public static double Gamma(double value, double absmax, double gamma) { bool flag = false; if (value < 0.0) { flag = true; } double num1 = MathD.Abs(value); if (num1 > absmax) { if (flag) { return(-num1); } else { return(num1); } } else { double num2 = MathD.Pow(num1 / absmax, gamma) * absmax; if (flag) { return(-num2); } else { return(num2); } } }
public void GetOddNumbers_OddNumbers_ReturnOdd(int odd, int[] expect) { var _math = new MathD(); var result = _math.GetOddNumbers(odd); Assert.That(result, Is.EquivalentTo(expect)); }
public void Max_AisGreaterThanB_ReturnA(int a, int b, int expect) { var _math = new MathD(); var result = _math.Max(a, b); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expect)); }
public void Add_AandB_ReturnAddition(int a, int b, int expect) { var mathD = new MathD(); var result = mathD.Add(a, b); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expect)); }
private static object Get() { if (_math != null) { return(_math); } Type t = typeof(T); object m; if (t == typeof(sbyte)) { m = new MathI8(); } else if (t == typeof(byte)) { m = new MathU8(); } else if (t == typeof(short)) { m = new MathI16(); } else if (t == typeof(ushort)) { m = new MathU16(); } else if (t == typeof(int)) { m = new MathI(); } else if (t == typeof(uint)) { m = new MathU(); } else if (t == typeof(long)) { m = new MathL(); } else if (t == typeof(ulong)) { m = new MathUL(); } else if (t == typeof(float)) { m = new MathF(); } else if (t == typeof(double)) { m = new MathD(); } else { m = null; // TODO: search open assemblies for INumTraits<T> via reflection? } return(_math = m); }
public static double DeltaAngle(double current, double target) { double num = MathD.Repeat(target - current, 360d); if (num > 180.0d) { num -= 360d; } return(num); }
public static double LerpAngle(double a, double b, double t) { double num = MathD.Repeat(b - a, 360d); if (num > 180.0d) { num -= 360d; } return(a + num * MathD.Clamp01(t)); }
public static double MoveTowards(double current, double target, double maxDelta) { if (MathD.Abs(target - current) <= maxDelta) { return(target); } else { return(current + MathD.Sign(target - current) * maxDelta); } }
protected override void InitEvents() { onDealDamage = this.NewPlayerActionEvent(() => { PlayerStats.Inst.DamageToDeal += MathD.Round(PlayerStats.Inst.DamageToDeal * (effectPercent * 0.01f)); }); onDamaged = this.NewPlayerActionEvent(() => { PlayerStats.Inst.DamageToReceive += MathD.Round(PlayerStats.Inst.DamageToReceive * (effectPercent * 0.01f)); }); }
//Maybe... // // // public double[] getZenithAndAzimuth(DateTime time, double longitude, double latitude, double timezone) { int daysInYear = 365; if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(time.Year)) { daysInYear = 366; } //radians double fractionalYear = (2 * Math.PI / daysInYear) * (time.DayOfYear - 1 + ((time.Hour - 12) / 24)); //eqptime in Minutes double eqtime = 229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001868 * Math.Cos(fractionalYear) - 0.032077 * Math.Sin(fractionalYear) - 0.014615 * Math.Cos(2 * fractionalYear) - 0.040849 * Math.Sin(2 * fractionalYear)); //decl in Radians double decl = 0.006918 - 0.399912 * Math.Cos(fractionalYear) + 0.070257 * Math.Sin(fractionalYear) - 0.006758 * Math.Cos(2 * fractionalYear) + 0.000907 * Math.Sin(2 * fractionalYear) - 0.002697 * Math.Cos(3 * fractionalYear) + 0.00148 * Math.Sin(3 * fractionalYear); double time_offset = eqtime + 4 * longitude - 60 * timezone; double tst = time.Hour * 60 + time.Minute + time.Second / 60 + time_offset; //Tst= true solar time double ha = (tst / 4) - 180; //Solar Hour Angle in degrees //Debug.Log(ha); //Solar Zenith Angle, and solar azimuth angle in radians double sza = Math.Acos(MathD.Sin(latitude) * Math.Sin(decl) + MathD.Cos(latitude) * Math.Cos(decl) * MathD.Cos(ha)); //Solar Zenith Angle in radians double saa = -(Math.Acos(-(MathD.Sin(latitude) * Math.Cos(sza) - Math.Sin(decl)) / (MathD.Cos(latitude) * Math.Sin(sza))) - Math.PI); //Solar Azimuth Angle //Wikiperdia solar azimuth angle //double saa = Math.Acos( // (Math.Sin(decl) * Math.Cos(latitude) - Math.Cos(ha) * Math.Cos(decl) * Math.Sin(latitude)) / Math.Sin(sza) // ); double[] answer = new double[2]; answer[0] = MathD.RadianToDegree(sza); answer[1] = MathD.RadianToDegree(saa); if (ha < 0 || ha > 180) { //answer[0] *= -1; answer[0] += 180; } Debug.LogFormat("Time: {0},\tZenith: {1},\tAzimuth: {2},\tHour Angle: {3}", time.ToString(), answer[0], answer[1], ha); return(answer); }
