Example #1
        public override void Assemble(ref MatrixSparseLinkedList K, Matrix_Jagged Ke)
            int Ip, Iq;
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                int NDFp = Unknown_p.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < NDFp; i++)
                    Ip = Unknown_p.UnknownDoFs[i];
                    for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++)
                        Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                        int NDFq = Unknown_q.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                        for (int j = 0; j < NDFq; j++)
                            Iq = Unknown_q.UnknownDoFs[j];
                            K.AddToMatrixElement(Ip, Iq, Ke.Values[NNPE * p + i][NNPE * q + j]);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get rotation matrix for a rotation of given ange around given axis (only for 3D vectors)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AxisOfRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="AngleRad"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Matrix_Jagged RotationMatrixForRotationAboutAxis_Jagged(Vector AxisOfRotation, double AngleOfRotation_Rad)
            Matrix_Jagged NewMatrix = new Matrix_Jagged();

            NewMatrix.Values = ArrayTools.RotationMatrixAboutAxis_Jagged(AngleOfRotation_Rad, AxisOfRotation.Values);
Example #3
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged IntegralArgument_Ce(Vector Xi)
            //Override with argument of Ce as a matrix
            Matrix_Jagged Ce = new Matrix_Jagged();

Example #4
        public override void SolveFEMSystem_Parallel()
            //Set up the load vector and stiffness matrix
            int           NDF = Unknowns_NDoF;               //Get the size of the unknowns temperature (one per node)
            Vector        F   = new Vector(NDF);             //Make global load vector
            Matrix_Jagged K   = new Matrix_Jagged(NDF, NDF); // Make global stiffness matrix

            //Assemble F and K
            int NE = Elements.Length; //Get the number of elements

            ParallelOptions op = new ParallelOptions();

            op.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount;

            Parallel.For(0, NE, op, i =>
                Vector Fe        = Elements[i].Calculate_Fe();
                Matrix_Jagged Ke = Elements[i].Calculate_Ke();
                lock (this_K_Lock) { Elements[i].Assemble(ref K, Ke); }
                lock (this_F_Lock) { Elements[i].Assemble(ref F, Fe); }
            //Adjust for boundary conditions
            int NBE = BoundaryElements.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < NBE; i++)
                BoundaryElements[i].AdjustFAndK(ref F, ref K);

            //Solve system
            U = K.SolveLinearSystem(F);
Example #5
        public static Matrix_Jagged RotationMatrixForRotationAboutAxis_Jagged(double[] AxisOfRotation, double AngleOfRotation_Rad)
            Matrix_Jagged Q = new Matrix_Jagged();

            Q.Values = ArrayTools.RotationMatrixAboutAxis_Jagged(AngleOfRotation_Rad, AxisOfRotation);
Example #6
        public override void Assemble(ref Matrix_Jagged K, Matrix_Jagged Ke)
            int Ip, Iq;
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                int NDFp = Unknown_p.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < NDFp; i++)
                    Ip = Unknown_p.UnknownDoFs[i];
                    for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++)
                        Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                        int NDFq = Unknown_q.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                        for (int j = 0; j < NDFq; j++)
                            Iq = Unknown_q.UnknownDoFs[j];
                            K.Values[Ip][Iq] += Ke.Values[NDFp * p + i][NDFq * q + j];
Example #7
        public override void SolveFEMSystem()
            //Set up the load vector and stiffness matrix
            int           NDF = Unknowns_NDoF;               //Get the size of the unknowns temperature (one per node)
            Vector        F   = new Vector(NDF);             //Make global load vector
            Matrix_Jagged K   = new Matrix_Jagged(NDF, NDF); // Make global stiffness matrix

            //Assemble F and K
            int NE = Elements.Length; //Get the number of elements

            for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++)
                Elements[i].CalculateAndAssemble_FeAndKe(ref F, ref K);
            //Adjust for boundary conditions
            int NBE = BoundaryElements.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < NBE; i++)
                BoundaryElements[i].AdjustFAndK(ref F, ref K);

