Example #1
        private unsafe uint AddDetector(string detectorName, string dummyName, MyModelDummy dummyData)
            List <Matrix> list;

            if (!base.m_detectors.TryGetValue(detectorName, out list))
                list = new List <Matrix>();
                base.m_detectors[detectorName] = list;
            Matrix matrix = dummyData.Matrix;

            if (base.Entity is MyCubeBlock)
                float   gridScale  = (base.Entity as MyCubeBlock).CubeGrid.GridScale;
                Matrix *matrixPtr1 = (Matrix *)ref matrix;
                matrixPtr1.Translation *= gridScale;
                Matrix.Rescale(ref matrix, gridScale);
            uint         count     = (uint)this.m_detectorInteractiveObjects.Count;
            IMyUseObject useObject = this.CreateInteractiveObject(detectorName, dummyName, dummyData, count);

            if (useObject != null)
                this.m_detectorInteractiveObjects.Add(count, new DetectorData(useObject, matrix, detectorName));
                this.m_detectorShapeKeys[detectorName] = count;
Example #2
        public void Multiply(Matrix *m)
            Matrix m2 = this;

            float *s1 = (float *)m, s2 = (float *)&m2;

            fixed(float *dPtr = _values)
                int   index = 0;
                float val;

                for (int b = 0; b < 16; b += 4)
                    for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++)
                        val = 0.0f;
                        for (int x = b, y = a; y < 16; y += 4)
                            val += s1[x++] * s2[y];
                        dPtr[index++] = val;
Example #3
 static void TransposeCopy(Matrix *src, Matrix *dst)
     dst->M11 = src->M11; dst->M21 = src->M12; dst->M31 = src->M13; dst->M41 = src->M14;
     dst->M12 = src->M21; dst->M22 = src->M22; dst->M32 = src->M23; dst->M42 = src->M24;
     dst->M13 = src->M31; dst->M23 = src->M32; dst->M33 = src->M33; dst->M43 = src->M34;
     dst->M14 = src->M41; dst->M24 = src->M42; dst->M34 = src->M43; dst->M44 = src->M44;
Example #4
        internal unsafe static void UpdateAlphamaskViewsConstants()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(s_viewVectorData.Length == 181, "Only supported scheme of views for now");

            Matrix *viewVectors = stackalloc Matrix[s_viewVectorData.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < s_viewVectorData.Length; i++)
                Matrix   mm = Matrix.Identity;
                string[] sp = s_viewVectorData[i].Split(',');
                mm.M11         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M12         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M13         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M21         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M22         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M23         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M31         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M32         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm.M33         = Convert.ToSingle(sp[8], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                mm             = Matrix.Normalize(mm);
                mm             = mm * Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.PiOver2);
                mm.Up          = -mm.Up;
                viewVectors[i] = mm;

            var mapping = MyMapping.MapDiscard(MyCommon.AlphamaskViewsConstants);

            for (int vectorIndex = 0; vectorIndex < s_viewVectorData.Length; ++vectorIndex)
                mapping.WriteAndPosition(ref viewVectors[vectorIndex]);
        internal static unsafe void ConvertToD3DMATRIX(
            /* in */ Matrix *matrix,
            /* out */ D3DMATRIX *d3dMatrix
            *d3dMatrix = D3DMATRIXIdentity;

            float * pD3DMatrix = (float *)d3dMatrix;
            double *pMatrix    = (double *)matrix;

            // m11 = m11
            pD3DMatrix[0] = (float)pMatrix[0];

            // m12 = m12
            pD3DMatrix[1] = (float)pMatrix[1];

            // m21 = m21
            pD3DMatrix[4] = (float)pMatrix[2];

            // m22 = m22
            pD3DMatrix[5] = (float)pMatrix[3];

            // m41 = offsetX
            pD3DMatrix[12] = (float)pMatrix[4];

