Example #1
    ///<summary>sets default values. For when all category values = 0</summary>
    void SetEmptyDefaultValues()
        List <float> emptyValues = MathScientific.RepeatedList(0.1f, graph.sliceLabels.Count);

        emptyDefaultValuesOn = true;
Example #2
    // returns the next tick interval if current x corresponds to both the section number at interval increase and a factor of ten.
    // else returns current interval
    int GetNewXTickInterval()
        float newXBaseInterval = (float)CurrentPointNum / (float)xSectNumAtIntervalIncrease;

        // can't be a new interval if the new base interval is not a whole number
        if (newXBaseInterval != (int)newXBaseInterval)

        // working with base interval (divided by the interval increase rate)
        int   tenMultiplier      = (int)Mathf.Pow(10, MathScientific.GetTenPow(newXBaseInterval));
        float baseIntervalAsUnit = (float)(newXBaseInterval) / (float)(tenMultiplier);

        if (baseIntervalAsUnit == 1)
            return(2 * tenMultiplier);
        if (baseIntervalAsUnit == 2)
            return(5 * tenMultiplier);
        if (baseIntervalAsUnit == 5)
            return(10 * tenMultiplier);

Example #3
    string GetListItem(float newXValue, float newYValue)
        // set significant figures, optional metric unit prefix and formatting in list x and y values
        string xListItem;

        if (xHasMetricFormat)
            xListItem = MathScientific.ToMetric(newXValue, xValueFormat, listNumSigFigs.x);
            xListItem = MathScientific.ToFormattedValue(newXValue, xValueFormat, listNumSigFigs.x);

        string yListItem;

        if (yHasMetricFormat)
            yListItem = MathScientific.ToMetric(newYValue, yValueFormat, listNumSigFigs.y);
            yListItem = MathScientific.ToFormattedValue(newYValue, yValueFormat, listNumSigFigs.y);

        return("X: " + xListItem + ",\n\t Y: " + yListItem);
 // updates using new value and saved range if new value provided and no values have been removed.
 // otherwise, has to find the range by iterating through all points, which uses more processing power.
 // returns true if range was updated, false if not.
 private bool _UpdateRangeQuery(IEnumerable <Vector2> points, Func <Vector2, float> getXOrY,
                                bool pointsRemoved = true, float?newValue = null)
     if ((!pointsRemoved) && (newValue != null))
         if (newValue < RawMin)
             _rawMin = (float)newValue;
         else if (newValue > RawMax)
             _rawMax = (float)newValue;
     else // need to completely update range if a value was removed or new value is not provided
         _rawMin = MathScientific.Min(points, getXOrY);
         _rawMax = MathScientific.Max(points, getXOrY);
Example #5
    ///<summary>sets all values to zero and sets given value. Called when first value added.</summary>
    void SetInitialValues(int index, float firstValue)
        List <float> initialValues = MathScientific.RepeatedList(0f, graph.sliceLabels.Count);

        initialValues[index] = firstValue;
        emptyDefaultValuesOn = false;
 // takes a label value, and related varaibles, and returns it formatted to fit the axis formatting
 public string FormatLabel(float value, string valueFormat, int sigFigs)
     if (unitIsMetric)
         return(MathScientific.ToMetric(value, valueFormat, BaseSigFigs + sigFigs, customThsdPow: ThsdPow));
     return(MathScientific.ToFormattedValue(value, valueFormat, BaseSigFigs + sigFigs));
    // sets closest min, max and tick number to raw values based on legal intervals
    private void _SnapRawValuesToInterval()
        float rawInterval = (RawMax - RawMin) / RawNumSects;
        float interval    = MathScientific.Best1v2v5SeriesTerm(rawInterval);

        _min      = Mathf.Floor(RawMin / interval) * interval;
        _max      = Mathf.Ceil(RawMax / interval) * interval;
        _numTicks = Mathf.RoundToInt((Max - Min) / interval + 1);
Example #8
    // finds each object in the given label container transform, and returns the one with the rect of maximum width
    private float GetMaxWidthLabel(Transform labelContainer)
        List <Transform> nodes = new List <Transform>();

        foreach (Transform node in labelContainer)
        return(MathScientific.Max(nodes, (Transform t) => t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width));
Example #9
    // custom update function for labelling any axis with metric units
    public string GetMetricAxisLabel(WMG_Axis axis, int labelIndex, string valueFormat, int sigFigs, AxisAutoFunctions autoAxisParams = null)
        // map label value to min/max
        float num = axis.AxisMinValue + labelIndex * (axis.AxisMaxValue - axis.AxisMinValue) / (axis.axisLabels.Count - 1);

        if (autoAxisParams == null)
            return(MathScientific.ToMetric(num, valueFormat, sigFigs));
        return(autoAxisParams.FormatLabel(num, valueFormat, sigFigs));
    ///<summary>adds a new data value to the list</summary>
    public void AddListDataItem(string value)
        // increase data item count by one
        // get item at bottom of list, move it to top and set value to new data value
        Transform newItemTranf = ContentPanel.transform.GetChild(ContentPanel.transform.childCount - 1);

        ListItemController itemController = newItemTranf.GetComponent <ListItemController> ();

        itemController.dataText.text = MathScientific.ToMetric((float)dataCounter) + ") " + value;
Example #11
 // formats an axis title to include the unit
 public string GetMetricAxisTitle(string axisTitle, string unit, bool unitIsMetric = false, string metricPrefix = "")
     // return title only, if no unit
     if (unit == "" || unit == " ")
     // return title and unit only if no metric
     if (!unitIsMetric)
         return(axisTitle + " (" + unit + ")");
     // if metric, return title AND unit with metric unit prefix written out in full
     return(axisTitle + " (" + MathScientific.GetFullMetricPrefix(metricPrefix) + unit + ")");
Example #12
    ///<summary>Adds a new value to the Tab, including Graph, Ticker List and dataValues.</summary>
    ///<param name = "newValue">The value to be added to the graph (displayed on y-axis)</param>
    public void AddSingleValue(float newValue)
        // set decimals in list value
        string newListItem;

        if (yHasMetricFormat)
            newListItem = MathScientific.ToMetric(newValue, valueFormat, listNumSigFigs);
            newListItem = MathScientific.ToFormattedValue(newValue, valueFormat, listNumSigFigs);
        tickerList.GetComponent <ListController> ().AddListDataItem(newListItem);
 // sets a base number of significant figures to ensure the interval is always visible.
 private void _SetBaseSigFigs()
     _baseSigFigs = MathScientific.GetTenPow((RawMax + RawMin) / (RawMax - RawMin));
 // sets the metric unit prefix of axis labels based on power of 1000 of interval.
 private void _SetMetricPrefix(float interval)
     _thsdPow      = MathScientific.GetThsdPow(interval);
     _metricPrefix = MathScientific.GetMetricUnit(_thsdPow);