            //Solve system
            U = K.SolveLinearSystem(F);
Example #8
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged IntegralArgument_Me(Vector Xi)
            //Override with argument of Ce as a matrix (Do not include Le/L_Xi factor)
            Matrix_Jagged Me = new Matrix_Jagged();

        public virtual Matrix_Jagged Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi_Matrix_Jagged(Vector Xi)
        {   //Override with method to calculate derivative of shape functions with respect to Xi
            Vector[]      dNdXi = Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi(Xi);
            Matrix_Jagged DNDXi = new Matrix_Jagged(dNdXi);

Example #10
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged IntegralArgument_Ke(Vector Xi)
            //Override with argument of Ke as a matrix
            Matrix_Jagged Ke = new Matrix_Jagged();

Example #11
        public static void Calculate_YGradient(Vector[] X, double[] Y, out Vector Center_X, out Vector[] DX, out double Center_Y, out Vector Gradient)
            int    N       = X.Length;
            Vector X_c     = Vector.Average(X);
            Vector Sum_DX  = new Vector(2);
            double Sum_Y   = 0.0D;
            Vector Sum_YDX = new Vector(2);

            DX = new Vector[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                DX[i]   = new Vector(2);
                DX[i]   = X[i] - X_c;
                Sum_DX += DX[i];
            OOPTools_Math.Matrix_Jagged M = new OOPTools_Math.Matrix_Jagged(2, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                M += OOPTools_Math.Matrix_Jagged.TensorProduct(DX[i], DX[i]);
            Matrix_Jagged A = new Matrix_Jagged(3, 3);

            A.Values[0][0] = Convert.ToDouble(N);
            A.Values[0][1] = Sum_DX.Values[0];
            A.Values[0][2] = Sum_DX.Values[1];
            A.Values[1][0] = Sum_DX.Values[0];
            A.Values[1][1] = M.Values[0][0];
            A.Values[1][2] = M.Values[0][1];
            A.Values[2][0] = Sum_DX.Values[1];
            A.Values[2][1] = M.Values[1][0];
            A.Values[2][2] = M.Values[1][1];

            double DetA;

            A.SolveLinearSystem_LUDecomp(out DetA);
            Gradient = new Vector(2);
            if (DetA < 1.0E-20)
                Center_Y = ArrayTools.Average(Y);
                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    Sum_Y   += Y[i];
                    Sum_YDX += Y[i] * DX[i];
                Vector b = new Vector(3);
                b.Values[0] = Sum_Y;
                b.Values[1] = Sum_YDX.Values[0];
                b.Values[2] = Sum_YDX.Values[1];

                Vector x = A.SolveLinearSystem_BackSub(b);
                Center_Y           = x.Values[0];
                Gradient.Values[0] = x.Values[1];
                Gradient.Values[1] = x.Values[2];
            Center_X = X_c;
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged IntegrateFunction(Function_Matrix_Jagged Func)
            Matrix_Jagged integral = QRule.wi[0] * Func(QRule.Xi[0]);

            for (int i = 1; i < QRule.NIP; i++)
                integral += QRule.wi[i] * Func(QRule.Xi[i]);
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTXi(Vector[] Variable_NodalValues, Vector[] dNdXi)
            int           nnpe  = dNdXi.Length;
            Matrix_Jagged Value = Matrix_Jagged.TensorProduct(Variable_NodalValues[0], dNdXi[0]);

            for (int p = 1; p < nnpe; p++)
                Value += Matrix_Jagged.TensorProduct(Variable_NodalValues[p], dNdXi[p]);
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTX(Vector Xi, Node_ND[] ElementNodes, out Matrix_Jagged DXDXi, out double Det_Jacobian)
            Vector[]      dNdXi;
            Matrix_Jagged DXiDX;

            Calculate_dNdXi_DXDXi_DXiDX_DetJac(Xi, ElementNodes, out dNdXi, out DXDXi, out DXiDX, out Det_Jacobian);

            Matrix_Jagged DNDXi = new Matrix_Jagged(dNdXi).Transpose();

            return(DNDXi * DXiDX);
        public virtual void Calculate_X_N_DetJacobian(Vector Xi, Node_ND[] ElementNodes, out Vector X, out Vector N, out double Det_Jac)
            Vector[] Xp    = Get_ElementNodal_X(ElementNodes);
            Vector[] dNdXi = Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi(Xi, out N);