// public double[] getZenithAndAzimuth2(DateTime time, double longitude, double latitude, double timezone) { double hourAngle = -(getLocalHour(time) - 12 / 12); //Are the units correct? Degrees or radians?! double solarDeclinationAngle = -23.45 * Math.Cos(MathD.DegreeToRadian(2 * Math.PI * time.DayOfYear / 365 + 20 * Math.PI / 365)); double[] answer = new double[2]; // answer[0] = MathD.RadianToDegree(sza); //answer[1] = MathD.RadianToDegree(saa) % 360; return(answer); }
public void setSun() //Sets sun to the current postion given latitude, longitude, and time { if (Sun != null) { double[] ZenAzi = getZenithAndAzimuth(); //Debug.LogFormat("'{0}:{1}','{2}:{3}'", ZenAzi[0], MathD.HasValue(ZenAzi[0]), ZenAzi[1], MathD.HasValue(ZenAzi[1])); //Debug.Log(datetime); //Debug.LogFormat("{0}: {1}, {2}", datetime, ZenAzi[0], ZenAzi[1]); if (MathD.HasValue(ZenAzi[0]) && MathD.HasValue(ZenAzi[1])) { Sun.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3((float)ZenAzi[0], (float)ZenAzi[1], 0); } if (timeText != null) { timeText.text = datetime.ToString(); } } }
public static double SmoothDamp(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime) { smoothTime = MathD.Max(0.0001d, smoothTime); double num1 = 2d / smoothTime; double num2 = num1 * deltaTime; double num3 = (1.0d / (1.0d + num2 + 0.479999989271164d * num2 * num2 + 0.234999999403954d * num2 * num2 * num2)); double num4 = current - target; double num5 = target; double max = maxSpeed * smoothTime; double num6 = MathD.Clamp(num4, -max, max); target = current - num6; double num7 = (currentVelocity + num1 * num6) * deltaTime; currentVelocity = (currentVelocity - num1 * num7) * num3; double num8 = target + (num6 + num7) * num3; if (num5 - current > 0.0 == num8 > num5) { num8 = num5; currentVelocity = (num8 - num5) / deltaTime; } return(num8); }
// This method calculates part values such as mass, lift, drag and connection forces, as well as all intermediates. public void CalculateAerodynamicValues(bool doInteraction = true) { // Calculate intemediate values //print( + ": Calc Aero values"); b_2 = (double)tipPosition.z - (double)Root.localPosition.z + 1.0; MAC = ((double)tipScale.x + (double)rootScale.x + 2.0) * (double)modelChordLenght / 2.0; midChordSweep = (MathD.Rad2Deg * Math.Atan(((double)Root.localPosition.x - (double)tipPosition.x) / b_2)); taperRatio = ((double)tipScale.x + 1.0) / ((double)rootScale.x + 1.0); surfaceArea = MAC * b_2; aspectRatio = 2.0 * b_2 / MAC; ArSweepScale = Math.Pow(aspectRatio / MathD.Cos(MathD.Deg2Rad * midChordSweep), 2.0) + 4.0; ArSweepScale = 2.0 + Math.Sqrt(ArSweepScale); ArSweepScale = (2.0 * MathD.PI) / ArSweepScale * aspectRatio; wingMass = MathD.Clamp((double)massFudgeNumber * surfaceArea * ((ArSweepScale * 2.0) / (3.0 + ArSweepScale)) * ((1.0 + taperRatio) / 2), 0.01, double.MaxValue); Cd = (double)dragBaseValue / ArSweepScale * (double)dragMultiplier; Cl = (double)liftFudgeNumber * surfaceArea * ArSweepScale; //print("Gather Children"); GatherChildrenCl(); connectionForce = MathD.Round(MathD.Clamp(MathD.Sqrt(Cl + ChildrenCl) * (double)connectionFactor, (double)connectionMinimum, double.MaxValue)); // Values always set if (isWing) { wingCost = (float)wingMass * (1f + (float)ArSweepScale / 4f) * costDensity; wingCost = Mathf.Round(wingCost / 5f) * 5f; } else if (isCtrlSrf) { wingCost = (float)wingMass * (1f + (float)ArSweepScale / 4f) * costDensity * (1f - modelControlSurfaceFraction); wingCost += (float)wingMass * (1f + (float)ArSweepScale / 4f) * costDensityControl * modelControlSurfaceFraction; wingCost = Mathf.Round(wingCost / 5f) * 5f; } part.breakingForce = Mathf.Round((float)connectionForce); part.breakingTorque = Mathf.Round((float)connectionForce); // Stock-only values if (!FARactive) { // numbers for lift