            // m42 = offsetY
            pD3DMatrix[13] = (float)pMatrix[5];
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parameter's value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pValue">A pointer to the buffer that contains the value to set.</param>
 /// <param name="count">The number of elements in the array to set.</param>
 public void SetValue(Matrix *pValue, Int32 count)
     SetMatrixArrayValueInternal <Matrix>((IntPtr)pValue, count,
                                          (ptr, index) => Matrix.Transpose(ref ((Matrix *)ptr)[index], out ((Matrix *)ptr)[index]),
                                          (ptr, index) => Matrix.Transpose(ref ((Matrix *)ptr)[index], out ((Matrix *)ptr)[index]),
                                          (l, c, t, v) => gl.UniformMatrix4fv(l, c, t, (Single *)v));
Example #7
 public static unsafe void Transform(Vector3 *vectors, Matrix *matrix, int count, Vector3 *result)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         Vector3.Transform(ref *(vectors + i), ref *matrix, out *(result + i));
Example #8
 protected override unsafe void UpdateDoorPosition()
     if (base.m_subparts.Count != 0)
         float num  = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.1375000476837158);
         float z    = base.m_currOpening * 1.75f;
         float num3 = base.m_currOpening * 1.570796f;
         if (z < num)
             num3 = (float)Math.Asin((double)(z / 1.2f));
             float num5 = (1.75f - z) / (1.75f - num);
             num3 = 1.570796f - ((num5 * num5) * ((float)(1.570796012878418 - Math.Asin((double)(num / 1.2f)))));
         MyGridPhysics bodyA = base.CubeGrid.Physics;
         bool          flag  = !Sync.IsServer;
         int           num4  = 0;
         bool          flag2 = true;
         foreach (MyEntitySubpart subpart in base.m_subparts)
             if (subpart != null)
                 Matrix  matrix;
                 Matrix *matrixPtr1;
                 Matrix.CreateRotationY(flag2 ? num3 : -num3, out matrix);
                 matrixPtr1.Translation = new Vector3(flag2 ? -1.2f : 1.2f, 0f, z);
                 matrixPtr1             = (Matrix *)ref matrix;
                 Matrix renderLocal             = matrix * base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix;
                 MyPhysicsComponentBase physics = subpart.Physics;
                 if (flag && (physics != null))
                     Matrix *matrixPtr2;
                     Matrix  identity = Matrix.Identity;
                     matrixPtr2.Translation = new Vector3(flag2 ? -0.55f : 0.55f, 0f, 0f);
                     matrixPtr2             = (Matrix *)ref identity;
                     Matrix *matrixPtr3 = (Matrix *)ref identity;
                     Matrix.Multiply(ref (Matrix) ref matrixPtr3, ref matrix, out identity);
                     subpart.PositionComp.SetLocalMatrix(ref identity, null, true);
                 subpart.PositionComp.SetLocalMatrix(ref matrix, physics, true, ref renderLocal, true);
                 if (((bodyA != null) && (physics != null)) && (base.m_subpartConstraintsData.Count > num4))
                     matrix = Matrix.Invert(matrix);
                     base.m_subpartConstraintsData[num4].SetInBodySpace(base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix, matrix, bodyA, (MyPhysicsBody)physics);
             flag2 = !flag2;
        private unsafe void InnerUpdateVertices(VertexPositionNormalTexture *pgpuVertices, Matrix[] boneTransforms, int startIndex, int elementCount)
            fixed(Matrix *pBoneTransforms = boneTransforms)
                #if USE_NATIVE_ANIMATION
                _cpuVertexBufferHelper.UpdateVertices((long)pBoneTransforms, (long)pgpuVertices, startIndex, elementCount);
                fixed(VertexIndicesWeightsPositionNormal *pcpuVertices = _cpuVertices)
                    Matrix transformSum = Matrix.Identity;
                    var    pVertex      = pcpuVertices + startIndex;
                    var    pGpuVertex   = pgpuVertices + startIndex;

                    // skin all of the vertices
                    for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++, pVertex++, pGpuVertex++)
                        int b0 = pVertex->BlendIndex0;
                        int b1 = pVertex->BlendIndex1;
                        int b2 = pVertex->BlendIndex2;
                        int b3 = pVertex->BlendIndex3;

                        float w1 = pVertex->BlendWeights.X;
                        float w2 = pVertex->BlendWeights.Y;
                        float w3 = pVertex->BlendWeights.Z;
                        float w4 = pVertex->BlendWeights.W;

                        Matrix *m1 = pBoneTransforms + b0;
                        Matrix *m2 = pBoneTransforms + b1;
                        Matrix *m3 = pBoneTransforms + b2;
                        Matrix *m4 = pBoneTransforms + b3;
                        transformSum.M11 = (m1->M11 * w1) + (m2->M11 * w2) + (m3->M11 * w3) + (m4->M11 * w4);
                        transformSum.M12 = (m1->M12 * w1) + (m2->M12 * w2) + (m3->M12 * w3) + (m4->M12 * w4);
                        transformSum.M13 = (m1->M13 * w1) + (m2->M13 * w2) + (m3->M13 * w3) + (m4->M13 * w4);
                        transformSum.M21 = (m1->M21 * w1) + (m2->M21 * w2) + (m3->M21 * w3) + (m4->M21 * w4);
                        transformSum.M22 = (m1->M22 * w1) + (m2->M22 * w2) + (m3->M22 * w3) + (m4->M22 * w4);
                        transformSum.M23 = (m1->M23 * w1) + (m2->M23 * w2) + (m3->M23 * w3) + (m4->M23 * w4);
                        transformSum.M31 = (m1->M31 * w1) + (m2->M31 * w2) + (m3->M31 * w3) + (m4->M31 * w4);
                        transformSum.M32 = (m1->M32 * w1) + (m2->M32 * w2) + (m3->M32 * w3) + (m4->M32 * w4);
                        transformSum.M33 = (m1->M33 * w1) + (m2->M33 * w2) + (m3->M33 * w3) + (m4->M33 * w4);
                        transformSum.M41 = (m1->M41 * w1) + (m2->M41 * w2) + (m3->M41 * w3) + (m4->M41 * w4);
                        transformSum.M42 = (m1->M42 * w1) + (m2->M42 * w2) + (m3->M42 * w3) + (m4->M42 * w4);
                        transformSum.M43 = (m1->M43 * w1) + (m2->M43 * w2) + (m3->M43 * w3) + (m4->M43 * w4);

                        pGpuVertex->Position.X = pVertex->Position.X * transformSum.M11 + pVertex->Position.Y * transformSum.M21 + pVertex->Position.Z * transformSum.M31 + transformSum.M41;
                        pGpuVertex->Position.Y = pVertex->Position.X * transformSum.M12 + pVertex->Position.Y * transformSum.M22 + pVertex->Position.Z * transformSum.M32 + transformSum.M42;
                        pGpuVertex->Position.Z = pVertex->Position.X * transformSum.M13 + pVertex->Position.Y * transformSum.M23 + pVertex->Position.Z * transformSum.M33 + transformSum.M43;

