/// <summary>
        /// Match the Image feature from the observed image to the features from the model image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observedFeatures">The Image feature from the observed image</param>
        /// <param name="k">The number of neighbors to find</param>
        /// <returns>The matched features</returns>
        public MatchedImageFeature[] MatchFeature(ImageFeature[] observedFeatures, int k)
            VectorOfKeyPoint obsKpts;
            Matrix <float>   obsDscpts;

            ConvertFromImageFeature(observedFeatures, out obsKpts, out obsDscpts);

            using (BruteForceMatcher matcher = new BruteForceMatcher(BruteForceMatcher.DistanceType.L2F32))
                using (Matrix <int> indices = new Matrix <int>(obsKpts.Size, k))
                    using (Matrix <float> dists = new Matrix <float>(indices.Size))
                        matcher.KnnMatch(obsDscpts, indices, dists, k, null);

                        MatchedImageFeature[] result = new MatchedImageFeature[observedFeatures.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < observedFeatures.Length; i++)
                            result[i].SimilarFeatures = new SimilarFeature[k];
                            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                                result[i].SimilarFeatures[j].Distance = dists.Data[i, j];
                                result[i].SimilarFeatures[j].Feature  = _modelFeatures[indices.Data[i, j]];
                            result[i].ObservedFeature = observedFeatures[i];
        /// <summary>
        /// Recover the homography matrix using RANDSAC. If the matrix cannot be recovered, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matchedFeatures">The Matched Features, only the first ModelFeature will be considered</param>
        /// <returns>The homography matrix, if it cannot be found, null is returned</returns>
        public static HomographyMatrix GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(MatchedImageFeature[] matchedFeatures)
            if (matchedFeatures.Length < 4)
            return null;

             HomographyMatrix homography;
             if (matchedFeatures.Length < _randsacRequiredMatch)
             {  // Too few points for randsac, use 4 points only
            PointF[] pts1 = new PointF[4];
            PointF[] pts2 = new PointF[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
               pts1[i] = matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Point;
               pts2[i] = matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Point;
            homography = CameraCalibration.GetPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2);
            //use randsac to find the Homography Matrix
            PointF[] pts1 = new PointF[matchedFeatures.Length];
            PointF[] pts2 = new PointF[matchedFeatures.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
               pts1[i] = matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Point;
               pts2[i] = matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Point;

            homography = CameraCalibration.FindHomography(
               pts1, //points on the model image
               pts2, //points on the observed image
            if (homography == null)
               return null;

             if (homography.IsValid(10))
            return homography;
            return null;
             * private static int CompareSimilarFeature(SimilarFeature f1, SimilarFeature f2)
             * {
             * if (f1.Distance < f2.Distance)
             *    return -1;
             * if (f1.Distance == f2.Distance)
             *    return 0;
             * else
             *    return 1;
             * }*/

            /// <summary>
            /// Match the Image feature from the observed image to the features from the model image
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="observedFeatures">The Image feature from the observed image</param>
            /// <param name="k">The number of neighbors to find</param>
            /// <param name="emax">For k-d tree only: the maximum number of leaves to visit.</param>
            /// <returns>The matched features</returns>
            public MatchedImageFeature[] MatchFeature(ImageFeature[] observedFeatures, int k, int emax)
                if (observedFeatures.Length == 0)
                    return(new MatchedImageFeature[0]);

                float[][] descriptors = new float[observedFeatures.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < observedFeatures.Length; i++)
                    descriptors[i] = observedFeatures[i].Descriptor;
                using (Matrix <int> result1 = new Matrix <int>(descriptors.Length, k))
                    using (Matrix <float> dist1 = new Matrix <float>(descriptors.Length, k))
                        _modelIndex.KnnSearch(CvToolbox.GetMatrixFromDescriptors(descriptors), result1, dist1, k, emax);

                        int[,] indexes     = result1.Data;
                        float[,] distances = dist1.Data;

                        MatchedImageFeature[] res             = new MatchedImageFeature[observedFeatures.Length];
                        List <SimilarFeature> matchedFeatures = new List <SimilarFeature>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)

