Example #1
 public ETan(string filename)
     z             = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "etan_z").Column(0);
     rms           = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(filename, "etan_rms").Column(0);
     this.filename = filename;
     name          = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename);
Example #2
        public void CalculateGraphTest()
            var testData   = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("data.mat")["Data"];
            var testResult = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("testResult.mat")["SecPathKJ"];

            Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm();

            Vector <double> result = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(512, 0);

            //for (int i = 0; i < testData.RowCount; i = i + 512)
            for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                //var chanData = testData.Column(j, i, 512);
                //var outData = testData.Column(16, i, 512);

                var chanData = testData.Column(j);
                var outData  = testData.Column(16);

                result = algorithm.Nlms(outData, chanData, 512, 0.1);

            for (int i = 0; i < testResult.RowCount; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(testResult[i, 0] - result[i]) > 1e-10)
Example #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const string dataset  = "nips12raw_str602";
            string       filename = Path.Combine(DataPath, dataset + ".mat");

            var dataList = MatlabReader.List(filename);

            var counts = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "counts");
            var wc     = MatlabReader.Read <double>(filename, "wc");

            // var lda = new LDA(wc.RowCount, 20);
            const int batches = 100;
            var       lda     = new LDAShared(batches, wc.RowCount, 20);

            var wordsInDoc = counts.EnumerateColumns()
                             .Select(row => row.EnumerateIndexed().ToDictionary(ia => ia.Item1, ia => (int)ia.Item2))

            Dirichlet[] postTheta;
            Dirichlet[] postPhi;
            lda.Infer(wordsInDoc, 1.0, 1.0, out postTheta, out postPhi);

            var ldaPredict  = new LDAPredictionModel(wc.RowCount, 20);
            var predictions = ldaPredict.Predict(postTheta, postPhi);

            foreach (var prediction in predictions)
Example #4
        public static void TestReadingMat()
            // test reading a .mat file
//			string path = "/nfs/nhome/live/wittawat/SHARE/gatsby/research/code/saved/test_mat.mat";
            string path = "../../Saved/test_mat1.mat";
            Dictionary <string, Object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(path);

            // a struct is read as a Dictionary<string, Object>
            Console.WriteLine("s: {0}", dict["s"]);
            Dictionary <string, Object> s = (Dictionary <string, Object>)dict["s"];
            Object aobj = s["a"];

            Console.WriteLine("s.a: {0}", aobj);
            Console.WriteLine("s.st: {0}", s["st"]);
            // cell array (1d) is read as Object[,] (2d)
            Object[,] cobj = (Object[, ])s["c"];
            Console.WriteLine("s.c: {0}", cobj[0, 1]);
            // a numerical array is read as MicrosoftResearch.Infer.Maths.Matrix
            Object lobj = s["l"];

            Console.WriteLine("s.l: {0}", lobj.GetType());

            // mat file cannot contain Matlab objects. Otherwise, an exception
            // is thrown.
Example #5
        public ActionResult Index()
            var t        = _dbContext.BasicInformations.First();
            var CalCount = MatlabReader.Read <double>(t.PathToData, "Vk_record").Column(0);

            return(Ok(CalCount.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 50 == 0)));
        public void SolidPoint3D()
            var projcoord = MatlabReader.Read <double>("..\\..\\..\\MGroup.IGA.Tests\\InputFiles\\SolidPointProjectiveCP.mat", "projcoord");

            var projectiveCPCoordinates = new double[735, 4];
            var counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCPKsi3D + 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCPHeta3D + 1; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < numberofCPZeta3D + 1; k++)
                        var index = k * (numberOfCPHeta3D + 1) * (numberOfCPKsi3D + 1) + j * (numberOfCPKsi3D + 1) + i;
                        projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 0] = projcoord.At(index, 0);
                        projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 1] = projcoord.At(index, 1);
                        projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 2] = projcoord.At(index, 2);
                        projectiveCPCoordinates[counter, 3] = projcoord.At(index, 3);

