/// <summary>
        /// Given a set of tag registrations for user controls, attempt to connect those tag registrations to actual
        /// .NET class types in the main website assembly.  This will update the Typename field for each TagRegistration
        /// where a matching class type is found; or if no matching class type is found, this will throw an exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compileContext">The context in which errors should be reported.</param>
        /// <param name="tagRegistrations">The set of user-control registrations to resolve to real class types.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The full set of preloaded assemblies.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyDirectory">The directory where the main website DLL can be found.</param>
        /// <param name="rootPath">The real disk path to the root of the website's virtual directory.</param>
        /// <param name="currentDirectory">The current directory (for resolving relative paths).</param>
        public static void ResolveUserControls(ICompileContext compileContext, IEnumerable <TagRegistration> tagRegistrations, ReferencedAssembliesContext assemblies, string rootPath, string currentDirectory)
            foreach (TagRegistration tagRegistration in tagRegistrations.Where(t => t.Kind == TagRegistrationKind.SingleUserControl))
                compileContext.Verbose("Registering user control <{0}:{1}> as \"{2}\".", tagRegistration.TagPrefix, tagRegistration.TagName, tagRegistration.SourceFilename);


                string filename = VistualPathUtils.ResolveWebsitePath(compileContext, tagRegistration.SourceFilename, rootPath, currentDirectory);

                MarkupReader userControlReader = new MarkupReader();

                // todo: how to handle references to user controls not found within rootpath?
                Tag userControlMainDirective = userControlReader.ReadMainDirective(compileContext, filename, assemblies, rootPath);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userControlMainDirective.TagName) &&
                    string.Compare(userControlMainDirective.TagName, "control", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0)
                    throw new RedesignerException("Cannot register user control \"{0}\":  Its main <% ... %> directive does not start with the \"Control\" keyword.  Is this actually a user control?", tagRegistration.SourceFilename);

                string inheritsAttribute = userControlMainDirective["inherits"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inheritsAttribute))
                    throw new RedesignerException("Cannot register user control \"{0}\":  Its main <% Control ... %> directive is missing the required Inherits=\"...\" attribute.", tagRegistration.SourceFilename);

                tagRegistration.Typename = inheritsAttribute;

                compileContext.Verbose("User control registered as type \"{0}\".", inheritsAttribute);
Example #2
 public void ReaderTest1()
    var proteinDictionary = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IProteinDictionary>();
    proteinDictionary.Stub(x => x.GetProteinOrDownload(0)).IgnoreArguments().Return(new Protein());
    var markupReader = new MarkupReader(_prefs, proteinDictionary);
    var slots = markupReader.Read("..\\..\\TestFiles\\SlotSummary1.xml");
    Assert.AreEqual(9, slots.Count());
Example #3
        public void ReaderTest1()
            var proteinDictionary = MockRepository.GenerateStub <IProteinDictionary>();

            proteinDictionary.Stub(x => x.GetProteinOrDownload(0)).IgnoreArguments().Return(new Protein());
            var markupReader = new MarkupReader(_prefs, proteinDictionary);
            var slots        = markupReader.Read("..\\..\\TestFiles\\SlotSummary1.xml");

            Assert.AreEqual(9, slots.Count());
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a replacement .designer.cs file for the given markup file, overwriting the existing
        /// .designer.cs file if there is one.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool GenerateDesignerForFilename(ICompileContext compileContext, string filename, IEnumerable <TagRegistration> tagRegistrations, AssemblyLoader assemblies, string assemblyDirectory, string rootPath)
            string designer;
            string designerFilename = filename + ".designer.cs";

            // Load the markup from the .aspx or .ascx file.
            MarkupReader markup = new MarkupReader();
            MarkupInfo   markupInfo;

                markupInfo = markup.LoadMarkup(compileContext, filename, tagRegistrations, assemblies, assemblyDirectory, rootPath);
            catch (Exception e)
                compileContext.Error("{0}: Failed to load markup file:\r\n{1}", filename, e.Message);
                compileContext.Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);

            // If we're not inheriting a real class, there's no reason for a designer file to exist.
            if (markupInfo.ClassType == null)
                compileContext.Verbose("Skipping generating designer file because markup does not have an Inherits=\"...\" attribute.", filename);

