Example #1
        private void TestTargetedMsmsCommon(string templateFilePath, string methodFilePath, bool doTOFMs)
            var method = GetMethod(methodFilePath);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, method.PeriodCount);

            var period = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);

            // Read in the template method for comparison
            MassSpecMethod templateMethod = GetMethod(templateFilePath);

            var prodIonIndex = ((Period)templateMethod.GetPeriod(0)).ExperimCount == 1 ? 0 : 1;

            var templateProdIonExpt = (Experiment)((Period)(templateMethod.GetPeriod(0))).GetExperiment(prodIonIndex);

            var templateTofMsExpt = ((Period)templateMethod.GetPeriod(0)).ExperimCount == 2
                                        ? (Experiment)((Period)(templateMethod.GetPeriod(0))).GetExperiment(0)
                                        : null;

            if (doTOFMs)
                // We should have 1 "TOF MS" experiments and 20 "Product Ion" experiments
                Assert.AreEqual(21, period.ExperimCount);

                // first experiment should be a TOF experiment
                var experiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                Assert.AreEqual(BuildAnalystFullScanMethod.TOF_MS_SCAN, experiment.ScanType);

                if (templateTofMsExpt != null)
                    CompareExperiments(templateTofMsExpt, experiment, IsQstarTemplate(templateFilePath));

                experiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(1);
                Assert.AreEqual(BuildAnalystFullScanMethod.PROD_ION_SCAN, experiment.ScanType);

                CompareExperiments(templateProdIonExpt, experiment, IsQstarTemplate(templateFilePath));
                // We should have 20 "Product Ion" experiments
                Assert.AreEqual(20, period.ExperimCount);

                var experiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                Assert.AreEqual(BuildAnalystFullScanMethod.PROD_ION_SCAN, experiment.ScanType);

                CompareExperiments(templateProdIonExpt, experiment, IsQstarTemplate(templateFilePath));
Example #2
        public void TestMRMMethod()
            string projectDirectory = GetProjectDirectory();

            var args = new[] { Path.Combine(projectDirectory, METHOD_FILE),
                               Path.Combine(projectDirectory, LIST_UNSCHED) };
            var builder = new BuildQtrapMethod();


            string methodFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projectDirectory, METHOD_UNSCHED));

            // read the updated method and make sure that the
            // transition list has been included
            MassSpecMethod method = GetMethod(methodFilePath);

            var period       = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);
            var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(60, msExperiment.MassRangesCount);

            // Check the first one
            // 744.839753,1087.49894,20,APR.AGLCQTFVYGGCR.y9.light,85.4,38.2
            var massRange = (MassRange)msExperiment.GetMassRange(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, massRange.DwellTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(744.839753, massRange.QstartMass, 0.00005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, massRange.QstopMass);
            Assert.AreEqual(1087.49894, massRange.QstepMass, 0.00005);

            var msMassRange3 = (IMassRange3)massRange;

            Assert.AreEqual("APR.AGLCQTFVYGGCR.y9.light", msMassRange3.CompoundID);

            // Check the last one
            // 572.791863,724.375566,20,CRP.GYSIFSYATK.y6.heavy,72.6,28.2
            massRange = (MassRange)msExperiment.GetMassRange(59);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, massRange.DwellTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(572.791863, massRange.QstartMass, 0.00005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, massRange.QstopMass);
            Assert.AreEqual(724.375566, massRange.QstepMass, 0.00005);

            msMassRange3 = (IMassRange3)massRange;
            Assert.AreEqual("CRP.GYSIFSYATK.y6.heavy", msMassRange3.CompoundID);

Example #3
        internal static IAcqMethod GetAcqMethod(string methodFilePath, out MassSpecMethod templateMsMethod)
            ApplicationClass analyst = new ApplicationClass();