            var point = ParaviewNurbs3D.SolidPoint3D(numberOfCPKsi3D, degreeKsi3D, knotValueVectorKsi3D,
                                                     numberOfCPHeta3D, degreeHeta3D, knotValueVectorHeta3D, numberofCPZeta3D, degreeZeta3D,
                                                     knotValueVectorZeta3D, projectiveCPCoordinates, coordinateKsi3D, coordinateHeta3D, coordinateZeta3D);

            var expectedPoint = new double[] { 0.75, 0, 0, 1 };

            for (int i = 0; i < point.Length; i++)
                Utilities.AreValuesEqual(expectedPoint[i], point[i], 1e-14);
Example #7
        private void BrowseRefButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (Directory.Exists(@"C: \Users\ConraN01\Documents\"))
                ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files";
            ofd.Filter = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            try {
                Bkgz        = MatlabReader.Read <double>(ofd.FileName, "z").Column(0);
                BkgSr       = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(ofd.FileName, "Sr").Column(0);
                BkgFilename = ofd.FileName;
                BackgroundTFFilenameLabel.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Bkgz  = null;
                BkgSr = null;
                BackgroundTFFilenameLabel.Text = "...";
                BkgFilename = null;
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "TF Reading Error");
Example #8
        private void BrowseTransferFunctionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files";
            ofd.Filter           = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            ofd.Title            = "Select TF files...";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            if (ofd.FileNames.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "No files selected", "TF Reading Error");
            try {
                var f          = ofd.FileName;
                var shortfname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f);
                var mz         = MatlabReader.Read <double>(f, "z");
                var msr        = MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(f, "Sr");
                // Take either first row or column....
                if (mz.ColumnCount == 1 && mz.RowCount > 1)
                    TFz = mz.Column(0);
                else if (mz.RowCount == 1 && mz.ColumnCount > 1)
                    TFz = mz.Row(0);
                    throw new FormatException("Input matrix must be 1xN or Nx1, with N>=2");
                if (msr.ColumnCount == 1 && msr.RowCount > 1)
                    TFSr = msr.Column(0);
                else if (mz.RowCount == 1 && msr.ColumnCount > 1)
                    TFSr = msr.Row(0);
                    throw new FormatException("Input matrix must be 1xN or Nx1, with N>=2");
                if (TFz.Count != TFSr.Count)
                    throw new FormatException("Input matrices must be of equal dimensions");

                TransferFunctionFilenameLabel.Text = shortfname;
                TFFileFullPath       = ofd.FileName;
                ViewTFButton.Enabled = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show(this, "TF File could not be opened!\n\n" + ex.Message,
                                "Error loading TF file",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #9
        private void CompareTFButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog           ofd    = new OpenFileDialog();
            List <Vector <double> >  ZList  = new List <Vector <double> >();
            List <Vector <Complex> > SrList = new List <Vector <Complex> >();

            ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Users\ConraN01\Documents\Spyder_WS\MRI_RF_TF_Tool_Project\Test Files for Python Utility\Neuro Orion MRI RF Heating TF Files";
            ofd.Multiselect      = true;
            ofd.Filter           = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            if (ofd.FileNames.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "No files selected", "TF Reading Error");

                foreach (string f in ofd.FileNames)
                    ZList.Add(MatlabReader.Read <double>(f, "z").Column(0));
                    SrList.Add(MatlabReader.Read <Complex>(f, "Sr").Column(0));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "TF Reading Error");
            TFComparisonForm tfcf = new TFComparisonForm(ofd.FileNames, ZList, SrList);

