public void BuildMatchUp_InvalidCommand_ErrorMessage() { var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp("INVALID"); var expectedResponse = "Invalid input. All requests " + "must start with !matchup or !mu"; Assert.AreEqual(response, expectedResponse); }
public void BuildMatchUp_ChampOpponent_MatchupUrl() { var request = "!matchup ashe ezreal"; var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp(request); var expectedResponse = ""; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response); }
public void BuildMatchUp_ChampOpponentLane_MatchupUrl() { var request = "!mu sivir jhin adc"; var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp(request); var expectedResponse = ""; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response); }
public void BuildMatchUp_Champ_ErrorMessage() { var request = "!mu sona"; var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp(request); var expectedResponse = "I didn't understand that requst. " + "Please ask in the format !matchup|!mu " + "[champion] [opponent] (optional)[role]"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response); }
public static async Task MessageRecieved(SocketMessage message) { var content = message.Content; if (MatchUpService.IsMatchUpMessage(content)) { var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp(content); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response).ConfigureAwait(false); } else if (BuildService.IsBuildMessage(content)) { var response = BuildService.BuildSuggestedBuild(content); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public void BuildMatchUp_ChampInvalidRole_ErrorMessage() { var champ = "jax"; var opponent = "urgot"; var role = "tap"; var request = $"!mu {champ} {opponent} {role}"; var supportedRoles = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Enumerations.MatchUpRole)); var commaSeparatedRoles = string.Join(", ", supportedRoles); var url = $"{champ}/{opponent}"; var expectedResponse = $"I could not find the role '{role}'. " + $"Available roles are: {commaSeparatedRoles}.\n" + "Here is the most common role for this matchup instead.\n" + url; var response = MatchUpService.BuildMatchUp(request); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResponse, response); }