Example #1
    public static void executeIsolateOperation(string operation, Agent agt, Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> spec)
        Operation op = MascaretUtils.getOperation(operation, agt);

        if (op != null)
            CallOperationAction act = new CallOperationAction();
            act.Operation = op;
            BehaviorExecution be = act.createBehaviorExecution(agt, spec, false);
            PrintSingleton.Instance.log("Manually executing " + operation + " for " + agt.name);
            PrintSingleton.Instance.log("Operation " + operation + " not found for " + agt.name);
Example #2
    public static void executeOperationInActivity(Agent agent, string operation, Dictionary <string, string> spec, int index, CallProcedureBehaviorExecution pbe)
        if (pbe != null)
            ActivityPartition   agentPartition = new ActivityPartition(agent.name);
            CallOperationAction act            = new CallOperationAction();
            act.Operation = MascaretUtils.getOperation(operation, agent);

            ActionNode an = new ActionNode(operation + "_" + index, "action");
            an.Action = act;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in spec)
                act.Arguments.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            an.Partitions = new List <ActivityPartition>();

            AgentBehaviorExecution pbehavior = agent.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior");
            if (pbehavior != null)
                ProceduralBehavior procBehave = (ProceduralBehavior)(pbehavior);
                OrganisationalEntity askedOrg  = MascaretApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Organisations.Find(x => x.name == pbe.action.OrganisationalEntity);
                Procedure            askedProc = askedOrg.Structure.Procedures.Find(x => x.name == pbe.action.Procedure);
                Role askedRole = askedOrg.RoleAssignement.Find(x => x.Role.name == agent.name).Role;
                if (procBehave.RunningProcedures.Count == 0) //No runningProcedure for this agent, need to create one
                    Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> procParams = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>();
                    PrintSingleton.Instance.log("Launch procedure for " + agent.name);
                    procBehave.pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, procParams);
                //The new partition needs to be added to all agents..
                Dictionary <string, Agent> allAgents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Agent> kvp in allAgents)
                    ProceduralBehavior pb = (ProceduralBehavior)kvp.Value.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior");
                    if (pb != null)
                        for (int iP = 0; iP < pb.runningProcedures.Count; iP++)
                            if (!pb.runningProcedures[iP].getAgentToPartition().ContainsKey(agent.Aid.toString()))
                                pb.runningProcedures[iP].getAgentToPartition().Add(agent.Aid.toString(), askedProc.Activity.Partitions.Find(x => x.name == agent.name));

                executeOperation(an, agent);
                PrintSingleton.Instance.log("Agent " + agent.name + " does not have a proceduralBehavior!");
            PrintSingleton.Instance.log("No procedure launched!");