            X = Interpolate_Variable(Xp, N);

            Matrix_Jagged DXDXi = Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTXi(Xp, dNdXi);

            Det_Jac = DXDXi.Det();
        public virtual Matrix_Jagged Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTX(Vector Xi, Vector[] Variable_NodalValues, Node_ND[] ElementNodes)
            Vector[]      dNdXi;
            Matrix_Jagged DXDXi, DXiDX;

            Calculate_dNdXi_DXDXi_DXiDX(Xi, ElementNodes, out dNdXi, out DXDXi, out DXiDX);

            Matrix_Jagged DValueDXi = Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTXi(Variable_NodalValues, dNdXi);

            return(DValueDXi * DXiDX);
Example #17
        public Matrix_Jagged[] Calculate_ElementNodal_DUDX()
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            Matrix_Jagged[] DuDX = new Matrix_Jagged[NNPE];
            Vector[]        Ue   = Get_ElementNodal_U(Element_ND.U);
            Vector[]        Xip  = Interpolator.NodeXi;
            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                DuDX[p] = Interpolator.Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTX(Xip[p], Ue, ElementNodes);
Example #18
        public Matrix_Jagged Displacements; //Nodal values of Displacements
        public override void AdjustFAndK(ref Vector F, ref Matrix_Jagged K)
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < NNPE; i++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknowns_i = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[i].Unknowns;
                int[] Ip = Unknowns_i.UnknownDoFs;                            //position of unkonw in globle matrix
                F.Values[Ip[0]]        = 1.0E20 * Displacements.Values[i][0]; //penalty for Uix
                K.Values[Ip[0]][Ip[0]] = 1.0E20;
                F.Values[Ip[1]]        = 1.0E20 * Displacements.Values[i][1]; //penalty for Uiy
                K.Values[Ip[1]][Ip[1]] = 1.0E20;
        public void Calculate_X_DNDX_DetJacobian(Vector Xi, Node_ND[] ElementNodes, out Vector X, out Matrix_Jagged DNDX, out double Det_Jac)
            Vector[] Xp = Get_ElementNodal_X(ElementNodes);
            Vector   N;

            Vector[] dNdXi = Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi(Xi, out N);

            X = Interpolate_Variable(Xp, N);

            Matrix_Jagged DNDXi = new Matrix_Jagged(dNdXi).Transpose();
            Matrix_Jagged DXDXi = Interpolate_DerivativeOfVariable_WRTXi(Xp, dNdXi);
            Matrix_Jagged DXiDX = DXDXi.Invert(out Det_Jac);

            DNDX = DNDXi * DXiDX;
        public override void Assemble(ref Matrix_Jagged K, Matrix_Jagged Ke)
            int Ip, Iq;
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField TheUnknowns_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                Ip = TheUnknowns_p.UnknownDoF;
                for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++)
                    Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField TheUnknowns_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                    Iq = TheUnknowns_q.UnknownDoF;
                    K.Values[Ip][Iq] += Ke.Values[p][q];
        public override void Assemble(ref MatrixSparseLinkedList K, Matrix_Jagged Ke)
            int Ip, Iq;
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField TheUnknowns_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                Ip = TheUnknowns_p.UnknownDoF;
                for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++)
                    Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField TheUnknowns_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_ScalarField)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                    Iq = TheUnknowns_q.UnknownDoF;
                    K.AddToMatrixElement(Ip, Iq, Ke.Values[p][q]);
Example #22
        public static void Assemble_Parallel(int NE, Element_ND[] Elements, out Vector[] Fes, out Matrix_Jagged[] Kes)
            Vector[]        Fe = new Vector[NE];
            Matrix_Jagged[] Ke = new Matrix_Jagged[NE];

            ParallelOptions op = new ParallelOptions();

            op.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount - 1;