Example #10
        public ActionResult Create([FromBody] ddd collection)
            var dateTimes = collection.selectedOptiont.Select(s =>
                if (DateTime.TryParse(s, out DateTime dt))
                    // 这种时间应该是不会有对应的记录的
            var t = _dbContext.BasicInformations
                    .Where(s => dateTimes.Any(t => s.DateTime == t));
            List <IEnumerable <double> > data = new(t.Count());

            foreach (var item in t)
                // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/267033/getting-odd-even-part-of-a-sequence-with-linq
                data.Add(MatlabReader.Read <double>(item.PathToData, collection.dataItem).Column(0)
                         .ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 50 == 0));
            //t.Select(s => );
            //var CalCount = MatlabReader.Read<double>(t.First().PathToData, "Vk_record").Column(0);
            var dates = _dbContext.BasicInformations.Take(3).Select(s => s.DateTime);

            return(Ok(new { collection, data, dates }));

            //return Ok(collection);
Example #11
        public void CanReadFirstMatrix()
            var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./data/Matlab/A.mat");

            Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.GetType());
            AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.108979553704, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 5);
Example #12
        public void CanReadFloatNamedSparseMatrix()
            var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <float>("./data/Matlab/sparse-small.mat", "S");

            Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.SparseMatrix), matrix.GetType());
            AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(17.6385090630805f, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 6);
Example #13
        public void CanReadNamedMatrices()
            var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("./data/Matlab/collection.mat", "Ad", "Au64");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, matrices.Count);
            foreach (var matrix in matrices)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.Value.GetType());
Example #14
        public void CanReadFloatAllMatrices()
            var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <float>("./data/Matlab/collection.mat");

            Assert.AreEqual(30, matrices.Count);
            foreach (var matrix in matrices)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix), matrix.Value.GetType());
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Lee una matriz con  una matriz de entrada  de filas como  numero de muestras y columnas como cararateristicas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Ruta al archivo .mat</param>
        /// <param name="InputKey"> nombre de la matriz de caracteristicas en matlab</param>
        /// <param name="TargetKey">nombre de la matriz (n x 1) de targets en Matlab</param>
        /// <returns>entrega una lista con los registros de eentradas y objetivo</returns>
        public static List <NetEvaluation.InputAndTarget> ReadDataMatlabMatrix(string path, string InputKey, string TargetKey)
            Dictionary <string, Matrix <float> > ms   = MatlabReader.ReadAll <float>(path);
            List <NetEvaluation.InputAndTarget>  list = new List <NetEvaluation.InputAndTarget>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ms.Values.First().RowCount; i++)
                list.Add(new NetEvaluation.InputAndTarget(ms[InputKey].Row(i).ToArray(), ms[TargetKey].At(i, 0)));
 public void CanReadFloatNamedSparseMatrix()
     using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.sparse-small.mat"))
         var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <float>(stream, "S");
         Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount);
         Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount);
         Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.SparseMatrix), matrix.GetType());
         AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(17.6385090630805f, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 6);
Example #17
 public Disturbance()
     IsWindEnabled = Configuration.IsWindEnabled;
     if (IsWindEnabled)
         CalCount       = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "cal_count").Column(0);
         WindModelState = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind_model_state");
         Wind           = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind").Column(0);
         WindLateral    = MatlabReader.Read <double>("./WindModel.mat", "wind_lat").Column(0);
 public void CanReadFirstMatrix()
     using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.A.mat"))
         var matrix = MatlabReader.Read <double>(stream);
         Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.RowCount);
         Assert.AreEqual(100, matrix.ColumnCount);
         Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.GetType());
         AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.108979553704, matrix.FrobeniusNorm(), 5);
Example #19
        internal void ProbabilisticIndexMap()
            //TODO: change the path for cross platform using
            double[,] dataIn  = MatlabReader.ReadMatrix(new double[10, 6400 * 3], @"c:\temp\pim\chand.txt", ' ');
            Vector[,] pixData = new Vector[10, 6400];
            for (int i = 0; i < pixData.GetLength(0); i++)
                int ct = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pixData.GetLength(1); j++)
                    pixData[i, j] = Vector.FromArray(dataIn[i, ct++], dataIn[i, ct++], dataIn[i, ct++]);
            Range images = new Range(pixData.GetLength(0));
            Range pixels = new Range(pixData.GetLength(1));
            VariableArray2D <Vector> pixelData = Variable.Constant(pixData, images, pixels);