            // Make sure that Analyst is fully started
            IAcqMethodDirConfig acqMethodDir = (IAcqMethodDirConfig)analyst.Acquire();

            if (acqMethodDir == null)
                throw new IOException("Failed to initialize.  Analyst may need to be started.");

            object acqMethodObj;

            acqMethodDir.LoadNonUIMethod(methodFilePath, out acqMethodObj);
            IAcqMethod templateAcqMethod = (IAcqMethod)acqMethodObj;

            templateMsMethod = ExtractMsMethod(templateAcqMethod);
Example #4
        private void ValidateMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
            // Do some validation that happens regardless of instrument
            if (method == null)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to open template method {0}. " +
                                                    "The given template may be invalid for the available version of Analyst.",

            if (method.PeriodCount == 0)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Expecting at least one period.",

            // Get the last period in the given template method.
            // We will add transitions to the last period only.
            var msPeriod = (Period)method.GetPeriod(method.PeriodCount - 1);

            var msExperiment   = (Experiment)msPeriod.GetExperiment(0);
            var experimentType = msExperiment.ScanType;

            if (experimentType != 4)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Experiment type must be MRM.",

            var msExperiment7 = (IExperiment7)msExperiment;

            if (RTWindowInSeconds.HasValue)
                msExperiment7.LCPeakWidth         = RTWindowInSeconds.Value;
                msExperiment7.KnownRetentionTimes = 1;
                msExperiment7.KnownRetentionTimes = 0;
Example #5
 private static bool IsDataDependentMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
     return(((IMassSpecMethod2)method).DataDependent == 1);
Example #6
        private void WriteToTargetedMSMSTemplate(MassSpecMethod method, MethodTransitions transitions)
            var period = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);

            Experiment tofExperiment = null;
            Experiment prodIonExperiment;

            switch (period.ExperimCount)
            case 2:
                tofExperiment     = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                prodIonExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(1);

                // delete the product ion experiment. We will be adding one for each precursor ion in the transition list.


            case 1:
                prodIonExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);

                // delete the product ion experiment. We will be adding one for each precursor ion in the transition list.


                throw new IOException(string.Format("Expected 1 or 2 experiments in the template. Found {0} experiments.", period.ExperimCount));

            int j;

            if (Ms1Scan)
                // If the template does not already have a TOF MS scan add one now.
                if (tofExperiment == null)
                    var experiment = (Experiment)period.CreateExperiment(out j);
                    experiment.ScanType = TOF_MS_SCAN;

            if (prodIonExperiment == null)
                throw new IOException("Product Ion scan was not found in the method.");

            // Get the TOF mass range from the template
            var tofPropertiesTemplate = (ITOFProperties)prodIonExperiment;

            short s;

            //Get initial source parameters from the template
            var           sourceParamsTblInput = (ParamDataColl)prodIonExperiment.SourceParamsTbl;
            ParameterData param      = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS1", out s);
            float         sourceGas1 = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS2", out s);
            float sourceGas2 = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("CUR", out s);
            float curtainGas = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("TEM", out s);
            float temperature = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("IHT", out s);
            float nanoTemperature = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            string ionSprayVoltageParamName = "ISVF"; // ISVF on 5600, IS on QSTAR
            float  ionSprayVoltage;

            var paramData = ((ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s));

            if (s != -1)
                ionSprayVoltage = paramData.startVal;
                ionSprayVoltageParamName = "IS";
                ionSprayVoltage          = ((ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s)).startVal;

            // We will use parameters from the first mass range in the template product ion experiment.
            var massRangeTemplate = (IMassRange)prodIonExperiment.GetMassRange(0);
            var paramTblTemplate  = (ParamDataColl)massRangeTemplate.MassDepParamTbl;

            double minPrecursorMass = double.MaxValue;
            double maxPrecursorMass = 0;

            var precursorsToExperimentIndex = new Dictionary <double, int>();

            foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                if (precursorsToExperimentIndex.ContainsKey(transition.PrecursorMz))
                    transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition)
                                                     ? 0
                                                     : precursorsToExperimentIndex[transition.PrecursorMz];

                var experiment = (Experiment)period.CreateExperiment(out j);
                precursorsToExperimentIndex.Add(transition.PrecursorMz, j);
                transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition) ? 0 : j;