from: float stockLiftCoefficient = (float)(surfaceArea / 3.52); // CoL/P matches CoM unless otherwise specified part.CoMOffset = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(Tip.position - Root.position, part.transform.right) / 2, Vector3.Dot(Tip.position - Root.position, part.transform.up) / 2, 0); if (isWing && !isCtrlSrf) { part.Modules.GetModules <ModuleLiftingSurface>().FirstOrDefault().deflectionLiftCoeff = stockLiftCoefficient; part.mass = stockLiftCoefficient * 0.1f; } else { ModuleControlSurface mCtrlSrf = part.Modules.OfType <ModuleControlSurface>().FirstOrDefault(); if (mCtrlSrf != null) { mCtrlSrf.deflectionLiftCoeff = stockLiftCoefficient; mCtrlSrf.ctrlSurfaceArea = modelControlSurfaceFraction; part.mass = stockLiftCoefficient * (1 + modelControlSurfaceFraction) * 0.1f; } } } // FAR values // With reflection stuff from r4m0n if (FARactive) { if (part.Modules.Contains("FARControllableSurface")) { PartModule FARmodule = part.Modules["FARControllableSurface"]; Type FARtype = FARmodule.GetType(); FARtype.GetField("b_2").SetValue(FARmodule, b_2); FARtype.GetField("b_2_actual").SetValue(FARmodule, b_2); FARtype.GetField("MAC").SetValue(FARmodule, MAC); FARtype.GetField("MAC_actual").SetValue(FARmodule, MAC); FARtype.GetField("S").SetValue(FARmodule, surfaceArea); FARtype.GetField("MidChordSweep").SetValue(FARmodule, midChordSweep); FARtype.GetField("TaperRatio").SetValue(FARmodule, taperRatio); FARtype.GetField("ctrlSurfFrac").SetValue(FARmodule, modelControlSurfaceFraction); //print("Set fields"); } else if (part.Modules.Contains("FARWingAerodynamicModel")) { PartModule FARmodule = part.Modules["FARWingAerodynamicModel"]; Type FARtype = FARmodule.GetType(); FARtype.GetField("b_2").SetValue(FARmodule, b_2); FARtype.GetField("b_2_actual").SetValue(FARmodule, b_2); FARtype.GetField("MAC").SetValue(FARmodule, MAC); FARtype.GetField("MAC_actual").SetValue(FARmodule, MAC); FARtype.GetField("S").SetValue(FARmodule, surfaceArea); FARtype.GetField("MidChordSweep").SetValue(FARmodule, midChordSweep); FARtype.GetField("TaperRatio").SetValue(FARmodule, taperRatio); } if (!triggerUpdate && doInteraction) { TriggerUpdateAllWings(); } if (doInteraction) { triggerUpdate = false; } } //print("FAR Done"); // Update GUI values if (!FARactive) { guiCd = Mathf.Round((float)Cd * 100f) / 100f; guiCl = Mathf.Round((float)Cl * 100f) / 100f; guiWingMass = part.mass; } guiMAC = (float)MAC; guiB_2 = (float)b_2; guiMidChordSweep = (float)midChordSweep; guiTaperRatio = (float)taperRatio; guiSurfaceArea = (float)surfaceArea; guiAspectRatio = (float)aspectRatio; StartCoroutine(updateAeroDelayed()); }
public static double Lerp(double from, double to, double t) { return(from + (to - from) * MathD.Clamp01(t)); }
public static double MoveTowardsAngle(double current, double target, double maxDelta) { target = current + MathD.DeltaAngle(current, target); return(MathD.MoveTowards(current, target, maxDelta)); }
public static double PingPong(double t, double length) { t = MathD.Repeat(t, length * 2d); return(length - MathD.Abs(t - length)); }
public static double Repeat(double t, double length) { return(t - MathD.Floor(t / length) * length); }
public static double SmoothDampAngle(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime) { return(MathD.SmoothDamp(current, current + MathD.DeltaAngle(current, target), ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime)); }
public static double SmoothDampAngle(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime) { return(MathD.SmoothDampAngle(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, double.PositiveInfinity, Time.deltaTime)); }
public static double SmoothDamp(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed) { return(MathD.SmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, Time.deltaTime)); }
public static bool Approximately(double a, double b) { return(MathD.Abs(b - a) < MathD.Max(1E-06d * MathD.Max(MathD.Abs(a), MathD.Abs(b)), Epsilon)); }
public static double SmoothStep(double from, double to, double t) { t = MathD.Clamp01(t); t = (-2.0 * t * t * t + 3.0 * t * t); return(to * t + from * (1.0 - t)); }