public string GetPossibleInvasionEncounters() { var toInt = new Func <string, int>(x => { var val = x.Split('_')[0]; if (!int.TryParse(val, out var result)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to parse {val} as integer"); } return(result); }); var first = string.Join(", ", Encounters.First.Select(x => MasterFile.GetPokemon(toInt(x), 0)?.Name)); var second = string.Join(", ", Encounters.Second.Select(x => MasterFile.GetPokemon(toInt(x), 0)?.Name)); //var third = string.Join(", ", invasion.Encounters.Third.Select(x => Database.Instance.Pokemon[x].Name)); var msg = string.Empty; if (SecondReward ?? false) { //85%/15% Rate msg += $"85% - {first}\r\n"; msg += $"15% - {second}\r\n"; } else { //100% Rate msg += $"100% - {first}\r\n"; } return(msg); }
public async Task PostNestsAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("")] string args = null) { var guildId = ctx.Guild?.Id ?? ctx.Client.Guilds.Keys.FirstOrDefault(x => _dep.WhConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(x)); if (!_dep.WhConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(guildId)) { await ctx.RespondEmbed(Translator.Instance.Translate("ERROR_NOT_IN_DISCORD_SERVER"), DiscordColor.Red); return; } var server = _dep.WhConfig.Servers[guildId]; var channelId = server.NestsChannelId; var channel = await ctx.Client.GetChannelAsync(channelId); if (channel == null) { await ctx.RespondEmbed(Translator.Instance.Translate("ERROR_NESTS_DISABLED").FormatText(ctx.User.Username), DiscordColor.Red); return; } var deleted = await ctx.Client.DeleteMessages(channelId); if (deleted.Item2 == 0) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to delete messages in channel: {channelId}"); } var nests = GetNests(_dep.WhConfig.Database.Nests.ToString()); if (nests == null) { await ctx.RespondEmbed(Translator.Instance.Translate("ERROR_NESTS_LIST").FormatText(ctx.User.Username)); return; } var postNestAsList = string.Compare(args, "list", true) == 0; if (postNestAsList) { var groupedNests = GroupNests(guildId, nests); groupedNests.ToImmutableSortedDictionary(); var sortedKeys = groupedNests.Keys.ToList(); sortedKeys.Sort(); foreach (var key in sortedKeys) { var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = key, Description = string.Empty, Color = DiscordColor.Green }; var message = string.Empty; foreach (var nest in groupedNests[key]) { if (nest.Average < server.NestsMinimumPerHour) { continue; } var pkmn = MasterFile.GetPokemon(nest.PokemonId, 0); var pkmnName = Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(pkmn.PokedexId); var gmapsLink = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); // TODO: Check if possible shiny message += $"[**{nest.Name}**]({gmapsLink}): {pkmnName} (#{nest.PokemonId}) {nest.Average:N0} per hour\r\n"; if (message.Length >= 2048) { eb.Description = message.Substring(0, Math.Min(message.Length, 2048)); message = string.Empty; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb); eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = key, Description = string.Empty, Color = DiscordColor.Green }; } } if (message.Length > 0) { eb.Description = message; message = string.Empty; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } else { var cities = server.CityRoles.Select(x => x.ToLower()); for (var i = 0; i < nests.Count; i++) { var nest = nests[i]; if (nest.Average == 0) { continue; } try { var eb = GenerateNestMessage(guildId, ctx.Client, nest); var geofence = _dep.Whm.GetGeofence(nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); if (geofence == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to find geofence for nest {nest.Key}."); continue; } if (!cities.Contains(geofence.Name.ToLower())) { continue; } if (nest.Average < server.NestsMinimumPerHour) { continue; } await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb); Thread.Sleep(200); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } } }
private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string raidImageUrl) { var pkmnInfo = MasterFile.GetPokemon(PokemonId, Form); var name = IsEgg ? "Egg" /*TODO: Localize*/ : Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(PokemonId); var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(Form); var gender = Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon(); var level = Level; var move1 = Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(FastMove); var move2 = Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(ChargeMove); var types = pkmnInfo?.Types; var type1 = types?[0]; var type2 = types?.Count > 1 ? types?[1] : PokemonType.None; var type1Emoji = types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons(); var type2Emoji = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty; var typeEmojis = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}"; var weaknesses = Weaknesses == null ? string.Empty : string.Join(", ", Weaknesses); var weaknessesEmoji = types?.GetWeaknessEmojiIcons(); var perfectRange = PokemonId.MaxCpAtLevel(20); var boostedRange = PokemonId.MaxCpAtLevel(25); var worstRange = PokemonId.MinCpAtLevel(20); var worstBoosted = PokemonId.MinCpAtLevel(25); var exEmojiId = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis["ex"]; var exEmoji = exEmojiId > 0 ? $"<:ex:{exEmojiId}>" : "EX"; var teamEmojiId = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis[Team.ToString().ToLower()]; var teamEmoji = teamEmojiId > 0 ? $"<:{Team.ToString().ToLower()}:{teamEmojiId}>" : Team.ToString(); var gmapsLink = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var appleMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var wazeMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var scannerMapsLink = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude); var templatePath = Path.Combine(whConfig.StaticMaps.TemplatesFolder, whConfig.StaticMaps.Raids.TemplateFile); var staticMapLink = Utils.GetStaticMapsUrl(templatePath, whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps.Raids.ZoomLevel, Latitude, Longitude, raidImageUrl, Team); var gmapsLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? gmapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink); var appleMapsLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? appleMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink); var wazeMapsLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? wazeMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink); var scannerMapsLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? scannerMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink); var googleAddress = Utils.GetGoogleAddress(city, Latitude, Longitude, whConfig.GoogleMapsKey); //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink); const string defaultMissingValue = "?"; var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> { //Raid boss properties { "pkmn_id", PokemonId.ToString() }, { "pkmn_id_3", PokemonId.ToString("D3") }, { "pkmn_name", name }, { "pkmn_img_url", raidImageUrl }, { "form", form }, { "form_id", Form.ToString() }, { "form_id_3", Form.ToString("D3") }, { "is_egg", Convert.ToString(IsEgg) }, { "is_ex", Convert.ToString(IsExEligible) }, { "ex_emoji", exEmoji }, { "team", Team.ToString() }, { "team_emoji", teamEmoji }, { "cp", CP ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "lvl", level ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "gender", gender ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "move_1", move1 ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "move_2", move2 ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "moveset", $"{move1}/{move2}" }, { "type_1", type1?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "type_2", type2?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji }, { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji }, { "types", $"{type1}/{type2}" }, { "types_emoji", typeEmojis }, { "weaknesses", weaknesses }, { "weaknesses_emoji", weaknessesEmoji }, { "perfect_cp", perfectRange.ToString() }, { "perfect_cp_boosted", boostedRange.ToString() }, { "worst_cp", worstRange.ToString() }, { "worst_cp_boosted", worstBoosted.ToString() }, //Time properties { "start_time", StartTime.ToLongTimeString() }, { "start_time_24h", StartTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") }, { "start_time_left", DateTime.Now.GetTimeRemaining(StartTime).ToReadableStringNoSeconds() }, { "end_time", EndTime.ToLongTimeString() }, { "end_time_24h", EndTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") }, { "end_time_left", EndTime.GetTimeRemaining().ToReadableStringNoSeconds() }, //Location properties { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "lat", Latitude.ToString() }, { "lng", Longitude.ToString() }, { "lat_5", Math.Round(Latitude, 5).ToString() }, { "lng_5", Math.Round(Longitude, 5).ToString() }, //Location links { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink }, { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink }, { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink }, { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink }, { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink }, { "address", googleAddress?.Address }, //Gym properties { "gym_id", GymId }, { "gym_name", GymName }, { "gym_url", GymUrl }, // Discord Guild properties { "guild_name", guild?.Name }, { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl }, { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() }, //Misc properties { "br", "\r\n" } }; return(dict); }
private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(MessageProperties properties)// DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string pokemonImageUrl) { var pkmnInfo = MasterFile.GetPokemon(Id, FormId); var pkmnName = Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(Id); var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(FormId); var costume = Translator.Instance.GetCostumeName(Costume); var gender = Gender.GetPokemonGenderIcon(); var genderEmoji = Gender.GetGenderEmojiIcon(); var level = Level; var size = Size?.ToString(); var weather = Weather?.ToString(); var hasWeather = Weather.HasValue && Weather != WeatherCondition.None; var isWeatherBoosted = pkmnInfo?.IsWeatherBoosted(Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None); var weatherKey = $"weather_{Convert.ToInt32(Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None)}"; var weatherEmoji = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[weatherKey]) ? MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis.ContainsKey(weatherKey) && Weather != WeatherCondition.None ? (Weather ?? WeatherCondition.None).GetWeatherEmojiIcon() : string.Empty : MasterFile.Instance.CustomEmojis[weatherKey]; var move1 = int.TryParse(FastMove, out var fastMoveId) ? Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(fastMoveId) : "Unknown"; var move2 = int.TryParse(ChargeMove, out var chargeMoveId) ? Translator.Instance.GetMoveName(chargeMoveId) : "Unknown"; var type1 = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0]; var type2 = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo.Types?[1] : PokemonType.None; var type1Emoji = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons(); var type2Emoji = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo?.Types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty; var typeEmojis = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}"; var catchPokemon = IsDitto ? Translator.Instance.GetPokemonName(DisplayPokemonId ?? Id) : pkmnName; var isShiny = Shiny ?? false; var height = double.TryParse(Height, out var realHeight) ? Math.Round(realHeight).ToString() : ""; var weight = double.TryParse(Weight, out var realWeight) ? Math.Round(realWeight).ToString() : ""; var gmapsLink = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var appleMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var wazeMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude); var scannerMapsLink = string.Format(properties.Config.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude); var staticMapLink = StaticMap.GetUrl(properties.Config.Urls.StaticMap, properties.Config.StaticMaps["pokemon"], Latitude, Longitude, properties.ImageUrl); var gmapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink); var appleMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink); var wazeMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink); var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(properties.Config.