                        pGpuVertex->Normal.X = pVertex->Normal.X * transformSum.M11 + pVertex->Normal.Y * transformSum.M21 + pVertex->Normal.Z * transformSum.M31;
                        pGpuVertex->Normal.Y = pVertex->Normal.X * transformSum.M12 + pVertex->Normal.Y * transformSum.M22 + pVertex->Normal.Z * transformSum.M32;
                        pGpuVertex->Normal.Z = pVertex->Normal.X * transformSum.M13 + pVertex->Normal.Y * transformSum.M23 + pVertex->Normal.Z * transformSum.M33;
Example #10
 private unsafe void UpdateSlidingDoorsPosition()
     if (base.CubeGrid.Physics != null)
         Vector3 vector;
         bool    flag = !Sync.IsServer;
         float   x    = this.m_currOpening * 0.65f;
         if (this.m_leftSubpart != null)
             Matrix matrix;
             vector = new Vector3(-x, 0f, 0f);
             Matrix.CreateTranslation(ref vector, out matrix);
             Matrix renderLocal = matrix * base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix;
             Matrix identity    = Matrix.Identity;
             identity.Translation = new Vector3(0.35f, 0f, 0f);
             Matrix *matrixPtr1 = (Matrix *)ref identity;
             Matrix.Multiply(ref (Matrix) ref matrixPtr1, ref matrix, out identity);
             this.m_leftSubpart.PositionComp.SetLocalMatrix(ref identity, flag ? null : this.m_leftSubpart.Physics, true, ref renderLocal, true);
             if (this.m_leftConstraintData != null)
                 Matrix matrix4;
                 if (base.CubeGrid.Physics != null)
                 vector = new Vector3(x, 0f, 0f);
                 Matrix.CreateTranslation(ref vector, out matrix4);
                 this.m_leftConstraintData.SetInBodySpace(base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix, matrix4, base.CubeGrid.Physics, (MyPhysicsBody)this.m_leftSubpart.Physics);
         if (this.m_rightSubpart != null)
             Matrix matrix5;
             vector = new Vector3(x, 0f, 0f);
             Matrix.CreateTranslation(ref vector, out matrix5);
             Matrix renderLocal = matrix5 * base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix;
             Matrix identity    = Matrix.Identity;
             identity.Translation = new Vector3(-0.35f, 0f, 0f);
             Matrix *matrixPtr2 = (Matrix *)ref identity;
             Matrix.Multiply(ref (Matrix) ref matrixPtr2, ref matrix5, out identity);
             this.m_rightSubpart.PositionComp.SetLocalMatrix(ref identity, flag ? null : this.m_rightSubpart.Physics, true, ref renderLocal, true);
             if (this.m_rightConstraintData != null)
                 if (base.CubeGrid.Physics != null)
                 Matrix pivotB = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-x, 0f, 0f));
                 this.m_rightConstraintData.SetInBodySpace(base.PositionComp.LocalMatrix, pivotB, base.CubeGrid.Physics, (MyPhysicsBody)this.m_rightSubpart.Physics);
Example #11
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            if (this.FOutShader[0] == null)
                this.FOutShader[0] = new DX11Resource <DX11Shader>();

            this.spmax = this.CalculateSpreadMax();

            if (this.FInTechnique.IsChanged)
                this.techniqueindex   = this.FInTechnique[0].Index;
                this.techniquechanged = true;

            float *src;

            //Cache world pointer
            this.FInWorld.GetMatrixPointer(out this.mworldcount, out src);
            this.mworld = (Matrix *)src;

            this.FOutLayer.SliceCount = 1;
            if (this.FOutLayer[0] == null)
                this.FOutLayer[0]  = new DX11Resource <DX11Layer>();
                this.FOutShader[0] = new DX11Resource <DX11Shader>();

            if (this.FInvalidate)
                if (this.FShader.IsCompiled)
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = true;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length;

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length; i++)
                        this.FOutTechniqueValid[i] = this.FShader.TechniqueValids[i];
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = false;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = 0;
                this.FInvalidate = false;

        internal static unsafe void ConvertFromD3DMATRIX(
            /* in */ D3DMATRIX *d3dMatrix,
            /* out */ Matrix *matrix
            float * pD3DMatrix = (float *)d3dMatrix;
            double *pMatrix    = (double *)matrix;

            // Convert first D3DMatrix Vector

            pMatrix[0] = (double)pD3DMatrix[0];  // m11 = m11
            pMatrix[1] = (double)pD3DMatrix[1];  // m12 = m12

            // Assert that non-affine fields are identity or NaN
            // Multiplication with an affine 2D matrix (i.e., a matrix
            // with only _11, _12, _21, _22, _41, & _42 set to non-identity
            // values) containing NaN's, can cause the NaN's to propagate to
            // all other fields.  Thus, we allow NaN's in addition to
            // identity values.
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[2] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[2]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[3] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[3]));

            // Convert second D3DMatrix Vector

            pMatrix[2] = (double)pD3DMatrix[4];  // m21 = m21
            pMatrix[3] = (double)pD3DMatrix[5];  // m22 = m22
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[6] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[6]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[7] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[7]));

            // Convert third D3DMatrix Vector

            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[8] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[8]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[9] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[9]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[10] == 1.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[10]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[11] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[11]));

            // Convert fourth D3DMatrix Vector

            pMatrix[4] = (double)pD3DMatrix[12];  // m41 = offsetX
            pMatrix[5] = (double)pD3DMatrix[13];  // m42 = offsetY
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[14] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[14]));
            Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[15] == 1.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[15]));