                // Setting ScanType to 6 for QSTAR causes method export to fail. Setting it to 9 works for both AB 5600 and QSTAR
                experiment.ScanType = PROD_ION_SCAN;

                experiment.FixedMass = transition.PrecursorMz;

                minPrecursorMass = Math.Min(minPrecursorMass, transition.PrecursorMz);
                maxPrecursorMass = Math.Max(maxPrecursorMass, transition.PrecursorMz);

                var tofProperties = (ITOFProperties)experiment;

                tofProperties.AccumTime  = tofPropertiesTemplate.AccumTime;
                tofProperties.TOFMassMin = tofPropertiesTemplate.TOFMassMin;
                tofProperties.TOFMassMax = tofPropertiesTemplate.TOFMassMax;

                // The following should trigger the "Suggest" button functionality
                // of updating the Q2 transmission window.
                tofProperties.UseQ1TranDefault = 1;
                //tofProperties.UseTOFExtrDefault = 1; // Works without this one.

                // High Sensitivity vs. High Resolution
                var tofProperties2         = experiment as ITOFProperties2;
                var templateTofProperties2 = prodIonExperiment as ITOFProperties2;
                if (tofProperties2 != null && templateTofProperties2 != null)
                    tofProperties2.HighSensitivity = templateTofProperties2.HighSensitivity;

                var sourceParamsTblOutput = (ParamDataColl)experiment.SourceParamsTbl;
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS1", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("GS1", sourceGas1, sourceGas1, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS2", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("GS2", sourceGas2, sourceGas2, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("CUR", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("CUR", curtainGas, curtainGas, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("TEM", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("TEM", temperature, temperature, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("IHT", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("IHT", nanoTemperature, nanoTemperature, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, ionSprayVoltage, ionSprayVoltage, 0, out s);

                // Copy the compound dependent parameters from the template
                for (int i = 0; i < experiment.MassRangesCount; i++)
                    var massRange     = (IMassRange)experiment.GetMassRange(i);
                    var massDepParams = (ParamDataColl)massRange.MassDepParamTbl;

                    // Declustering potential
                    float dp = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("DP", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        if (transition.DP > 0)
                            dp = Convert.ToSingle(transition.DP);
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("DP", dp, dp, 0, out s);

                    // Collision engergy
                    float ce = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CE", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        if (transition.CE > 0)
                            ce = Convert.ToSingle(transition.CE);
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CE", ce, ce, 0, out s);

                    // Ion release delay
                    float ird = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("IRD", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("IRD", ird, ird, 0, out s);

                    // Ion release width
                    float irw = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("IRW", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("IRW", irw, irw, 0, out s);

                    // Collision energy spread; Only on the Analyst TF 1.5.1 and TF1.5.2
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CES", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CES", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Focusing potential; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("FP", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("FP", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Declustering potential 2; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("DP2", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("DP2", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Collision gas; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CAD", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CAD", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

            // Expand the mass range for the TOF MS scan if the precursor mass of any of the MS/MS experiments
            // was out of the range
            if (Ms1Scan)
                var ms1TofProperties = (ITOFProperties)(period.GetExperiment(0));
                ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMin = Math.Min(ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMin, minPrecursorMass);
                ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMax = Math.Max(ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMax, maxPrecursorMass);
Example #7
        private void WriteToIDATemplate(MassSpecMethod method, MethodTransitions transitions)
            object idaServer;

            ((IMassSpecMethod2)method).GetDataDependSvr(out idaServer);

            double minTOFMass = 0;
            double maxTOFMass = 0;

            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getUsersSurvTOFMasses(ref minTOFMass, ref maxTOFMass);

            var addedEntries = new List <string>();
            var assignedCandidateMassToRT       = new Dictionary <double, double>();
            var entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                double retentionTime = 0;

