Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The function gets the binsize
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanfilesize">Size of the .scan file</param>
        /// <param name="pointsInXDirection">Points in X Direction</param>
        /// <param name="pointsInYDirection">Poitns in Y Direction</param>
        private void GetBinSize(long scanfilesize, float pointsInXDirection, float pointsInYDirection)
            // 1) We only want to do binning for files bigger than 100MB filesize > pathfilesize
            string appPath = Application.StartupPath;

            appPath += "\\ApplicationSettings.xml";
            int filesizelimit = this.GetPathFileSizeLimit(appPath);

            if (scanfilesize > filesizelimit)
                // 2) Open up BinNumberWindow
                MassRange massRange         = this.msexperiment.Details.MassRangeInfo[0];
                var       fullScanMassRange = massRange as FullScanMassRange;

                if (fullScanMassRange != null)
                    var binNumberWindow = new BinNumberWindow(pointsInXDirection, pointsInYDirection, this.masscal);

                    if (binNumberWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
                        if (binNumberWindow.BinSize > 0)
                            this.binsize = binNumberWindow.BinSize;
Example #2
        public double GetPrecusorMz(int spectrumNumber, double searchMZ, int msnOrder = 2)
            int    parentScanNumber = GetParentSpectrumNumber(spectrumNumber);
            var    ms1Scan          = GetSpectrum(parentScanNumber);
            MZPeak peak             = ms1Scan.GetClosestPeak(MassRange.FromDa(searchMZ, 50));

            if (peak != null)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills this instance data members with the information read from <paramref name="wiffFile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wiffFile">A <see cref="FMANWiffFileClass"/> instance. The data source.</param>
        protected override void Initialize(FMANWiffFileClass wiffFile)
            // get experiment object and the experiment parameters
            ITripleQuadMALDI experimentParams = (ITripleQuadMALDI)wiffFile.GetExperimentObject(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);
            Experiment       experiment       = (Experiment)wiffFile.GetExperimentObject(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);

            MassRange massRange = (MassRange)experiment.GetMassRange(0);

            minMass      = massRange.QstartMass; // anaSpec.GetStartMass();
            maxMass      = massRange.QstopMass;  // anaSpec.GetStopMass();
            massStepSize = massRange.QstepMass;  //anaSpec.StepSize;

            // get the number of MS data points
            massSpecDataPoints = (int)((maxMass - minMass) / massStepSize + 1);

            // select 1. data points
            FMANChromData chrom = new FMANChromData();

            chrom.WiffFileName = wiffFile.GetWiffFileName();
            chrom.SetToTIC(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);

            // dimension the data arrray
            nrDataPoints = chrom.GetNumberOfDataPoints();
            rawData      = new float[nrDataPoints];
            timeData     = new float[nrDataPoints];

            //loop through the mass ranges
            massRangeName = "TIC " + minMass.ToString() + " - " + maxMass.ToString();

            double xValue = chrom.GetDataPointXValue(1);
            double yValue = chrom.GetDataPointYValue(1);

            massRangeMax = double.MinValue;
            massRangeMin = double.MaxValue;
            timeOffset   = xValue * 1000;
            // helper for mean and median
            double       meanSum         = 0;
            List <float> valuesForMedian = new List <float>();

            // read the data...
            for (int actDataPoint = 1; actDataPoint <= nrDataPoints; actDataPoint++)
                // get the actual value...
                xValue = chrom.GetDataPointXValue(actDataPoint);
                yValue = chrom.GetDataPointYValue(actDataPoint);
                // and copy it to our local data structur
                rawData[actDataPoint - 1]  = (float)yValue;
                timeData[actDataPoint - 1] = (float)xValue * 60;

                // keep track of the extrema
                if (yValue < massRangeMin)
                    massRangeMin = yValue;
                if (yValue > massRangeMax)
                    massRangeMax = yValue;

                // mean and median calculation...
                // sum up the value to calculate the mean
                meanSum += yValue;
                // fill an extra array to calculate the median
            // calculate the mean
            meanValue = (float)(meanSum / nrDataPoints);
            // calculate the median
            medianValue = ((valuesForMedian.Count % 2) == 0) ? (float)(valuesForMedian[(valuesForMedian.Count / 2) - 1] + valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2]) / 2.0f : valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2];

#if (false) // analyze the timing values in timeData
            List <float> timeSpans = new List <float>();
            for (int i = 1; i < timeData.Length; i++)
                timeSpans.Add(timeData[i] - timeData[i - 1]);
            float tMean   = 0;
            float tMedian = 0;
            foreach (float ts in timeSpans)
                tMean += ts;
            tMean   = tMean / timeSpans.Count;
            tMedian = ((timeSpans.Count % 2) == 0) ? (float)(timeSpans[(timeSpans.Count / 2) - 1] + timeSpans[timeSpans.Count / 2]) / 2.0f : timeSpans[timeSpans.Count / 2];

            // fetch the x1, x2, y1, y2, width and height from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
            double x1     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P1.X;
            double y1     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P1.Y;
            double x2     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P2.X;
            double y2     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P2.Y;
            double width  = WiffPeriod.Sample.Width;
            double height = WiffPeriod.Sample.Height;

            //get MALDI parmas and assign variables
            string strMALDIParams = experimentParams.TripleQuadMALDIParameters;

            // x speed in mm/s
            xSpeed = float.Parse(strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[6]);

            //line distance in mm
            yDist = float.Parse(strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[8]) / 1000;

            //time per point in s
            xTime = (float)((chrom.GetDataPointXValue(nrDataPoints) - chrom.GetDataPointXValue(2)) * 60 / (nrDataPoints - 2));
            xDist = (float)(int)(xSpeed * xTime * 1000) / 1000;

            //number of poins in x
            xPoints = (int)((width) / xSpeed / xTime);

            // fetch the position data from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
            uint[,] posData = WiffPeriod.Sample.PositionData;
            long posDataLength = WiffPeriod.Sample.PositionDataLength;

            // try and find the first and last valid indices in the posData, where valid means a nonzero time value...
            long firstNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;
            for (long t = 0; t < posDataLength - 1; t++)
                if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                    firstNonZeroTimeInPos = t;
                    // ok, we're done...

