Example #1
 public FootholdLine(Board board, MapleDot firstDot, MapleBool forbidFallDown, MapleBool cantThrough, int?piece, int?force)
     : base(board, firstDot)
     this._cantThrough    = cantThrough;
     this._forbidFallDown = forbidFallDown;
     this._piece          = piece;
     this._force          = force;
Example #2
 public FootholdLine(Board board, MapleDot firstDot, MapleDot secondDot)
     : base(board, firstDot, secondDot)
     this._cantThrough    = null;
     this._forbidFallDown = null;
     this._piece          = null;
     this._force          = null;
Example #3
 public FootholdLine(Board board, MapleDot firstDot)
     : base(board, firstDot)
     _cantThrough    = null;
     _forbidFallDown = null;
     _piece          = null;
     _force          = null;
Example #4
 public FootholdLine(Board board, SerializationForm json)
     : base(board)
     _cantThrough    = json.cantthrough;
     _forbidFallDown = json.forbidfalldown;
     _piece          = json.piece;
     _force          = json.force;
Example #5
 public LifeInstance(Board board, SerializationForm json)
     : base(board, json)
     _rx0Shift = json.rx0;
     _rx1Shift = json.rx1;
     _yShift   = json.yshift;
     mobTime   = json.mobtime;
     flip      = json.flip;
     hide      = json.hide;
     info      = json.info;
     team      = json.team;
        public void LoadLife(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
            WzImageProperty lifeParent = mapImage["life"];

            if (lifeParent == null)
            foreach (WzSubProperty life in lifeParent.WzProperties)
                string    id          = InfoTool.GetString(life["id"]);
                int       x           = InfoTool.GetInt(life["x"]);
                int       y           = InfoTool.GetInt(life["y"]);
                int       cy          = InfoTool.GetInt(life["cy"]);
                int?      mobTime     = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["mobTime"]);
                int?      info        = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["info"]);
                int?      team        = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["team"]);
                int       rx0         = InfoTool.GetInt(life["rx0"]);
                int       rx1         = InfoTool.GetInt(life["rx1"]);
                MapleBool flip        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(life["f"]);
                MapleBool hide        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(life["hide"]);
                string    type        = InfoTool.GetString(life["type"]);
                string    limitedname = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(life["limitedname"]);

                switch (type)
                case "m":
                    MobInfo mobInfo = MobInfo.Get(id);
                    if (mobInfo == null)
                    mapBoard.BoardItems.Mobs.Add((MobInstance)mobInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, x - rx0, rx1 - x, cy - y, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team));

                case "n":
                    NpcInfo npcInfo = NpcInfo.Get(id);
                    if (npcInfo == null)
                    mapBoard.BoardItems.NPCs.Add((NpcInstance)npcInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, x - rx0, rx1 - x, cy - y, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team));

                    throw new Exception("invalid life type " + type);
Example #7
        private int?team;  //for carnival