                // If the ScheduledMethod flag was set assume that the Dwell time column in the
                // transition list file has retention time.
                if (ScheduledMethod)
                    retentionTime = transition.Dwell;

                string entryKey = transition.PrecursorMz + retentionTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (addedEntries.Contains(entryKey) ||
                    transition.PrecursorMz <= minTOFMass ||
                    transition.PrecursorMz >= maxTOFMass)

                var precursorMz = Math.Round(transition.PrecursorMz, 3);
                while (assignedCandidateMassToRT.ContainsKey(precursorMz))
                    // Analyst does not allow duplicate masses in inclusion list
                    precursorMz += 0.001;
                ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).AddIonEntry(1, precursorMz, retentionTime);
                assignedCandidateMassToRT.Add(precursorMz, retentionTime);
                entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass.Add(entryKey, precursorMz);

            if (ScheduledMethod) // calculate experiment index which is used for exporting a quantitaion method

                int windowInSec = RTWindowInSeconds.HasValue ? RTWindowInSeconds.Value : 60;
                int maxConcurrentCount = MaxConcurrentCount(assignedCandidateMassToRT, windowInSec);
                var period = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);
                while (period.ExperimCount > 2)
                    period.DeleteExperiment(period.ExperimCount - 1);
                var templateExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(1);
                for (int newExperimentIdx = 1; newExperimentIdx < maxConcurrentCount; newExperimentIdx++)
                    int pIdx;
                    var experiment = (IClone)period.CreateExperiment(out pIdx);

                // sort by mass then by RT
                var massRtList = assignedCandidateMassToRT.OrderBy(c => c.Value).ThenBy(c => c.Key).ToList();

                foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                    double assignedCandidateMass;
                    var    entryKey = transition.PrecursorMz + transition.Dwell.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (!entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass.TryGetValue(entryKey, out assignedCandidateMass))

                    var scheduledIndex = massRtList.FindIndex(m => Math.Abs(m.Key - assignedCandidateMass) < 0.001);
                    transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition)
                                                     ? 0
                                                     : (scheduledIndex % maxConcurrentCount) + 1;
Example #8
        private void ValidateMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
            if (method == null)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to open template method {0}. " +
                                                    "The given template may be invalid for the available version of Analyst.",
            if (method.PeriodCount != 1)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Expecting only one period.",

            var period          = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);
            var experimentCount = period.ExperimCount;

            if (InclusionList || ScheduledMethod)
                if (!IsDataDependentMethod(method))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Template does not support inclusion lists.",

                // A valid IDA method will have at least one TOF MS scan and one Product Ion scan
                // On the 5600 (Analyst TF1.5)we can have 1 or 2 TOF MS scans followed by 1 Product Ion scan
                // On the QSTAR (Analyst 2.0) we should have 1 TOF MS scan followed by 1 or more Product Ion scans
                if (experimentCount < 2)
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Template must have one or two TOF MS experiments and at least one Product Ion experiment.",

                // get the first experiment, it should be a TOF MS experiment
                var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);

                if (!IsTofMsScan(msExperiment))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "First experiment type must be TOF MS.",

                // get the last experiment, it should be a Product ion experiment
                msExperiment = ((Experiment)period.GetExperiment(experimentCount - 1));

                if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Last experiment type must be Product Ion Scan.",
                if (IsDataDependentMethod(method))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "The given template is for a data dependent experiment.",

                if (experimentCount != 1 && experimentCount != 2)
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Template must have 1 or 2 experiments.",

                // If the template has 1 experiment it should be a Product Ion experiment
                if (experimentCount == 1)
                    var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                    if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                            "Template does not have a Product Ion Scan.",

