Example #1
        protected virtual void SetScreenUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            double ox = quad.GetOX();
            double oy = quad.GetOY();
            double l  = quad.GetLength();

            Vector3d2 p0 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy, 0.0);
            Vector3d2 p1 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy, 0.0);
            Vector3d2 p2 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy + l, 0.0);
            Vector3d2 p3 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy + l, 0.0);

            Matrix4x4d corners = new Matrix4x4d(p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x,
                                                p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y,
                                                p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z,
                                                1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadCorners, (m_localToScreen * corners).ToMatrix4x4());

            Matrix4x4d verticals = new Matrix4x4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                                  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadVerticals, (m_localToScreen * verticals).ToMatrix4x4());
Example #2
        private void ApplyToBlock(ref MaterialPropertyBlock block, ShaderIDs bids)
                        #if USE_PROPERTY_BLOCKS
            block.AddVector(bids.exposureIBL, exposures);
            block.AddVector(bids.exposureLM, exposuresLM);

            block.AddMatrix(bids.skyMatrix, skyMatrix);
            block.AddMatrix(bids.invSkyMatrix, invMatrix);

            block.AddVector(bids.skyMin, skyMin);
            block.AddVector(bids.skyMax, skyMax);

            if (specularCube)
                block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, specularCube);
                block.AddTexture(bids.specCubeIBL, blackCube);

            block.AddVector(bids.SH[0], SH.cBuffer[0]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[1], SH.cBuffer[1]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[2], SH.cBuffer[2]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[3], SH.cBuffer[3]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[4], SH.cBuffer[4]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[5], SH.cBuffer[5]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[6], SH.cBuffer[6]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[7], SH.cBuffer[7]);
            block.AddVector(bids.SH[8], SH.cBuffer[8]);
        protected override void SetScreenUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            double ox = quad.GetOX();
            double oy = quad.GetOY();
            double l  = quad.GetLength();

            Vector3d2 p0 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy, R);
            Vector3d2 p1 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy, R);
            Vector3d2 p2 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy + l, R);
            Vector3d2 p3 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy + l, R);
            Vector3d2 pc = (p0 + p3) * 0.5;

            double    l0 = 0.0, l1 = 0.0, l2 = 0.0, l3 = 0.0;
            Vector3d2 v0 = p0.Normalized(ref l0);
            Vector3d2 v1 = p1.Normalized(ref l1);
            Vector3d2 v2 = p2.Normalized(ref l2);
            Vector3d2 v3 = p3.Normalized(ref l3);

            Matrix4x4d deformedCorners = new Matrix4x4d(v0.x * R, v1.x * R, v2.x * R, v3.x * R,
                                                        v0.y * R, v1.y * R, v2.y * R, v3.y * R,
                                                        v0.z * R, v1.z * R, v2.z * R, v3.z * R,
                                                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadCorners, (m_localToScreen * deformedCorners).ToMatrix4x4());

            Matrix4x4d deformedVerticals = new Matrix4x4d(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x, v3.x,
                                                          v0.y, v1.y, v2.y, v3.y,
                                                          v0.z, v1.z, v2.z, v3.z,
                                                          0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadVerticals, (m_localToScreen * deformedVerticals).ToMatrix4x4());
            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.screenQuadCornerNorms, new Vector4((float)l0, (float)l1, (float)l2, (float)l3));

            Vector3d2 uz = pc.Normalized();
            Vector3d2 ux = (new Vector3d2(0, 1, 0)).Cross(uz).Normalized();
            Vector3d2 uy = uz.Cross(ux);

            Matrix4x4d ltow = node.GetLocalToWorld();

            Matrix3x3d tangentFrameToWorld = new Matrix3x3d(ltow.m[0, 0], ltow.m[0, 1], ltow.m[0, 2],
                                                            ltow.m[1, 0], ltow.m[1, 1], ltow.m[1, 2],
                                                            ltow.m[2, 0], ltow.m[2, 1], ltow.m[2, 2]);

            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(ux.x, uy.x, uz.x,
                                          ux.y, uy.y, uz.y,
                                          ux.z, uy.z, uz.z);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.tangentFrameToWorld, (tangentFrameToWorld * m).ToMatrix4x4());
Example #4
    public void OnWillRenderObject()
        if (m_MatProps == null)
            m_MatProps = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        Camera cam = Camera.current;

        cam.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;

        m_MatProps.AddVector("_CameraLocalPos", transform.InverseTransformPoint(cam.transform.position));
        m_MatProps.AddMatrix("_CameraToLocal", transform.worldToLocalMatrix * cam.transform.localToWorldMatrix);
        m_MatProps.AddVector("_Scale", transform.localScale);
        m_MatProps.AddFloat("_Brightness", m_Brightness);

        if (Application.isPlaying)
            float time = Time.time;
            m_TimeElapsed  += m_Speed * (time - m_LastFrameTime);
            m_LastFrameTime = time;
            Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_FireTime", m_StartTime + m_TimeElapsed);
            Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_FireTime", m_StartTime);

Example #5
         * Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
         * given TerrainQuad. This method can set the uniforms that are specific to
         * the given quad.
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            if (matPropertyBlock == null || node == null || quad == null)

            double ox         = quad.GetOX();
            double oy         = quad.GetOY();
            double l          = quad.GetLength();
            double distFactor = (double)node.GetDistFactor();
            int    level      = quad.GetLevel();

            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.offset, new Vector4((float)ox, (float)oy, (float)l, (float)level));

            Vector3d2 camera = node.GetLocalCameraPos();

