private void ShowUnmatchConfirmation(MatchDetailPageViewModel vm)
            MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                var result = await DisplayAlert("Unmatch",
                                                "Are you sure you want to unmatch with this person?", "Unmatch", "Cancel");

                await vm.UnmatchCallback(result);
        private void ShowContactDetailsConfirmation(MatchDetailPageViewModel vm)
            MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                var result = await DisplayAlert("Reveal contact details",
                                                "Do you want to reveal your contact details to your match?", "Send", "Cancel");

        private void ShowBlockProfileConfirmation(MatchDetailPageViewModel vm)
            MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                var result = await DisplayAlert("Block profile",
                                                "Blocking this profile prevents you from ever seeing this pairing again. Are you sure you want to block this profile?", "Block", "Cancel");

                await vm.BlockProfileCallback(result);
                MessagingCenter.Instance.Send(App.Current, MessageNames.ReloadSearch);
        private void ShowReportProfileDialog(MatchDetailPageViewModel vm)
            MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Report", "Cancel", null, "Inappropriate profile", "Inappropriate photo", "Feels like spam", "Other");

                var reason = action == "Inappropriate profile" ? ReportProfileReason.InappropriateProfile
                           : action == "Inappropriate photo" ? ReportProfileReason.InappropriatePhotos
                           : action == "Feels like spam" ? ReportProfileReason.Spam
                           : ReportProfileReason.Other;

                await vm.ReportProfileCallback(reason);

                await DisplayAlert("Reported", "Thanks for help, the profile will be reviewed and the appropriate action taken.", "Ok");