            *((MatrixTypes *)(pMatrix + 6)) = MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_UNKNOWN;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Render a model after applying the matrix transformations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The <see cref="GraphicsDevice"/> context.</param>
        /// <param name="world">A world transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="view">A view transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="projection">A projection transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="effectOverride">An effect instance that will override all effects attached to this model. Null by default (no override)</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Mesh has no effect and effectOverride is null</exception>
        public unsafe void Draw(GraphicsDevice context, Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection, Effect effectOverride = null)
            int     count     = Meshes.Count;
            int     boneCount = Bones.Count;
            Matrix *localSharedDrawBoneMatrices = stackalloc Matrix[boneCount]; // TODO use a global cache as BoneCount could generate a StackOverflow

            CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(new IntPtr(localSharedDrawBoneMatrices));

            var defaultParametersContext = default(EffectDefaultParametersContext);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var mesh        = Meshes[i];
                int index       = mesh.ParentBone.Index;
                int effectCount = mesh.Effects.Count;

                if (effectOverride != null)
                    Matrix worldTranformed;
                    Matrix.Multiply(ref localSharedDrawBoneMatrices[index], ref world, out worldTranformed);

                    effectOverride.DefaultParameters.Apply(ref defaultParametersContext, ref worldTranformed, ref view, ref projection);
                    for (int j = 0; j < effectCount; j++)
                        var effect = mesh.Effects[j];
                        if (effect == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Mesh has no effect and effectOverride is null");

                        Matrix worldTranformed;
                        Matrix.Multiply(ref localSharedDrawBoneMatrices[index], ref world, out worldTranformed);

                        var matrices = effect as IEffectMatrices;
                        if (matrices == null)
                            effect.DefaultParameters.Apply(ref defaultParametersContext, ref worldTranformed, ref view, ref projection);
                            matrices.World      = worldTranformed;
                            matrices.View       = view;
                            matrices.Projection = projection;

                mesh.Draw(context, effectOverride);
Example #14
        private static unsafe void ComputeCommonViewMatrices(RenderContext context, Matrix *viewMatrices, Matrix *projectionMatrices)
            // there are some limitations to this technique:
            //  both eyes view matrices must be facing the same direction
            //  eyes don't modify input's projection's bottom and top.

            var commonView = context.RenderView;

            commonView.View = viewMatrices[0];
            // near and far could be overriden by the VR device. let's take them as authority (assuming both eyes equal):
            // refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/12926655/893406
            float nearLeft  = projectionMatrices[0].M43 / projectionMatrices[0].M33;
            float nearRight = projectionMatrices[1].M43 / projectionMatrices[1].M33;
            float farLeft   = nearLeft * (-projectionMatrices[0].M33 / (-projectionMatrices[0].M33 - 1));
            float farRight  = nearRight * (-projectionMatrices[1].M33 / (-projectionMatrices[1].M33 - 1));
            // Compute left and right
            var projectionLeftOfLeftEye   = nearLeft * (projectionMatrices[0].M31 - 1.0f) / projectionMatrices[0].M11;
            var projectionRightOfRightEye = nearRight * (projectionMatrices[1].M31 + 1.0f) / projectionMatrices[1].M11;
            // IPD
            float interPupillaryDistance = (viewMatrices[0].TranslationVector - viewMatrices[1].TranslationVector).Length();
            // find the center eye position according to the scheme described here:
            // http://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/1736/vr-and-frustum-culling
            // tangent of theta, where theta is FOV/2
            var tangentThetaLeftEye  = Math.Abs(projectionLeftOfLeftEye / nearLeft);
            var tangentThetaRightEye = Math.Abs(projectionRightOfRightEye / nearRight);
            var recession            = interPupillaryDistance / (tangentThetaLeftEye + tangentThetaRightEye);
            // left offset (`A` on the diagram of above link):
            var leftOffset = tangentThetaLeftEye * recession;

            // place the view position in between left and right:
            commonView.View.TranslationVector = Vector3.Lerp(viewMatrices[0].TranslationVector, viewMatrices[1].TranslationVector, leftOffset / interPupillaryDistance);
            // and move backward:
            commonView.View.M43 -= recession;

            // set clip planes to most conservative enclosing planes:
            var oldNear = commonView.NearClipPlane;

            commonView.NearClipPlane = Math.Min(nearRight, nearLeft) + recession;
            commonView.FarClipPlane  = Math.Max(farLeft, farRight) + recession;

            // Projection: Need to extend size to cover equivalent of both eyes
            var bottom = context.RenderView.NearClipPlane * (context.RenderView.Projection.M32 - 1.0f) / context.RenderView.Projection.M22;
            var top    = context.RenderView.NearClipPlane * (context.RenderView.Projection.M32 + 1.0f) / context.RenderView.Projection.M22;
            // adjust proportionally the parameters (l, r, u, b are defined at near, so we use nears ratio):
            var nearsRatio = commonView.NearClipPlane / oldNear;

            // recreation from scratch:
            Matrix.PerspectiveOffCenterRH(projectionLeftOfLeftEye * nearsRatio, projectionRightOfRightEye * nearsRatio, bottom * nearsRatio, top * nearsRatio, commonView.NearClipPlane, commonView.FarClipPlane, out commonView.Projection);

            // update the view projection:
            Matrix.Multiply(ref commonView.View, ref commonView.Projection, out commonView.ViewProjection);
Example #15
        internal unsafe void ConvertIntoMatrix(Source source)

            Matrix *pter = (Matrix *)source.ArrayPointer;

            for (int i = 0; i < source.Accesor.Count; i++, pter++)
                *pter = ConvertMatrix(*pter);