            Parallel.For(0, NE, op, i =>
                Fe[i] = Elements[i].Calculate_Fe();
                Ke[i] = Elements[i].Calculate_Ke();
            Fes = Fe;
            Kes = Ke;
Example #23
        public override Matrix_Jagged Calculate_DerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi_Matrix_Jagged(Vector Xi)
            Matrix_Jagged DNDXi      = new Matrix_Jagged(NNPE, 2);
            Vector        N_1D_M     = ParametricInterpolation_1D_M.CalculateShapeFunctions(Xi.Values[0]);
            Vector        N_1D_N     = ParametricInterpolation_1D_N.CalculateShapeFunctions(Xi.Values[1]);
            Vector        DNDXi_1D_M = ParametricInterpolation_1D_M.CalculateDerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi(Xi.Values[0]);
            Vector        DNDXi_1D_N = ParametricInterpolation_1D_N.CalculateDerivativesOfShapeFunctions_WRTXi(Xi.Values[1]);
            int           Index      = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < NNPE_n; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < NNPE_m; i++)
                    DNDXi.Values[Index][0] = DNDXi_1D_M.Values[i] * N_1D_N.Values[j];
                    DNDXi.Values[Index][1] = N_1D_M.Values[i] * DNDXi_1D_N.Values[j];
        public override void Assemble(ref Matrix_Jagged K, Matrix_Jagged Ke)
            int Ip, Iq, I1p, I1pi, I1, I2q, I2qk, I2;
            int NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;

            int NumberOFPhysics, TotalDoFPerNode;

            int[] DofPerPhysics;
            int[] StartIndexPerPhysics = Get_StartIndexForEachPhysics(out NumberOFPhysics, out TotalDoFPerNode, out DofPerPhysics);

            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)
                Node_ND_Unknowns_MultiPhysics Unknowns_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_MultiPhysics)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                I1p = TotalDoFPerNode * p;
                for (int i = 0; i < NumberOFPhysics; i++)
                    I1pi = I1p + StartIndexPerPhysics[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < DofPerPhysics[i]; j++)
                        I1 = I1pi + j;
                        Ip = Unknowns_p.UnknownDoFs[PhysicsUsed[i]][j];
                        for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++)
                            Node_ND_Unknowns_MultiPhysics Unknowns_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_MultiPhysics)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                            I2q = TotalDoFPerNode * q;
                            for (int k = 0; k < NumberOFPhysics; k++)
                                I2qk = I2q + StartIndexPerPhysics[k];
                                for (int l = 0; l < DofPerPhysics[k]; l++)
                                    I2 = I2qk + l;
                                    Iq = Unknowns_q.UnknownDoFs[PhysicsUsed[k]][l];
                                    K.Values[Ip][Iq] += Ke.Values[I1][I2];
Example #25
        public override Matrix_Jagged IntegralArgument_Ke(Vector Xi)
            int           NNPE = ElementNodes.Length;
            double        Det_Jac;
            Vector        X;
            Matrix_Jagged DNDX;
            Matrix_Jagged Ke_Arg = new Matrix_Jagged(NNPE * 2, NNPE * 2);

            Interpolator.Calculate_X_DNDX_DetJacobian(Xi, ElementNodes, out X, out DNDX, out Det_Jac);
            for (int p = 0; p < NNPE; p++)//p defines node number
                Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_p = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[p].Unknowns;
                int NDFp = Unknown_p.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < NDFp; i++)     //loop at x direction
                    for (int q = 0; q < NNPE; q++) //
                        Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField Unknown_q = (Node_ND_Unknowns_VectorField)ElementNodes[q].Unknowns;
                        int NDFq = Unknown_q.UnknownDoFs.Length;
                        for (int j = 0; j < NDFq; j++)//loop at y direction
                            double temp = 0;
                            for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++)     //loop at x direction
                                for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) //loop at y direction
                                    double Eimjn = 0;
                                    Eimjn = GetE(i, m, j, n);//obtain constitutive matrix
                                    temp += DNDX.Values[p][m] * Eimjn * DNDX.Values[q][n];
                            Ke_Arg.Values[NDFp * p + i][NDFq * q + j] = temp * Det_Jac; //store Ke
Example #26
 public virtual void AdjustK(double Time, ref Matrix_Jagged K)
Example #27
 public virtual void AdjustC(double Time, ref Matrix_Jagged C)
Example #28
 public Vector ForceY; //Force at Y-axis
 public override void AdjustFAndK(ref Vector F, ref Matrix_Jagged K)
     CalculateAndAssemble_Fe(ref F);
Example #29
 public virtual void AdjustM(double Time, ref Matrix_Jagged M)
        public override void SolveFEMSystem()
            double beta  = Newmark_beta;
            double gamma = Newmark_gamma;
            //Set up the load vector and stiffness matrix
            int           NDF   = Unknowns_NDoF;               //Get the size of the unknowns temperature (one per node)
            Vector        F     = new Vector(NDF);             //Make global load vector (old)
            Vector        F_new = new Vector(NDF);             //Make global load vector (new)
            Matrix_Jagged K     = new Matrix_Jagged(NDF, NDF); // Make global stiffness matrix
            Matrix_Jagged M     = new Matrix_Jagged(NDF, NDF); // Make global thermal mass matrix