            long lastNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;
            for (long t = posDataLength - 1; t >= 0; t++)
                if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                    lastNonZeroTimeInPos = t;
                    // ok, we're done...

            if (firstNonZeroTimeInPos < 0 || lastNonZeroTimeInPos < 0)
                // haven't found a valid posData triplet. All time values are zero or less...
                // bail out

            // y2 from the wiff file is not the actual y2 from the stage - replace with value from path file...
            y2 = (double)Math.Round((decimal)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 2] / 1000, 2);

            // ...and this has an effect of the ypoints
            yPoints = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((y2 - y1) / yDist)) + 1;

            double timeSpanPos = posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0 - posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0;

            if (yPoints % 2 == 0)
                // even number of scanlines
                lineBreak = (timeSpanPos
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed
                             - (yPoints - 2) * (width) / xSpeed
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed)
                            / (yPoints - 1);
                // odd number of scanlines
                lineBreak = (timeSpanPos
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed
                             - (yPoints - 2) * (width) / xSpeed
                             - ((float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed)
                            / (yPoints - 1);

            lineBreak = lineBreak / xTime;

            timeOffset = (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000 - (((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed);

            lineOffset = (5 - (timeData[5] - timeOffset) / xTime) + 1;

            // TIC throughout the total massrange...

            // format the data into a rectangular, 2 dimensional array of floats that will represent the image data

            AppContext.ProgressStart("formating image data...");

            // prepare the data structure
            float[][] dataTIC;
                dataTIC = new float[xPoints][];
                for (int i = 0; i < dataTIC.Length; i++)
                    dataTIC[i] = new float[yPoints];

                // copy the data from wiff file datastream to the rectangular array. Take account of the line offset and
                // the line break timings.
                for (int y = 0; y < yPoints; y++)
                    int currentPoint;
                    // currentLine is the offset to the start of the current line in the linear datastream (rawData)
                    int currentLine = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Abs(lineOffset + ((x2 - x1) / xSpeed / xTime + lineBreak) * y));
                    for (int x = 0; x < xPoints; x++)
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            // even y: scan direction: -->
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + x);
                            // odd y:  scan direction: <--
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + xPoints - 1 - x);
                        if (currentPoint < nrDataPoints)
                            dataTIC[x][y] = rawData[currentPoint];
                            dataTIC[x][y] = 0;
                    AppContext.ProgressSetValue(100.0 * y / yPoints);

            // create the appropriate dataset and add it to the WiffFileContent object...
            string   imgName = WiffPeriod.Sample.Name + " : " + massRangeName;
            Document doc     = WiffPeriod.Sample.WiffFileContent.Document;
            //create the meta information data structure and populate with relevant information...
            ImageMetaData metaData = new ImageMetaData();
                metaData.Add("Sample Name", typeof(string), WiffPeriod.Sample.Name, false);
                metaData.Add("Mass Range", typeof(string), massRangeName, false);
                string[] splitted = strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None);
                metaData.Add("Laser Frequency (Hz)", typeof(string), splitted[1], false);
                metaData.Add("Laser Power (%)", typeof(string), splitted[2], false);
                metaData.Add("Ablation Mode", typeof(string), splitted[3], false);
                metaData.Add("Skimmer Voltage (V)", typeof(string), splitted[4], false);
                metaData.Add("Source Gas", typeof(string), splitted[5], false);
                metaData.Add("Raster Speed (mm/s)", typeof(string), splitted[6], false);
                metaData.Add("Raster Pitch", typeof(string), splitted[8], false);
            catch (Exception e) { Util.ReportException(e); }

            ImageData imageTIC = new ImageData(doc, dataTIC, imgName, metaData, (float)massRangeMin, (float)massRangeMax,
                                               (float)meanValue, (float)medianValue, (float)xDist, (float)yDist, (float)minMass, (float)maxMass);

            // Q1 spectrum scan...
            FMANSpecData spec = new FMANSpecData();
            spec.WiffFileName = wiffFile.GetWiffFileName();

            // prepare the data structure
            List <float[][]> dataList;
            List <ImageData> imageDataList;
            AppContext.ProgressStart("formating spectrum data...");
                dataList = new List <float[][]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < massSpecDataPoints; i++)
                    float[][] data = new float[xPoints][];
                    for (int j = 0; j < xPoints; j++)
                        data[j] = new float[yPoints];

                for (int y = 0; y < yPoints; y++)
                    int currentPoint;
                    // currentLine is the offset to the start of the current line in the linear datastream (rawData)
                    int currentLine = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Abs(lineOffset + ((x2 - x1) / xSpeed / xTime + lineBreak) * y));
                    for (int x = 0; x < xPoints; x++)
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            // even y: scan direction: -->
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + x);
                            // odd y:  scan direction: <--
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + xPoints - 1 - x);
                        if (currentPoint >= nrDataPoints)

                        float currentTime = (float)chrom.GetXValueInSec(currentPoint + 1);
                        spec.SetSpectrum(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index, currentTime, currentTime);
                        int specDataPoints = spec.GetNumberOfDataPoints();

                        for (int k = 1; k <= specDataPoints; k++)
                            int specIndex = (int)((spec.GetDataPointXValue(k) - minMass) / massStepSize + 0.4);
                            dataList[specIndex][x][y] = (float)spec.GetDataPointYValue(k);
                    AppContext.ProgressSetValue(100.0 * y / yPoints);

                // create the list of imageData objects passed to the imageSpectrumData object on it's creation later on...
                imageDataList = new List <ImageData>();
                for (int k = 0; k < massSpecDataPoints; k++)
                    float[][] specData = dataList[k];
                    float     mass     = (float)(minMass + (massStepSize * k));
                    imgName = WiffPeriod.Sample.Name + " : " + mass.ToString();

                    // TODO -- rethink if one should really calculate the mean, median, min, max etc. if the images aren't used for imaging but for export...
                    float minInt = float.MaxValue;
                    float maxInt = float.MinValue;
                    float mean   = 0;
                    float median = 0;
                    // helper for mean and median
                    meanSum = 0;
                        for (int x = 0; x < xPoints; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < yPoints; y++)
                                float value = specData[x][y];