        public LifeInstance(MapleDrawableInfo baseInfo, Board board, int x, int y, int rx0Shift, int rx1Shift, int yShift, string limitedname, int?mobTime, MapleBool flip, MapleBool hide, int?info, int?team)
            : base(board, x, y, -1)
            this.limitedname = limitedname;
            this._rx0Shift   = rx0Shift;
            this._rx1Shift   = rx1Shift;
            this._yShift     = yShift;
            this.mobTime     = mobTime;
            this.info        = info;
            this.team        = team;
            this.flip        = flip;
            if (flip == true)
                // We need to use the data from baseInfo directly because BaseInfo property is only instantiated in the child ctor,
                // which will execute after we are finished.
                X -= baseInfo.Width - 2 * baseInfo.Origin.X;
Example #8
 public PortalInstance(PortalInfo baseInfo, Board board, int x, int y, string pn, string pt, string tn, int tm, string script, int?delay, MapleBool hideTooltip, MapleBool onlyOnce, int?horizontalImpact, int?verticalImpact, string image, int?hRange, int?vRange)
     : base(board, x, y, -1)
     this.baseInfo     = baseInfo;
     _pn               = pn;
     _pt               = pt;
     _tn               = tn;
     _tm               = tm;
     _script           = script;
     _delay            = delay;
     _hideTooltip      = hideTooltip;
     _onlyOnce         = onlyOnce;
     _horizontalImpact = horizontalImpact;
     _verticalImpact   = verticalImpact;
     _image            = image;
     _hRange           = hRange;
     _vRange           = vRange;
Example #9
 public PortalInstance(Board board, SerializationForm json)
     : base(board, json)
     _pn               = json.pn;
     _pt               = json.pt;
     _tn               = json.tn;
     _tm               = json.tm;
     _script           = json.script;
     _delay            = json.delay;
     _hideTooltip      = json.hidett;
     _onlyOnce         = json.onlyonce;
     _horizontalImpact = json.himpact;
     _verticalImpact   = json.vimpact;
     _image            = json.image;
     _hRange           = json.hrange;
     _vRange           = json.vrange;
     baseInfo          = PortalInfo.GetPortalInfoByType(pt);
Example #10
 public ObjectInstance(Board board, SerializationForm json)
     : base(board, json)
     baseInfo = ObjectInfo.Get(json.os, json.l0, json.l1, json.l2);
     flip     = json.flip;
     _r       = json.r;
     name     = json.name;
     _hide    = json.hide;
     _reactor = json.reactor;
     _flow    = json.flow;
     _rx      = json.rx;
     _ry      = json.ry;
     _cx      = json.cx;
     _cy      = json.cy;
     tags     = json.tags;
     if (json.quest != null)
         questInfo = json.quest.ToList();
Example #11
 public ObjectInstance(ObjectInfo baseInfo, Layer layer, Board board, int x, int y, int z, int zM, MapleBool r, MapleBool hide, MapleBool reactor, MapleBool flow, int?rx, int?ry, int?cx, int?cy, string name, string tags, List <ObjectInstanceQuest> questInfo, bool flip)
     : base(board, layer, zM, x, y, z)
     this.baseInfo  = baseInfo;
     this.flip      = flip;
     this._r        = r;
     this.name      = name;
     this._hide     = hide;
     this._reactor  = reactor;
     this._flow     = flow;
     this._rx       = rx;
     this._ry       = ry;
     this._cx       = cx;
     this._cy       = cy;
     this._tags     = tags;
     this.questInfo = questInfo;
     if (flip)
         X -= Width - 2 * Origin.X;
Example #12
        private int?team;  //for carnival

        public LifeInstance(MapleDrawableInfo baseInfo, string type, Board board, int x, int y, int rx0, int rx1, string limitedname, int?mobTime, MapleBool flip, MapleBool hide, int?info, int?team, bool beforeAdding)
            : base(board, x, y, -1, beforeAdding)
            if (type != "m" && type != "n")
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown life type @ LifeInstance..ctor");
            this.limitedname = limitedname;
            this.type        = type;
            this.baseInfo    = baseInfo;
            this._rx0        = rx0;
            this._rx1        = rx1;
            this.mobTime     = mobTime;
            this.info        = info;
            this.team        = team;
            this.flip        = flip;
            if (flip == true)
                X -= Width - 2 * Origin.X;
        public void LoadPortals(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
            WzSubProperty portalParent = (WzSubProperty)mapImage["portal"];