                            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                                int index = indexes[i, j];
                                if (index >= 0)
                                    matchedFeatures.Add(new SimilarFeature(distances[i, j], _modelFeatures[index]));

                            res[i].ObservedFeature = observedFeatures[i];
                            res[i].SimilarFeatures = matchedFeatures.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Eliminate the matched features whose scale and rotation do not aggree with the majority's scale and rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationBins">The numbers of bins for rotation, a good value might be 20 (which means each bin covers 18 degree)</param>
        /// <param name="scaleIncrement">This determins the different in scale for neighbour hood bins, a good value might be 1.5 (which means matched features in bin i+1 is scaled 1.5 times larger than matched features in bin i</param>
        /// <param name="matchedFeatures">The matched feature that will be participated in the voting. For each matchedFeatures, only the zero indexed ModelFeature will be considered.</param>
        public static MatchedImageFeature[] VoteForSizeAndOrientation(MatchedImageFeature[] matchedFeatures, double scaleIncrement, int rotationBins)
            int elementsCount = matchedFeatures.Length;

            if (elementsCount < 1)

            float[] scales    = new float[elementsCount];
            float[] rotations = new float[elementsCount];
            float[] flags     = new float[elementsCount];
            float   minScale  = float.MaxValue;
            float   maxScale  = float.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
                float scale = (float)matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Size / (float)matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Size;
                scale     = (float)Math.Log10(scale);
                scales[i] = scale;
                if (scale < minScale)
                    minScale = scale;
                if (scale > maxScale)
                    maxScale = scale;

                float rotation = matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Angle - matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Angle;
                rotations[i] = rotation < 0.0 ? rotation + 360 : rotation;

            int scaleBinSize = (int)Math.Max(((maxScale - minScale) / Math.Log10(scaleIncrement)), 1);

            if (scaleBinSize == 1)
                //handle the case where there is only one scale bin
                using (DenseHistogram h = new DenseHistogram(new int[] { rotationBins }, new RangeF[] { new RangeF(0, 360) }))
                    int      count;
                    GCHandle rotationHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(rotations, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    GCHandle flagsHandle    = GCHandle.Alloc(flags, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                    using (Matrix <float> flagsMat = new Matrix <float>(1, elementsCount, flagsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                        using (Matrix <float> rotationsMat = new Matrix <float>(1, elementsCount, rotationHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                            h.Calculate(new Matrix <float>[] { rotationsMat }, true, null);

                            float minVal, maxVal;
                            int[] minLoc, maxLoc;
                            h.MinMax(out minVal, out maxVal, out minLoc, out maxLoc);

                            h.Threshold(maxVal * 0.5);

                            CvInvoke.cvCalcBackProject(new IntPtr[] { rotationsMat.Ptr }, flagsMat.Ptr, h.Ptr);
                            count = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(flagsMat);

                    MatchedImageFeature[] matchedGoodFeatures = new MatchedImageFeature[count];
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
                        if (flags[i] != 0)
                            matchedGoodFeatures[index++] = matchedFeatures[i];

                using (DenseHistogram h = new DenseHistogram(new int[] { scaleBinSize, rotationBins }, new RangeF[] { new RangeF(minScale, maxScale), new RangeF(0, 360) }))
                    int      count;
                    GCHandle scaleHandle    = GCHandle.Alloc(scales, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    GCHandle rotationHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(rotations, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    GCHandle flagsHandle    = GCHandle.Alloc(flags, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                    using (Matrix <float> flagsMat = new Matrix <float>(1, elementsCount, flagsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                        using (Matrix <float> scalesMat = new Matrix <float>(1, elementsCount, scaleHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                            using (Matrix <float> rotationsMat = new Matrix <float>(1, elementsCount, rotationHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                                h.Calculate(new Matrix <float>[] { scalesMat, rotationsMat }, true, null);

                                float minVal, maxVal;
                                int[] minLoc, maxLoc;
                                h.MinMax(out minVal, out maxVal, out minLoc, out maxLoc);

                                h.Threshold(maxVal * 0.5);