            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.camera, new Vector4((float)((camera.x - ox) / l), (float)((camera.y - oy) / l),
                                                                      (float)((camera.z - node.GetView().GetGroundHeight()) / (l * distFactor)),

            Vector3d2 c = node.GetLocalCameraPos();

            Matrix3x3d m = m_localToTangent * (new Matrix3x3d(l, 0.0, ox - c.x, 0.0, l, oy - c.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.tileToTangent, m.ToMatrix4x4());

            SetScreenUniforms(node, quad, matPropertyBlock);
    public void AddToMaterialPropertyBlock(MaterialPropertyBlock block)
        Node first = this.first;
        int  count = this.count;

        while (count-- > 0)
            switch (first.type)
            case PropType.Float:
                block.AddFloat(first.property, first.value.FLOAT);

            case PropType.Vector:
                block.AddVector(first.property, first.value.VECTOR);

            case PropType.Color:
                block.AddColor(first.property, first.value.COLOR);

            case PropType.Matrix:
                block.AddMatrix(first.property, first.value.MATRIX);
            first = first.next;
Example #7
    static int AddMatrix(IntPtr L)
        int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L);

        Type[] types0 = { typeof(MaterialPropertyBlock), typeof(int), typeof(Matrix4x4) };
        Type[] types1 = { typeof(MaterialPropertyBlock), typeof(string), typeof(Matrix4x4) };

        if (count == 3 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, types0, 1))
            MaterialPropertyBlock obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <MaterialPropertyBlock>(L, 1);
            int       arg0            = (int)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2);
            Matrix4x4 arg1            = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <Matrix4x4>(L, 3);
            obj.AddMatrix(arg0, arg1);
        else if (count == 3 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, types1, 1))
            MaterialPropertyBlock obj = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <MaterialPropertyBlock>(L, 1);
            string    arg0            = LuaScriptMgr.GetString(L, 2);
            Matrix4x4 arg1            = LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject <Matrix4x4>(L, 3);
            obj.AddMatrix(arg0, arg1);
            LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: MaterialPropertyBlock.AddMatrix");

Example #8
    // Token: 0x06004B62 RID: 19298 RVA: 0x0012667C File Offset: 0x0012487C
    public void AddToMaterialPropertyBlock(MaterialPropertyBlock block)
        global::UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.Node next = this.first;
        int num = this.count;

        while (num-- > 0)
            switch (next.type)
            case global::UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Float:
                block.AddFloat(next.property, next.value.FLOAT);

            case global::UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Vector:
                block.AddVector(next.property, next.value.VECTOR);

            case global::UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Color:
                block.AddColor(next.property, next.value.COLOR);

            case global::UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Matrix:
                block.AddMatrix(next.property, next.value.MATRIX);
            next = next.next;
Example #9
    public MaterialPropertyBlock CreatePropertiesBlock()
        MaterialPropertyBlock material = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        material.AddVector(_idMinBounds, _minBounds);
        material.AddVector(_idMaxBounds, _maxBounds);
        material.AddMatrix(_idProjection, _projectionMatrixCached);
        material.AddMatrix(_idViewWorldLight, _viewWorldLight);
        material.AddMatrix(_idLocalRotation, _localRotation);
        material.AddMatrix(_idRotation, _rotation);
        material.AddColor(_idColorTint, colorTint);
        material.AddFloat(_idSpotExponent, spotExponent);
        material.AddFloat(_idConstantAttenuation, constantAttenuation);
        material.AddFloat(_idLinearAttenuation, linearAttenuation);
        material.AddFloat(_idQuadraticAttenuation, quadraticAttenuation);
        material.AddFloat(_idLightMultiplier, lightMultiplier);

        switch (shadowMode)
        case ShadowMode.Realtime:
            renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_ShadowTexture", _depthTexture);

        case ShadowMode.Baked:

        case ShadowMode.None:
            renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_ShadowTexture", null);

#if UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4
        float far  = camera.farClipPlane;
        float near = camera.nearClipPlane;
        float fov  = camera.fieldOfView;
        float far  = camera.far;
        float near = camera.near;
        float fov  = camera.fov;

        material.AddVector(_idLightParams, new Vector4(near, far, far - near, (camera.isOrthoGraphic) ? Mathf.PI : fov * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

Example #10
    void Start()
        property_block = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
#if UNITY_4_3
        property_block.AddMatrix("prev_Object2World", Matrix4x4.identity);
        property_block.SetMatrix("prev_Object2World", Matrix4x4.identity);
        mesh_renderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
Example #11
    void OnWillRenderObject()
        int last = prevObjToWorld.Length - 1;

        for (int i = last; i > 0; --i)
            prevObjToWorld[i] = prevObjToWorld[i - 1];
        prevObjToWorld[0] = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
#if UNITY_4_3
        property_block.AddMatrix("prev_Object2World", prevObjToWorld[last]);
        property_block.SetMatrix("prev_Object2World", prevObjToWorld[last]);
    public void AddToMaterialPropertyBlock(MaterialPropertyBlock block)
        UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.Node node = this.first;
        int num = this.count;

        while (true)
            int num1 = num;
            num = num1 - 1;
            if (num1 <= 0)
            switch (node.type)
            case UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Float:
                block.AddFloat(node.property, [email protected]);

            case UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Vector:
                block.AddVector(node.property, [email protected]);

            case UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Color:
                block.AddColor(node.property, [email protected]);

            case UIPanelMaterialPropertyBlock.PropType.Matrix:
                block.AddMatrix(node.property, [email protected]);
            node = node.next;