Example #16
            protected override void Copy(Matrix4x4[] destination, int destinationIndex, int length, int stride)
                fixed(Matrix4x4 *destinationPtr = destination)
                    Matrix4x4 *dst = destinationPtr + destinationIndex;
                    Matrix *   src = FPData + Position;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        *(dst++) = (*src).ToMatrix4x4();
                        src     += stride;
Example #17
            protected override void Copy(Matrix4x4[] source, int sourceIndex, int length, int stride)
                fixed(Matrix4x4 *sourcePtr = source)
                    Matrix4x4 *src = sourcePtr + sourceIndex;
                    Matrix *   dst = FPDst + Position;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        *dst = (*(src++)).ToSlimDXMatrix();
                        dst += stride;
Example #18
            protected override void Copy(Matrix[] source, int sourceIndex, int length, int stride)
                fixed(Matrix *sourcePtr = source)
                    Matrix *src = sourcePtr + sourceIndex;
                    Matrix *dst = FPDst + Position;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        TransposeCopy(src, dst);
                        dst += stride;
Example #19
            protected override void Copy(Matrix[] destination, int destinationIndex, int length, int stride)
                fixed(Matrix *destinationPtr = destination)
                    Matrix *dst = destinationPtr + destinationIndex;
                    Matrix *src = FPData + Position;

                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        TransposeCopy(src, dst);
                        src += stride;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the bounds of this model in world space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">The world.</param>
        /// <returns>BoundingSphere.</returns>
        public unsafe BoundingSphere CalculateBounds(Matrix world)
            int     count     = Meshes.Count;
            int     boneCount = Bones.Count;
            Matrix *localSharedDrawBoneMatrices = stackalloc Matrix[boneCount]; // TODO use a global cache as BoneCount could generate a StackOverflow

            CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(new IntPtr(localSharedDrawBoneMatrices));
            var defaultSphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var    mesh  = Meshes[i];
                int    index = mesh.ParentBone.Index;
                Matrix result;
                Matrix.Multiply(ref localSharedDrawBoneMatrices[index], ref world, out result);

                var meshSphere = mesh.BoundingSphere;
                Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref meshSphere.Center, ref result, out meshSphere.Center);

                BoundingSphere.Merge(ref defaultSphere, ref meshSphere, out defaultSphere);
Example #21
        internal unsafe static Rect GetBoundsHelper(
            Pen pen,
            Matrix *pWorldMatrix,
            Point *pPoints,
            byte *pTypes,
            uint pointCount,
            uint segmentCount,
            Matrix *pGeometryMatrix,
            double tolerance,
            ToleranceType type,
            bool fSkipHollows)
            MIL_PEN_DATA penData;

            double[] dashArray = null;

            // If the pen contributes to the bounds, populate the CMD struct
            bool fPenContributesToBounds = Pen.ContributesToBounds(pen);

            if (fPenContributesToBounds)
                pen.GetBasicPenData(&penData, out dashArray);

            MilMatrix3x2D geometryMatrix;

            if (pGeometryMatrix != null)
                geometryMatrix = CompositionResourceManager.MatrixToMilMatrix3x2D(ref (*pGeometryMatrix));

            Debug.Assert(pWorldMatrix != null);
            MilMatrix3x2D worldMatrix =
                CompositionResourceManager.MatrixToMilMatrix3x2D(ref (*pWorldMatrix));

            Rect bounds;

            fixed(double *pDashArray = dashArray)
                int hr = MilCoreApi.MilUtility_PolygonBounds(
                    (fPenContributesToBounds) ? &penData : null,
                    (dashArray == null) ? null : pDashArray,
                    (pGeometryMatrix == null) ? null : &geometryMatrix,
                    type == ToleranceType.Relative,

                if (hr == (int)MILErrors.WGXERR_BADNUMBER)
                    // When we encounter NaNs in the renderer, we absorb the error and draw
                    // nothing. To be consistent, we report that the geometry has empty bounds.
                    bounds = Rect.Empty;

Example #22
 public Matrix4x4OutWriter(Matrix4x4OutStream stream, Matrix *pDst)
     : base(stream)
     FPDst = pDst;
Example #23
        private unsafe void CalculateCacheCell(MyHeightmapFace map, Cache.Cell *cell, bool compouteBounds = false)
            ushort *numPtr2;

            ushort[] pinned numArray;
            int    x          = cell.Coord.X;
            int    y          = cell.Coord.Y;
            float *values     = &s_Cz.M11;
            int    linearOfft = (map.GetRowStart(y - 1) + x) - 1;

            if (((numArray = map.Data) == null) || (numArray.Length == 0))
                numPtr2 = null;
                numPtr2 = numArray;
            map.Get4Row(linearOfft, values, numPtr2);
            linearOfft += map.RowStride;
            map.Get4Row(linearOfft, values + (4 * 4), numPtr2);
            linearOfft += map.RowStride;
            map.Get4Row(linearOfft, values + (8 * 4), numPtr2);
            linearOfft += map.RowStride;
            map.Get4Row(linearOfft, values + (12 * 4), numPtr2);
            Matrix.Multiply(ref CR, ref s_Cz, out cell.Gz);
            Matrix.Multiply(ref cell.Gz, ref CRT, out cell.Gz);
            if (!compouteBounds)
                cell.Max = 1f;
                cell.Min = 0f;
                Matrix matrix;
                float  positiveInfinity = float.PositiveInfinity;
                float  negativeInfinity = float.NegativeInfinity;
                Matrix.Multiply(ref BInv, ref cell.Gz, out matrix);
                Matrix *matrixPtr1 = (Matrix *)ref matrix;
                Matrix.Multiply(ref (Matrix) ref matrixPtr1, ref BInvT, out matrix);
                float *numPtr3 = &matrix.M11;
                int    num6    = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (num6 >= 0x10)
                        cell.Max = negativeInfinity;
                        cell.Min = positiveInfinity;
                    if (negativeInfinity < numPtr3[num6 * 4])
                        negativeInfinity = numPtr3[num6 * 4];
                    if (positiveInfinity > numPtr3[num6 * 4])
                        positiveInfinity = numPtr3[num6 * 4];
            numArray = null;
            fixed(float *numRef = null)
Example #24
        static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(GeometryEntry geo, SkinEntry skin, SceneEntry scene, InfluenceManager infManager, ref string Error)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(geo);

