Example #1
        public AutoValidityRangeBuilder MatchByPrimaryKey()
            if (TableBuilder.Table.PrimaryKeyColumns.Count == 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            MatchColumns     = TableBuilder.Table.PrimaryKeyColumns.ToArray();
            MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
    public RemoveExistingRowsBuilder MatchByPrimaryKey()
        if (TableBuilder.Table.PrimaryKeyColumns.Count == 0)
            throw new InvalidDwhBuilderParameterException <DwhTableBuilder>(TableBuilder.DwhBuilder, nameof(MatchByPrimaryKey), TableBuilder.Table.SchemaAndName, "can't use " + nameof(MatchByPrimaryKey) + " on a table without primary key: " + TableBuilder.Table.SchemaAndName);

        MatchColumns     = TableBuilder.Table.PrimaryKeyColumns.ToArray();
        MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
Example #3
        private void AddMatchColumn(PropertyInfo propInfo)
            var attr = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MatchColumn)) as MatchColumn;

            if (attr != null)
                MatchColumns.Add(new AttributeMappingInfo()
                    PropInOutput    = propInfo,
                    PropNameInInput = attr.LookupSourcePropertyName
        public ActionResult Index()
            //get model through tempdata
            MatchColumns mc = TempData["model"] as MatchColumns;

            if (mc != null)
                //total mark allocation
                ViewBag.TotalMarks = 4;
                //percentage value
                double res = (Convert.ToDouble(mc.Result) / Convert.ToDouble(mc.questions.Count())) * 100;
                ViewBag.Percent = res;

        public ActionResult Save()
            //get model from tempdata[]
            MatchColumns mc = TempData["IdentifyModel"] as MatchColumns;

            //check if user entered any answers
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(mc.Result)))
                //instantiate model
                Results result = new Results();

                //get Leaderboard for current game
                var leaderboards = db.Leaderboards.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("Identifying")).FirstOrDefault();

                //assign model values
                result.UserID         = HttpContext.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                result.LeaderboardsID = leaderboards.LeaderboardsID;
                result.result         = mc.Result;
                result.DateCompleted  = DateTime.Now;
                result.TimeCompleted  = mc.TimeCompleted;


                var dbResult = db.SaveChanges();

                mc.SavedResult = true;

                //check if db was successful
                if (dbResult > 0)
                    TempData["SaveResult"] = $"Your Results were saved successfully on {DateTime.Now} !";
                    //ViewBag.Success = $"Your Results were saved successfully on {DateTime.Now} !";
                    TempData["SaveResult"] = $"You dont have any results to save";

            //assign model to new tempdata
            TempData["model"] = mc;

 public RemoveExistingRowsBuilder MatchByAllColumnsExceptPk()
     MatchColumns     = TableBuilder.Table.Columns.Where(x => !x.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();
     MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
 public RemoveExistingRowsBuilder MatchBySpecificColumns(params RelationalColumn[] matchColumns)
     MatchColumns     = matchColumns;
     MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
        public ActionResult Index(string y)
            //instantiate model
            MatchColumns mc = new MatchColumns();

            //get length of test from leaderboards
            var leaderboards = db.Leaderboards.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("Identifying")).FirstOrDefault();
            int res          = leaderboards.TotalMarks;

            //intialize global list and TimeSpan for timer
            mc.TimeRunning = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

            //assign values to model
            mc.categories  = con.Categories;
            mc.TotalResult = res;

            //intialize variables
            Dictionary <int, string> questionsDict = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            int correctAnswers = res;
            int totalCat       = con.Categories.Count;
            int totalQuestions = con.maxQuestions;
            int diffBetweenNo  = totalCat - totalQuestions;

            //need to first shuffle constant catergories
            //this is to make sure that the first 4 categories are rotated in different orders each time
            Dictionary <int, string> shuffle = mc.categories.OrderBy(x => rand.Next())
                                               .ToDictionary(item => item.Key, item => item.Value);

            //add to dictionary while loop according to total questions for game
            for (int i = 0; i < shuffle.Count - diffBetweenNo; i++)
                questionsDict.Add(shuffle.ElementAt(i).Key, shuffle.ElementAt(i).Value);
            //create random list of ints for shuffling indexes for questions
            List <int> randNoList = new List <int>();

            randNoList = rg.randomNumberList(0, questionsDict.Count, randNoList, rand);

            //assign dictionary to model
            mc.RandomNoList = randNoList;
            mc.questions    = questionsDict;

            //generate random number between 0 - 1
            int randNum = rand.Next(0, 2);