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink); var address = new Location(null, properties.City, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(properties.Config); //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink); var pokestop = Pokestop.Pokestops.ContainsKey(PokestopId) ? Pokestop.Pokestops[PokestopId] : null; var greatLeagueEmoji = PvPLeague.Great.GetLeagueEmojiIcon(); var ultraLeagueEmoji = PvPLeague.Ultra.GetLeagueEmojiIcon(); var pvpStats = GetPvP(); const string defaultMissingValue = "?"; var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> { // Main properties { "pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(Id) }, { "pkmn_id_3", Id.ToString("D3") }, { "pkmn_name", pkmnName }, { "pkmn_img_url", properties.ImageUrl }, { "form", form }, { "form_id", Convert.ToString(FormId) }, { "form_id_3", FormId.ToString("D3") }, { "costume", costume ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "costume_id", Convert.ToString(Costume) }, { "costume_id_3", Costume.ToString("D3") }, { "cp", CP ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "lvl", level ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "gender", gender }, { "gender_emoji", genderEmoji }, { "size", size ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "move_1", move1 ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "move_2", move2 ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "moveset", $"{move1}/{move2}" }, { "type_1", type1?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "type_2", type2?.ToString() ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji }, { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji }, { "types", $"{type1} | {type2}" }, { "types_emoji", typeEmojis }, { "atk_iv", Attack ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "def_iv", Defense ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "sta_iv", Stamina ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "iv", IV ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "iv_rnd", IVRounded ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "is_shiny", Convert.ToString(isShiny) }, // Catch rate properties { "has_capture_rates", Convert.ToString(CatchRate1.HasValue && CatchRate2.HasValue && CatchRate3.HasValue) }, { "capture_1", CatchRate1.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate1.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty }, { "capture_2", CatchRate2.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate2.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty }, { "capture_3", CatchRate3.HasValue ? Math.Round(CatchRate3.Value * 100).ToString() : string.Empty }, { "capture_1_emoji", CaptureRateType.PokeBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() }, { "capture_2_emoji", CaptureRateType.GreatBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() }, { "capture_3_emoji", CaptureRateType.UltraBall.GetCaptureRateEmojiIcon() }, // PvP stat properties { "is_great", Convert.ToString(MatchesGreatLeague) }, { "is_ultra", Convert.ToString(MatchesUltraLeague) }, { "is_pvp", Convert.ToString(MatchesGreatLeague || MatchesUltraLeague) }, //{ "great_league_stats", greatLeagueStats }, //{ "ultra_league_stats", ultraLeagueStats }, { "great_league_emoji", greatLeagueEmoji }, { "ultra_league_emoji", ultraLeagueEmoji }, { "pvp_stats", pvpStats }, // Other properties { "height", height ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "weight", weight ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "is_ditto", Convert.ToString(IsDitto) }, { "original_pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(DisplayPokemonId) }, { "original_pkmn_id_3", (DisplayPokemonId ?? 0).ToString("D3") }, { "original_pkmn_name", catchPokemon }, { "is_weather_boosted", Convert.ToString(isWeatherBoosted) }, { "has_weather", Convert.ToString(hasWeather) }, { "weather", weather ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "weather_emoji", weatherEmoji ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "username", Username ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "spawnpoint_id", SpawnpointId ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "encounter_id", EncounterId ?? defaultMissingValue }, // Time properties { "despawn_time", DespawnTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") }, { "despawn_time_24h", DespawnTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") }, { "despawn_time_verified", DisappearTimeVerified ? "" : "~" }, { "is_despawn_time_verified", Convert.ToString(DisappearTimeVerified) }, { "time_left", SecondsLeft.ToReadableString(true) ?? defaultMissingValue }, // Location properties { "geofence", properties.City ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "lat", Convert.ToString(Latitude) }, { "lng", Convert.ToString(Longitude) }, { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") }, { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") }, // Location links { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink }, { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink }, { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink }, { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink }, { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink }, { "address", address?.Address }, // Pokestop properties { "near_pokestop", Convert.ToString(pokestop != null) }, { "pokestop_id", PokestopId ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "pokestop_name", pokestop?.Name ?? defaultMissingValue }, { "pokestop_url", pokestop?.Url ?? defaultMissingValue }, // Discord Guild properties { "guild_name", properties.Guild?.Name }, { "guild_img_url", properties.Guild?.IconUrl }, // Event properties { "is_event", Convert.ToString(IsEvent.HasValue && IsEvent.Value) }, { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() }, // Misc properties { "br", "\r\n" } }; return(dict); }
public IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, Nest nest, string pokemonImageUrl) { var pkmnInfo = MasterFile.GetPokemon(nest.PokemonId, 0); var pkmnImage = pokemonImageUrl; var nestName = nest.Name ?? "Unknown"; var type1 = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0]; var type2 = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo.Types?[1] : PokemonType.None; var type1Emoji = pkmnInfo?.Types?[0].GetTypeEmojiIcons(); var type2Emoji = pkmnInfo?.Types?.Count > 1 ? pkmnInfo?.Types?[1].GetTypeEmojiIcons() : string.Empty; var typeEmojis = $"{type1Emoji} {type2Emoji}"; var gmapsLink = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); var appleMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); var wazeMapsLink = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); var scannerMapsLink = string.Format(_dep.WhConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); var templatePath = Path.Combine(_dep.WhConfig.StaticMaps.TemplatesFolder, _dep.WhConfig.StaticMaps.Nests.TemplateFile); var staticMapLink = Utils.GetStaticMapsUrl(templatePath, _dep.WhConfig.Urls.StaticMap, _dep.WhConfig.StaticMaps.Nests.ZoomLevel, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude, pkmnImage, null, _dep.OsmManager.GetNest(nest.Name)?.FirstOrDefault()); var geofence = _dep.Whm.GetGeofence(nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude); var city = geofence?.Name ?? "Unknown"; Location address = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dep.WhConfig.GoogleMapsKey)) { address = Utils.GetGoogleAddress(city, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude, _dep.WhConfig.GoogleMapsKey); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dep.WhConfig.NominatimEndpoint)) { address = Utils.GetNominatimAddress(city, nest.Latitude, nest.Longitude, _dep.WhConfig.NominatimEndpoint); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> { //Main properties { "pkmn_id", Convert.ToString(nest.PokemonId) }, { "pkmn_id_3", nest.PokemonId.ToString("D3") }, { "pkmn_name", pkmnInfo?.Name }, { "pkmn_img_url", pkmnImage }, { "avg_spawns", Convert.ToString(nest.Average) }, { "nest_name", nestName }, { "type_1", Convert.ToString(type1) }, { "type_2", Convert.ToString(type2) }, { "type_1_emoji", type1Emoji }, { "type_2_emoji", type2Emoji }, { "types", $"{type1} | {type2}" }, { "types_emojis", typeEmojis }, //Location properties { "geofence", city }, { "lat", Convert.ToString(nest.Latitude) }, { "lng", Convert.ToString(nest.Longitude) }, { "lat_5", Convert.ToString(Math.Round(nest.Latitude, 5)) }, { "lng_5", Convert.ToString(Math.Round(nest.Longitude, 5)) }, //Location links { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink }, { "gmaps_url", gmapsLink }, { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLink }, { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLink }, { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLink }, { "address", address?.Address }, // Discord Guild properties { "guild_name", guild?.Name }, { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl }, { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() }, //Misc properties { "br", "\r\n" } }; return(dict); }
public async Task ProcessRaidSubscription(RaidData raid) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(raid.PokemonId)) { return; } var loc = _whm.GetGeofence(raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude); if (loc == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city for coordinates {raid.Latitude},{raid.Longitude}, skipping..."); return; } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByRaidBossId(raid.PokemonId); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(raid.PokemonId, raid.Form); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].EnableSubscriptions) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; var member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); if (member == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to find member with id {user.UserId}."); continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Info($"User {user.UserId} is not a supporter, skipping raid boss {pokemon.Name}..."); continue; } // Only check distance if user has it set if (user.DistanceM > 0) { var distance = new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude)); if (user.DistanceM < distance) { //Skip if distance is set and is not met. _logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for raid boss {pokemon.Name}, raid is farther than set distance of '{user.DistanceM} meters."); continue; } } if (user.Gyms.Count > 0 && (!user.Gyms?.Exists(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x?.Name) && ( (raid.GymName?.ToLower()?.Contains(x.Name?.ToLower()) ?? false) || (raid.GymName?.ToLower()?.StartsWith(x.Name?.ToLower()) ?? false) ) ) ?? false)) { //Skip if list is not empty and gym is not in list. _logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for raid boss {pokemon.Name}, raid '{raid.GymName}' is not in list of subscribed gyms."); continue; } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(raid.Form); var exists = user.Raids.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == raid.PokemonId && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) && string.Compare(loc.Name, x.City, true) == 0)) ) != null; if (!exists) { //_logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for raid boss {pokemon.Name}, raid is in city '{loc.Name}'."); continue; } var embed = raid.GenerateRaidMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig, null, loc.Name); foreach (var emb in embed.Embeds) { _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, emb, pokemon.Name, loc.Name)); } Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionRaidsSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; user = null; loc = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessPokemonSubscription(PokemonData pkmn) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(pkmn.Id)) { return; } var loc = _whm.GetGeofence(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude); if (loc == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); return; } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByPokemonId(pkmn.Id); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; PokemonSubscription subscribedPokemon; DiscordMember member = null; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pkmn.Id, pkmn.FormId); var matchesIV = false; var matchesLvl = false; var matchesGender = false; var matchesIVList = false; for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].EnableSubscriptions) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; try { member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug($"FAILED TO GET MEMBER BY ID {user.UserId}"); _logger.Error(ex); continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Debug($"User {member?.Username} ({user.UserId}) is not a supporter, skipping pokemon {pokemon.Name}..."); continue; } if (member?.Roles == null || loc == null) { continue; } if (!member.Roles.Select(x => x?.Name?.ToLower()).Contains(loc?.Name?.ToLower())) { //_logger.Info($"User {member.Username} does not have city role {loc.Name}, skipping pokemon {pokemon.Name}."); continue; } /* * var exists = user.Pokemon.Exists(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) && string.Compare(loc.Name, x.City, true) == 0)); * if (!exists) * { * //_logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for Pokemon {pokemon.PokemonId} because the Pokemon is in city '{loc.Name}'."); * continue; * } */ // Only check distance if user has it set if (user.DistanceM > 0) { var distance = new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude)); if (user.DistanceM < distance) { //Skip if distance is set and is not with specified distance. _logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for Pokemon {pokemon.Name}, Pokemon is farther than set distance of '{user.DistanceM} meters."); continue; } } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(pkmn.FormId); subscribedPokemon = user.Pokemon.