                // If the template has 2 experiments require the first one to be a TOF MS and the second one to be a Product Ion
                if (experimentCount == 2)
                    var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                    if (!IsTofMsScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                            "Template has 2 experiments. First experiment type must be TOF MS.",

                    msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(1);
                    if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                            "Template has 2 experiments. Second experiment type must be Product Ion Scan.",
Example #9
        private void WriteToIDATemplate(MassSpecMethod method, MethodTransitions transitions)
            object idaServer;
            ((IMassSpecMethod2)method).GetDataDependSvr(out idaServer);

            double minTOFMass = 0;
            double maxTOFMass = 0;
            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getUsersSurvTOFMasses(ref minTOFMass, ref maxTOFMass);

            var addedEntries = new List<string>();
            var assignedCandidateMassToRT = new Dictionary<double, double>();
            var entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                double retentionTime = 0;

                // If the ScheduledMethod flag was set assume that the Dwell time column in the
                // transition list file has retention time.
                if (ScheduledMethod)
                    retentionTime = transition.Dwell;

                string entryKey = transition.PrecursorMz + retentionTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (addedEntries.Contains(entryKey)
                    || transition.PrecursorMz <= minTOFMass
                    || transition.PrecursorMz >= maxTOFMass)

                var precursorMz = Math.Round(transition.PrecursorMz, 3);
                while (assignedCandidateMassToRT.ContainsKey(precursorMz))
                    // Analyst does not allow duplicate masses in inclusion list
                    precursorMz += 0.001;
                ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).AddIonEntry(1, precursorMz, retentionTime);
                assignedCandidateMassToRT.Add(precursorMz, retentionTime);
                entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass.Add(entryKey, precursorMz);

            if (ScheduledMethod) // calculate experiment index which is used for exporting a quantitaion method

                int windowInSec = RTWindowInSeconds.HasValue ? RTWindowInSeconds.Value : 60;
                int maxConcurrentCount = MaxConcurrentCount(assignedCandidateMassToRT, windowInSec);
                var period = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);
                while (period.ExperimCount > 2)
                    period.DeleteExperiment(period.ExperimCount -1);
                var templateExperiment = (Experiment) period.GetExperiment(1);
                for (int newExperimentIdx = 1; newExperimentIdx < maxConcurrentCount; newExperimentIdx++)
                    int pIdx;
                    var experiment = (IClone)period.CreateExperiment(out pIdx);

                // sort by mass then by RT
                var massRtList = assignedCandidateMassToRT.OrderBy(c => c.Value).ThenBy(c => c.Key).ToList();

                foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                    double assignedCandidateMass;
                    var entryKey = transition.PrecursorMz + transition.Dwell.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (!entryKeyToAssignedCandidateMass.TryGetValue(entryKey, out assignedCandidateMass))

                    var scheduledIndex = massRtList.FindIndex(m => Math.Abs(m.Key - assignedCandidateMass) < 0.001);
                    transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition)
                                                     ? 0
                                                     : (scheduledIndex%maxConcurrentCount) + 1;
Example #10
        private void WriteToTargetedMSMSTemplate(MassSpecMethod method, MethodTransitions transitions)
            var period = (Period)method.GetPeriod(0);

            Experiment tofExperiment = null;
            Experiment prodIonExperiment;

            switch (period.ExperimCount)
                case 2:
                    tofExperiment = (Experiment) period.GetExperiment(0);
                    prodIonExperiment = (Experiment) period.GetExperiment(1);

                    // delete the product ion experiment. We will be adding one for each precursor ion in the transition list.


                case 1:
                    prodIonExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);

                    // delete the product ion experiment. We will be adding one for each precursor ion in the transition list.


                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Expected 1 or 2 experiments in the template. Found {0} experiments.", period.ExperimCount));

            int j;

            if (Ms1Scan)
                // If the template does not already have a TOF MS scan add one now.
                if(tofExperiment == null)
                    var experiment = (Experiment)period.CreateExperiment(out j);
                    experiment.ScanType = TOF_MS_SCAN;

            if(prodIonExperiment == null)
                throw new IOException("Product Ion scan was not found in the method.");

            // Get the TOF mass range from the template
            var tofPropertiesTemplate = (ITOFProperties)prodIonExperiment;

            short s;