            //check if 0 or 1 to alterante
            if (randNum == 0)
                //left column = call numbers
                mc.isCallNumberOrder = true;
                ViewBag.ColumnOrder  = "Decimal Classes";
                ViewBag.OtherColumn  = "Descriptions";
                //left column = descriptions
                mc.isCallNumberOrder = false;
                ViewBag.ColumnOrder  = "Descriptions";
                ViewBag.OtherColumn  = "Decimal Classes";

            //used to check if HttpPost request
            ViewBag.PostBack = "true";

Example #9
 public AutoValidityRangeBuilder MatchByAllColumnsExceptPk()
     MatchColumns     = TableBuilder.Table.Columns.Where(x => !x.IsPrimaryKey).ToArray();
     MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
Example #10
 public AutoValidityRangeBuilder MatchBySpecificColumns(params RelationalColumn[] matchColumns)
     MatchColumns     = matchColumns;
     MatchColumnNames = MatchColumns.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
        public ActionResult Index(MatchColumns mc, string questions, string orgAnswers, string answers)
            //see if the user submitted anything
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answers))
                //instantiate model paramaters
                mc.answers   = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                mc.questions = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                //split hidden fields to list<string>
                List <string> questionsList   = questions.Split(',').Select(sValue => sValue.Trim()).ToList();
                List <string> originalAnswers = orgAnswers.Split(',').Select(sValue => sValue.Trim()).ToList();
                List <string> userAnswers     = answers.Split(',').Select(sValue => sValue.Trim()).ToList();

                //create new dictionary answers
                Dictionary <int, string> userAnswersDict = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                //intialize totalCorrect aswers from model
                int correctAnswers = mc.TotalResult;
                ViewBag.TotalMarks = correctAnswers;

                //loop through questions, answers and original answers to store to model
                //for next view
                for (int i = 0; i < questionsList.Count; i++)
                    string item = questionsList[i].ToString();

                    if (i < correctAnswers + 1)
                        for (int j = i; j < userAnswers.Count;)
                            string ans = userAnswers[i].ToString();
                            //need to check if form collection is call number or description
                            if (mc.isCallNumberOrder == true)
                                //call number in left column
                                //item = call number
                                userAnswersDict.Add(Convert.ToInt32(item), ans);
                                mc.answers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(item), ans);
                                //description in left column
                                //item = description
                                userAnswersDict.Add(Convert.ToInt32(ans), item);
                                mc.answers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(ans), item);

                        //loop through orginal answers to add to model
                        for (int k = i; k < originalAnswers.Count;)
                            string org = originalAnswers[k].ToString();

                            if (mc.isCallNumberOrder == true)
                                //call number in left column
                                //item = call number
                                mc.questions.Add(Convert.ToInt32(item), org);
                                //description in left column
                                //item = description
                                mc.questions.Add(Convert.ToInt32(org), item);

                //assign categories to model
                mc.categories = con.Categories;

                //still need to compare dictionaries for result
                //use linq to get values matching
                var matchingDict = mc.answers.Where(entry => mc.categories[entry.Key] == entry.Value)
                                   .ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => entry.Value);

                //count total matching in new dictionary for result
                mc.Result = matchingDict.Count;
                double res = (Convert.ToDouble(mc.Result) / Convert.ToDouble(correctAnswers)) * 100;
                ViewBag.Percent = res;

                //need to get correct answers for left column
                //and store to sortedQuestions
                Dictionary <int, string> CorrectAnswerDict = new Dictionary <int, string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < mc.questions.Count; i++)
                    //variables for easy access and typing
                    int    qKey   = mc.questions.ElementAt(i).Key;
                    string qValue = mc.questions.ElementAt(i).Value;

                    for (int j = 0; j < mc.categories.Count; j++)
                        //variables for easy access and
                        int    cKey   = mc.categories.ElementAt(j).Key;
                        string cValue = mc.categories.ElementAt(j).Value;

                        //check if left column = description / callnumber using model
                        if (mc.isCallNumberOrder == true)
                            if (qKey == cKey)
                                //call number is question
                                CorrectAnswerDict.Add(qKey, cValue);
                            if (qValue == cValue)
                                //description is question
                                CorrectAnswerDict.Add(cKey, cValue);

                //assign correct answer
                mc.sortedQuestions = CorrectAnswerDict;

                //may use for future reference below
                //var matches = mc.questions.Keys.Intersect(mc.categories.Keys);
                //foreach (var m in matches)
                //    ResultDictionary.Add(Convert.ToInt32(mc.questions[m]), mc.categories[m]);

                //assign model to tempdata as it is easier than using hidden fields
                TempData["IdentifyModel"] = mc;

