Example #1
 public void Update()
     CurrentVelocity += AmortizedImpulse * Time.deltaTime;
     AmortizedImpulse = Vector3.Lerp(AmortizedImpulse, Vector3.zero,
                                     1.0f - Mathf.Pow(ImpulseFalloff, Time.deltaTime));
     MathExts.SpringDamperTo(CurrentValue, CurrentVelocity, TargetValue, Damping, Strength, Time.deltaTime, out CurrentValue, out CurrentVelocity);
Example #2
 public void Update()
     foreach (var eulerAngles in ThrottledImpulses.Update())
         AmortizedImpulse += eulerAngles;
     CurrentVelocity += AmortizedImpulse * Time.deltaTime;
     AmortizedImpulse = Vector3.Lerp(AmortizedImpulse, Vector3.zero,
                                     1.0f - Mathf.Pow(ImpulseFalloff, Time.deltaTime));
     MathExts.SpringDamperTo(CurrentValue, CurrentVelocity, TargetValue, Damping, Strength, Time.deltaTime, out CurrentValue, out CurrentVelocity);
Example #3
 private IEnumerator ServerUpdateConnectionQuality()
     for (;;)
         if (Possessor != null)
             // Amount of average time when compared to desired to be considered bad
             float bad = 0.8f;
             float q   = Relay.DesiredTimeBetweenNetworkSends / SlowAverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames;
             // Set the quality on the possessor (we're measuring it based on
             // the packets arriving for this networkView, that's why we do
             // this stuff here instead of on the PlayerPresence, which is
             // 'reliable delta compressed' type of networkview, and not as
             // useful for measurements.
             Possessor.ConnectionQuality = MathExts.Unlerp(bad, 1.0f, q);
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.4f));
Example #4
    public void Update()
        // Accumulate and update values used for measuring network performance
        // and predicting next packet time.
        TimeSinceLastNetworkFrame += Time.deltaTime;

        // For the recent worst case, we want to quickly move towards bad times,
        // and then more gently move back to the true average.
        if (LastNetworkFrameTakeTime > RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime)
            RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime = Mathf.Lerp(RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime, LastNetworkFrameTakeTime,
                                                    1f - Mathf.Pow(0.06f, Time.deltaTime));
            RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime = Mathf.Lerp(RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime, LastNetworkFrameTakeTime,
                                                    1f - Mathf.Pow(0.60f, Time.deltaTime));

        // This value will be used for actual network interpolation stuff
        AverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames = Mathf.Lerp(AverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames, LastNetworkFrameTakeTime,
                                                     1f - Mathf.Pow(0.1f, Time.deltaTime));
        // This value will be the one displayed to the users
        SlowAverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames = Mathf.Lerp(SlowAverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames, RecentWorstNetworkTakeTime,
                                                         1f - Mathf.Pow(0.5f, Time.deltaTime));

        if (Paused)

        // Update enemies targeting us and related stuff

        // Only interested in playing sound effects locally
        if (networkView.isMine)
            TimeSinceLastTargetedWarningPlayed += Time.deltaTime;
            // Play sound effect if necessary
            if (EnemiesTargetingUs.IsLockedByAnyEnemy &&
                TimeSinceLastTargetedWarningPlayed >= TimeBetweenTargetedWarningNotification)
                TimeSinceLastTargetedWarningPlayed = 0f;
                if (GlobalSoundsScript.soundEnabled)

        if (networkView.isMine)
            //TextBubbleVisible = ChatScript.Instance.showChat;

            inputVelocity =
                Input.GetAxis("Strafe") * transform.right +
                Input.GetAxis("Thrust") * transform.forward;
            if (inputVelocity.sqrMagnitude > 1)

            inputVelocity *= speed;

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && fallingVelocity.y <= 2 && !(sinceNotGrounded > 0 && jumpsSinceGrounded > 1))
                lastJumpInputTime = Time.time;

            if (!Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                activelyJumping = false;
                if (fallingVelocity.y > 2)
                    fallingVelocity.y = 2;

            if (lockMouse)
                float invertMultiplier = invertMouse ? 1 : -1;
                lookRotationEuler +=
                    MouseSensitivityScript.Sensitivity *
                    ZoomLookSensitivityMultiplier *
                    new Vector3(
                        Input.GetAxis("Vertical Look") * invertMultiplier,
                        Input.GetAxis("Horizontal Look"),

            lookRotationEuler.x = Mathf.Clamp(
                lookRotationEuler.x, -lookAngleLimit, lookAngleLimit);

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && !Relay.Instance.ShowOptions)
                lockMouse = true;
            Cursor.lockState = (lockMouse ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None);
            Cursor.visible   = !lockMouse;

             * {
             *  Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
             *  Cursor.visible = true;
             * }*/

            smoothYaw          = lookRotationEuler.y;
            smoothLookRotation = Quaternion.Euler(lookRotationEuler);
            Vector3 desired = MathExts.LerpUnclamped(PreviousNetworkPosition, NewestNetworkPosition,
                                                     TimeSinceLastNetworkFrame / Mathf.Clamp(AverageTimeBetweenNetworkFrames, 0f, 5f));
            // Might get some gross values on the first few lerps
            if (!(float.IsNaN(desired.x) || float.IsNaN(desired.y) || float.IsNaN(desired.z)))
                transform.position = desired;

            var amt = (float)Math.Pow(0.0000000001, Time.deltaTime);
            smoothLookRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(smoothLookRotation, Quaternion.Euler(lookRotationEuler), 1.0f - amt);
            smoothYaw          = smoothLookRotation.eulerAngles.y;

        // set up text bubble visibility
        if (!TextBubbleVisible)
            var o = textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color.a;
            textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, Mathf.Clamp(o - Time.deltaTime * 10, 0, 0.875f));
            if (o <= 0)
                textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
            textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true;
            var o = textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color.a;
            textBubble.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, Mathf.Clamp(o + Time.deltaTime * 10, 0, 0.875f));
        textBubble.transform.localRotation = textBubble.transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);

        // sync up actual player and camera transforms
        Vector3 euler = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        euler.y              = smoothYaw;
        transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(euler);
        cameraPivot.rotation = smoothLookRotation;

        // dash animation
        if (networkView.isMine)
            Color   color        = dashEffectRenderer.material.GetColor("_TintColor");
            Vector3 dashVelocity = new Vector3(fallingVelocity.x, activelyJumping ? 0 : Math.Max(fallingVelocity.y, 0), fallingVelocity.z);
            if (dashVelocity.magnitude > 1 / 256.0)
                color.a = dashVelocity.magnitude / dashForwardVelocity / 8;
                dashEffectPivot.LookAt(transform.position + dashVelocity.normalized);
                color.a = 0;
            dashEffectRenderer.material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);

        TimeSinceRocketJump += Time.deltaTime;

        if (!controller.enabled)
        if (Paused)
        if (networkView.isMine)

        // FIXME Hackity hack
        if (networkView.isMine)
            var indicator = Relay.Instance.MainCamera.GetComponent <WeaponIndicatorScript>();
            indicator.HealthCapacity  = HealthScript.maxHealth;
            indicator.ShieldCapacity  = HealthScript.maxShield;
            indicator.HealthAvailable = HealthScript.Health;
            indicator.ShieldAvailable = HealthScript.Shield;