                                // keep track of the extrema
                                if (value < minInt)
                                    minInt = value;
                                if (value > maxInt)
                                    maxInt = value;

                                // mean and median calculation...
                                // sum up the value to calculate the mean
                                meanSum += value;
                                // fill an extra array to calculate the median
                    // calculate the mean
                    mean = (float)(meanSum / (xPoints * yPoints));
                    // calculate the median
                    median = ((valuesForMedian.Count % 2) == 0) ? (float)(valuesForMedian[(valuesForMedian.Count / 2) - 1] + valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2]) / 2.0f : valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2];

                    // ok, now create the imageData and add to list...
                    ImageData imageData = new ImageData(doc, specData, imgName, new ImageMetaData(), minInt, maxInt, mean, median, (float)xDist, (float)yDist, (float)0.0f, (float)mass);

            // now everything should be set to create the ImageSpectrumData object...
            imgName = WiffPeriod.Sample.Name + " SPECT " + minMass.ToString() + " - " + maxMass.ToString();
            ImageSpectrumData imageSpectrum = new ImageSpectrumData(doc, imgName, new ImageMetaData(), imageDataList, (float)minMass, (float)maxMass, (float)massStepSize);
            imageSpectrum.ImageTIC = imageTIC;

#if (false)
            // TODO -- find out what to do with the 'globalMassMax' value
            float anaTime = (float)chrom.GetXValueInSec(nrDataPoints - 1);
            chrom.SetToBPC(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index, 0, anaTime, minMass, maxMass, 2 * massStepSize);
            double tempMass;
            chrom.GetYValueRange(out tempMass, out globalMassMax);

            chrom.SetToTIC(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);

            chrom.WiffFileName = "";
            chrom             = null;
            spec.WiffFileName = "";
            spec = null;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills this instance data members with the information read from <paramref name="inputMsExperiment"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputMsExperiment">Mass Spec Experiment</param>
        /// <param name="wiffsample">Wiff Sample</param>
        protected override void Initialize(MSExperiment inputMsExperiment, WiffSample wiffsample)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                // (1) Get Maldi Parameters
                string strMaldiParams = wiffsample.MaldiParametersString;

                this.msexperiment = inputMsExperiment;

                // (2) Get the number of mass transitions - For MS experiments by default we will look at the first scan ([0])
                MassRange massRange         = this.msexperiment.Details.MassRangeInfo[0];
                var       fullScanMassRange = massRange as FullScanMassRange;

                if (fullScanMassRange != null)
                    this.minMass      = fullScanMassRange.StartMass;
                    this.maxMass      = fullScanMassRange.EndMass;
                    this.massStepSize = fullScanMassRange.StepSize;

                this.massSpecDataPoints = (int)(((this.maxMass - this.minMass) / this.massStepSize) + 1);

                // (3) Populate masscal
                this.masscal = new float[this.massSpecDataPoints];

                for (int i = 0; i < this.massSpecDataPoints; i++)
                    this.masscal[i] = (float)(this.minMass + (i * this.massStepSize));

                // (4) Select 1 trace
                XYData tic = this.msexperiment.GetTotalIonChromatogram();

                // (5) Dimension the data array, the number "data points"
                this.numDataPoints = tic.NumDataPoints;

                this.rawData  = new float[this.numDataPoints];
                this.timeData = new float[this.numDataPoints];

                // (6) mass range info
                this.massRangeName = "TIC " + this.msexperiment.Details.MassRangeInfo[0].Name;

                double actualXValue = tic.GetActualXValues()[0];
                this.massRangeMax = double.MinValue;
                this.massRangeMin = double.MaxValue;
                this.timeOffset   = actualXValue * 1000;

                // helper for mean and median
                double meanSum         = 0;
                var    valuesForMedian = new List <float>();

                // (7) read the data...
                for (int actDataPoint = 0; actDataPoint < this.numDataPoints; actDataPoint++)
                    // get the actual value...
                    actualXValue = tic.GetActualXValues()[actDataPoint];
                    double actualYValue = tic.GetActualYValues()[actDataPoint];

                    // and copy it to our local data structure
                    this.rawData[actDataPoint]  = (float)actualYValue;
                    this.timeData[actDataPoint] = (float)actualXValue * 60;

                    // keep track of the extrema
                    if (actualYValue < this.massRangeMin)
                        this.massRangeMin = actualYValue;

                    if (actualYValue > this.massRangeMax)
                        this.massRangeMax = actualYValue;

                    // mean and median calculation... sum up the value to calculate the mean
                    meanSum += actualYValue;

                    // fill an extra array to calculate the median

                // (8) Calculate the mean
                this.meanValue = (float)(meanSum / this.numDataPoints);

                // (9) Calculate the median
                this.medianValue = ((valuesForMedian.Count % 2) == 0) ? (valuesForMedian[(valuesForMedian.Count / 2) - 1] + valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2]) / 2.0f : valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2];

                // (10) fetch the x1, x2, y1, y2, width and height from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
                this.x1    = wiffsample.P1.X;
                this.y2    = 82 - wiffsample.P1.Y;
                this.x2    = wiffsample.P2.X;
                this.width = wiffsample.Width;

                // (11) time per point in s
                this.timeinXDirection = (float)((tic.GetActualXValues()[this.numDataPoints - 1] - tic.GetActualXValues()[1]) * 60 / (this.numDataPoints - 2));

                // (12) fetch the position data from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
                uint[,] posData = wiffsample.PositionData;
                long posDataLength = wiffsample.PositionDataLength;

                // try and find the first and last valid indices in the posData, where valid means a nonzero time value...
                long firstNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;
                for (long t = 0; t < posDataLength - 1; t++)
                    if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                        firstNonZeroTimeInPos = t;


                long lastNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;
                for (long t = posDataLength - 1; t >= 0; t++)
                    if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                        lastNonZeroTimeInPos = t;


                if (firstNonZeroTimeInPos < 0 || lastNonZeroTimeInPos < 0)
                    // haven't found a valid posData triplet. All time values are zero or less... bail out (Put in an Error Message here?)

