private void display() { if (datcats.Count > 0) { textblock_user_dc.Text = datcats[index]; vpmc.clear(); vpmc.fillListBoxes(mapping.getTBXMappingList(datcats[index]), mapping.getContentList(datcats[index]) as List <string>); } }
/// <summary> /// Fills the mappedPicklists Dictionary with a key that is the combination of a data category and a content, and a boolean value. /// <para> /// Any content values which are mapped to TBX data categories which do not have picklists will be skipped. /// </para> /// <para> /// <code>{ 'part of speech_noun' : false }</code> /// </para> /// <para> /// This means that the content "noun" of "part of speech" has not been mapped to a TBX picklist value yet. /// </para> /// </summary> private void fillMappedPicklistsDict() { dcs_with_picklists.ForEach(delegate(string dc) { foreach (string val in mapping.getContentList(dc)) { string[] keys = Methods.getKeyArray(tbx_picklists.Keys); if (mapping.getTBXMappingList(dc).Count < 2 || Methods.inArray(ref keys, mapping.getTBXContentMap(dc)?.Get(val))) { try { mappedPicklists.Add(dc + "_" + val, false); } catch (System.ArgumentException e) { continue; } } } }); }
private void loadDatCats() { XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore; XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename, settings); bool start = false; int level = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.Name == "body" || reader.Name == "mtf")) { start = true; } if (start == true) { if (reader.Name == "back") { start = false; continue; } if (reader.Name == "conceptGrp" || reader.Name == "languageGrp" || reader.Name == "termGrp" || reader.Name == "termEntry" || reader.Name == "langSet" || reader.Name == "tig" || reader.Name == "conceptEntry" || reader.Name == "langSec" || reader.Name == "termSec") { switch (reader.Name) { case "conceptGrp": case "termEntry": case "conceptEntry": level = 1; break; case "languageGrp": case "langSet": case "langSec": level = 2; break; case "termGrp": case "tig": case "termSec": level = 3; break; } } if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.HasAttributes && null != reader.GetAttribute("type") && reader.Name != "language") { string dc = reader.GetAttribute("type"); if (!Methods.inList(ref datcats, dc)) { datcats.Add(dc); mapping.Add(dc); switch (level) { case 1: mapping.levelMap["conceptGrp"].Add(dc); break; case 2: mapping.levelMap["languageGrp"].Add(dc); break; case 3: mapping.levelMap["termGrp"].Add(dc); break; } } //Pull out text for use later with picklists XmlReader textReader = reader.ReadSubtree(); while (textReader.Read()) { if (textReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { List <string> values = mapping.getContentList(dc) as List <string>; if (!Methods.inList(ref values, reader.Value)) { mapping.getContentList(dc).Add(textReader.Value); } } } } } } datcats.Sort(); textTotal.Text = datcats.Count().ToString(); }