Example #1
 protected MarkdownWidget(
     Key key,
     string data,
     MarkdownStyleSheet markdownStyleSheet,
     SyntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter1,
     MarkdownTapLinkCallback onTapLink,
     string imageDirectory,
     ExtensionSet extensionSet,
     MarkdownImageBuilder imageBuilder,
     MarkdownCheckboxBuilder checkboxBuilder,
     bool fitContent = false,
     bool selectable = false
     ) : base(key)
     Debug.Assert(data != null);
     this.data              = data;
     this.styleSheet        = markdownStyleSheet;
     this.syntaxHighlighter = syntaxHighlighter1;
     this.onTapLink         = onTapLink;
     this.extensionSet      = extensionSet;
     this.imageDirectory    = imageDirectory;
     this.imageBuilder      = imageBuilder;
     this.checkboxBuilder   = checkboxBuilder;
     this.fitContent        = fitContent;
     this.selectable        = selectable;
Example #2
 /// Creates a scrolling widget that parses and displays Markdown.
 public Markdown(Key key     = null,
                 String data = null,
                 MarkdownStyleSheet styleSheet       = null,
                 SyntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter = null,
                 MarkdownTapLinkCallback onTapLink   = null,
                 string imageDirectory = null) : base(key, data, styleSheet, syntaxHighlighter, onTapLink, imageDirectory)
     this.padding = EdgeInsets.all(16);
Example #3
 /// Creates a widget that parses and displays Markdown.
 /// The [data] argument must not be null.
 protected MarkdownWidget(Key key, string data, MarkdownStyleSheet markdownStyleSheet,
                          SyntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter1, MarkdownTapLinkCallback onTapLink, string imageDirectory) : base(key)
     Debug.Assert(data != null, "data != null");
     this.data              = data;
     this.styleSheet        = markdownStyleSheet;
     this.syntaxHighlighter = syntaxHighlighter1;
     this.onTapLink         = onTapLink;
     this.imageDirectory    = imageDirectory;
 public CustomMarkdown(
     Key key         = null,
     string data     = null,
     bool selectable = false,
     MarkdownStyleSheet markdownStyleSheet = null,
     SyntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter   = null,
     MarkdownTapLinkCallback onTapLink     = null,
     string imageDirectory                   = null,
     ExtensionSet extensionSet               = null,
     MarkdownImageBuilder imageBuilder       = null,
     MarkdownCheckboxBuilder checkboxBuilder = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics                   = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                     = false,
     Widget contentHead                  = null,
     Widget relatedArticles              = null,
     List <Widget> commentList           = null,
     RefreshController refreshController = null,
     bool enablePullDown                 = false,
     bool enablePullUp                   = false,
     OnRefresh onRefresh                 = null,
     NotificationListenerCallback <ScrollNotification> onNotification = null,
     float initialOffset = 0f,
     bool needRebuildWithCachedCommentPosition = false,
     bool isArticleJumpToCommentStateActive    = false
     ) : base(key, data, markdownStyleSheet, syntaxHighlighter,
              onTapLink, imageDirectory, extensionSet, imageBuilder, checkboxBuilder, selectable)
     this.padding           = EdgeInsets.all(16);
     this.physics           = physics;
     this.shrinkWrap        = shrinkWrap;
     this.contentHead       = contentHead;
     this.relatedArticles   = relatedArticles;
     this.commentList       = commentList;
     this.refreshController = refreshController;
     this.enablePullDown    = enablePullDown;
     this.enablePullUp      = enablePullUp;
     this.onRefresh         = onRefresh;
     this.onNotification    = onNotification;
     this.initialOffset     = initialOffset;
     this.needRebuildWithCachedCommentPosition = needRebuildWithCachedCommentPosition;
     this.isArticleJumpToCommentStateActive    = isArticleJumpToCommentStateActive;
Example #5
 public Markdown(
     Key key         = null,
     string data     = null,
     bool selectable = false,
     MarkdownStyleSheet markdownStyleSheet = null,
     SyntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter   = null,
     MarkdownTapLinkCallback onTapLink     = null,
     string imageDirectory                   = null,
     ExtensionSet extensionSet               = null,
     MarkdownImageBuilder imageBuilder       = null,
     MarkdownCheckboxBuilder checkboxBuilder = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics                   = null,
     bool shrinkWrap = false
     ) : base(key, data, markdownStyleSheet, syntaxHighlighter,
              onTapLink, imageDirectory, extensionSet, imageBuilder, checkboxBuilder, selectable)
     this.padding    = EdgeInsets.all(16);
     this.physics    = physics;
     this.shrinkWrap = shrinkWrap;