            foreach (WzSubProperty portal in portalParent.WzProperties)
                int       x                = InfoTool.GetInt(portal["x"]);
                int       y                = InfoTool.GetInt(portal["y"]);
                string    pt               = Program.InfoManager.PortalTypeById[InfoTool.GetInt(portal["pt"])];
                int       tm               = InfoTool.GetInt(portal["tm"]);
                string    tn               = InfoTool.GetString(portal["tn"]);
                string    pn               = InfoTool.GetString(portal["pn"]);
                string    image            = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(portal["image"]);
                string    script           = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(portal["script"]);
                int?      verticalImpact   = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(portal["verticalImpact"]);
                int?      horizontalImpact = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(portal["horizontalImpact"]);
                int?      hRange           = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(portal["hRange"]);
                int?      vRange           = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(portal["vRange"]);
                int?      delay            = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(portal["delay"]);
                MapleBool hideTooltip      = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(portal["hideTooltip"]);
                MapleBool onlyOnce         = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(portal["onlyOnce"]);
                mapBoard.BoardItems.Portals.Add(PortalInfo.GetPortalInfoByType(pt).CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, y, pn, tn, tm, script, delay, hideTooltip, onlyOnce, horizontalImpact, verticalImpact, image, hRange, vRange));
Example #14
 private static void LoadLayers(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
     for (int layer = 0; layer <= 7; layer++)
         WzSubProperty    layerProp = (WzSubProperty)mapImage[layer.ToString()];
         IWzImageProperty tSprop    = layerProp["info"]["tS"];
         string           tS        = null;
         if (tSprop != null)
             tS = InfoTool.GetString(tSprop);
         foreach (IWzImageProperty obj in layerProp["obj"].WzProperties)
             int x = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["x"]);
             int y = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["y"]);
             int z = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["z"]);
             //int zM = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["zM"]);
             string                     oS          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["oS"]);
             string                     l0          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l0"]);
             string                     l1          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l1"]);
             string                     l2          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l2"]);
             string                     name        = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(obj["name"]);
             MapleBool                  r           = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["r"]);
             MapleBool                  hide        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["hide"]);
             MapleBool                  reactor     = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["reactor"]);
             MapleBool                  flow        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["flow"]);
             int?                       rx          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["rx"]);
             int?                       ry          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["ry"]);
             int?                       cx          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["cx"]);
             int?                       cy          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["cy"]);
             string                     tags        = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(obj["tags"]);
             IWzImageProperty           questParent = obj["quest"];
             List <ObjectInstanceQuest> questInfo   = null;
             if (questParent != null)
                 foreach (WzCompressedIntProperty info in questParent.WzProperties)
                     questInfo.Add(new ObjectInstanceQuest(int.Parse(info.Name), (QuestState)info.Value));
             bool             flip        = InfoTool.GetBool(obj["f"]);
             IWzImageProperty objInfoProp = Program.InfoManager.ObjectSets[oS][l0][l1][l2];
             if (objInfoProp.HCTag == null)
                 objInfoProp.HCTag = ObjectInfo.Load((WzSubProperty)objInfoProp, oS, l0, l1, l2);
             ObjectInfo objInfo = (ObjectInfo)objInfoProp.HCTag;
             mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs.Add((LayeredItem)objInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard.Layers[layer], mapBoard, x, y, z, r, hide, reactor, flow, rx, ry, cx, cy, name, tags, questInfo, flip, false, false));
         IWzImageProperty tileParent = layerProp["tile"];
         for (int i = 0; i < tileParent.WzProperties.Count; i++)
         //foreach (IWzImageProperty tile in layerProp["tile"].WzProperties)
             IWzImageProperty tile = tileParent.WzProperties[i];
             int x = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["x"]);
             int y = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["y"]);
             //int zM = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["zM"]);
             string           u            = InfoTool.GetString(tile["u"]);
             int              no           = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["no"]);
             IWzImageProperty tileInfoProp = Program.InfoManager.TileSets[tS][u][no.ToString()];
             if (tileInfoProp.HCTag == null)
                 tileInfoProp.HCTag = TileInfo.Load((WzCanvasProperty)tileInfoProp, tS, u, no.ToString());
             TileInfo tileInfo = (TileInfo)tileInfoProp.HCTag;
             mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs.Add((LayeredItem)tileInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard.Layers[layer], mapBoard, x, y, i /*zM*/, false, false, false));
        public BoardItem CreateInstance(Layer layer, Board board, int x, int y, int z, int zM, MapleBool r, MapleBool hide, MapleBool reactor, MapleBool flow, int?rx, int?ry, int?cx, int?cy, string name, string tags, List <ObjectInstanceQuest> questInfo, bool flip, bool parseOffsets)
            ObjectInstance instance = new ObjectInstance(this, layer, board, x, y, z, zM, r, hide, reactor, flow, rx, ry, cx, cy, name, tags, questInfo, flip);

            if (parseOffsets)
                ParseOffsets(instance, board, x, y);
 public BoardItem CreateInstance(Board board, int x, int y, int rx0Shift, int rx1Shift, int yShift, string limitedname, int?mobTime, MapleBool flip, MapleBool hide, int?info, int?team)
     if (Image == null)
     return(new NpcInstance(this, board, x, y, rx0Shift, rx1Shift, yShift, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team));
        public void LoadFootholds(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
            List <FootholdAnchor> anchors        = new List <FootholdAnchor>();
            WzSubProperty         footholdParent = (WzSubProperty)mapImage["foothold"];
            int            layer;
            FootholdAnchor a;
            FootholdAnchor b;
            Dictionary <int, FootholdLine> fhs = new Dictionary <int, FootholdLine>();

