Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the values of a nested <paramref name="feed"/> to the collection
        /// <paramref name="property"/> of the specified <paramref name="entry"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Entry with collection to be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="property">Collection property on the entry.</param>
        /// <param name="feed">Values to apply onto the collection.</param>
        /// <param name="includeLinks">Whether links that are expanded should be materialized.</param>
        private void ApplyFeedToCollection(
            MaterializerEntry entry,
            ClientPropertyAnnotation property,
            ODataResourceSet feed,
            bool includeLinks)
            Debug.Assert(entry.Entry != null, "entry != null");
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null");
            Debug.Assert(feed != null, "feed != null");

            ClientEdmModel       edmModel       = this.MaterializerContext.Model;
            ClientTypeAnnotation collectionType = edmModel.GetClientTypeAnnotation(edmModel.GetOrCreateEdmType(property.ResourceSetItemType));

            IEnumerable <ODataResource> entries = MaterializerFeed.GetFeed(feed).Entries;

            foreach (ODataResource feedEntry in entries)
                this.Materialize(MaterializerEntry.GetEntry(feedEntry), collectionType.ElementType, includeLinks);

            ProjectionPlan continuationPlan = includeLinks ?
                                              ODataEntityMaterializer.CreatePlanForDirectMaterialization(property.ResourceSetItemType) :

                entries.Select(e => MaterializerEntry.GetEntry(e).ResolvedObject),
Example #2
        internal ODataEntriesEntityMaterializer CreateODataEntriesEntityMaterializer(
            List <ODataResource> resources,
            Type resourceType,
            TestMaterializerContext materializerContext = null)
            var clientEdmModel = new ClientEdmModel(ODataProtocolVersion.V4);
            var context        = new DataServiceContext();

            var resourceSet = new ODataResourceSet();

            MaterializerFeed.CreateFeed(resourceSet, resources);
            resources.ForEach(r =>
                if (r == null)
                    MaterializerEntry.CreateEntry(r, ODataFormat.Json, true, clientEdmModel);
            materializerContext = materializerContext ?? new TestMaterializerContext()
                Model = clientEdmModel, Context = context
            var             adapter    = new EntityTrackingAdapter(new TestEntityTracker(), MergeOption.OverwriteChanges, clientEdmModel, context);
            QueryComponents components = new QueryComponents(new Uri("http://foo.com/Service"), new Version(4, 0), resourceType, null, new Dictionary <Expression, Expression>());

            return(new ODataEntriesEntityMaterializer(resources, materializerContext, adapter, components, resourceType, null, ODataFormat.Json));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The count tag's value, if requested
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="readIfNoFeed">Should read pull if no feed exists.</param>
        /// <returns>The count value returned from the server</returns>
        public long GetCountValue(bool readIfNoFeed)
            if (this.currentFeed == null && this.currentEntry == null && readIfNoFeed && this.TryReadFeed(true, out this.currentFeed))
                this.feedEntries = MaterializerFeed.GetFeed(this.currentFeed).Entries.GetEnumerator();

            if (this.currentFeed != null && this.currentFeed.Count.HasValue)

            throw new InvalidOperationException(DSClient.Strings.MaterializeFromAtom_CountNotPresent);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the remainder of a feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lazy">if set to <c>true</c> [lazy].</param>
        /// <returns>A feed.</returns>
        private ODataResourceSet ReadFeedCore(bool lazy)

            ODataResourceSet result = (ODataResourceSet)this.reader.Item;

            IEnumerable <ODataResource> lazyEntries = this.LazyReadEntries();

            if (lazy)
                MaterializerFeed.CreateFeed(result, lazyEntries);
                MaterializerFeed.CreateFeed(result, new List <ODataResource>(lazyEntries));

Example #5
        /// <summary>Materializes the specified <paramref name="entry"/> as dynamic property.</summary>
        /// <param name="entry">Entry with object to materialize.</param>
        /// <param name="link">Nested resource link as parsed.</param>
        private void MaterializeDynamicProperty(MaterializerEntry entry, ODataNestedResourceInfo link)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry != null");
            Debug.Assert(entry.ResolvedObject != null, "entry.ResolvedObject != null -- otherwise not resolved/created!");
            Debug.Assert(link != null, "link != null");