            // For each image we have a palette of L multivariate Gaussians
            Range L = new Range(2);
            VariableArray2D <Vector> means = Variable.Array <Vector>(images, L).Named("means");

            means[images, L] = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(
                Vector.FromArray(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(3)).ForEach(images, L);
            VariableArray2D <PositiveDefiniteMatrix> precs = Variable.Array <PositiveDefiniteMatrix>(images, L).Named("precs");

            precs[images, L] = Variable.WishartFromShapeAndScale(1.0, PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(3)).ForEach(images, L);

            // Across all pixels we have a
            VariableArray <Vector> pi = Variable.Array <Vector>(pixels);

            pi[pixels] = Variable.Dirichlet(L, new double[] { 1.1, 1.0 }).ForEach(pixels);
            // For each pixel of each image we have a discrete indicator
            VariableArray2D <int> ind = Variable.Array <int>(images, pixels).Named("ind");

            ind[images, pixels] = Variable.Discrete(pi[pixels]).ForEach(images);

            using (Variable.ForEach(pixels))
                using (Variable.ForEach(images))
                    using (Variable.Switch(ind[images, pixels]))
                        pixelData[images, pixels] = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(means[images, ind[images, pixels]],
                                                                                                precs[images, ind[images, pixels]]);
            InferenceEngine ie = new InferenceEngine(new VariationalMessagePassing());

            ie.ShowProgress       = true;
            ie.NumberOfIterations = 5;
            Console.WriteLine("Dist over L: " + ie.Infer(pi));
Example #20
        public void CanReadNamedMatrix()
            var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("./data/Matlab/collection.mat", "Ad");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, matrices.Count);
            var ad = matrices["Ad"];

            Assert.AreEqual(100, ad.RowCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ad.ColumnCount);
            AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.431635988639, ad.FrobeniusNorm(), 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), ad.GetType());
        public void CanWriteComplexMatrices()
            var mat1 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Dense(5, 3);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat1.ColumnCount; i++)
                mat1[i, i] = new Complex(i + .1, i + .1);

            var mat2 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Dense(4, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat2.RowCount; i++)
                mat2[i, i] = new Complex(i + .1, i + .1);

            var mat3 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Sparse(5, 4);

            mat3[0, 0] = new Complex(1.1, 1.1);
            mat3[0, 2] = new Complex(2.2, 2.2);
            mat3[4, 3] = new Complex(3.3, 3.3);

            var mat4 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Sparse(3, 5);

            mat4[0, 0] = new Complex(1.1, 1.1);
            mat4[0, 2] = new Complex(2.2, 2.2);
            mat4[2, 4] = new Complex(3.3, 3.3);

            Matrix <Complex>[] write = { mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4 };
            string[]           names = { "mat1", "dense_matrix_2", "s1", "sparse2" };

            if (File.Exists("testz.mat"))

            MatlabWriter.Write("testz.mat", write, names);

            var read = MatlabReader.ReadAll <Complex>("testz.mat", names);

            Assert.AreEqual(write.Length, read.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < write.Length; i++)
                var w = write[i];
                var r = read[names[i]];
                Assert.AreEqual(w.RowCount, r.RowCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(w.ColumnCount, r.ColumnCount);

 public void CanReadFloatAllMatrices()
     using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.collection.mat"))
         var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <float>(stream);
         Assert.AreEqual(30, matrices.Count);
         foreach (var matrix in matrices)
             Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix), matrix.Value.GetType());
        public void CanWriteDoubleMatrices()
            Matrix <double> mat1 = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(5, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat1.ColumnCount; i++)
                mat1[i, i] = i + .1;

            Matrix <double> mat2 = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(4, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat2.RowCount; i++)
                mat2[i, i] = i + .1;