                // (13) Distance in Y direction
                this.distInYDirection = 0;
                for (long t = firstNonZeroTimeInPos; t < lastNonZeroTimeInPos; t++)
                    if ((posData[t, 1] > ((this.x2 + this.x1) * 500)) & Equals(this.distInYDirection, 0.0))
                        this.distInYDirection = posData[t, 2];

                    if ((posData[t, 1] < ((this.x2 + this.x1) * 500)) & (this.distInYDirection > 0))
                        this.distInYDirection = (float)Math.Round((decimal)(posData[t, 2] - this.distInYDirection) / 500, (int)(1 - Math.Log10((posData[t, 2] - this.distInYDirection) / 500))) / 2;

                // (14) calculate speed in x direction
                this.speedinXDirection = (float)Math.Round(((posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos + 2, 1] - posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos + 1, 1]) / (decimal)(posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos + 2, 0] - posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos + 1, 0]) * 2), 0) / 2;

                // (15) distInXDirection
                this.distInXDirection = (float)(int)(this.speedinXDirection * this.timeinXDirection * 1000) / 1000;

                // (16) number of points in x
                this.numPointsOnXAxis = (int)(this.width / this.speedinXDirection / this.timeinXDirection);

                // (17) number of points in y
                // y1 from the wiff file is not the actual y1 from the stage - replace with value from path file...
                this.y1 = 82 - (double)Math.Round(((decimal)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 2] / 1000), 2);

                // ...and this has an effect of the ypoints
                this.numPointsOnYAxis = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((this.y2 - this.y1) / this.distInYDirection) + 1);

                // (18) calculate the line breaks
                var timeSpanPos = (posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0)
                                  - (posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0);

                if (this.numPointsOnYAxis % 2 == 0)
                    // even number of scanlines
                    this.lineBreak = (timeSpanPos - ((this.x2 - ((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000)) / this.speedinXDirection)
                                      - (((this.numPointsOnYAxis - 2) * this.width) / this.speedinXDirection)
                                      - ((this.x2 - ((float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000)) / this.speedinXDirection)) / (this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1);
                    // odd number of scanlines
                    this.lineBreak = (timeSpanPos - ((this.x2 - ((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000)) / this.speedinXDirection)
                                      - (((this.numPointsOnYAxis - 2) * this.width) / this.speedinXDirection)
                                      - ((((float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) - this.x1) / this.speedinXDirection)) / (this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1);

                this.lineBreak = this.lineBreak / this.timeinXDirection;

                this.timeOffset = ((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000)
                                  - ((((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) - this.x1) / this.speedinXDirection);

                this.lineOffset = (5 - ((this.timeData[5] - this.timeOffset) / this.timeinXDirection)) + 1;

                // TIC throughout the total massrange...
                // format the data into a rectangular, 2 dimensional array of floats that will represent the image data
                AppContext.ProgressStart("formatting image data...");

                // (19) copy the data from wiff file datastream to the rectangular array. Take account of the line offset and the line break timings
                float[][] dataTic;

                    dataTic            = new float[this.numPointsOnXAxis][];
                    this.sampleDataPos = new int[this.numPointsOnXAxis][];

                    for (int i = 0; i < dataTic.Length; i++)
                        dataTic[i]            = new float[this.numPointsOnYAxis];
                        this.sampleDataPos[i] = new int[this.numPointsOnYAxis];

                    for (int pointOnYAxis = 0; pointOnYAxis < this.numPointsOnYAxis; pointOnYAxis++)
                        // currentLine is the offset to the start of the current line in the linear datastream (rawData)
                        var currentLine = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Abs(this.lineOffset
                                                                   + (((((this.x2 - this.x1) / this.speedinXDirection) / this.timeinXDirection)
                                                                       + this.lineBreak) * pointOnYAxis)));
                        for (int pointOnXAxis = 0; pointOnXAxis < this.numPointsOnXAxis; pointOnXAxis++)
                            int currentPoint;
                            if (pointOnYAxis % 2 == 0)
                                // even y: scan direction: -->
                                currentPoint = currentLine + pointOnXAxis;
                                // odd y:  scan direction: <--
                                currentPoint = currentLine + this.numPointsOnXAxis - 1 - pointOnXAxis;

                            if (currentPoint < this.numDataPoints)
                                dataTic[pointOnXAxis][this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1 - pointOnYAxis] = this.rawData[currentPoint];

                                // Add in a new array to save these dataPos. We can use them to get the scan number
                                // Scan number is the current point
                                this.sampleDataPos[pointOnXAxis][this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1 - pointOnYAxis] = currentPoint;
                                dataTic[pointOnXAxis][this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1 - pointOnYAxis]            = 0;
                                this.sampleDataPos[pointOnXAxis][this.numPointsOnYAxis - 1 - pointOnYAxis] = 0;

                        AppContext.ProgressSetValue((100.0 * pointOnYAxis) / this.numPointsOnYAxis);

                // (20) create the appropriate dataset and add it to the WiffFileContent object...
                string   imgName = wiffsample.Name + " : " + this.massRangeName;
                Document doc     = wiffsample.WiffFileContent.Document;

                // (21) Calculate Bin Points
                // Set a default bin size of 1 - Important it is set to 1 and not zero
                this.binsize = 1;
                this.GetBinSize(wiffsample.ScanFileSize, this.numPointsOnXAxis, this.numPointsOnYAxis);

                // By default we set this to massSpecDataPoints
                this.binnedmassSpecDataPoints = this.massSpecDataPoints;

                if (this.binsize > 1)
                    this.binnedmassSpecDataPoints = this.massSpecDataPoints / this.binsize;

