Example #1
    void InstIntersections(int startId)
        int id = startId + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Length; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < tracks.Length; j++)
                for (int x = 1; x < tracks[i].lineRenderer.positionCount; x++)
                    for (int y = 1; y < tracks[j].lineRenderer.positionCount; y++)
                        if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(tracks[i].lineRenderer.GetPosition(x - 1), tracks[i].lineRenderer.GetPosition(x), tracks[j].lineRenderer.GetPosition(y - 1), tracks[j].lineRenderer.GetPosition(y), out Vector2 intersection))
                            GameObject intersectionObj = Instantiate(intersectionPrefab);
                            intersectionObj.transform.parent   = transform;
                            intersectionObj.transform.position = new Vector3(intersection.x, intersection.y, 1);

                            intersectionObj.GetComponent <Intersection>().Init(id, tracks[i].lineRenderer, tracks[j].lineRenderer, i, j, x - 1, y - 1);


        public static bool Intersect(this Rect _r, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, out Vector2 point)
            bool result = false;

            point = new Vector2();
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, _r.position, _r.position + Vector2.up * _r.height, out point))
                result = true;
                p2     = point;
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, _r.position, _r.position + Vector2.right * _r.width, out point))
                result = true;
                p2     = point;
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, _r.position + Vector2.up * _r.height, _r.position + _r.size, out point))
                result = true;
                p2     = point;
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, _r.position + Vector2.right * _r.width, _r.position + _r.size, out point))
                result = true;
                p2     = point;
            point = p2;
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过自定义笔刷编辑地形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">中心点</param>
        /// <param name="radius">半径</param>
        /// <param name="opacity">力度</param>
        /// <param name="brushIndex">笔刷索引</param>
        /// <param name="isRise">抬高还是降低</param>
        private async void InternalChangeHeightWithBrush(Vector3 center, float radius, float opacity, int brushIndex, bool isRise, bool regesterUndo, bool immediate)
            if (!TryGetHeightMapCmd(center, radius, out HeightCmdData arg))

            if (regesterUndo)
                RegisterUndo(new HeightCmd(new HeightCmdData(arg)));

            // 是否反转透明度
            if (!isRise)
                opacity = -opacity;

            //float[,] deltaMap = await Utility.BilinearInterp(brushDic[brushIndex], 2 * mapRadius, 2 * mapRadius);
            float[,] deltaMap = await Math2d.ZoomBilinearInterpAsync(brushDic[brushIndex], 2 *arg.mapRadiusX, 2 *arg.mapRadiusX);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * arg.mapRadiusX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2 * arg.mapRadiusX; j++)
                    arg.heightMap[i, j] += deltaMap[i, j] * deltaHeight * opacity;

            // 重新设置高度图
            SetHeightMap(arg.terrain, arg.heightMap, arg.startMapIndex.x, arg.startMapIndex.y, immediate);
            /// <summary>
            /// 是否和小方块有碰撞
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="origin">方块左下角</param>
            /// <param name="offset"></param>
            /// <param name="camera"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private bool HitQuad(Vector3 origin, Vector3 dir0, Vector3 dir1, Camera camera)
                Vector3 pos1 = origin + dir0;
                Vector3 pos2 = origin + dir0 + dir1;
                Vector3 pos3 = origin + dir1;

                Vector2 mousePos     = Input.mousePosition;
                Vector2 screenOrigin = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(origin);
                Vector2 screenPos1   = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos1);
                Vector2 screenPos2   = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos2);
                Vector2 screenPos3   = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos3);


                //if (mousePos.x > Mathf.Max(screenOrigin.x, screenOffset.x) ||
                //    mousePos.x < Mathf.Min(screenOrigin.x, screenOffset.x) ||
                //    mousePos.y > Mathf.Max(screenOrigin.y, screenOffset.y) ||
                //    mousePos.y < Mathf.Min(screenOrigin.y, screenOffset.y))
                //    return false;
                //    return true;

                return(Math2d.IsPointInsidePolygon(mousePos, new Vector2[] { screenOrigin, screenPos1, screenPos2, screenPos3 }));
Example #5
		public void SendMove(float walkForward, float walkRight, float cameraPitch, float cameraYaw, float leftExtend, float rightExtend, bool jump, bool playDead, bool shooting)
			if (host != null && host.isReady)
				NetStream netStream = NetGame.BeginMessage(NetMsgId.Move);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(walkForward, 1f, 8), 8);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(walkRight, 1f, 8), 8);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(Math2d.NormalizeAngleDeg(cameraPitch), 180f, 9), 9);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(Math2d.NormalizeAngleDeg(cameraYaw), 180f, 9), 9);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(leftExtend, 1f, 5), 5);
					netStream.Write(NetFloat.Quantize(rightExtend, 1f, 5), 5);
					NetGame.instance.SendUnreliableToServer(netStream, -1);
					if (netStream != null)
						netStream = netStream.Release();
Example #6
    public override bool CheckInstantSuccess(bool playerInside)
        Vector3 eulerAngles  = body.rotation.eulerAngles;
        float   z            = eulerAngles.z;
        Vector3 eulerAngles2 = bodyStartRot.eulerAngles;