            MDL0BoneNode[] boneList;
            MDL0BoneNode   bone = null;
            int            boneCount;

            string[]       jointStrings = null;
            byte *         pCmd = stackalloc byte[4];
            int            cmdCount = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float          weight = 0;
            float *        pWeights = null;
            Vector3 *      pVert = null, pNorms = null;
            ushort *       pVInd    = (ushort *)manager._indices.Address;
            List <Vertex3> vertList = new List <Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix *       pMatrix  = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap  = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort *     pRemap = (ushort *)remap.Address;

            pNorms = (Vector3 *)manager._faceData[1].Address;
            //List<int> FixedIndices = new List<int>();

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3 *)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStrings = src._arrayData as string[];
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            Error = "There was a problem creating the list of bones for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStrings.Length;
            boneList  = new MDL0BoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                boneList[i] = scene.FindNode(jointStrings[i])._node as MDL0BoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                case SemanticType.JOINT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                    //Get weight source
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pWeights = (float *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            Error = "There was a problem creating vertex influences for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int       iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf    = new Influence(iCount);
                fixed(int *p = skin._weights[i])
                    int *iPtr = p;

                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];
                        //if (bone != null)
                        //    if (bone.Name == "TopN" || bone.Name == "XRotN" || bone.Name == "YRotN" || bone.Name == "TransN" || bone.Name == "ThrowN" || bone.Name == "FacePattern")
                        //        Console.WriteLine(bone.Name);
                        //    else if (bone.Parent != null)
                        //        if (bone.Parent.Name == "FacePattern")
                        //            Console.WriteLine(bone.Name);
                        inf._weights[x] = new BoneWeight(bone, weight);


                Error = "There was a problem creating a vertex from the geometry entry " + geo._name + ".\nMake sure that all the vertices are weighted properly.";

                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf._weights.Length > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.AddOrCreate(inf);
                    v   = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf); //World position
                    bone = inf._weights[0].Bone;
                    v    = new Vertex3(bone._inverseBindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], bone); //Local position

                ////Create Vertex, set to world position.
                //v = new Vertex3(skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i], inf);
                ////Fix single-bind vertices
                //v.Position = inf._weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix * v.Position;

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index]))
                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            Error = "There was a problem fixing normal rotations for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Remap vertex indices and fix normals
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *       pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];
                Vertex3 v     = null;
                if (*pVInd < vertList.Count)
                    v = vertList[*pVInd];
                if (v != null && v._influence != null)
                    if (v._influence.Weights.Length > 1)
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];
                        pNorms[i] = skin._bindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * v._influence.Weights[0].Bone._inverseBindMatrix.GetRotationMatrix() * pNorms[i];


Example #25
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            this.shaderupdated = false;
            this.spmax         = this.CalculateSpreadMax();

            if (FShaderCode.IsChanged || FFileName.IsChanged || FInDefines.IsChanged)
                List <ShaderMacro> sms = new List <ShaderMacro>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.FInDefines.SliceCount; i++)
                        string[] s = this.FInDefines[i].Split("=".ToCharArray());

                        if (s.Length == 2)
                            ShaderMacro sm = new ShaderMacro();
                            sm.Name  = s[0];
                            sm.Value = s[1];

                DX11ShaderInclude FIncludeHandler = new DX11ShaderInclude();
                FIncludeHandler.ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FFileName[0]);
                FShader = DX11Effect.FromString(FShaderCode[0], FIncludeHandler, sms.ToArray());
                if (init && !ShaderCreatedByConfig)
                    this.SetShader(FShader, true);
                    init = false;
                    this.SetShader(FShader, false);

                // Write Shadercode & Defines into config -> needed to restore dynamic pins
                if (HasDynamicPins(FShader))
                    configWritten = true;
                    if (FConfigShader[0] != FShaderCode[0])
                        FConfigShader[0]  = FShaderCode[0];
                        FConfigDefines[0] = "";

                        for (int i = 0; i < FInDefines.SliceCount; i++)
                            if (i != 0)
                                FConfigDefines[0] += ",";
                            FConfigDefines[0] += this.FInDefines[i];
                    if (FConfigShader[0] != "")
                        FConfigShader[0]  = "";
                        FConfigDefines[0] = "";

            if (FShader.TechniqueNames != null && this.FInTechnique.IsChanged && FInTechnique.SliceCount > 0)
                this.techniqueindex   = Array.IndexOf(FShader.TechniqueNames, FInTechnique[0].Name);
                this.techniquechanged = true;

            float *src;

            //Cache world pointer
            this.FInWorld.GetMatrixPointer(out this.mworldcount, out src);
            this.mworld = (Matrix *)src;

            this.FOutLayer.SliceCount = 1;
            if (this.FOutLayer[0] == null)
                this.FOutLayer[0] = new DX11Resource <DX11Layer>();

            if (this.FInvalidate)
                if (this.FShader.IsCompiled)
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = true;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length;