            ClientEdmModel model = this.MaterializerContext.Model;

            IDictionary <string, object> containerProperty;

            // Stop if owning type is not an open type
            // Or container property is not found
            // Or key with matching name already exists in the dictionary
            if (!ClientTypeUtil.IsInstanceOfOpenType(entry.ResolvedObject, model) ||
                !ClientTypeUtil.TryGetContainerProperty(entry.ResolvedObject, out containerProperty) ||

            MaterializerNavigationLink linkState = MaterializerNavigationLink.GetLink(link);

            if (linkState == null || (linkState.Entry == null && linkState.Feed == null))

            // NOTE: ODL (and OData WebApi) support navigational property on complex types
            // That support has not yet been implemented in OData client

            // An entity or entity collection as a dynamic property currently doesn't work as expected
            // due to the absence of a navigational property definition in the metadata
            // to express the relationship between that entity and the parent entity - unless they're the same type!
            // Only materialize a nested resource if its a complex or complex collection

            if (linkState.Feed != null)
                string collectionTypeName     = linkState.Feed.TypeName; // TypeName represents a collection e.g. Collection(NS.Type)
                string collectionItemTypeName = CommonUtil.GetCollectionItemTypeName(collectionTypeName, false);

                // Highly unlikely, but the method return null if the typeName argument does not meet certain expectations
                if (collectionItemTypeName == null)

                Type collectionItemType = ResolveClientTypeForDynamicProperty(collectionItemTypeName, entry.ResolvedObject);

                if (collectionItemType != null && ClientTypeUtil.TypeIsComplex(collectionItemType, model))
                    Type  collectionType = typeof(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { collectionItemType });
                    IList collection     = (IList)Util.ActivatorCreateInstance(collectionType);

                    IEnumerable <ODataResource> feedEntries = MaterializerFeed.GetFeed(linkState.Feed).Entries;
                    foreach (ODataResource feedEntry in feedEntries)
                        MaterializerEntry linkEntry = MaterializerEntry.GetEntry(feedEntry);
                        this.Materialize(linkEntry, collectionItemType, false /*includeLinks*/);

                    containerProperty.Add(link.Name, collection);
                MaterializerEntry linkEntry = linkState.Entry;
                Type itemType = ResolveClientTypeForDynamicProperty(linkEntry.Entry.TypeName, entry.ResolvedObject);

                if (itemType != null && ClientTypeUtil.TypeIsComplex(itemType, model))
                    this.Materialize(linkEntry, itemType, false /*includeLinks*/);
                    containerProperty.Add(link.Name, linkEntry.ResolvedObject);
Example #6
        public void MaterializeEntityShouldWork()
            var odataEntry = new OData.ODataResource()
                Id = new Uri("http://www.odata.org/service.svc/entitySet(1)")

            odataEntry.Properties = new OData.ODataProperty[]
                new OData.ODataProperty {
                    Name = "keyProp", Value = 1
                new OData.ODataProperty {
                    Name = "colorProp", Value = new OData.ODataEnumValue("blue")
                new OData.ODataProperty {
                    Name  = "primitiveCollection",
                    Value = new OData.ODataCollectionValue
                        TypeName = "Edm.Int32",
                        Items    = new List <object> {
                            1, 2, 3
                new OData.ODataProperty {
                    Name  = "enumCollection",
                    Value = new OData.ODataCollectionValue
                        TypeName = "color",
                        Items    = new List <OData.ODataEnumValue> {
                            new OData.ODataEnumValue("white"), new OData.ODataEnumValue("blue")

            var complexP = new OData.ODataNestedResourceInfo()
                Name         = "complexProp",
                IsCollection = false

            var complexResource = new OData.ODataResource
                Properties = new OData.ODataProperty[]
                    new OData.ODataProperty {
                        Name = "age", Value = 11
                    new OData.ODataProperty {
                        Name = "name", Value = "June"