        return(Mathf.Abs(Math2d.NormalizeAngleDeg(z - eulerAngles2.z)) > angleDistanceSuccess);
    public void FixedUpdate()
        int     num  = 0;
        float   num2 = 0f;
        float   num3 = 0f;
        Vector3 v    = referenceTransform.TransformDirection(referenceAxis);

        for (int i = 0; i < Human.all.Count; i++)
            Human   human = Human.all[i];
            Vector3 v2    = Quaternion.Euler(0f, human.controls.targetYawAngle, 0f) * Vector3.forward;
            float   num4  = Math2d.SignedAngle(v.To2D(), v2.To2D());
            int     num5  = 0;
            num5 = ((-90f < num4 && num4 < 90f) ? 1 : (-1));
            if (human.ragdoll.partLeftHand.sensor.grabObject == grabTarget)
                num2 += num4;
                num3 += (float)num5;
            if (human.ragdoll.partRightHand.sensor.grabObject == grabTarget)
                num2 += num4;
                num3 += (float)num5;
        if (steerMode == SteerMode.Steer)
            if (num > 0)
                num2 /= (float)num;
                if (num3 >= 0f)
                    SetValue(num2 / (float)num);
                else if (num2 < -90f)
                    SetValue(-180f - num2);
                    SetValue(180f - num2);
            if (num3 < 2f)
                num3 /= 4f;
Example #8
 public bool Intersects(Triangle2D otherTriangle)
         (Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V1, this.V2, otherTriangle.V1, otherTriangle.V2) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V1, this.V2, otherTriangle.V2, otherTriangle.V3) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V1, this.V2, otherTriangle.V3, otherTriangle.V1) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V2, this.V3, otherTriangle.V1, otherTriangle.V2) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V2, this.V3, otherTriangle.V2, otherTriangle.V3) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V2, this.V3, otherTriangle.V3, otherTriangle.V1) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V3, this.V1, otherTriangle.V1, otherTriangle.V2) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V3, this.V1, otherTriangle.V2, otherTriangle.V3) ||
          Math2d.CheckLinesIntersect(this.V3, this.V1, otherTriangle.V3, otherTriangle.V1));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (originalSatelite.Count < 1)
        if (count2 >= originalSatelite.Count | (((100 - ((pastWaight * -1) / originalSatelite.Count) * 100) < 10) && count2 >= 20))
            StateOfMachine.Instance.SetSate = true;
            count2 = 0;

        if (satelite.Count < 1)
            if (wight < pastWaight)
                bestObstions = new Vector3[lr.positionCount];
                nr_of_points_send += bestObstions.Length;
                nr_of_paths       += 1;
                FindObjectOfType <GameServer>().SendPoint(bestObstions);
                pastWaight = wight;
            count    = 0;
            wight    = -originalSatelite.Count - 1;
            satelite = new List <Vector3>(originalSatelite);
            Vector3 temp = CheckDistance(satelite, pointFound[pointFound.Count - 1]);
            for (int i = 0; i < pointFound.Count - 3; i += 2)
                if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(pointFound[pointFound.Count - 2], pointFound[pointFound.Count - 1], pointFound[i], pointFound[i + 1], out Vector))
                    wight += 1f;
            lr.positionCount = count + 1;
            lr.SetPosition(count, temp);

Example #10
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.tag == "ConnectLine")
         ConnectLine otherLine = collision.GetComponent <ConnectLine>();
         if (otherLine)
             Vector2 intersection;
             if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(this.point1.position, this.point2.position, otherLine.point1.position, otherLine.point2.position, out intersection))
                 Instantiate(this.CrossedEffect, intersection, Quaternion.identity);
    public void Update()
        Vector2 lineStart = Helper.GetVector2(_lineStartTrans);
        Vector2 lineEnd   = Helper.GetVector2(_lineEndTrans);

        Vector2 circlePos = Helper.GetVector2(_circlePosTrans);

        Vector2 r0;
        Vector2 r1;

        int rootCount = Math2d.LineCircleCollision(lineStart, lineEnd, circlePos, _radius, out r0, out r1);

        if (rootCount > 0)
            _interTrans0.position = r0;
            _interTrans1.position = r1;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 画数据折线
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawLine(VertexHelper vh)
            foreach (var data in datas)
                Vector2[] pixelPoints = new Vector2[data.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    pixelPoints[i].x = (data[i].x - axleMinValue.x) / axleMaxValue.x * width;
                    pixelPoints[i].y = (data[i].y - axleMinValue.y) / axleMaxValue.y * height;
                    pixelPoints[i]  += offset;

                UIVertex[] verts = new UIVertex[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                    verts[i].color = lineColor;

                for (int i = 0; i < pixelPoints.Length - 1; i++)
                    SetVerts(pixelPoints[i], pixelPoints[i + 1], lineWidth, verts);