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length; i++)
                        this.FOutTechniqueValid[i] = this.FShader.TechniqueValids[i];
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = false;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = 0;
                this.FInvalidate = false;
            if (this.FOutQueryable[0] == null)
                this.FOutQueryable[0] = this;
Example #26
 public unsafe static void Transpose(Matrix* m, Matrix* transposed)
     Transpose((M*)m, (M*)transposed);
Example #27
        private static PrimitiveManager DecodePrimitivesWeighted(
            Matrix bindMatrix,
            GeometryEntry geo,
            SkinEntry skin,
            SceneEntry scene,
            InfluenceManager infManager,
            Type boneType)
            PrimitiveManager manager = DecodePrimitives(geo);

            IBoneNode[] boneList;
            IBoneNode   bone = null;
            int         boneCount;

            string[] jointStringArray = null;
            string   jointString      = null;

            byte *         pCmd = stackalloc byte[4];
            int            cmdCount = skin._weightInputs.Count;
            float          weight = 0;
            float *        pWeights = null;
            Vector3 *      pVert = null, pNorms = null;
            ushort *       pVInd    = (ushort *)manager._indices.Address;
            List <Vertex3> vertList = new List <Vertex3>(skin._weightCount);
            Matrix *       pMatrix  = null;

            UnsafeBuffer remap  = new UnsafeBuffer(skin._weightCount * 2);
            ushort *     pRemap = (ushort *)remap.Address;

            if (manager._faceData[1] != null)
                pNorms = (Vector3 *)manager._faceData[1].Address;

            manager._vertices = vertList;

            //Find vertex source
            foreach (SourceEntry s in geo._sources)
                if (s._id == geo._verticesInput._source)
                    pVert = (Vector3 *)((UnsafeBuffer)s._arrayData).Address;

            //Find joint source
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._jointInputs)
                if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.JOINT)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            jointStringArray = src._arrayData as string[];
                            jointString      = src._arrayDataString;
                else if (inp._semantic == SemanticType.INV_BIND_MATRIX)
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pMatrix = (Matrix *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;

            Error = "There was a problem creating the list of bones for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Populate bone list
            boneCount = jointStringArray.Length;
            boneList  = new IBoneNode[boneCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCount; i++)
                NodeEntry entry = scene.FindNode(jointStringArray[i]);
                if (entry != null && entry._node != null)
                    boneList[i] = entry._node as IBoneNode;
                    //Search in reverse!
                    foreach (NodeEntry node in scene._nodes)
                        if ((entry = RecursiveTestNode(jointString, node)) != null)
                            if (entry._node != null)
                                boneList[i] = entry._node as IBoneNode;


                    //Couldn't find the bone
                    if (boneList[i] == null)
                        boneList[i] = Activator.CreateInstance(boneType) as IBoneNode;

            //Build command list
            foreach (InputEntry inp in skin._weightInputs)
                switch (inp._semantic)
                case SemanticType.JOINT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 1;

                case SemanticType.WEIGHT:
                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 2;

                    //Get weight source
                    foreach (SourceEntry src in skin._sources)
                        if (src._id == inp._source)
                            pWeights = (float *)((UnsafeBuffer)src._arrayData).Address;


                    pCmd[inp._offset] = 0;

            Error = "There was a problem creating vertex influences for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Build vertex list and remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < skin._weightCount; i++)
                //Create influence
                int       iCount = skin._weights[i].Length / cmdCount;
                Influence inf    = new Influence();
                fixed(int *p = skin._weights[i])
                    int *iPtr = p;

                    for (int x = 0; x < iCount; x++)
                        for (int z = 0; z < cmdCount; z++, iPtr++)
                            if (pCmd[z] == 1)
                                bone = boneList[*iPtr];
                            else if (pCmd[z] == 2)
                                weight = pWeights[*iPtr];

                        inf.AddWeight(new BoneWeight(bone, weight));


                Error = "There was a problem creating a vertex from the geometry entry " + geo._name +
                        ".\nMake sure that all the vertices are weighted properly.";

                Vector3 worldPos = bindMatrix * skin._bindMatrix * pVert[i];
                Vertex3 v;
                if (inf.Weights.Count > 1)
                    //Match with manager
                    inf = infManager.FindOrCreate(inf);
                    v   = new Vertex3(worldPos, inf); //World position
                    bone = inf.Weights[0].Bone;
                    v    = new Vertex3(bone.InverseBindMatrix * worldPos, bone); //Local position

                ushort index = 0;
                while (index < vertList.Count)
                    if (v.Equals(vertList[index]))


                if (index == vertList.Count)

                pRemap[i] = index;

            Error = "There was a problem fixing normal rotations for geometry entry " + geo._name;

            //Remap vertex indices and fix normals
            for (int i = 0; i < manager._pointCount; i++, pVInd++)
                *pVInd = pRemap[*pVInd];

                if (pNorms != null)
                    Vertex3 v = null;
                    if (*pVInd < vertList.Count)
                        v = vertList[*pVInd];

                    if (v != null && v.MatrixNode != null)
                        if (v.MatrixNode.Weights.Count > 1)
                            pNorms[i] =
                                (bindMatrix *
                                 skin._bindMatrix).GetRotationMatrix() *
                            pNorms[i] =
                                (v.MatrixNode.Weights[0].Bone.InverseBindMatrix *
                                 bindMatrix *
                                 skin._bindMatrix).GetRotationMatrix() *