            //Get initial source parameters from the template
            var sourceParamsTblInput = (ParamDataColl)prodIonExperiment.SourceParamsTbl;
            ParameterData param = (ParameterData) sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS1", out s);
            float sourceGas1 = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;
            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS2", out s);
            float sourceGas2 = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;
            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("CUR", out s);
            float curtainGas = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;
            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("TEM", out s);
            float temperature = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;
            param = (ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("IHT", out s);
            float nanoTemperature = param == null ? 0 : param.startVal;

            string ionSprayVoltageParamName = "ISVF"; // ISVF on 5600, IS on QSTAR
            float ionSprayVoltage;

            var paramData = ((ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s));
            if (s != -1)
                ionSprayVoltage = paramData.startVal;
                ionSprayVoltageParamName = "IS";
                ionSprayVoltage = ((ParameterData)sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s)).startVal;

            // We will use parameters from the first mass range in the template product ion experiment.
            var massRangeTemplate = (IMassRange)prodIonExperiment.GetMassRange(0);
            var paramTblTemplate = (ParamDataColl)massRangeTemplate.MassDepParamTbl;

            double minPrecursorMass = double.MaxValue;
            double maxPrecursorMass = 0;

            var precursorsToExperimentIndex = new Dictionary<double, int>();

            foreach (var transition in transitions.Transitions)
                if (precursorsToExperimentIndex.ContainsKey(transition.PrecursorMz))
                    transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition)
                                                     ? 0
                                                     : precursorsToExperimentIndex[transition.PrecursorMz];

                var experiment = (Experiment) period.CreateExperiment(out j);
                precursorsToExperimentIndex.Add(transition.PrecursorMz, j);
                transition.ExperimentIndex = IsPrecursorTypeTransition(transition) ? 0 : j;

                // Setting ScanType to 6 for QSTAR causes method export to fail. Setting it to 9 works for both AB 5600 and QSTAR
                experiment.ScanType = PROD_ION_SCAN;

                experiment.FixedMass = transition.PrecursorMz;

                minPrecursorMass = Math.Min(minPrecursorMass, transition.PrecursorMz);
                maxPrecursorMass = Math.Max(maxPrecursorMass, transition.PrecursorMz);

                var tofProperties = (ITOFProperties)experiment;

                tofProperties.AccumTime = tofPropertiesTemplate.AccumTime;
                tofProperties.TOFMassMin = tofPropertiesTemplate.TOFMassMin;
                tofProperties.TOFMassMax = tofPropertiesTemplate.TOFMassMax;

                // The following should trigger the "Suggest" button functionality
                // of updating the Q2 transmission window.
                tofProperties.UseQ1TranDefault = 1;
                //tofProperties.UseTOFExtrDefault = 1; // Works without this one.

                // High Sensitivity vs. High Resolution
                var tofProperties2 = experiment as ITOFProperties2;
                var templateTofProperties2 = prodIonExperiment as ITOFProperties2;
                if (tofProperties2 != null && templateTofProperties2 != null)
                    tofProperties2.HighSensitivity = templateTofProperties2.HighSensitivity;

                var sourceParamsTblOutput = (ParamDataColl)experiment.SourceParamsTbl;
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS1", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("GS1", sourceGas1, sourceGas1, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("GS2", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("GS2", sourceGas2, sourceGas2, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("CUR", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("CUR", curtainGas, curtainGas, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("TEM", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("TEM", temperature, temperature, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter("IHT", out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter("IHT", nanoTemperature, nanoTemperature, 0, out s);
                if (sourceParamsTblInput.FindParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, out s) != null && s != -1)
                    sourceParamsTblOutput.AddSetParameter(ionSprayVoltageParamName, ionSprayVoltage, ionSprayVoltage, 0, out s);

                // Copy the compound dependent parameters from the template
                for (int i = 0; i < experiment.MassRangesCount; i++)
                    var massRange = (IMassRange)experiment.GetMassRange(i);
                    var massDepParams = (ParamDataColl)massRange.MassDepParamTbl;