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == pkmn.Id && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) && string.Compare(loc.Name, x.City, true) == 0)) ); if (subscribedPokemon == null) { //_logger.Info($"User {member.Username} not subscribed to Pokemon {pokemon.Name} (Form: {form})."); continue; } matchesIV = Filters.MatchesIV(pkmn.IV, subscribedPokemon.MinimumIV); //var matchesCP = _whm.Filters.MatchesCpFilter(pkmn.CP, subscribedPokemon.MinimumCP); matchesLvl = Filters.MatchesLvl(pkmn.Level, (uint)subscribedPokemon.MinimumLevel, (uint)subscribedPokemon.MaximumLevel); matchesGender = Filters.MatchesGender(pkmn.Gender, subscribedPokemon.Gender); matchesIVList = subscribedPokemon.IVList?.Contains($"{pkmn.Attack}/{pkmn.Defense}/{pkmn.Stamina}") ?? false; if (!( (/*!subscribedPokemon.HasStats && */ matchesIV && matchesLvl && matchesGender) || (subscribedPokemon.HasStats && matchesIVList) )) { continue; } var embed = await pkmn.GeneratePokemonMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig, null, loc.Name); foreach (var emb in embed.Embeds) { _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, emb, pokemon.Name, loc.Name, pkmn)); } Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionPokemonSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; member = null; user = null; loc = null; pokemon = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessPokemonSubscription(PokemonData pkmn) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(pkmn.Id)) { return; } // Cache the result per-guild so that geospatial stuff isn't queried for every single subscription below Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem> locationCache = new Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem>(); GeofenceItem GetGeofence(ulong guildId) { if (!locationCache.TryGetValue(guildId, out var geofence)) { geofence = _whm.GetGeofence(guildId, pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude); locationCache.Add(guildId, geofence); } return(geofence); } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByPokemonId(pkmn.Id); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; PokemonSubscription subscribedPokemon; DiscordMember member = null; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pkmn.Id, pkmn.FormId); var matchesIV = false; var matchesLvl = false; var matchesGender = false; var matchesIVList = false; for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { //var start = DateTime.Now; try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].Subscriptions.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; try { member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug($"FAILED TO GET MEMBER BY ID {user.UserId}"); _logger.Error(ex); continue; } if (member?.Roles == null) { continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Debug($"User {member?.Username} ({user.UserId}) is not a supporter, skipping pokemon {pokemon.Name}..."); // Automatically disable users subscriptions if not supporter to prevent issues //user.Enabled = false; //user.Save(false); continue; } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(pkmn.FormId); subscribedPokemon = user.Pokemon.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == pkmn.Id && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) && string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0)) ); // Not subscribed to Pokemon if (subscribedPokemon == null) { //_logger.Debug($"User {member.Username} not subscribed to Pokemon {pokemon.Name} (Form: {form})."); continue; } matchesIV = Filters.MatchesIV(pkmn.IV, subscribedPokemon.MinimumIV); //var matchesCP = _whm.Filters.MatchesCpFilter(pkmn.CP, subscribedPokemon.MinimumCP); matchesLvl = Filters.MatchesLvl(pkmn.Level, (uint)subscribedPokemon.MinimumLevel, (uint)subscribedPokemon.MaximumLevel); matchesGender = Filters.MatchesGender(pkmn.Gender, subscribedPokemon.Gender); matchesIVList = subscribedPokemon.IVList?.Contains($"{pkmn.Attack}/{pkmn.Defense}/{pkmn.Stamina}") ?? false; if (!( (!subscribedPokemon.HasStats && matchesIV && matchesLvl && matchesGender) || (subscribedPokemon.HasStats && matchesIVList) )) { continue; } var geofence = GetGeofence(user.GuildId); if (geofence == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); continue; } var distanceMatches = user.DistanceM > 0 && user.DistanceM > new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude)); var geofenceMatches = subscribedPokemon.Areas.Select(x => x.ToLower()).Contains(geofence.Name.ToLower()); // If set distance does not match and no geofences match, then skip Pokemon... if (!distanceMatches && !geofenceMatches) { continue; } var embed = pkmn.GeneratePokemonMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig.Instance, null, geofence.Name); //var end = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start); //_logger.Debug($"Took {end} to process Pokemon subscription for user {user.UserId}"); embed.Embeds.ForEach(x => _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, x, pokemon.Name, geofence.Name, pkmn))); Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionPokemonSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; member = null; user = null; pokemon = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessPvPSubscription(PokemonData pkmn) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(pkmn.Id)) { return; } var loc = _whm.GetGeofence(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude); if (loc == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); return; } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByPvPPokemonId(pkmn.Id); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; PvPSubscription