                                CvInvoke.cvCalcBackProject(new IntPtr[] { scalesMat.Ptr, rotationsMat.Ptr }, flagsMat.Ptr, h.Ptr);
                                count = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(flagsMat);

                    MatchedImageFeature[] matchedGoodFeatures = new MatchedImageFeature[count];
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
                        if (flags[i] != 0)
                            matchedGoodFeatures[index++] = matchedFeatures[i];

        /// <summary>
        /// Eliminate the matched features whose scale and rotation do not aggree with the majority's scale and rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationBins">The numbers of bins for rotation, a good value might be 20 (which means each bin covers 18 degree)</param>
        /// <param name="scaleIncrement">This determins the different in scale for neighbour hood bins, a good value might be 1.5 (which means matched features in bin i+1 is scaled 1.5 times larger than matched features in bin i</param>
        /// <param name="matchedFeatures">The matched feature that will be participated in the voting. For each matchedFeatures, only the zero indexed ModelFeature will be considered.</param>
        public static MatchedImageFeature[] VoteForSizeAndOrientation(MatchedImageFeature[] matchedFeatures, double scaleIncrement, int rotationBins)
            int elementsCount = matchedFeatures.Length;
             if (elementsCount < 1) return matchedFeatures;

             float[] scales = new float[elementsCount];
             float[] rotations = new float[elementsCount];
             float[] flags = new float[elementsCount];
             float minScale = float.MaxValue;
             float maxScale = float.MinValue;

             for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
            float scale = (float)matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Size / (float)matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Size;
            scale = (float)Math.Log10(scale);
            scales[i] = scale;
            if (scale < minScale) minScale = scale;
            if (scale > maxScale) maxScale = scale;

            float rotation = matchedFeatures[i].ObservedFeature.KeyPoint.Angle - matchedFeatures[i].SimilarFeatures[0].Feature.KeyPoint.Angle;
            rotations[i] = rotation < 0.0 ? rotation + 360 : rotation;

             int scaleBinSize = (int)Math.Max(((maxScale - minScale) / Math.Log10(scaleIncrement)), 1);

             if (scaleBinSize == 1)
            //handle the case where there is only one scale bin
            using (DenseHistogram h = new DenseHistogram(new int[] { rotationBins }, new RangeF[] { new RangeF(0, 360) }))
               int count;
               GCHandle rotationHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(rotations, GCHandleType.Pinned);
               GCHandle flagsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(flags, GCHandleType.Pinned);

               using (Matrix<float> flagsMat = new Matrix<float>(1, elementsCount, flagsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
               using (Matrix<float> rotationsMat = new Matrix<float>(1, elementsCount, rotationHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                  h.Calculate(new Matrix<float>[] { rotationsMat }, true, null);

                  float minVal, maxVal;
                  int[] minLoc, maxLoc;
                  h.MinMax(out minVal, out maxVal, out minLoc, out maxLoc);

                  h.Threshold(maxVal * 0.5);

                  CvInvoke.cvCalcBackProject(new IntPtr[] { rotationsMat.Ptr }, flagsMat.Ptr, h.Ptr);
                  count = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(flagsMat);

               MatchedImageFeature[] matchedGoodFeatures = new MatchedImageFeature[count];
               int index = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
                  if (flags[i] != 0)
                     matchedGoodFeatures[index++] = matchedFeatures[i];

               return matchedGoodFeatures;
             } else
            using (DenseHistogram h = new DenseHistogram(new int[] { scaleBinSize, rotationBins }, new RangeF[] { new RangeF(minScale, maxScale), new RangeF(0, 360) }))
               int count;
               GCHandle scaleHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(scales, GCHandleType.Pinned);
               GCHandle rotationHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(rotations, GCHandleType.Pinned);
               GCHandle flagsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(flags, GCHandleType.Pinned);

               using (Matrix<float> flagsMat = new Matrix<float>(1, elementsCount, flagsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
               using (Matrix<float> scalesMat = new Matrix<float>(1, elementsCount, scaleHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
               using (Matrix<float> rotationsMat = new Matrix<float>(1, elementsCount, rotationHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()))
                  h.Calculate(new Matrix<float>[] { scalesMat, rotationsMat }, true, null);

                  float minVal, maxVal;
                  int[] minLoc, maxLoc;
                  h.MinMax(out minVal, out maxVal, out minLoc, out maxLoc);

                  h.Threshold(maxVal * 0.5);