                    // Declustering potential
                    float dp = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("DP", out s)).startVal;
                    if(s != -1)
                        if (transition.DP > 0)
                            dp = Convert.ToSingle(transition.DP);
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("DP", dp, dp, 0, out s);

                    // Collision engergy
                    float ce = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CE", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        if (transition.CE > 0)
                            ce = Convert.ToSingle(transition.CE);
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CE", ce, ce, 0, out s);

                    // Ion release delay
                    float ird = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("IRD", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("IRD", ird, ird, 0, out s);

                    // Ion release width
                    float irw = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("IRW", out s)).startVal;
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("IRW", irw, irw, 0, out s);

                    // Collision energy spread; Only on the Analyst TF 1.5.1 and TF1.5.2
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CES", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CES", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Focusing potential; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("FP", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("FP", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Declustering potential 2; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("DP2", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("DP2", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

                    // Collision gas; Only on Analyst QS 2.0
                    paramData = ((ParameterData)paramTblTemplate.FindParameter("CAD", out s));
                    if (s != -1)
                        massDepParams.AddSetParameter("CAD", paramData.startVal, paramData.startVal, 0, out s);

            // Expand the mass range for the TOF MS scan if the precursor mass of any of the MS/MS experiments
            // was out of the range
                var ms1TofProperties = (ITOFProperties)(period.GetExperiment(0));
                ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMin = Math.Min(ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMin, minPrecursorMass);
                ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMax = Math.Max(ms1TofProperties.TOFMassMax, maxPrecursorMass);
Example #11
        private void ValidateMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
            if (method == null)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to open template method {0}. " +
                                                    "The given template may be invalid for the available version of Analyst.",
            if (method.PeriodCount != 1)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Expecting only one period.",

            var period = (Period) method.GetPeriod(0);
            var experimentCount = period.ExperimCount;

            if (InclusionList || ScheduledMethod)
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. "+
                                                        "Template does not support inclusion lists.",

                // A valid IDA method will have at least one TOF MS scan and one Product Ion scan
                // On the 5600 (Analyst TF1.5)we can have 1 or 2 TOF MS scans followed by 1 Product Ion scan
                // On the QSTAR (Analyst 2.0) we should have 1 TOF MS scan followed by 1 or more Product Ion scans
                if (experimentCount < 2)
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Template must have one or two TOF MS experiments and at least one Product Ion experiment.",

                // get the first experiment, it should be a TOF MS experiment
                var msExperiment = (Experiment) period.GetExperiment(0);

                if (!IsTofMsScan(msExperiment))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "First experiment type must be TOF MS.",

                // get the last experiment, it should be a Product ion experiment
                msExperiment = ((Experiment)period.GetExperiment(experimentCount -1));

                if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for an IDA or Scheduled experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Last experiment type must be Product Ion Scan.",
                if (IsDataDependentMethod(method))
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. "+
                                                        "The given template is for a data dependent experiment.",

                if (experimentCount != 1 && experimentCount != 2)
                    throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. " +
                                                        "Template must have 1 or 2 experiments.",

                // If the template has 1 experiment it should be a Product Ion experiment
                if(experimentCount == 1)
                    var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                    if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. "+
                                                            "Template does not have a Product Ion Scan.",

                // If the template has 2 experiments require the first one to be a TOF MS and the second one to be a Product Ion
                if(experimentCount == 2)
                    var msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(0);
                    if (!IsTofMsScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. "+
                                                            "Template has 2 experiments. First experiment type must be TOF MS.",

                    msExperiment = (Experiment)period.GetExperiment(1);
                    if (!IsProductIonScan(msExperiment))
                        throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method for a targeted MS/MS experiment {0}. "+
                                                            "Template has 2 experiments. Second experiment type must be Product Ion Scan.",
Example #12
 private static bool IsDataDependentMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
     return ((IMassSpecMethod2) method).DataDependent == 1;
Example #13
        internal static IAcqMethod GetAcqMethod(string methodFilePath, out MassSpecMethod templateMsMethod)
            ApplicationClass analyst = new ApplicationClass();