                // create the meta information data structure and populate with relevant information...
                var metaData = new ImageMetaData();
                    const float Epsilon = (float)1E-10;
                    metaData.Add("Sample Name", typeof(string), wiffsample.Name, false);
                    metaData.Add("Mass Range", typeof(string), this.massRangeName, false);
                    metaData.Add("Mass Step Size", typeof(string), this.massStepSize, false);
                    metaData.Add("X1 (mm)", typeof(string), (Math.Abs(this.x1 - (int)this.x1) < Epsilon) ? this.x1.ToString("0.0") : this.x1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Y1 (mm)", typeof(string), (Math.Abs(this.y1 - (int)this.y1) < Epsilon) ? this.y1.ToString("0.0") : this.y1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("X2 (mm)", typeof(string), (Math.Abs(this.x2 - (int)this.x2) < Epsilon) ? this.x2.ToString("0.0") : this.x2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Y2 (mm)", typeof(string), (Math.Abs(this.y2 - (int)this.y2) < Epsilon) ? this.y2.ToString("0.0") : this.y2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Data Points in X", typeof(string), this.numPointsOnXAxis.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Data Points in Y", typeof(string), this.numPointsOnYAxis.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Point Width (mm)", typeof(string), Math.Round(this.distInXDirection, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Point Height (mm)", typeof(string), Math.Round(this.distInYDirection, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);
                    metaData.Add("Bin Size", typeof(string), this.binsize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false);

                    // Add Maldi Parameters
                    string[] splitstring = strMaldiParams.Split(SepMaldiParams, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    metaData.Add("Laser Frequency (Hz)", typeof(string), splitstring[1], false);
                    metaData.Add("Laser Power (%)", typeof(string), splitstring[2], false);
                    metaData.Add("Ablation Mode", typeof(string), splitstring[3], false);
                    metaData.Add("Skimmer Voltage (V)", typeof(string), splitstring[4], false);
                    metaData.Add("Source Gas", typeof(string), splitstring[5], false);
                    metaData.Add("Raster Speed (mm/s)", typeof(string), splitstring[6], false);
                    metaData.Add("Line Direction", typeof(string), splitstring[7], false);
                    metaData.Add("Rastor Pitch ", typeof(string), splitstring[8], false);
                catch (Exception e)

                // (22) Create the ImageData
                var imageTic = new ImageData(

                // (23) Collate the Spectrum Data
                List <ImageData> imageDataList = null;

                    // (24) Create a list of array's to hold the mass spec images (in effect a 3x3 array or a list of 2x2 array)
                    this.dataList = new List <float[][]>();
                    for (int numMassSpecDataPts = 0; numMassSpecDataPts < this.binnedmassSpecDataPoints; numMassSpecDataPts++)
                        var data = new float[this.numPointsOnXAxis][];
                        for (int pointOnXAxis = 0; pointOnXAxis < this.numPointsOnXAxis; pointOnXAxis++)
                            data[pointOnXAxis] = new float[this.numPointsOnYAxis];


                    // (25) Populate dataList. We can populate this by Scan (PopulateListByScan()) Or MassSpec (PopulateListByMass())
                    // For now we will use by Scan as it is more effcient

                    // (26) Create the list of imageData objects passed to the imageSpectrumData object on it's creation later on...
                    imageDataList = new List <ImageData>();

                    for (int massSpecDataPt = 0; massSpecDataPt < this.binnedmassSpecDataPoints; massSpecDataPt++)
                        float[][] specData = this.dataList[massSpecDataPt];

                        imgName = wiffsample.Name + " : " + this.massRangeName;

                        // TODO -- rethink if one should really calculate the mean, median, min, max etc. if the images aren't used for imaging but for export...
                        float minInt = float.MaxValue;
                        float maxInt = float.MinValue;

                        // helper for mean and median
                        meanSum = 0;
                            for (int x = 0; x < this.numPointsOnXAxis; x++)
                                for (int y = 0; y < this.numPointsOnYAxis; y++)
                                    float value = specData[x][y];

                                    // keep track of the extrema
                                    if (value < minInt)
                                        minInt = value;

                                    if (value > maxInt)
                                        maxInt = value;

                                    // mean and median calculation...
                                    // sum up the value to calculate the mean
                                    meanSum += value;

                                    // fill an extra array to calculate the median

                        // calculate the mean
                        var mean = (float)(meanSum / (this.numPointsOnXAxis * this.numPointsOnYAxis));

                        // calculate the median
                        float median = ((valuesForMedian.Count % 2) == 0)
                                           ? (valuesForMedian[(valuesForMedian.Count / 2) - 1]
                                              + valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2]) / 2.0f
                                           : valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2];

                        // ok, now create the imageData and add to list...
                        var imageData = new ImageData(
                catch (Exception e)

                // (27) Now everything should be set to create the ImageSpectrumData object...
                imgName = wiffsample.Name + " SPECT " + this.massRangeMin.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " - " + this.massRangeMax.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var imageSpectrum = new ImageSpectrumData(
                    ImageTic = imageTic

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Example #5
        private IEnumerable <QuantFile> LoadFiles(IEnumerable <string> filePaths, bool ms3Quant = false)
            MSDataFile.CacheScans = false;
            //int largestQuantPeak = 0;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (TagInformation tag in UsedTags.Values)
                tag.UniqueTagNumber       = i++;
                tag.TotalSignal           = 0;
                tag.NormalizedTotalSignal = 0;
            int largestQuantPeak = i - 1;

            //int largestQuantPeak = UsedTags.Values.Select(tag => tag.UniqueTagNumber).Concat(new[] {0}).Max();

            foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                Log("Processing file:\t" + filePath);
                OnUpdateLog("Processing File " + filePath + "...");
                QuantFile    quantFile        = new QuantFile(filePath);
                StreamReader basestreamReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
                int          oldProgress      = -1;
                using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(basestreamReader, true))
                    while (reader.ReadNextRecord()) // go through csv and raw file to extract the info we want
                        int           scanNumber  = int.Parse(reader["Spectrum number"]);
                        string        filenameID  = reader["Filename/id"];
                        string        rawFileName = filenameID.Split('.')[0];
                        bool          isDecoy     = reader["DEFLINE"].StartsWith("DECOY_");
                        ThermoRawFile rawFile;
                        if (!RawFiles.TryGetValue(rawFileName, out rawFile))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cannot find this raw file: " + rawFileName + ".raw");
                        if (!rawFile.IsOpen)

                        int progress = (int)(100 * (double)basestreamReader.BaseStream.Position / basestreamReader.BaseStream.Length);
                        if (progress != oldProgress)
                            oldProgress = progress;

                        //// Set default fragmentation to CAD / HCD
                        //FragmentationMethod ScanFragMethod = filenameID.Contains(".ETD.")
                        //    ? FragmentationMethod.ETD
                        //    : FragmentationMethod.CAD;