            Matrix <double> mat3 = Matrix <double> .Build.Sparse(5, 4);

            mat3[0, 0] = 1.1;
            mat3[0, 2] = 2.2;
            mat3[4, 3] = 3.3;

            Matrix <double> mat4 = Matrix <double> .Build.Sparse(3, 5);

            mat4[0, 0] = 1.1;
            mat4[0, 2] = 2.2;
            mat4[2, 4] = 3.3;

            Matrix <double>[] write = { mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4 };
            string[]          names = { "mat1", "dense_matrix_2", "s1", "sparse2" };

            if (File.Exists("testd.mat"))

            MatlabWriter.Write("testd.mat", write, names);

            var read = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("testd.mat", names);

            Assert.AreEqual(write.Length, read.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < write.Length; i++)
                var w = write[i];
                var r = read[names[i]];
                Assert.AreEqual(w.RowCount, r.RowCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(w.ColumnCount, r.ColumnCount);

Example #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!System.Console.IsOutputRedirected)

            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Principal Component Analysis ex.7_pca");

            var M = Matrix <double> .Build;
            var V = Vector <double> .Build;

            //// ================== Part 1: Load Example Dataset  ===================
            //  We start this exercise by using a small dataset that is easily to
            //  visualize

            // read all matrices of a file by name into a dictionary
            Dictionary <string, Matrix <double> > mr = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("data\\ex7data1.mat");

            // loads dataset
            System.Console.WriteLine("Loading dataset....\n");
            Matrix <double> X = mr["X"];


            //// =============== Part 2: Principal Component Analysis ===============
            //  You should now implement PCA, a dimension reduction technique. You
            //  should complete the code in pca.m

            System.Console.WriteLine("\nRunning PCA on example dataset.\n\n");

            //  Before running PCA, it is important to first normalize X
            System.Console.WriteLine("Features normalization...");
            (Matrix <double> X_norm, Matrix <double> mu, Matrix <double> sigma)norm_res;
            norm_res = FeatureNormalize(X);


            //  Run PCA
            (Matrix <double> U, Vector <double> S)pca_res;
            pca_res = pca(norm_res.X_norm);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Top eigenvector: \n");
            System.Console.WriteLine(" U(:,1) = {0:f6} {1:f6} \n", pca_res.U[0, 0], pca_res.U[1, 0]);
            System.Console.WriteLine("\n(you should expect to see -0.707107 -0.707107)\n");

Example #25
        public static void TestLoadingMatData()
            string path = Config.PathToSavedFile("data/banknote_norm.mat");
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(path);
            Matrix x = (Matrix)dict["X"];

            Matrix y = (Matrix)dict["Y"];

 public void CanReadNamedMatrices()
     using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.collection.mat"))
         var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>(stream, "Ad", "Au64");
         Assert.AreEqual(2, matrices.Count);
         foreach (var matrix in matrices)
             Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix), matrix.Value.GetType());
Example #27
        internal void LogisticIrtTest()
            Variable <int>         numStudents = Variable.New <int>().Named("numStudents");
            Range                  student     = new Range(numStudents);
            VariableArray <double> ability     = Variable.Array <double>(student).Named("ability");

            ability[student] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1e-6).ForEach(student);
            Variable <int>         numQuestions = Variable.New <int>().Named("numQuestions");
            Range                  question     = new Range(numQuestions);
            VariableArray <double> difficulty   = Variable.Array <double>(question).Named("difficulty");

            difficulty[question] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1e-6).ForEach(question);
            VariableArray <double> discrimination = Variable.Array <double>(question).Named("discrimination");

            discrimination[question] = Variable.Exp(Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1).ForEach(question));
            VariableArray2D <bool> response = Variable.Array <bool>(student, question).Named("response");

            response[student, question] = Variable.BernoulliFromLogOdds(((ability[student] - difficulty[question]).Named("minus") * discrimination[question]).Named("product"));
            bool[,] data;
            double[] discriminationTrue = new double[0];
            bool     useDummyData       = false;