                  CvInvoke.cvCalcBackProject(new IntPtr[] { scalesMat.Ptr, rotationsMat.Ptr }, flagsMat.Ptr, h.Ptr);
                  count = CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(flagsMat);

               MatchedImageFeature[] matchedGoodFeatures = new MatchedImageFeature[count];
               int index = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < matchedFeatures.Length; i++)
                  if (flags[i] != 0)
                     matchedGoodFeatures[index++] = matchedFeatures[i];

               return matchedGoodFeatures;
             private static int CompareSimilarFeature(SimilarFeature f1, SimilarFeature f2)
            if (f1.Distance < f2.Distance)
               return -1;
            if (f1.Distance == f2.Distance)
               return 0;
               return 1;
            /// <summary>
            /// Match the Image feature from the observed image to the features from the model image
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="observedFeatures">The Image feature from the observed image</param>
            /// <param name="k">The number of neighbors to find</param>
            /// <param name="emax">For k-d tree only: the maximum number of leaves to visit.</param>
            /// <returns>The matched features</returns>
            public MatchedImageFeature[] MatchFeature(ImageFeature[] observedFeatures, int k, int emax)
                if (observedFeatures.Length == 0) return new MatchedImageFeature[0];

                float[][] descriptors = new float[observedFeatures.Length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < observedFeatures.Length; i++)
                   descriptors[i] = observedFeatures[i].Descriptor;
                using (Matrix<int> result1 = new Matrix<int>(descriptors.Length, k))
                using (Matrix<float> dist1 = new Matrix<float>(descriptors.Length, k))
                   _modelIndex.KnnSearch(CvToolbox.GetMatrixFromDescriptors(descriptors), result1, dist1, k, emax);

                   int[,] indexes = result1.Data;
                   float[,] distances = dist1.Data;

                   MatchedImageFeature[] res = new MatchedImageFeature[observedFeatures.Length];
                   List<SimilarFeature> matchedFeatures = new List<SimilarFeature>();

                   for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)

                  for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                     int index = indexes[i, j];
                     if (index >= 0)
                        matchedFeatures.Add(new SimilarFeature(distances[i, j], _modelFeatures[index]));

                  res[i].ObservedFeature = observedFeatures[i];
                  res[i].SimilarFeatures = matchedFeatures.ToArray();
                   return res;
 /// <summary>
 /// Filter the matched Features, such that if a match is not unique, it is rejected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matchedFeatures">The Matched Image features, each of them has the model feature sorted by distance. (e.g. SortMatchedFeaturesByDistance )</param>
 /// <param name="uniquenessThreshold">The distance different ratio which a match is consider unique, a good number will be 0.8</param>
 /// <returns>The filtered matched Image Features</returns>
 public static MatchedImageFeature[] VoteForUniqueness(MatchedImageFeature[] matchedFeatures, double uniquenessThreshold)
     return Array.FindAll<MatchedImageFeature>(matchedFeatures,
     delegate(MatchedImageFeature f)
           f.SimilarFeatures.Length == 1 //this is the only match
           || (f.SimilarFeatures[0].Distance / f.SimilarFeatures[1].Distance <= uniquenessThreshold); //if the first model feature is a good match
        /// <summary>
        /// Match the Image feature from the observed image to the features from the model image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observedFeatures">The Image feature from the observed image</param>
        /// <param name="k">The number of neighbors to find</param>
        /// <returns>The matched features</returns>
        public MatchedImageFeature[] MatchFeature(ImageFeature[] observedFeatures, int k)
            VectorOfKeyPoint obsKpts;
             Matrix<float> obsDscpts;
             ConvertFromImageFeature(observedFeatures, out obsKpts, out obsDscpts);

             using (BruteForceMatcher matcher = new BruteForceMatcher(BruteForceMatcher.DistanceType.L2F32))
             using (Matrix<int> indices = new Matrix<int>(obsKpts.Size, k))
             using (Matrix<float> dists = new Matrix<float>(indices.Size))
            matcher.KnnMatch(obsDscpts, indices, dists, k, null);