                        //if (ScanFragMethod == FragmentationMethod.ETD)
                        //    ScanFragMethod = FragmentationMethod.CAD;
                        //    scanNumber += ETDQuantPosition;

                        // Get the scan object for the sequence ms2 scan
                        MsnDataScan quantitationMsnScan = rawFile[scanNumber] as MsnDataScan;

                        double purity = 1;
                        if (CalculatePurity)
                            double      mz             = quantitationMsnScan.PrecursorMz;
                            int         charge         = quantitationMsnScan.PrecursorCharge;
                            DoubleRange isolationRange = MzRange.FromDa(mz, PurityWindowInTh);

                            MSDataScan parentScan = rawFile[quantitationMsnScan.ParentScanNumber];
                            purity = DeterminePurity(parentScan, mz, charge, isolationRange);

                        if (quantitationMsnScan == null)
                            OnUpdateLog("Spectrum Number " + scanNumber + " is not a valid MS2 scan from: " + rawFile.FilePath + ". Skipping PSM...");

                        if (MS3Quant)
                            quantitationMsnScan = null;
                            // Look forward to find associated MS3 quant scan (based on parent scan number)
                            int ms3ScanNumber = scanNumber + 1;
                            while (ms3ScanNumber < rawFile.LastSpectrumNumber)
                                if (rawFile.GetParentSpectrumNumber(ms3ScanNumber) == scanNumber)
                                    quantitationMsnScan = rawFile[ms3ScanNumber] as MsnDataScan;

                            if (quantitationMsnScan == null)
                                OnUpdateLog("Cannot find a MS3 spectrum associated with spectrum number " + scanNumber + ". Skipping PSM...");

                        Tolerance Tolerance = quantitationMsnScan.MzAnalyzer == MZAnalyzerType.IonTrap2D ? ItMassTolerance : FtMassTolerance;
                        bool      isETD     = quantitationMsnScan.DissociationType == DissociationType.ETD;

                        double injectionTime = quantitationMsnScan.InjectionTime;
                        //var massSpectrum = quantitationMsnScan.MassSpectrum;
                        var thermoSpectrum = rawFile.GetLabeledSpectrum(quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber);

                        double noise = 0;
                        if (NoisebandCap)
                            // Noise is pretty constant over a small region, find the noise of the center of all isobaric tags
                            MassRange range = new MassRange(UsedTags.Keys[0], UsedTags.Keys[UsedTags.Count - 1]);

                            if (thermoSpectrum != null)
                                var peak = thermoSpectrum.GetClosestPeak(range.Mean, 500);
                                if (peak != null)
                                    noise = peak.Noise;
                                    OnUpdateLog("Spectrum (#" + quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber + ") has no m/z peaks. Skipping PSM...");
                                OnUpdateLog("Spectrum (#" + quantitationMsnScan.SpectrumNumber + ") is low-resolution data without noise information. Skipping PSM...");

                        //Dictionary<TagInformation, QuantPeak> peaks = new Dictionary<TagInformation, QuantPeak>();
                        QuantPeak[] peaks = new QuantPeak[largestQuantPeak + 1];
                        // Read in the peak data
                        foreach (TagInformation tag in UsedTags.Values)
                            double tagMz = isETD
                                ? tag.MassEtd
                                : tag.MassCAD;

                            var peak = thermoSpectrum.GetClosestPeak(Tolerance.GetRange(tagMz));

                            QuantPeak qPeak = new QuantPeak(tag, peak, injectionTime, quantitationMsnScan, noise, peak == null && NoisebandCap);

                            peaks[tag.UniqueTagNumber] = qPeak;

                        PurityCorrect(peaks, isDecoy);

                        PSM psm = new PSM(filenameID, scanNumber, peaks, purity);

                // Dispose of all raw files
                foreach (ThermoRawFile rawFile in RawFiles.Values)
                OnUpdateLog("PSMs loaded " + quantFile.Psms.Count);
                Log("PSMs Loaded:\t" + quantFile.Psms.Count);
                yield return(quantFile);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills this instance data members with the information read from <paramref name="wiffFile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wiffFile">A <see cref="FMANWiffFileClass"/> instance. The data source.</param>
        protected override void Initialize(FMANWiffFileClass wiffFile)
            // set the status information
            AppContext.StatusInfo = "Getting wiff-data";

            // get the experiment parameters and the experiment object
            ITripleQuadMALDI experimentParams = (ITripleQuadMALDI)wiffFile.GetExperimentObject(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);
            Experiment       experiment       = (Experiment)wiffFile.GetExperimentObject(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);

            // get the number of mass MRM transitions
            massRanges = experiment.MassRangesCount;

            // select 1. MRM trace
            FMANChromData anaChrom = new FMANChromData();

            anaChrom.WiffFileName = wiffFile.GetWiffFileName();
            anaChrom.SetToXICZeroWidth(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index, 0);

            // dimension the data arrray, the number "data points"
            nrDataPoints = anaChrom.GetNumberOfDataPoints();

            rawData       = new float[massRanges, nrDataPoints];
            timeData      = new float[nrDataPoints];
            dwellTime     = new double[massRanges];
            massRangeName = new string[massRanges];
            massRangeMax  = new double[massRanges];
            massRangeMin  = new double[massRanges];
            meanValues    = new float[massRanges];
            medianValues  = new float[massRanges];

            // helper for mean and median
            double       meanSum         = 0;
            List <float> valuesForMedian = new List <float>();

            // loop through the mass ranges
            double[] startMass = new double[massRanges];
            double[] stopMass  = new double[massRanges];
            double[] stepMass  = new double[massRanges];
            for (int actMassRange = 0; actMassRange < massRanges; actMassRange++)
                // get mass range object
                MassRange anaMassRange = (MassRange)experiment.GetMassRange(actMassRange);
                startMass[actMassRange] = anaMassRange.QstartMass;
                stopMass[actMassRange]  = anaMassRange.QstopMass;
                stepMass[actMassRange]  = anaMassRange.QstepMass;

                massRangeName[actMassRange] = Math.Round(startMass[actMassRange], 2).ToString() + " > " + Math.Round(stepMass[actMassRange], 2).ToString();

                dwellTime[actMassRange] = anaMassRange.DwellTime;