subscribedPokemon; DiscordMember member = null; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pkmn.Id, pkmn.FormId); var matchesGreat = false; var matchesUltra = false; for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].EnableSubscriptions) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; try { member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug($"FAILED TO GET MEMBER BY ID {user.UserId}"); _logger.Error(ex); continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Debug($"User {member?.Username} ({user.UserId}) is not a supporter, skipping pvp pokemon {pokemon.Name}..."); continue; } if (member?.Roles == null || loc == null) { continue; } // If member does not have role associated with city and server does have city roles configured, skip subscription. if (!member.Roles.Select(x => x?.Name?.ToLower()).Contains(loc?.Name?.ToLower()) && _whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].CityRoles?.Count > 0) { //_logger.Info($"User {member.Username} does not have city role {loc.Name}, skipping pokemon {pokemon.Name}."); continue; } // Only check distance if user has it set if (user.DistanceM > 0) { var distance = new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude)); if (user.DistanceM < distance) { //Skip if distance is set and is not with specified distance. _logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for PvP Pokemon {pokemon.Name}, Pokemon is farther than set distance of '{user.DistanceM} meters."); continue; } } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(pkmn.FormId); subscribedPokemon = user.PvP.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == pkmn.Id && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City) && string.Compare(loc.Name, x.City, true) == 0)) ); if (subscribedPokemon == null) { //_logger.Info($"User {member.Username} not subscribed to PvP Pokemon {pokemon.Name} (Form: {form})."); continue; } matchesGreat = pkmn.GreatLeague?.Exists(x => subscribedPokemon.League == PvPLeague.Great && (x.CP ?? 0) >= 2400 && (x.CP ?? 0) <= 2500 && (x.Rank ?? 4096) <= subscribedPokemon.MinimumRank && (x.Percentage ?? 0) >= subscribedPokemon.MinimumPercent) ?? false; matchesUltra = pkmn.GreatLeague?.Exists(x => subscribedPokemon.League == PvPLeague.Ultra && (x.CP ?? 0) >= 2400 && (x.CP ?? 0) <= 2500 && (x.Rank ?? 4096) <= subscribedPokemon.MinimumRank && (x.Percentage ?? 0) >= subscribedPokemon.MinimumPercent) ?? false; if (!(matchesGreat || matchesUltra)) { continue; } var embed = await pkmn.GeneratePokemonMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig, null, loc.Name); foreach (var emb in embed.Embeds) { _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, emb, pokemon.Name, loc.Name)); } Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionPokemonSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; member = null; user = null; loc = null; pokemon = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessGymSubscription(RaidData raid) { //if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(raid.PokemonId)) // return; // Cache the result per-guild so that geospatial stuff isn't queried for every single subscription below Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem> locationCache = new Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem>(); GeofenceItem GetGeofence(ulong guildId) { if (!locationCache.TryGetValue(guildId, out var geofence)) { geofence = _whm.GetGeofence(guildId, raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude); locationCache.Add(guildId, geofence); } return(geofence); } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByGymName(raid.GymName); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(raid.PokemonId, raid.Form); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { //var start = DateTime.Now; try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].Subscriptions.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; var member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); if (member == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to find member with id {user.UserId}."); continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Info($"User {user.UserId} is not a supporter, skipping raid boss {pokemon.Name} for gym {raid.GymName}..."); // Automatically disable users subscriptions if not supporter to prevent issues //user.Enabled = false; //user.Save(false); continue; } var geofence = GetGeofence(user.GuildId); if (geofence == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); continue; } var gymSub = user.Gyms.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Compare(x.Name, raid.GymName, true) == 0); if (gymSub == null) { continue; } var checkLevel = gymSub.MinimumLevel > 0 && gymSub.MaximumLevel > 0; var containsPokemon = gymSub.PokemonIDs?.Contains((uint)raid.PokemonId) ?? false; if (!checkLevel && !containsPokemon) { continue; } var embed = raid.GenerateRaidMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig.Instance, null, geofence.Name); //var end = DateTime.Now; //_logger.Debug($"Took {end} to process gym raid subscription for user {user.UserId}"); embed.Embeds.ForEach(x => _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, x, pokemon.Name, geofence.Name))); Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionRaidsSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; user = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessRaidSubscription(RaidData raid) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(raid.PokemonId)) { return; } // Cache the result per-guild so that geospatial stuff isn't queried for every single subscription below Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem> locationCache = new Dictionary <ulong, GeofenceItem>(); GeofenceItem GetGeofence(ulong guildId) { if (!locationCache.TryGetValue(guildId, out var geofence)) { geofence = _whm.GetGeofence(guildId, raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude); locationCache.Add(guildId, geofence); } return(geofence); } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByRaidBossId(raid.PokemonId); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(raid.PokemonId, raid.Form); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { //var start = DateTime.Now; try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].Subscriptions.