            foreach (WzSubProperty layerProp in footholdParent.WzProperties)
                layer = int.Parse(layerProp.Name);
                Layer l = mapBoard.Layers[layer];
                foreach (WzSubProperty platProp in layerProp.WzProperties)
                    int zM = int.Parse(platProp.Name);
                    foreach (WzSubProperty fhProp in platProp.WzProperties)
                        a = new FootholdAnchor(mapBoard, InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["x1"]), InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["y1"]), layer, zM, false);
                        b = new FootholdAnchor(mapBoard, InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["x2"]), InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["y2"]), layer, zM, false);
                        int       num            = int.Parse(fhProp.Name);
                        int       next           = InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["next"]);
                        int       prev           = InfoTool.GetInt(fhProp["prev"]);
                        MapleBool cantThrough    = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(fhProp["cantThrough"]);
                        MapleBool forbidFallDown = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(fhProp["forbidFallDown"]);
                        int?      piece          = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(fhProp["piece"]);
                        int?      force          = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(fhProp["force"]);
                        if (a.X != b.X || a.Y != b.Y)
                            FootholdLine fh = new FootholdLine(mapBoard, a, b, forbidFallDown, cantThrough, piece, force);
                            fh.num  = num;
                            fh.prev = prev;
                            fh.next = next;
                            fhs[num] = fh;

                anchors.Sort(new Comparison <FootholdAnchor>(FootholdAnchor.FHAnchorSorter));
                for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Count - 1; i++)
                    a = anchors[i];
                    b = anchors[i + 1];
                    if (a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y)
                        FootholdAnchor.MergeAnchors(a, b); // Transfer lines from b to a
                        anchors.RemoveAt(i + 1);           // Remove b
                        i--;                               // Fix index after we removed b
                foreach (FootholdAnchor anchor in anchors)
                    if (anchor.connectedLines.Count > 2)
                        foreach (FootholdLine line in anchor.connectedLines)
                            if (IsAnchorPrevOfFoothold(anchor, line))
                                if (fhs.ContainsKey(line.prev))
                                    line.prevOverride = fhs[line.prev];
                                if (fhs.ContainsKey(line.next))
                                    line.nextOverride = fhs[line.next];
Example #18
        private static void LoadLife(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
            IWzImageProperty lifeParent = mapImage["life"];

            if (lifeParent == null)
            foreach (WzSubProperty life in lifeParent.WzProperties)
                string id = InfoTool.GetString(life["id"]);
                int    x  = InfoTool.GetInt(life["x"]);
                //int y = InfoTool.GetInt(life["y"]);
                int       cy          = InfoTool.GetInt(life["cy"]);
                int?      mobTime     = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["mobTime"]);
                int?      info        = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["info"]);
                int?      team        = InfoTool.GetOptionalInt(life["team"]);
                int       rx0         = InfoTool.GetInt(life["rx0"]);
                int       rx1         = InfoTool.GetInt(life["rx1"]);
                MapleBool flip        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(life["f"]);
                MapleBool hide        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(life["hide"]);
                string    type        = InfoTool.GetString(life["type"]);
                string    limitedname = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(life["limitedname"]);

                switch (type)
                case "m":
                    WzImage mobImage = (WzImage)Program.WzManager["mob"][id + ".img"];
                    if (!mobImage.Parsed)
                    if (mobImage.HCTag == null)
                        mobImage.HCTag = MobInfo.Load(mobImage);
                    MobInfo mobInfo = (MobInfo)mobImage.HCTag;
                    //mapBoard.BoardItems.Mobs.Add((MobInstance)mobInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, rx0, rx1, mobTime, flip, hide, false));
                    mapBoard.BoardItems.Mobs.Add((LifeInstance)mobInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, rx0, rx1, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team, false));

                case "n":
                    WzImage npcImage = (WzImage)Program.WzManager["npc"][id + ".img"];
                    if (!npcImage.Parsed)
                    if (npcImage.HCTag == null)
                        npcImage.HCTag = NpcInfo.Load(npcImage);
                    NpcInfo npcInfo = (NpcInfo)npcImage.HCTag;
                    //mapBoard.BoardItems.NPCs.Add((NpcInstance)npcInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, rx0, rx1, mobTime, flip, hide, false));
                    mapBoard.BoardItems.NPCs.Add((LifeInstance)npcInfo.CreateInstance(mapBoard, x, cy, rx0, rx1, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team, false));