            // Make sure that Analyst is fully started
            IAcqMethodDirConfig acqMethodDir = (IAcqMethodDirConfig)analyst.Acquire();
            if (acqMethodDir == null)
                throw new IOException("Failed to initialize.  Analyst may need to be started.");

            object acqMethodObj;
            acqMethodDir.LoadNonUIMethod(methodFilePath, out acqMethodObj);
            IAcqMethod templateAcqMethod = (IAcqMethod)acqMethodObj;

            templateMsMethod = ExtractMsMethod(templateAcqMethod);
            return templateAcqMethod;
Example #14
        private void ValidateMethod(MassSpecMethod method)
            // Do some validation that happens regardless of instrument
            if (method == null)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Failed to open template method {0}. " +
                                                    "The given template may be invalid for the available version of Analyst.",

            if (method.PeriodCount == 0)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Expecting at least one period.",


            // Get the last period in the given template method.
            // We will add transitions to the last period only.
            var msPeriod = (Period)method.GetPeriod(method.PeriodCount - 1);

            var msExperiment = (Experiment)msPeriod.GetExperiment(0);
            var experimentType = msExperiment.ScanType;
            if (experimentType != 4)
                throw new IOException(string.Format("Invalid template method {0}.  Experiment type must be MRM.",

            var msExperiment7 = (IExperiment7)msExperiment;
            if (RTWindowInSeconds.HasValue)
                msExperiment7.LCPeakWidth = RTWindowInSeconds.Value;
                msExperiment7.KnownRetentionTimes = 1;
                msExperiment7.KnownRetentionTimes = 0;
Example #15
        // read the updated method and make sure that the inclusion list is in the method
        private void TestIDACommon(string methodFilePath, bool isScheduled)
            MassSpecMethod myMethod = GetMethod(methodFilePath);

            // The method should have an inclusion list
            object idaServer;

            ((IMassSpecMethod2)myMethod).GetDataDependSvr(out idaServer);
            var useInclusionList = 0;

            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getUseIncludeList(ref useInclusionList);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, useInclusionList);

            // The inclusion list should have 20 entries.
            int inclusionListSize = 0;

            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).GetIonListSize(1, ref inclusionListSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, inclusionListSize);

            // test m/z for the first entry in the inclusion list
            double mz = 0;

            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).GetIncludeIonEntry(0, ref mz);
            Assert.AreEqual(744.839753, mz);

            // test m/z the last entry in the inclusion list
            ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).GetIncludeIonEntry(19, ref mz);
            Assert.AreEqual(572.791863, mz);

            // test retention time
            if (isScheduled)
                // Since this is an scheduled method, the retention time of each entry should be a non-zero value
                double rt = -1;
                ((IDDEMethodObj3)idaServer).GetIncludeRetTimeEntry(0, ref rt);
                Assert.AreEqual(19.49, rt);

                ((IDDEMethodObj3)idaServer).GetIncludeRetTimeEntry(19, ref rt);
                Assert.AreEqual(20.48, rt);

                double exceedCountSwitch = -1;
                ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getExceedCountSwitch(ref exceedCountSwitch);
                Assert.AreEqual(2000000, exceedCountSwitch);

                double intensityThreshold = -1;
                ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getIntensityThreshold(ref intensityThreshold);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, intensityThreshold);

                int spectraSwicth = -1;
                ((IDDEMethodObj)idaServer).getSpectraSwitch(ref spectraSwicth);
                Assert.AreEqual(12, spectraSwicth);
                // Since this is an unscheduled method the retention time of each entry should
                // be set to 0
                double rt = -1;
                ((IDDEMethodObj3)idaServer).GetIncludeRetTimeEntry(0, ref rt);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, rt);

                ((IDDEMethodObj3)idaServer).GetIncludeRetTimeEntry(19, ref rt);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, rt);