            //Assemble F, K, C
            int NE = Elements.Length; //Get the number of elements

            for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++)
                Elements[i].CalculateAndAssemble_FeAndKeAndMe(ref F, ref K, ref M);

            Matrix_Jagged CDamping = ArtificialDamping_Factor_M * M + ArtificialDamping_Factor_K * K;
            Matrix_Jagged Mhat     = M + (gamma * DTime) * CDamping + (beta * DTime * DTime) * K;

            //Adjust for boundary conditions
            int NBE = BoundaryElements.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < NBE; i++)
                BoundaryElements[i].AdjustF(Times.Values[StartIndex], ref F);
                BoundaryElements[i].AdjustK(Times.Values[StartIndex], ref K);
            //Initial conditions
            Vector u_old = new Vector(Ut[StartIndex]);
            Vector v_old = new Vector(Vt[StartIndex]);
            //Initial acceleration
            Vector a_old = M.SolveLinearSystem(F - K * u_old);

            Node_ND.Set_UnknownForNode(Nodes, u_old);

            double RTime = 0.0D;

            for (int i = StartIndex; i < NumberOfStepsToStore; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfStepsToSkipOutput; j++)
                    RTime          += DTime; //Increment to new time
                    Element_ND.Time = RTime; //Give new time to all elements

                    F_new = new Vector(NDF);
                    for (int k = 0; k < NE; k++)
                        Elements[k].CalculateAndAssemble_Fe(ref F_new); //Calculate new F
                    //Adjust new F for BC
                    for (int k = 0; k < NBE; k++)
                        BoundaryElements[k].AdjustF(RTime, ref F_new);

                    //solve for new values
                    u_old += DTime * v_old + (0.5D * DTime * DTime * (1.0D - 2.0D * beta)) * a_old;
                    for (int k = 0; k < NBE; k++)
                        BoundaryElements[k].AdjustU(RTime, ref u_old);

                    v_old += ((1.0D - gamma) * DTime) * a_old;
                    for (int k = 0; k < NBE; k++)
                        BoundaryElements[k].AdjustV(RTime, ref v_old);

                    a_old = Mhat.SolveLinearSystem_BackSub(F_new - CDamping * v_old - K * u_old);

                    u_old += (beta * DTime * DTime) * a_old;
                    for (int k = 0; k < NBE; k++)
                        BoundaryElements[k].AdjustU(RTime, ref u_old);

                    v_old += (gamma * DTime) * a_old;
                    for (int k = 0; k < NBE; k++)
                        BoundaryElements[k].AdjustV(RTime, ref v_old);
                Times.Values[i + 1] = RTime;             //Store time
                Ut[i + 1]           = new Vector(u_old); //Store vector of node displacements
                Vt[i + 1]           = new Vector(v_old); //Store vector of node velocity

                Solver_Output_Info.StoreAStep(i + 1, Times.Values[i + 1], Ut[i + 1], Vt[i + 1], DTime, NumberOfStepsToSkipOutput);

                Node_ND.Set_UnknownForNode(Nodes, u_old);
                StoreSensors(i + 1);