Example #28
 public Matrix4x4InStreamReader(Matrix4x4InStream stream, Matrix *pData)
     : base(stream)
     FPData = pData;
Example #29
        protected override unsafe void CollectCore(RenderContext context)
            var camera = context.GetCurrentCamera();

            if (context.RenderView == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(context.RenderView) + " is null. Please make sure you have your camera correctly set.");

            // Setup pixel formats for RenderStage
            using (context.SaveRenderOutputAndRestore())
                // Mark this view as requiring shadows

                context.RenderOutput = new RenderOutputDescription(PostEffects != null ? PixelFormat.R16G16B16A16_Float : context.RenderOutput.RenderTargetFormat0, DepthBufferFormat, MSAALevel);


                if (VRSettings.Enabled && VRSettings.VRDevice != null)
                    Vector3 cameraPos, cameraScale;
                    Matrix  cameraRot;

                    if (!vrSystem.PreviousUseCustomViewMatrix)
                        camera.Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.Decompose(out cameraScale, out cameraRot, out cameraPos);
                        camera.ViewMatrix.Decompose(out cameraScale, out cameraRot, out cameraPos);
                        Vector3.Negate(ref cameraPos, out cameraPos);
                        Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref cameraPos, ref cameraRot, out cameraPos);

                    if (VRSettings.IgnoreCameraRotation)
                        cameraRot = Matrix.Identity;

                    // Compute both view and projection matrices
                    Matrix *viewMatrices       = stackalloc Matrix[2];
                    Matrix *projectionMatrices = stackalloc Matrix[2];
                    for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                        VRSettings.VRDevice.ReadEyeParameters(i == 0 ? Eyes.Left : Eyes.Right, camera.NearClipPlane, camera.FarClipPlane, ref cameraPos, ref cameraRot, out viewMatrices[i], out projectionMatrices[i]);

                    // if the VRDevice disagreed with the near and far plane, we must re-discover them and follow:
                    var near = projectionMatrices[0].M43 / projectionMatrices[0].M33;
                    var far  = near * (-projectionMatrices[0].M33 / (-projectionMatrices[0].M33 - 1));
                    if (Math.Abs(near - camera.NearClipPlane) > 1e-8f)
                        camera.NearClipPlane = near;
                    if (Math.Abs(near - camera.FarClipPlane) > 1e-8f)
                        camera.FarClipPlane = far;

                    // Compute a view matrix and projection matrix that cover both eyes for shadow map and culling
                    ComputeCommonViewMatrices(context, viewMatrices, projectionMatrices);
                    var commonView = context.RenderView;

                    // Notify lighting system this view only purpose is for shared lighting, it is not being drawn directly.
                    commonView.Flags |= RenderViewFlags.NotDrawn;

                    // Collect now, and use result for both eyes

                    for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        using (context.PushRenderViewAndRestore(VRSettings.RenderViews[i]))
                            using (context.SaveViewportAndRestore())
                                context.RenderView.SceneInstance = commonView.SceneInstance;
                                context.RenderView.LightingView  = commonView;
                                context.ViewportState.Viewport0  = new Viewport(0, 0, VRSettings.VRDevice.ActualRenderFrameSize.Width / 2.0f, VRSettings.VRDevice.ActualRenderFrameSize.Height);

                                //change camera params for eye
                                camera.ViewMatrix                = viewMatrices[i];
                                camera.ProjectionMatrix          = projectionMatrices[i];
                                camera.UseCustomProjectionMatrix = true;
                                camera.UseCustomViewMatrix       = true;

                                //write params to view
                                SceneCameraRenderer.UpdateCameraToRenderView(context, context.RenderView, camera);

                                // Copy culling results
                                context.VisibilityGroup.Copy(commonView, context.RenderView);




                    if (VRSettings.VRDevice.SupportsOverlays)
                        foreach (var overlay in VRSettings.Overlays)
                            if (overlay != null && overlay.Texture != null)
                                overlay.Overlay.Position           = overlay.LocalPosition;
                                overlay.Overlay.Rotation           = overlay.LocalRotation;
                                overlay.Overlay.SurfaceSize        = overlay.SurfaceSize;
                                overlay.Overlay.FollowHeadRotation = overlay.FollowsHeadRotation;
                    //write params to view
                    SceneCameraRenderer.UpdateCameraToRenderView(context, context.RenderView, camera);




                // Set depth format for shadow map render stages
                // TODO: This format should be acquired from the ShadowMapRenderer instead of being fixed here
                foreach (var shadowMapRenderStage in ShadowMapRenderStages)
                    shadowMapRenderStage.Output = new RenderOutputDescription(PixelFormat.None, PixelFormat.D32_Float);

Example #30
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            if (this.shaderupdated)
                this.FOutShader[0] = new DX11Resource<DX11Shader>();
            this.shaderupdated = false;

            this.spmax = this.CalculateSpreadMax();

            if (this.FInTechnique.IsChanged)
                this.techniqueindex = this.FInTechnique[0].Index;
                this.techniquechanged = true;

            float* src;

            //Cache world pointer
            this.FInWorld.GetMatrixPointer(out this.mworldcount, out src);
            this.mworld = (Matrix*)src;

            this.FOutLayer.SliceCount = 1;
            if (this.FOutLayer[0] == null)
                this.FOutLayer[0] = new DX11Resource<DX11Layer>();
                this.FOutShader[0] = new DX11Resource<DX11Shader>();

            if (this.FInvalidate)
                if (this.FShader.IsCompiled)
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = true;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length;

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length; i++)
                        this.FOutTechniqueValid[i] = this.FShader.TechniqueValids[i];
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = false;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = 0;
                this.FInvalidate = false;
Example #31
 public RowView(Matrix *p) => _p = (float *)p;