
                //        End If
                //    Next
                //    If f = 0 Then
                //' If C1 base not found, find C2 base (e.g. EUR/GBP produces GBP/USD)
                //        For j = 0 To mlSymCnt
                //            If Right(msSyms(j), 3) = "USD" And Right(s, 3) = Left(msSyms(j), 3) Then
                //' use Ask for short, Bid for long, but don't invert
                //                f = IIf(aggregatedPosition < 0, mdCAsk(j), mdCBid(j))
                //'				dOpenPnL = (IIf(aggregatedPosition < 0, a, b) - dBasis) * f * aggregatedPosition
                //                Exit For ' found it !
                //            End If
                //        Next
                //    End If
                //    If f = 0 Then ' for some reason, none found (you should find out why) !
                //        Debug.Print "ERROR"
                //    Else
                //' (bidOrAsk - basis) * f * qty
                //' f contains the Bid/Ask of the related symbol, inverted if necessary
                //        dOpenPnL = (IIf(aggregatedPosition < 0, a, b) - dBasis) * f * aggregatedPosition
                //    End If
                //End If

Example #15
 void m_OrderClient_OnPositionUpdated(MbtPosition pPos)
     //debug(String.Format("updating pos: {0} {1} {2}", pPos.Account.Account, pPos.Symbol, pPos.AggregatePosition));
Example #16
 void OnPositionChanged(MbtPosition pPos)
     debug(String.Format("OnPositionChanged {0} {1}", pPos.Symbol, pPos.AggregatePosition));
     string sym = pPos.Symbol;
     int size = pPos.AggregatePosition;
     //TODO: check accuracy of AveragePrice2. Currently known to not correctly include prices from further than 1 day back
     //AveragePrice2 only available in release candidates so reverting to the calc below that
     //decimal price = (decimal) pPos.AveragePrice2;
     decimal price = (pPos.IntradayPosition + pPos.OvernightPosition != 0)
         ? (decimal)(((pPos.IntradayPosition * pPos.IntradayPrice) + (pPos.OvernightPosition * pPos.OvernightPrice)) / (pPos.IntradayPrice + pPos.OvernightPosition))
         : 0;
     //TODO: make this pPos.RealizedPNL2 when it is available
     decimal cpl = (decimal)pPos.RealizedPNL;
     string account = pPos.Account.Account;
     Position p = new PositionImpl(sym, price, size, cpl, account);