            // Generate the output text for the new .designer.cs file.
                DesignerWriter designerWriter = new DesignerWriter();
                designer = designerWriter.CreateDesigner(compileContext, markupInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                compileContext.Error("{0}: Cannot regenerate designer file:\r\n{1}", filename, e.Message);
                compileContext.Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);

            // Save the output .designer.cs file to disk.
                File.WriteAllText(designerFilename, designer, Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception e)
                compileContext.Error("{0}: Cannot open designer file for writing:\r\n{1}", designerFilename, e.Message);
                compileContext.Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);

Example #5
        private void ensure_gresource_to_file_map()
            // map gresource paths to real file names
            if (gresource_to_file_map != null)
            gresource_to_file_map = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            foreach (var gresource in context.gresources)
                if (!File.Exists(gresource))
                    Report.error(null, "GResources file `%s' does not exist".printf(gresource));

                MarkupReader reader = new MarkupReader(gresource);

                int    state  = 0;
                string prefix = null;
                string alias  = null;

                MarkupTokenType current_token = reader.read_token();
                while (current_token != MarkupTokenType.EOF)
                    if (current_token == MarkupTokenType.START_ELEMENT && reader.name == "gresource")
                        prefix = reader.get_attribute("prefix");
                    else if (current_token == MarkupTokenType.START_ELEMENT && reader.name == "file")
                        alias = reader.get_attribute("alias");
                        state = 1;
                    else if (state == 1 && current_token == MarkupTokenType.TEXT)
                        var name     = reader.content;
                        var filename = context.get_gresource_path(gresource, name);
                        if (alias != null)
                            gresource_to_file_map[Path.build_filename(prefix, alias)] = filename;
                        gresource_to_file_map[Path.build_filename(prefix, name)] = filename;
                        state = 0;

                    current_token = reader.read_token();
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the current .designer.cs file for the given markup file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the file passes inspection, false if it fails.</returns>
        public static bool VerifyDesignerForFilename(ICompileContext compileContext, string filename, IEnumerable <TagRegistration> tagRegistrations, AssemblyLoader assemblies, string assemblyDirectory, string rootPath)
            DesignerInfo designerInfo;
            string       designerFilename = filename + ".designer.cs";

            // Load the markup from the .aspx or .ascx file.
            MarkupReader markup = new MarkupReader();
            MarkupInfo   markupInfo;

                markupInfo = markup.LoadMarkup(compileContext, filename, tagRegistrations, assemblies, assemblyDirectory, rootPath);
            catch (Exception e)
                compileContext.Error("{0}: Failed to load markup file:\r\n{1}", filename, e.Message);
                compileContext.Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);

            if (markupInfo.ClassType == null)
                compileContext.Verbose("Skipping verification of .designer file, because markup has no Inherits=\"...\" attribute and therefore has no .designer file.", filename);


            // Read and parse the current .designer.cs file.
                DesignerReader designerReader = new DesignerReader();
                designerInfo = designerReader.LoadDesignerFile(compileContext, designerFilename);
            catch (Exception e)
                compileContext.Error("{0}: Cannot load designer file:\r\n{1}", filename, e.Message);
                compileContext.Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);


            // And finally compare the expectations of the markup against the reality of the .designer.cs file.
            return(CompareMarkupInfoToDesignerInfo(compileContext, filename, markupInfo, designerInfo));
Example #7
        private void process_current_ui_resource(string ui_resource, CodeNode node)
            /* Scan a single gtkbuilder file for signal handlers in <object> elements,
             * and save an handler string -> Vala.Signal mapping for each of them */

            current_handler_to_signal_map = null;
            current_child_to_class_map    = null;
            var ui_file = gresource_to_file_map[ui_resource];

            if (ui_file == null || !File.Exists(ui_file))
                node.error = true;
                Report.error(node.source_reference, "UI resource not found: `%s'. Please make sure to specify the proper GResources xml files with --gresources and alternative search locations with --gresourcesdir.".printf(ui_resource));
            current_handler_to_signal_map = new Dictionary <string, Signal>();
            current_child_to_class_map    = new Dictionary <string, Class>();

            MarkupReader reader        = new MarkupReader(ui_file);
            Class        current_class = null;

            bool            template_tag_found = false;
            MarkupTokenType current_token      = reader.read_token();

            while (current_token != MarkupTokenType.EOF)
                if (current_token == MarkupTokenType.START_ELEMENT && (reader.name == "template" || reader.name == "object"))
                    if (reader.name == "template")
                        template_tag_found = true;
                    var class_name = reader.get_attribute("class");
                    if (class_name != null)
                        current_class = cclass_to_vala_map[class_name];