            if (useDummyData)
                data = new bool[4, 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLength(1); j++)
                        data[i, j] = (i > j);
                // simulated data
                // also try IRT2PL_10_250.mat
                //TODO: change path for cross platform using
                Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(@"..\..\..\Tests\Data\IRT2PL_10_1000.mat");
                Matrix m = (Matrix)dict["Y"];
                data = ConvertToBool(m.ToArray());
                m    = (Matrix)dict["discrimination"];
                discriminationTrue = Util.ArrayInit(data.GetLength(1), i => m[i]);
            numStudents.ObservedValue  = data.GetLength(0);
            numQuestions.ObservedValue = data.GetLength(1);
            response.ObservedValue     = data;
            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();

            engine.Algorithm = new VariationalMessagePassing();
            Console.WriteLine(StringUtil.JoinColumns(engine.Infer(discrimination), " should be ", StringUtil.ToString(discriminationTrue)));
Example #28
        internal void ProbabilisticIndexMapNoGate()
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            double[,] pixData = MatlabReader.ReadMatrix(new double[10, 6400], @"c:\temp\pim\chand2.txt", ' ');
            Range images = new Range(pixData.GetLength(0));
            Range pixels = new Range(pixData.GetLength(1));
            VariableArray2D <double> pixelData = Variable.Constant(pixData, images, pixels);
            //pixelData.QuoteInMSL = false;

            // For each image we have a palette of L multivariate Gaussians
            VariableArray <double> means = Variable.Array <double>(images).Named("means");

            means[images] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0.5, 1).ForEach(images);
            VariableArray <double> precs = Variable.Array <double>(images).Named("precs");

            precs[images] = Variable.GammaFromShapeAndScale(1.0, 1.0).ForEach(images);

            // Across all pixels we have a
            VariableArray <Vector> pi = Variable.Array <Vector>(pixels).Named("pi");

            Dirichlet[] dinit = new Dirichlet[pixels.SizeAsInt];
            for (int i = 0; i < dinit.Length; i++)
                double d = Rand.Double();
                dinit[i] = new Dirichlet(1.0 + d / 10, 1.0 - d / 10);
            pi[pixels] = Variable.Dirichlet(new double[] { 1.0 }).ForEach(pixels);
            // For each pixel of each image we have a discrete indicator
            VariableArray2D <int> ind = Variable.Array <int>(images, pixels).Named("ind");

            ind[images, pixels] = Variable.Discrete(pi[pixels]).ForEach(images);

            using (Variable.ForEach(pixels))
                using (Variable.ForEach(images))
                    pixelData[images, pixels] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(means[images], //10);
                    Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(ind[images, pixels], Discrete.Uniform(1));
            InferenceEngine ie = new InferenceEngine(new VariationalMessagePassing());

            ie.ModelName          = "PIM_NoGate";
            ie.NumberOfIterations = 8;
            ie.ShowTimings        = true;
            DistributionArray <Dirichlet> piDist = ie.Infer <DistributionArray <Dirichlet> >(pi);

            //Console.WriteLine("Dist over pi: " + ie.Infer(pi));
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            WriteMatrix(piDist.ToArray(), @"C:\temp\pim\results.txt");
Example #29
        public void MatlabWriteNumericNameTest()
            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteNumericNameTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                writer.Write("24", new int[0]);
            Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName);

            int[] ints = (int[])vars["24"];
 public void CanReadFloatNamedMatrix()
     using (var stream = TestData.Data.ReadStream("Matlab.collection.mat"))
         var matrices = MatlabReader.ReadAll <float>(stream, "Ad");
         Assert.AreEqual(1, matrices.Count);
         var ad = matrices["Ad"];
         Assert.AreEqual(100, ad.RowCount);
         Assert.AreEqual(100, ad.ColumnCount);
         AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(100.431635988639f, ad.FrobeniusNorm(), 6);
         Assert.AreEqual(typeof(LinearAlgebra.Single.DenseMatrix), ad.GetType());