            var complexColP = new OData.ODataNestedResourceInfo
                Name         = "complexCollection",
                IsCollection = true

            var complexColResourceSet = new OData.ODataResourceSet();

            var items = new List <OData.ODataResource>
                new OData.ODataResource
                    Properties = new OData.ODataProperty[]
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "name", Value = "Aug"
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "age", Value = 8
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "color", Value = new OData.ODataEnumValue("white")
                new OData.ODataResource
                    Properties = new OData.ODataProperty[]
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "name", Value = "Sep"
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "age", Value = 9
                        new OData.ODataProperty {
                            Name = "color", Value = new OData.ODataEnumValue("blue")

            var clientEdmModel    = new ClientEdmModel(ODataProtocolVersion.V4);
            var context           = new DataServiceContext();
            var materializerEntry = MaterializerEntry.CreateEntry(odataEntry, OData.ODataFormat.Json, true, clientEdmModel);

            MaterializerNavigationLink.CreateLink(complexP, MaterializerEntry.CreateEntry(complexResource, OData.ODataFormat.Json, true, clientEdmModel));
            MaterializerFeed.CreateFeed(complexColResourceSet, items);
            MaterializerNavigationLink.CreateLink(complexColP, complexColResourceSet);

            var materializerContext = new TestMaterializerContext()
                Model = clientEdmModel, Context = context
            var             adapter    = new EntityTrackingAdapter(new TestEntityTracker(), MergeOption.OverwriteChanges, clientEdmModel, context);
            QueryComponents components = new QueryComponents(new Uri("http://foo.com/Service"), new Version(4, 0), typeof(EntityType), null, new Dictionary <Expression, Expression>());

            var entriesMaterializer = new ODataEntriesEntityMaterializer(new OData.ODataResource[] { odataEntry }, materializerContext, adapter, components, typeof(EntityType), null, OData.ODataFormat.Json);

            var customersRead = new List <EntityType>();

            while (entriesMaterializer.Read())
                customersRead.Add(entriesMaterializer.CurrentValue as EntityType);

            customersRead[0].ComplexProp.Should().Equals(new ComplexType {
                Age = 11, Name = "June"
            customersRead[0].PrimitiveCollection.Should().Equals(new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3
            ComplexType complex1 = new ComplexType {
                Name = "Aug", Age = 8, Color = Color.White
            ComplexType complex2 = new ComplexType {
                Name = "Sep", Age = 9, Color = Color.Blue

            customersRead[0].ComplexCollection.Should().Equals(new List <ComplexType> {
                complex1, complex2
            customersRead[0].EnumCollection.Should().Equals(new List <Color> {
                Color.White, Color.Blue
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a feed or entry, with the expected type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if a value was read, otherwise false</returns>
        public bool Read()
            if (this.feedEntries != null)
                // ISSUE: this might throw - refactor?
                if (this.feedEntries.MoveNext())
                    this.currentEntry = this.feedEntries.Current;
                    this.feedEntries  = null;
                    this.currentEntry = null;

            switch (this.reader.State)
            case ODataReaderState.Completed:
                this.currentEntry = null;

            case ODataReaderState.Start:
                ODataResourceSet  feed;
                MaterializerEntry entryAndState;
                if (this.TryReadFeedOrEntry(true, out feed, out entryAndState))
                    this.currentEntry = entryAndState != null ? entryAndState.Entry : null;
                    this.currentFeed  = feed;
                    if (this.currentFeed != null)
                        this.feedEntries = MaterializerFeed.GetFeed(this.currentFeed).Entries.GetEnumerator();

                        // Try to read the first entry.
                        if (!this.feedEntries.MoveNext())
                            this.feedEntries  = null;
                            this.currentEntry = null;
                            this.currentEntry = this.feedEntries.Current;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ODataReaderState.ResourceSetEnd:
            case ODataReaderState.ResourceEnd:
                if (this.TryRead() || this.reader.State != ODataReaderState.Completed)
                    throw DSClient.Error.InternalError(InternalError.UnexpectedReadState);

                this.currentEntry = null;

                throw DSClient.Error.InternalError(InternalError.UnexpectedReadState);