                    throw new Exception("invalid life type " + type);
 public void LoadLayers(WzImage mapImage, Board mapBoard)
     for (int layer = 0; layer <= 7; layer++)
         WzSubProperty   layerProp = (WzSubProperty)mapImage[layer.ToString()];
         WzImageProperty tSprop    = layerProp["info"]["tS"];
         string          tS        = null;
         if (tSprop != null)
             tS = InfoTool.GetString(tSprop);
         foreach (WzImageProperty obj in layerProp["obj"].WzProperties)
             int                        x           = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["x"]);
             int                        y           = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["y"]);
             int                        z           = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["z"]);
             int                        zM          = InfoTool.GetInt(obj["zM"]);
             string                     oS          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["oS"]);
             string                     l0          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l0"]);
             string                     l1          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l1"]);
             string                     l2          = InfoTool.GetString(obj["l2"]);
             string                     name        = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(obj["name"]);
             MapleBool                  r           = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["r"]);
             MapleBool                  hide        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["hide"]);
             MapleBool                  reactor     = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["reactor"]);
             MapleBool                  flow        = InfoTool.GetOptionalBool(obj["flow"]);
             int?                       rx          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["rx"]);
             int?                       ry          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["ry"]);
             int?                       cx          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["cx"]);
             int?                       cy          = InfoTool.GetOptionalTranslatedInt(obj["cy"]);
             string                     tags        = InfoTool.GetOptionalString(obj["tags"]);
             WzImageProperty            questParent = obj["quest"];
             List <ObjectInstanceQuest> questInfo   = null;
             if (questParent != null)
                 questInfo = new List <ObjectInstanceQuest>();
                 foreach (WzIntProperty info in questParent.WzProperties)
                     questInfo.Add(new ObjectInstanceQuest(int.Parse(info.Name), (QuestState)info.Value));
             bool       flip    = InfoTool.GetBool(obj["f"]);
             ObjectInfo objInfo = ObjectInfo.Get(oS, l0, l1, l2);
             if (objInfo == null)
             Layer l = mapBoard.Layers[layer];
             mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs.Add((LayeredItem)objInfo.CreateInstance(l, mapBoard, x, y, z, zM, r, hide, reactor, flow, rx, ry, cx, cy, name, tags, questInfo, flip, false));
         WzImageProperty tileParent = layerProp["tile"];
         foreach (WzImageProperty tile in tileParent.WzProperties)
             int      x        = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["x"]);
             int      y        = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["y"]);
             int      zM       = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["zM"]);
             string   u        = InfoTool.GetString(tile["u"]);
             int      no       = InfoTool.GetInt(tile["no"]);
             Layer    l        = mapBoard.Layers[layer];
             TileInfo tileInfo = TileInfo.Get(tS, u, no.ToString());
             mapBoard.BoardItems.TileObjs.Add((LayeredItem)tileInfo.CreateInstance(l, mapBoard, x, y, int.Parse(tile.Name), zM, false, false));
Example #20
 public BoardItem CreateInstance(Board board, int x, int y, int rx0, int rx1, string limitedname, int?mobTime, MapleBool flip, MapleBool hide, int?info, int?team, bool beforeAdding)
     if (Image == null)
     return(new LifeInstance(this, "n", board, x, y, x - UserSettings.Mobrx0Offset, x + UserSettings.Mobrx1Offset, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team, beforeAdding));
Example #21
 public PortalInstance CreateInstance(Board board, int x, int y, string pn, string tn, int tm, string script, int?delay, MapleBool hideTooltip, MapleBool onlyOnce, int?horizontalImpact, int?verticalImpact, string image, int?hRange, int?vRange)
     return(new PortalInstance(this, board, x, y, pn, type, tn, tm, script, delay, hideTooltip, onlyOnce, horizontalImpact, verticalImpact, image, hRange, vRange));
Example #22
 public NpcInstance(NpcInfo baseInfo, Board board, int x, int y, int rx0Shift, int rx1Shift, int yShift, string limitedname, int?mobTime, MapleBool flip, MapleBool hide, int?info, int?team)
     : base(baseInfo, board, x, y, rx0Shift, rx1Shift, yShift, limitedname, mobTime, flip, hide, info, team)
     this.baseInfo = baseInfo;