            MatchedImageFeature[] result = new MatchedImageFeature[observedFeatures.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < observedFeatures.Length; i++)
               result[i].SimilarFeatures = new SimilarFeature[k];
               for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                  result[i].SimilarFeatures[j].Distance = dists.Data[i, j];
                  result[i].SimilarFeatures[j].Feature = _modelFeatures[indices.Data[i, j]];
               result[i].ObservedFeature = observedFeatures[i];
            return result;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the raw keypoints and descriptors to array of managed structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelKeyPointVec">The model keypoint vector</param>
        /// <param name="modelDescriptorMat">The mode descriptor vector</param>
        /// <param name="observedKeyPointVec">The observerd keypoint vector</param>
        /// <param name="observedDescriptorMat">The observed descriptor vector</param>
        /// <param name="indices">The indices matrix</param>
        /// <param name="dists">The distances matrix</param>
        /// <param name="mask">The mask</param>
        /// <returns>The managed MatchedImageFeature array</returns>
        public static MatchedImageFeature[] ConvertToMatchedImageFeature(
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPointVec, Matrix <TDescriptor> modelDescriptorMat,
            VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPointVec, Matrix <TDescriptor> observedDescriptorMat,
            Matrix <int> indices, Matrix <float> dists, Matrix <Byte> mask)
            MKeyPoint[] modelKeyPoints    = modelKeyPointVec.ToArray();
            MKeyPoint[] observedKeyPoints = observedKeyPointVec.ToArray();

            int resultLength = (mask == null) ? observedKeyPoints.Length : CvInvoke.cvCountNonZero(mask);

            MatchedImageFeature[] result = new MatchedImageFeature[resultLength];

            MCvMat modelMat  = (MCvMat)Marshal.PtrToStructure(modelDescriptorMat.Ptr, typeof(MCvMat));
            long   modelPtr  = modelMat.data.ToInt64();
            int    modelStep = modelMat.step;

            MCvMat observedMat  = (MCvMat)Marshal.PtrToStructure(observedDescriptorMat.Ptr, typeof(MCvMat));
            long   observedPtr  = observedMat.data.ToInt64();
            int    observedStep = observedMat.step;

            int descriptorLength     = modelMat.cols;
            int descriptorSizeInByte = descriptorLength * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TDescriptor));

            int k = dists.Cols;

            TDescriptor[] tmp       = new TDescriptor[descriptorLength];
            GCHandle      handle    = GCHandle.Alloc(tmp, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr        address   = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
            int           resultIdx = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < observedKeyPoints.Length; i++)
                if (mask != null && mask.Data[i, 0] == 0)

                SimilarFeature[] features = new SimilarFeature[k];
                for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                    features[j].Distance = dists.Data[i, j];
                    ImageFeature <TDescriptor> imgFeature = new ImageFeature <TDescriptor>();
                    int idx = indices.Data[i, j];
                    if (idx == -1)
                        Array.Resize(ref features, j);
                    imgFeature.KeyPoint   = modelKeyPoints[idx];
                    imgFeature.Descriptor = new TDescriptor[descriptorLength];
                    Emgu.Util.Toolbox.memcpy(address, new IntPtr(modelPtr + modelStep * idx), descriptorSizeInByte);
                    tmp.CopyTo(imgFeature.Descriptor, 0);
                    features[j].Feature = imgFeature;
                result[resultIdx].SimilarFeatures = features;

                ImageFeature <TDescriptor> observedFeature = new ImageFeature <TDescriptor>();
                observedFeature.KeyPoint   = observedKeyPoints[i];
                observedFeature.Descriptor = new TDescriptor[descriptorLength];
                Emgu.Util.Toolbox.memcpy(address, new IntPtr(observedPtr + observedStep * i), descriptorSizeInByte);
                tmp.CopyTo(observedFeature.Descriptor, 0);
                result[resultIdx].ObservedFeature = observedFeature;