                        var child_name = reader.get_attribute("id");
                        if (child_name != null)
                            current_child_to_class_map[child_name] = current_class;
                else if (current_class != null && current_token == MarkupTokenType.START_ELEMENT && reader.name == "signal")
                    var signal_name  = reader.get_attribute("name");
                    var handler_name = reader.get_attribute("handler");

                    if (current_class != null)
                        if (signal_name == null || handler_name == null)
                            Report.error(node.source_reference, "Invalid signal in ui file `%s'".printf(ui_file));
                            current_token = reader.read_token();
                        var sep_idx = signal_name.IndexOf("::");
                        if (sep_idx >= 0)
                            // detailed signal, we don't care about the detail
                            signal_name = signal_name.Substring(0, sep_idx);

                        var sig = SemanticAnalyzer.symbol_lookup_inherited(current_class, signal_name.Replace("-", "_")) as Signal;
                        if (sig != null)
                            current_handler_to_signal_map[handler_name] = sig;
                current_token = reader.read_token();

            if (!template_tag_found)
                Report.error(node.source_reference, "ui resource `%s' does not describe a valid composite template".printf(ui_resource));
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <byte[]> GenerateDesignerFile(ProjectItem projectItem, string contents, string outputAssemblyPath)
            // get list of referenced assemblies.
            var project             = projectItem.ContainingProject;
            var unconfiguredProject = project.GetUnconfiguredProject();
            var lockService         = unconfiguredProject.ProjectService.Services.ProjectLockService;

            var configuredProject = await unconfiguredProject.GetSuggestedConfiguredProjectAsync();

            List <ITaskItem> assemblyReferenceItems;

            // need to gather the referenced assemblies.
            using (var access = await lockService.WriteLockAsync())
                Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project msBuildProject = await access.GetProjectAsync(configuredProject);

                // party on it, respecting the type of lock you've acquired.
                var assemblyReferenceGatherer = new AssemblyReferenceGatherer();
                assemblyReferenceItems = assemblyReferenceGatherer.GetAssemblyReferences(msBuildProject.Xml).ToList();

            var projDir = project.GetProjectPath();

            var referencedAssemblies = new ReferencedAssembliesContext(assemblyReferenceItems, outputAssemblyPath);

            string currentDir      = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName);
            string websiteRootPath = currentDir; // todo - this could point to a dnn website we are targeting?

            List <TagRegistration> tagRegistrations = referencedAssemblies.StandardTagRegistrations.ToList();

            UserControlTagRegistrationResolver.ResolveUserControls(this, tagRegistrations, referencedAssemblies, websiteRootPath, currentDir);

            Verbose("Begin processing \"{0}\"...", projectItem.Name);

            //bool succeeded = GenerateDesignerForFilename(document.FullName, tagRegistrations, referencedAssemblies, websiteRootPath);

            bool succeeded = false;
            // var filename = document.FullName;

            string designer = null;
            // string designerFilename = filename + ".designer.cs";

            // Load the markup from the .aspx or .ascx file.
            MarkupReader markup     = new MarkupReader();
            MarkupInfo   markupInfo = null;

                markupInfo = markup.LoadMarkup(this, tagRegistrations, referencedAssemblies, websiteRootPath, contents, projectItem.Name);
            catch (Exception e)
                Error("{0}: Failed to load markup file:\r\n{1}", projectItem.Name, e.Message);
                Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);
                succeeded = false;

            // If we're not inheriting a real class, there's no reason for a designer file to exist.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(markupInfo.InheritsClassName))
                Verbose("Skipping generating designer file because markup does not have an Inherits=\"...\" attribute.", projectItem.Name);
                succeeded = true;

            // Generate the output text for the new .designer.cs file.
                DesignerWriter designerWriter = new DesignerWriter();
                designer = designerWriter.CreateDesigner(this, markupInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                Error("{0}: Cannot regenerate designer file:\r\n{1}", projectItem.Name, e.Message);
                Verbose("Stopping file processing due to exception.  Stack trace:\r\n{0}", e.StackTrace);
                succeeded = false;

            // Save the output .designer.cs file to disk.

            var utfBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(designer);

            EndFile(projectItem.Name, succeeded);
            Verbose("End processing \"{0}\".", projectItem.Name);