                // select MRM trace
                anaChrom.SetToXICZeroWidth(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index, (short)actMassRange);

                // loop throug the spectrum
                massRangeMax[actMassRange] = double.MinValue;
                massRangeMin[actMassRange] = double.MaxValue;
                meanSum = 0.0;
                for (int actDataPoint = 1; actDataPoint <= nrDataPoints; actDataPoint++)
                    // get the actual value
                    double anaXValue = anaChrom.GetDataPointXValue(actDataPoint);
                    double anaYValue = anaChrom.GetDataPointYValue(actDataPoint);
                    if (anaYValue < massRangeMin[actMassRange])
                        massRangeMin[actMassRange] = anaYValue;
                    if (anaYValue > massRangeMax[actMassRange])
                        massRangeMax[actMassRange] = anaYValue;

                    // now get the actual data
                    rawData[actMassRange, actDataPoint - 1] = (float)anaYValue;
                    timeData[actDataPoint - 1] = (float)anaXValue * 60;

                    // mean and median calculation...
                    // sum up the value to calculate the mean
                    meanSum += anaYValue;
                    // fill an extra array to calculate the median

                // calculate the mean
                meanValues[actMassRange] = (float)(meanSum / nrDataPoints);
                // calculate the median
                medianValues[actMassRange] = ((valuesForMedian.Count % 2) == 0) ? (float)(valuesForMedian[(valuesForMedian.Count / 2) - 1] + valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2]) / 2.0f : valuesForMedian[valuesForMedian.Count / 2];

            // get MALDI parmas and assign variables
            string strMALDIParams = experimentParams.TripleQuadMALDIParameters;

            // x speed in mm/s
            xSpeed = float.Parse(strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[6]);

            //line distance in mm
            yDist = float.Parse(strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None)[8]) / 1000;

            //time per point in s
            xTime = (float)((anaChrom.GetDataPointXValue(nrDataPoints) - anaChrom.GetDataPointXValue(2)) * 60 / (nrDataPoints - 2));
            xDist = (float)(int)(xSpeed * xTime * 1000) / 1000;

            anaChrom.SetToTIC(WiffPeriod.Sample.Index, WiffPeriod.Index, Index);

            // fetch the x1, x2, y1, y2, width and height from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
            double x1     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P1.X;
            double y1     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P1.Y;
            double x2     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P2.X;
            double y2     = WiffPeriod.Sample.P2.Y;
            double width  = WiffPeriod.Sample.Width;
            double height = WiffPeriod.Sample.Height;

            //number of poins in x
            xPoints = (int)((width) / xSpeed / xTime);

            //number of points in y
            yPoints = (int)((height) / yDist + 0.5) + 1;

            // lineOffset = 1;

            // fetch the position data from the WiffSample instance this experiment belongs to.
            uint[,] posData = WiffPeriod.Sample.PositionData;
            long posDataLength = WiffPeriod.Sample.PositionDataLength;

            // try and find the first and last valid indices in the posData, where valid means a nonzero time value...
            long firstNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;

            for (long t = 0; t < posDataLength - 1; t++)
                if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                    firstNonZeroTimeInPos = t + 1;
                    // ok, we're done...

            long lastNonZeroTimeInPos = -1;

            for (long t = posDataLength - 1; t >= 0; t++)
                if (posData[t, 0] > 0)
                    lastNonZeroTimeInPos = t - 1;
                    // ok, we're done...

            if (firstNonZeroTimeInPos < 0 || lastNonZeroTimeInPos < 0)
                // haven't found a valid posData triplet. All time values are zero or less...
                // bail out

            // y2 from the wiff file is not the actual y2 from the stage - replace with value from path file...
            y2 = (double)Math.Round((decimal)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 2] / 1000, 2);

            // ...and this has an effect of the ypoints
            yPoints = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((y2 - y1) / yDist)) + 1;

#if (false)  // experimental method to format the ms-data to the x,y suitable for an image representation
             // fet two time stamps from the start and end of chrom file
            double tFirstMSDataPoint = anaChrom.GetDataPointXValue(10) * 60 * 1000;
            double tLastMSDataPoint  = anaChrom.GetDataPointXValue(nrDataPoints - 10) * 60 * 1000;
            int    positionMarker    = 1;

            // get the corresponding position from the path file
            for (int i = 0; posData[i, 0] < tFirstMSDataPoint; i++)
                positionMarker = i;

            double xFirstMSDataPoint =
                ((tFirstMSDataPoint - posData[positionMarker, 0]) / (posData[positionMarker + 1, 0] - posData[positionMarker, 0])
                 * (int)(posData[positionMarker + 1, 1] - posData[positionMarker, 1])
                 + posData[positionMarker, 1]) / 1000;
            double yFirstMSDataPoint = (double)Math.Round((decimal)posData[positionMarker, 2] / 1000, 2);

            for (int i = 0; posData[i, 0] < tLastMSDataPoint; i++)
                positionMarker = i;
            double xLastMSDataPoint =
                ((tLastMSDataPoint - posData[positionMarker, 0]) / (posData[positionMarker + 1, 0] - posData[positionMarker, 0])
                 * (int)(posData[positionMarker + 1, 1] - posData[positionMarker, 1])
                 + posData[positionMarker, 1]) / 1000;
            double yLastMSDataPoint = (double)Math.Round((decimal)posData[positionMarker, 2] / 1000, 2);

            lineOffset = 10 - (xFirstMSDataPoint - x1) / xDist;

            if (yPoints % 2 == 0)
                // even number of scanlines
                lineBreak = (((nrDataPoints - 10 - 10)
                              - (x2 - (float)xFirstMSDataPoint) / xDist
                              - (yPoints - 2) * (x2 - x1) / xDist
                              - (x2 - (float)xLastMSDataPoint) / xDist))
                            / (yPoints - 1);
                // odd number of scanlines
                lineBreak = (((nrDataPoints - 10 - 10)
                              - (x2 - (float)xFirstMSDataPoint) / xDist
                              - (yPoints - 2) * (x2 - x1) / xDist
                              - ((float)xLastMSDataPoint - x1) / xDist))
                            / (yPoints - 1);