                // 点状数据
                //foreach (var item in pixelPoints)
                //    verts[0].position = item;
                //    verts[1].position = new Vector2(5, 0) + item;
                //    verts[2].position = new Vector2(5, 5) + item;
                //    verts[3].position = new Vector2(0, 5) + item;
                //    vh.AddUIVertexQuad(verts);

                void SetVerts(Vector2 _start, Vector2 _end, float _width, UIVertex[] _verts)
                    Vector2[] tmp = Math2d.GetRect(_start, _end, _width);
                    _verts[0].position = tmp[0];
                    _verts[1].position = tmp[1];
                    _verts[2].position = tmp[3];
                    _verts[3].position = tmp[2];
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Tells the camera the current available space for displaying your game.  The camera will then build the largest rectangle that maintains a certain aspect ratio.
        /// Returns true iff the supplied display sizes are different from what was previously stored.
        /// </summary>
        public Boolean UpdateDisplayInformation(Int32 displayWidth, Int32 displayHeight)
            Boolean displayChanged = false;

            if (m_currentFullDisplayHeight != displayHeight || m_currentFullDisplayWidth != displayWidth)
                displayChanged             = true;
                m_currentFullDisplayWidth  = displayWidth;
                m_currentFullDisplayHeight = displayHeight;
                Position displayPosition = new Position(displayWidth / 2, displayHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight);

                Math2d.GetLargestRectangleThatFits(AspectRatio, displayPosition, out m_displayTargetPosition);

                // First, determine the scale factor from the logical viewport to the display viewport.
                // So if the display window is actually 8 times the size of the logical window, you'll have to scale everything by 8
                m_currentScale = m_displayTargetPosition.Width / m_logicalPosition.Width;
Example #14
        public override void GetVertexs(ref List <UIVertex> vertexs)
            if (m_Poses.Count < 2)

            int     count = m_Poses.Count;
            Vector2 dir   = Math2d.GetHorizontalDir((m_Poses[1] - m_Poses[0]).XY());

            vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                position = m_Poses[0].XY() - dir * width, color = color,
            vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                position = m_Poses[0].XY() + dir * width, color = color,

            for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; i++)
                dir = Math2d.GetHorizontalDir((m_Poses[i + 1] - m_Poses[i - 1]).XY());
                vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                    position = m_Poses[i].XY() - dir * width, color = color,
                vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                    position = m_Poses[i].XY() + dir * width, color = color

            dir = Math2d.GetHorizontalDir((m_Poses[count - 1] - m_Poses[count - 2]).XY());
            vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                position = m_Poses[count - 1].XY() - dir * width, color = color,
            vertexs.Add(new UIVertex()
                position = m_Poses[count - 1].XY() + dir * width, color = color,
        /// <summary>
        /// 平滑地形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">中心点</param>
        /// <param name="radius">半径</param>
        /// <param name="dev">这是高斯模糊的一个参数,会影响平滑的程度</param>
        /// <param name="level">构建高斯核的半径</param>
        private void InternalSmooth(Vector3 center, float radius, float dev, int level, bool regesterUndo, bool immediate)
            center.x -= terrainSize.x / (heightMapRes - 1) * level;
            center.z -= terrainSize.z / (heightMapRes - 1) * level;
            radius   += terrainSize.x / (heightMapRes - 1) * level;

            if (!TryGetHeightMapCmd(center, radius, out HeightCmdData arg))

            if (regesterUndo)
                RegisterUndo(new HeightCmd(new HeightCmdData(arg)));

            // 利用高斯模糊做平滑处理
            Math2d.GaussianBlur(arg.heightMap, dev, level, false);
            SetHeightMap(arg.terrain, arg.heightMap, arg.startMapIndex.x, arg.startMapIndex.y, immediate);
    public void Update()
        Vector2 circlePos = GetV2(_circlePosTrans);

        //float rectX = _rect.x;
        //float rectY = _rect.y;
        //float rectWidth = _rect.width;
        //float rectHeight = _rect.height;
        //float circleX = circlePos.x;
        //float circleY = circlePos.y;
        //float nearestX = Mathf.Max(rectX, Mathf.Min(circleX, rectX + rectWidth));
        //float nearestY = Mathf.Max(rectY, Mathf.Min(circleY, rectY + rectHeight));

        //_nearestPos = new Vector2(nearestX, nearestY);

        _nearestPos = Math2d.GetNearestRectPoint(circlePos, _rect);
        _isOverlap  = Math2d.IsCircleRectOverlap(circlePos, _radius, _rect);

        _nearestPosTrans.position = new Vector3(_nearestPos.x, 0, _nearestPos.y);
        public bool Intersect(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, out List <Vector2> intersection)
            intersection = new List <Vector2>();
            Vector2 r;

            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, rect.position, rect.position + Vector2.up * rect.height, out r))
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, rect.position, rect.position + Vector2.right * rect.width, out r))
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, rect.position + rect.size, rect.position + Vector2.up * rect.height, out r))
            if (Math2d.LineSegmentsIntersection(p1, p2, rect.position + rect.size, rect.position + Vector2.right * rect.width, out r))

            return(intersection.Count != 0);