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; var member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); if (member == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to find member with id {user.UserId}."); continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Instance.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Info($"User {user.UserId} is not a supporter, skipping raid boss {pokemon.Name}..."); // Automatically disable users subscriptions if not supporter to prevent issues //user.Enabled = false; //user.Save(false); continue; } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(raid.Form); var subPkmn = user.Raids.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == raid.PokemonId && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) && string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0)) ); // Not subscribed to Pokemon if (subPkmn == null) { //_logger.Debug($"Skipping notification for user {member.DisplayName} ({member.Id}) for raid boss {pokemon.Name}, raid is in city '{loc.Name}'."); continue; } var geofence = GetGeofence(user.GuildId); if (geofence == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); continue; } var distanceMatches = user.DistanceM > 0 && user.DistanceM > new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(raid.Latitude, raid.Longitude)); var geofenceMatches = subPkmn.Areas.Select(x => x.ToLower()).Contains(geofence.Name.ToLower()); // If set distance does not match and no geofences match, then skip Pokemon... if (!distanceMatches && !geofenceMatches) { continue; } var embed = raid.GenerateRaidMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig.Instance, null, geofence.Name); //var end = DateTime.Now; //_logger.Debug($"Took {end} to process raid subscription for user {user.UserId}"); embed.Embeds.ForEach(x => _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, x, pokemon.Name, geofence.Name))); Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionRaidsSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; user = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task ProcessPvPSubscription(PokemonData pkmn) { if (!MasterFile.Instance.Pokedex.ContainsKey(pkmn.Id)) { return; } var loc = _whm.GetGeofence(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude); if (loc == null) { //_logger.Warn($"Failed to lookup city from coordinates {pkmn.Latitude},{pkmn.Longitude} {db.Pokemon[pkmn.Id].Name} {pkmn.IV}, skipping..."); return; } var subscriptions = Manager.GetUserSubscriptionsByPvPPokemonId(pkmn.Id); if (subscriptions == null) { _logger.Warn($"Failed to get subscriptions from database table."); return; } SubscriptionObject user; PvPSubscription subscribedPokemon; DiscordMember member = null; var pokemon = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pkmn.Id, pkmn.FormId); var matchesGreat = false; var matchesUltra = false; for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.Count; i++) { try { user = subscriptions[i]; if (user == null) { continue; } if (!user.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } if (!_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].Subscriptions.Enabled) { continue; } if (!_servers.ContainsKey(user.GuildId)) { continue; } var client = _servers[user.GuildId]; try { member = await client.GetMemberById(user.GuildId, user.UserId); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug($"FAILED TO GET MEMBER BY ID {user.UserId}"); _logger.Error(ex); continue; } if (member?.Roles == null || loc == null) { continue; } if (!member.HasSupporterRole(_whConfig.Servers[user.GuildId].DonorRoleIds)) { _logger.Debug($"User {member?.Username} ({user.UserId}) is not a supporter, skipping pvp pokemon {pokemon.Name}..."); // Automatically disable users subscriptions if not supporter to prevent issues user.Enabled = false; user.Save(false); continue; } var form = Translator.Instance.GetFormName(pkmn.FormId); subscribedPokemon = user.PvP.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PokemonId == pkmn.Id && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Form) && string.Compare(x.Form, form, true) == 0)) ); // Not subscribed to Pokemon if (subscribedPokemon == null) { //_logger.Info($"User {member.Username} not subscribed to PvP Pokemon {pokemon.Name} (Form: {form})."); continue; } matchesGreat = pkmn.GreatLeague != null && (pkmn.GreatLeague?.Exists(x => subscribedPokemon.League == PvPLeague.Great && (x.CP ?? 0) >= Strings.MinimumGreatLeagueCP && (x.CP ?? 0) <= Strings.MaximumGreatLeagueCP && (x.Rank ?? 4096) <= subscribedPokemon.MinimumRank && (x.Percentage ?? 0) * 100 >= subscribedPokemon.MinimumPercent) ?? false); matchesUltra = pkmn.UltraLeague != null && (pkmn.UltraLeague?.Exists(x => subscribedPokemon.League == PvPLeague.Ultra && (x.CP ?? 0) >= Strings.MinimumUltraLeagueCP && (x.CP ?? 0) <= Strings.MaximumUltraLeagueCP && (x.Rank ?? 4096) <= subscribedPokemon.MinimumRank && (x.Percentage ?? 0) * 100 >= subscribedPokemon.MinimumPercent) ?? false); // Check if Pokemon IV stats match any relevant great or ultra league ranks, if not skip. if (!matchesGreat && !matchesUltra) { continue; } var distanceMatches = user.DistanceM > 0 && user.DistanceM > new Coordinates(user.Latitude, user.Longitude).DistanceTo(new Coordinates(pkmn.Latitude, pkmn.Longitude)); var geofenceMatches = subscribedPokemon.Areas.Select(x => x.ToLower()).Contains(loc.Name.ToLower()); // If set distance does not match and no geofences match, then skip Pokemon... if (!distanceMatches && !geofenceMatches) { continue; } var embed = await pkmn.GeneratePokemonMessage(user.GuildId, client, _whConfig, null, loc.Name); foreach (var emb in embed.Embeds) { _queue.Enqueue(new NotificationItem(user, member, emb, pokemon.Name, loc.Name)); } Statistics.Instance.SubscriptionPokemonSent++; Thread.Sleep(5); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } } subscriptions.Clear(); subscriptions = null; member = null; user = null; loc = null; pokemon = null; await Task.CompletedTask; }
