public void GiveExpToCharacter(MapleCharacter attacker, int exp, bool highestDamage, int numExpSharers) { if (Id == 9300027) { exp = 1; } if (highestDamage) { //if (eventInstance != null) //{ // eventInstance.monsterKilled(attacker, this); //} m_highestDamageChar = attacker; } if (attacker.Hp > 0) { var personalExp = exp; if (exp > 0) { if (m_stati.ContainsKey(MonsterStatus.Taunt)) { var alterExp = m_stati[MonsterStatus.Taunt].Stati[MonsterStatus.Taunt]; personalExp *= (int)(1.0 + alterExp / 100.0); } var holySymbol = attacker.GetBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.HolySymbol); if (holySymbol != null) { if (numExpSharers == 1) { personalExp *= (int)(1.0 + holySymbol.Value / 500.0); } else { personalExp *= (int)(1.0 + holySymbol.Value / 100.0); } } } if (exp < 0) { personalExp = int.MaxValue; } personalExp /= attacker.Diseases.Contains(MapleDisease.Curse) ? 2 : 1; attacker.GainExp(personalExp, true, false, highestDamage); try { attacker.MobKilled(Id); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } }
public static void GainExp(string[] split, MapleClient c) { MapleCharacter chr = c.Account.Character; if (split.Length > 1) { int exp = int.Parse(split[1]); if (exp > 0) { chr.GainExp(exp); } } }
public override void Act(MapleCharacter chr, int questId) { switch (Type) { case QuestActionType.exp: //int: give exp chr.GainExp(Data, true, false); break; case //int: mesars chr.Inventory.GainMesos(Data, false, true); break; case QuestActionType.buffItemID: //int: apply item effect to player //todo data = item id break; case QuestActionType.pop: //int: fame chr.AddFame(Data); break; case QuestActionType.nextQuest: //int: next quest in chain? check moopledev/v118 //todo break; case QuestActionType.willEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Will); break; case QuestActionType.senseEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Sense); break; case QuestActionType.insightEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Insight); break; case QuestActionType.craftEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Craft); break; case QuestActionType.charismaEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Charisma); break; case QuestActionType.charmEXP: //int chr.AddTraitExp(Data, MapleCharacterStat.Charm); break; } }
public void Run(MapleCharacter c, int?extSelection) { MapleQuestStatus status; switch (Type) { case MapleQuestActionType.Exp: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } c.GainExp(MapleDataTool.GetInt(Data) * c.Client.ChannelServer.ExpRate, true, true); break; case MapleQuestActionType.Item: var ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.Instance; var props = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var iEntry in Data.Children) { if (iEntry.GetChildByPath("prop") != null && MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("prop")) != -1 && CanGetItem(iEntry, c)) { for (var i = 0; i < MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("prop")); i++) { props.Add(props.Count, MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("id"))); } } } var selection = 0; var extNum = 0; if (props.Any()) { props.TryGetValue((int)(Randomizer.NextDouble() * props.Count), out selection); } foreach (var iEntry in Data.Children) { if (!CanGetItem(iEntry, c)) { continue; } if (iEntry.GetChildByPath("prop") != null) { if (MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("prop")) == -1) { if (extSelection.HasValue && extSelection.Value != extNum++) { continue; } } else if (MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("id")) != selection) { continue; } } if (MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("count"), 0) < 0) { // remove items var itemId = MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("id")); var iType = ii.GetInventoryType(itemId); var quantity = (short)(MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("count"), 0) * -1); try { //MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(c.Client, iType, itemId, quantity, true, false); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Completing a quest without meeting the requirements"); } c.Client.Send(PacketCreator.GetShowItemGain(itemId, (short)MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("count"), 0), true)); } else { // add items var itemId = MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("id")); var quantity = (short)MapleDataTool.GetInt(iEntry.GetChildByPath("count"), 0); var logInfo = new StringBuilder(c.Name); logInfo.Append(" received "); logInfo.Append(quantity); logInfo.Append(" as reward from a quest"); // MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(c.Client, itemId, quantity, logInfo.ToString(), null, -1); c.Client.Send(PacketCreator.GetShowItemGain(itemId, quantity, true)); } } break; case MapleQuestActionType.Nextquest: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); var nextQuest = MapleDataTool.GetInt(Data); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } c.Client.Send(PacketCreator.UpdateQuestFinish((short)m_quest.GetQuestId(), status.Npcid, (short)nextQuest)); MapleQuest.GetInstance(nextQuest).Start(c, status.Npcid); break; case MapleQuestActionType.Meso: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } c.GainMeso(MapleDataTool.GetInt(Data), true, false, true); break; case MapleQuestActionType.Quest: foreach (var qEntry in Data) { var questid = MapleDataTool.GetInt(qEntry.GetChildByPath("id")); var stat = MapleDataTool.GetInt(qEntry.GetChildByPath("state"), 0); c.UpdateQuest(new MapleQuestStatus(MapleQuest.GetInstance(questid), (MapleQuestStatusType)stat)); } break; case MapleQuestActionType.Skill: foreach (var sEntry in Data) { var skillid = MapleDataTool.GetInt(sEntry.GetChildByPath("id")); var skillLevel = (byte)MapleDataTool.GetInt(sEntry.GetChildByPath("skillLevel")); var masterLevel = (byte)MapleDataTool.GetInt(sEntry.GetChildByPath("masterLevel")); var skillObject = SkillFactory.GetSkill(skillid); var shouldLearn = false; var applicableJobs = sEntry.GetChildByPath("job"); foreach (var applicableJob in applicableJobs) { var job = MapleJob.GetByJobId(MapleDataTool.GetShort(applicableJob)); if (c.Job == job) { shouldLearn = true; break; } } if (skillObject.IsBeginnerSkill) { shouldLearn = true; } skillLevel = Math.Max(skillLevel, c.GetSkillLevel(skillObject)); masterLevel = Math.Max(masterLevel, skillObject.MaxLevel); if (shouldLearn) { c.ChangeSkillLevel(skillObject, skillLevel, masterLevel); c.DropMessage( $"你已获得 {SkillFactory.GetSkillName(skillid)} 当前等级 {skillLevel} 最高等级 {masterLevel}"); } } break; case MapleQuestActionType.Fame: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } c.Fame += MapleDataTool.GetShort(Data); c.UpdateSingleStat(MapleStat.Fame, c.Fame); var fameGain = MapleDataTool.GetInt(Data); c.Client.Send(PacketCreator.GetShowFameGain(fameGain)); break; case MapleQuestActionType.Buff: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } var mii = MapleItemInformationProvider.Instance; //mii.GetItemEffect(MapleDataTool.GetInt(data)).applyTo(c); break; case MapleQuestActionType.Petskill: status = c.GetQuest(m_quest); if (status.Status == MapleQuestStatusType.NotStarted && status.Forfeited > 0) { break; } var flag = MapleDataTool.GetInt("petskill", Data); //c.getPet(0).setFlag((byte)(c.getPet(0).getFlag() | InventoryConstants.Items.Flags.getFlagByInt(flag))); break; default: break; } }
public void Kill(MapleCharacter killer, bool dropItems = true) { lock (MobLock) { //killer.Client.CheatTracker.KillTrigger(this); Alive = false; int exp = WzInfo.Exp * ServerConstants.ExpRate; MapleCharacter dropOwner = killer; int HighestExp = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, long> kvp in AttackerDamageList) { MapleCharacter attacker = Map.GetCharacter(kvp.Key); if (attacker != null) { double expPercent = ((double)Math.Min(kvp.Value, WzInfo.HP) / (double)WzInfo.HP); int expToGive = (int)((expPercent * exp) * (attacker.Stats.ExpR / 100.0)); //Drops go to the person who did the most damage if (expToGive > HighestExp) { HighestExp = expToGive; dropOwner = attacker; } attacker.GainExp(expToGive, true, true); } } if (dropItems) { Map.SpawnMapItemsFromMonster(this, this.Position, dropOwner); } dropOwner.UpdateQuestKills(WzInfo.MobId); //TODO: whole party on map Map.BroadcastPacket(MapleMonster.KillMob(ObjectId)); Map.RemoveMob(ObjectId); #region Final Pact if (dropOwner.Job == JobConstants.DARKKNIGHT) { Buff buff = dropOwner.GetBuff(DarkKnight.FINAL_PACT2); if (buff != null) { buff.Stacks--; if (buff.Stacks <= 0) { dropOwner.Client.SendPacket(Skill.ShowBuffEffect(DarkKnight.FINAL_PACT2, dropOwner.Level, null, false)); dropOwner.CancelBuff(DarkKnight.FINAL_PACT2); } else { uint remainingTimeMS = buff.Duration - (uint)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(buff.StartTime).TotalMilliseconds; dropOwner.Client.SendPacket(Buff.UpdateFinalPactKillCount(buff.Stacks, remainingTimeMS)); } } } #endregion Map = null; foreach (MonsterBuff effect in Buffs) { effect.Dispose(true); } } }