            //timeOffset = (float)posData[5, 0] / 1000 - (((float)posData[5, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed);

            for (int actMassRange = 0; actMassRange < massRanges; actMassRange++)
                // format the data into a rectangular, 2 dimensional array of floats that will represent the image data

                // prepare the data structure
                float[][] imageData = new float[xPoints][];
                for (int i = 0; i < imageData.Length; i++)
                    imageData[i] = new float[yPoints];

                // copy the data from wiff file datastream to the rectangular array. Take account of the line offset and
                // the line break timings.
                for (int y = 0; y < yPoints; y++)

                    int currentPoint;
                    // currentLine is the offset to the start of the current line in the linear datastream (rawData)
                    int currentLine = (int)Math.Floor(lineOffset + ((x2 - x1) / xDist + lineBreak) * y);
                    for (int x = 0; x < xPoints; x++)
                        if (y % 2 == 0)
                            // even y: scan direction: -->
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + x);
                            // odd y:  scan direction: <--
                            currentPoint = (int)(currentLine + xPoints - 1 - x);
                        if (currentPoint < nrDataPoints)
                            imageData[x][y] = rawData[actMassRange, currentPoint];
                            imageData[x][y] = 0;
                lineOffset += ((double)dwellTime[actMassRange] + 5) / 1000 * xSpeed / xDist;

            double timeSpanPos = posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0 - posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000.0;

            double syncTime1 = (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000;
            double syncTime2 = (float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000;
            if (yPoints % 2 == 0)
                // even number of scanlines
                lineBreak = ((syncTime2 - syncTime1)
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed
                             - (yPoints - 2) * (x2 - x1) / xSpeed
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed)
                            / (yPoints - 1);
                //timeOffset = (float)posData[posDataLength - 1, 0] / 1000 + (((float)posData[posDataLength - 1, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed) - (float)timeData[nrDataPoints - 1] + (float)timeData[0] - 2*xTime; //testing new method
                // odd number of scanlines
                lineBreak = ((syncTime2 - syncTime1)
                             - (x2 - (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed
                             - (yPoints - 2) * (x2 - x1) / xSpeed
                             - ((float)posData[lastNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed)
                            / (yPoints - 1);
                //timeOffset = (float)posData[posDataLength - 1, 0] / 1000 + ((x2 - (float)posData[posDataLength - 1, 1] / 1000) / xSpeed) - (float)timeData[nrDataPoints - 1] + (float)timeData[0] - xTime;//testing new method
            // MSt lineBreak = lineBreak / xTime;

            timeOffset = (float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 0] / 1000 - (((float)posData[firstNonZeroTimeInPos, 1] / 1000 - x1) / xSpeed); // original method of calculation
            //MSt lineOffset = (timeData[0]-timeOffset) * xSpeed / xDist + .5;

            double dwellTimeSum = 0;

            // reset the status information
            AppContext.StatusInfo = "";

            for (int actMassRange = 0; actMassRange < massRanges; actMassRange++)
                // format the data into a rectangular, 2 dimensional array of floats that will represent the image data

                // prepare the data structure
                float[][] imageData = new float[xPoints][];
                for (int i = 0; i < imageData.Length; i++)
                    imageData[i] = new float[yPoints];

                dwellTimeSum -= (dwellTime[actMassRange] / 1000 / 2);

                double optTimeOffset = timeOffset;
                double optLineBreak  = lineBreak;
                if (AppContext.UseApproximation)
                    // Perform the optimization...
                    HeuristicOptimization(imageData, actMassRange, (x2 - x1), dwellTimeSum, ref optLineBreak, ref optTimeOffset);

                FormatImageFuzzy(imageData, actMassRange, (x2 - x1), dwellTimeSum, optLineBreak, optTimeOffset);

                dwellTimeSum -= (dwellTime[actMassRange] / 1000 / 2);

                // create the appropriate dataset and add it to the WiffFileContent object...
                string   imgName = WiffPeriod.Sample.Name + " : " + massRangeName[actMassRange];
                Document doc     = WiffPeriod.Sample.WiffFileContent.Document;
                //create the meta information data structure and populate with relevant information...
                ImageMetaData metaData = new ImageMetaData();
                    metaData.Add("Sample Name", typeof(string), WiffPeriod.Sample.Name, false);
                    metaData.Add("Mass Range", typeof(string), massRangeName[actMassRange], false);
                    metaData.Add("X1 (mm)", typeof(string), x1.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("X2 (mm)", typeof(string), x2.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Y1 (mm)", typeof(string), y1.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Y2 (mm)", typeof(string), y2.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Data Points in X", typeof(string), xPoints.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Data Points in Y", typeof(string), yPoints.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Point Width (mm)", typeof(string), xDist.ToString(), false);
                    metaData.Add("Point Height (mm)", typeof(string), yDist.ToString(), false);
                    string[] splitted = strMALDIParams.Split(sepMALDIParams, System.StringSplitOptions.None);
                    metaData.Add("Laser Frequency (Hz)", typeof(string), splitted[1], false);
                    metaData.Add("Laser Power (%)", typeof(string), splitted[2], false);
                    metaData.Add("Ablation Mode", typeof(string), splitted[3], false);
                    metaData.Add("Skimmer Voltage (V)", typeof(string), splitted[4], false);
                    metaData.Add("Source Gas", typeof(string), splitted[5], false);
                    metaData.Add("Raster Speed (mm/s)", typeof(string), splitted[6], false);
                    metaData.Add("Line Distance (µm)", typeof(string), splitted[8], false);
                catch (Exception e) { Util.ReportException(e); }

                WiffPeriod.Sample.WiffFileContent.Add(new ImageData(doc, imageData, imgName, metaData, (float)massRangeMin[actMassRange], (float)massRangeMax[actMassRange],
                                                                    (float)meanValues[actMassRange], (float)medianValues[actMassRange], (float)xDist, (float)yDist, (float)startMass[actMassRange], (float)stepMass[actMassRange]));

            anaChrom.WiffFileName = "";
            anaChrom = null;