public async Task StatsAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("")] string pokemon, [Description("")] string start, [Description("")] string end) { var pokeId = pokemon.PokemonIdFromName(); if (pokeId == 0) { // TODO: Localize await ctx.RespondEmbed($"{ctx.User.Username} Unable to find Pokemon by name or id {pokemon}"); return; } // TODO: Parse and validate start/end var sql = @" SELECT COUNT(id) AS total, SUM(iv > 0) AS with_iv, SUM(iv IS NULL) AS without_iv, SUM(iv = 0) AS iv_0, SUM(iv >= 1 AND iv < 10) AS iv_1_9, SUM(iv >= 10 AND iv < 20) AS iv_10_19, SUM(iv >= 20 AND iv < 30) AS iv_20_29, SUM(iv >= 30 AND iv < 40) AS iv_30_39, SUM(iv >= 40 AND iv < 50) AS iv_40_49, SUM(iv >= 50 AND iv < 60) AS iv_50_59, SUM(iv >= 60 AND iv < 70) AS iv_60_69, SUM(iv >= 70 AND iv < 80) AS iv_70_79, SUM(iv >= 80 AND iv < 90) AS iv_80_89, SUM(iv >= 90 AND iv < 100) AS iv_90_99, SUM(iv = 100) AS iv_100, SUM(gender = 1) AS male, SUM(gender = 2) AS female, SUM(gender = 3) AS genderless, SUM(level >= 1 AND level <= 9) AS level_1_9, SUM(level >= 10 AND level <= 19) AS level_10_19, SUM(level >= 20 AND level <= 29) AS level_20_29, SUM(level >= 30 AND level <= 35) AS level_30_35 FROM pokemon WHERE pokemon_id = @pokemonId AND first_seen_timestamp >= @start AND first_seen_timestamp <= @end "; var dict = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "pokemonId", pokemon }, { "start", start }, { "end", end } }; var results = ExecuteQuery<object>(sql, dict); if (results.Count > 0) { var result = (dynamic)results.FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(result); int total = Convert.ToInt32( ?? 0); int withIV = Convert.ToInt32(result.with_iv ?? 0); int withoutIV = Convert.ToInt32(result.without_iv ?? 0); int iv0 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_0 ?? 0); int iv1_9 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_1_9 ?? 0); int iv10_19 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_10_19 ?? 0); int iv20_29 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_20_29 ?? 0); int iv30_39 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_30_39 ?? 0); int iv40_49 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_40_49 ?? 0); int iv50_59 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_50_59 ?? 0); int iv60_69 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_60_69 ?? 0); int iv70_79 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_70_79 ?? 0); int iv80_89 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_80_89 ?? 0); int iv90_99 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_90_99 ?? 0); int iv100 = Convert.ToInt32(result.iv_100 ?? 0); int male = Convert.ToInt32(result.male ?? 0); int female = Convert.ToInt32(result.female ?? 0); int genderless = Convert.ToInt32(result.genderless ?? 0); int level1_9 = Convert.ToInt32(result.level_1_9 ?? 0); int level10_19 = Convert.ToInt32(result.level_10_19 ?? 0); int level20_29 = Convert.ToInt32(result.level_20_29 ?? 0); int level30_35 = Convert.ToInt32(result.level_30_35 ?? 0); var pkmn = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pokeId, 0); var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Blurple, Title = $"{ctx.Guild.Name} Community Day Stats", Description = $"**{pkmn.Name}** ({pokeId})\r\nBetween: {start} - {end}", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = $"{ctx.Guild?.Name} | {DateTime.Now}", IconUrl = ctx.Guild?.IconUrl } }; // TODO: Localize eb.AddField("Total", total.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("With IV", withIV.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Without IV", withoutIV.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("0% IV", iv0.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("1-9% IV", iv1_9.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("10-19% IV", iv10_19.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("20-29% IV", iv20_29.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("30-39% IV", iv30_39.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("40-49% IV", iv40_49.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("50-59% IV", iv50_59.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("60-69% IV", iv60_69.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("70-79% IV", iv70_79.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("80-89% IV", iv80_89.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("90-99% IV", iv90_99.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("100 % IV", iv100.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Male", male.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Female", female.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Genderless", genderless.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Level 1-9", level1_9.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Level 10-19", level10_19.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Level 20-29", level20_29.ToString("N0"), true); eb.AddField("Level 30-35", level30_35.ToString("N0"), true); await ctx.RespondAsync(embed: eb); } }
public async Task ListNestsAsync(CommandContext ctx, string pokemon = null) { var guildId = ctx.Guild?.Id ?? ctx.Client.Guilds.Keys.FirstOrDefault(x => _dep.WhConfig.Servers.ContainsKey(x)); var pokeId = pokemon.PokemonIdFromName(); if (pokeId == 0) { await ctx.RespondEmbed(Translator.Instance.Translate("NOTIFY_INVALID_POKEMON_ID_OR_NAME").FormatText(ctx.User.Username, pokemon), DiscordColor.Red); return; } var pkmn = MasterFile.GetPokemon(pokeId, 0); var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"Local {pkmn.Name} Nests", Color = DiscordColor.Blurple, Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = $"{ctx.Guild?.Name} | {DateTime.Now}", IconUrl = ctx.Guild?.IconUrl } }; var nests = GetNestsByPokemon(_dep.WhConfig.Database.Nests.ToString())?.Where(x => x.Key == pokeId); if (nests == null) { await ctx.RespondEmbed(Translator.Instance.Translate("ERROR_NESTS_LIST").FormatText(ctx.User.Username), DiscordColor.Red); return; } var cities = _dep.WhConfig.Servers[guildId].CityRoles.Select(x => x.ToLower()).ToList(); var groupedNests = GroupNests(nests); foreach (var nest in groupedNests) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var gn in nest.Value) { if (gn.Average == 0) { continue; } var geofence = _dep.Whm.GetGeofence(gn.Latitude, gn.Longitude); if (!cities.Contains(geofence?.Name)) { continue; } sb.AppendLine($"[{gn.Name}]({string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, gn.Latitude, gn.Longitude)}) Avg/h: {gn.Average:N0}"); } eb.AddField($"{nest.Key}", sb.ToString(), true); } if (eb.Fields.Count == 0) { eb.Description = $"{ctx.User.Username} No local nests found for `{pkmn.Name}`."; eb.Color = DiscordColor.Yellow; } await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : eb); }