Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If an update has taken place, we must flush the caches for all associated matrixes (because the contact details are part of the matrix)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Ado"></param>
        /// <param name="dto"></param>
        private void FlushAssociatedMatrixes(ADO Ado, Group_DTO_Update dto)
            Matrix_ADO mAdo = new Matrix_ADO(Ado);

            //Get all the matrixes for Group
            var readGroupAccess = mAdo.ReadByGroup(dto.GrpCodeOld, Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "language.iso.code"));

            if (!readGroupAccess.hasData)

            //look maybe at ensuring there are no dupes (or maybe a switch to first return only live data..)
            foreach (var matrix in readGroupAccess.data)
                //if (matrix.IsLive)
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_DATASET + matrix.MtrCode);
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_METADATA + matrix.MtrCode);
                // }

            //foreach (var matrix in readGroupAccess.data)
            //    MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_DATASET + matrix.RlsCode);
            //    MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_METADATA + matrix.RlsCode);
Example #2
        internal void UpdateIndexes(ADO ado)
            ADO adoBatch = new ADO("msdbConnection");

            Matrix_ADO m      = new Matrix_ADO(ado);
            string     dbName = m.getDbName();

            string processName = "DataMatrixUpdateIndexes_" + dbName;

            var inputParams = new List <ADO_inputParams>()
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@job_name", value = processName

            var returnParam = new ADO_returnParam()
                name = "@ReturnVal", value = 0

            if (!m.IsProcessRunning(processName))
                    adoBatch.ExecuteNonQueryProcedure("sp_start_job", inputParams, ref returnParam);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request"></param>
 internal Build_BSO_Validate(JSONRPC_API request) : base(request, new Build_Validate_VLD())
     matrixAdo = new Matrix_ADO(Ado);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a keyword release
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Ado"></param>
        /// <param name="releaseId"></param>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        internal void Create(ADO Ado, int releaseId, string userName)
            Release_ADO rAdo = new Data.Release_ADO(Ado);

            var latestRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(rAdo.ReadID(releaseId, userName));

            if (latestRelease == null) return;

            rAdo.DeleteKeywords(latestRelease.RlsCode, userName);

            //Create the table that will be bulk inserted
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_VALUE", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_RLS_ID", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_MANDATORY_FLAG", typeof(bool));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_SINGULARISED_FLAG", typeof(bool));

            Keyword_Release_ADO adoKeywordCreate = new Keyword_Release_ADO();

            //Get the matrices for the RlsCode - There may be more than one e.g. if multiple languages are used in the same release
            Matrix_ADO mAdo = new Matrix_ADO(Ado);
            IList<dynamic> matrixList;

            matrixList = mAdo.ReadAllForRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, userName);

            //Create the table rows
            foreach (dynamic item in matrixList)
                //Get a Keyword Extractor - the particular version returned will depend on the language
                Keyword_BSO_Extract kbe = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(item.LngIsoCode);
                // IKeywordExtractor ext = kbe.GetExtractor();

                //Add the keywords and other data to the output table
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(item.MtrTitle), item.RlsID);

                //Add the MtrCode to the keyword list without any transformations
                AddToTable(ref dt, new List<string>() { item.MtrCode }, item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Copyright Code
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.CprCode), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Copyright Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.CprValue), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Language
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.LngIsoName), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Frequency Code
                //AddToTable(ref dt, ext.ExtractSplit(item.FrqCode), item.RlsID);

                //Add the Frequency Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(item.FrqValue), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Statistic
                IList<dynamic> statList = mAdo.ReadStatisticByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode);
                foreach (dynamic statItem in statList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(statItem.SttCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.SttValue), item.RlsID);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.SttUnit), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Classification
                IList<dynamic> classificationList = mAdo.ReadClassificationByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode);
                foreach (dynamic classItem in classificationList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(classItem.ClsCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(classItem.ClsValue), item.RlsID);

                    //Get the keywords from Variables
                    IList<dynamic> variableList = mAdo.ReadVariableByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode, classItem.ClsCode);
                    foreach (dynamic variableItem in variableList)
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(variableItem.VrbCode), item.RlsID, false);
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(variableItem.VrbValue), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Period
                IList<dynamic> periodList = mAdo.ReadPeriodByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode, item.FrqCode);
                foreach (dynamic periodItem in periodList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(periodItem.PrdCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(periodItem.PrdValue), item.RlsID);

            //Final check to make sure there are no duplicates
            adoKeywordCreate.Create(Ado, dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[4] { "KRL_VALUE", "KRL_RLS_ID", "KRL_MANDATORY_FLAG", "KRL_SINGULARISED_FLAG" }));