Example #1
        public IEnumerable <MapStructSide> GetOccupiedSides(MapSpot spot)
            if (!MapSpots.Any(s => spot.X == s.X && spot.Y == s.Y))

            var print = _rotationMapping.Where(p => p.Value.X == spot.X && p.Value.Y == spot.Y).SingleOrDefault().Key;

            if (print == null)

            var sides = _def.OccupiesSides[print];

            if (sides == null)

            var rotated = MapStructHelper.RotateOccupiedSides(sides, Rotation).ToList();

Example #2
        public FruitTree(BuildingDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation)
            _stageLengths = new List <Dictionary <string, int> >();
            _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> {
                { "HOUR", 1 }
            _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> {
                { "HOUR", 1 }
            _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> {
                { "HOUR", 1 }

            var outputConfif = new InventoryConfig()
                CanProvideItems    = true,
                CanReceiveItems    = false,
                HasMassLimit       = false,
                MaxMass            = -1,
                RespectsStackLimit = false

            var timeKeeper = GameMaster.Instance.GetController <ITimeKeeper>();

            _timeKeeper      = timeKeeper;
            _finishDate      = timeKeeper.ProjectTime(_stageLengths[0]);
            _outputInventory = new DefaultInventory(GameMaster.Instance.GetController <IItemController>(), this, outputConfif);
Example #3
 public IEnumerable <IMapStructure> GetMapStructsAt(string layerName, MapSpot mapSpot)
     foreach (var ret in GetMapStructsAt(layerName, mapSpot.X, mapSpot.Y))
         yield return(ret);
Example #4
     * MovementDirection MovementDirection WhichWayToTarget(
     *  MapSpot WhereIAm,
     *  SpotType targetType
     * )
     * Returns MovementDirection that begins the shortest path to a spot of type targetType.
    public static MovementDirection WhichWayToTargetType(
        MapSpot WhereIAm,
        SpotType targetType
        // Defines and assigns delegate function we will use when checking
        //  the spots we've found.
        bool spotCheck(MapSpot test)
            return(test.myType == targetType);

        PathFinder.checkSpot = spotCheck;

        // We can take advantage of the pathfinding algorithm to find
        //  our target
        Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot> pathEdges = PathFinder.CreatePathEdges(WhereIAm);
        // Use the same function we used for the delgate to get the right MapSpot
        MapSpot targetSpot = pathEdges.Keys.ToList().Find(spotCheck);

        if (targetSpot == null)
            targetSpot = WhereIAm;

        return(PathFinder.FindPathInitialDirection(targetSpot, WhereIAm, pathEdges));
Example #5
 public override void DoUpdate()
     if (IsActive && Worker.MoveToSpot(_nextSpot))
         _nextSpot = GetNextNextSpot();
Example #6
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
     if (col.tag == "MapSpot")
         currentSpot = col.gameObject.GetComponent <MapSpot>();
Example #7
    public void ChooseSpotForStar()
        var spots  = mapList.Keys.ToList();
        var choice = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Random.Range(0, spots.Count));

        StarSpot        = spots[choice];
        StarSpot.myType = SpotType.EMBLEM;
Example #8
        public BaseMapStructure(MapStructDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def)
            MapController = controller ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(controller));
            Anchor        = anchor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(anchor));
            MapLayerName  = layerName;

            _def = def ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(def));
            _rotationMapping = MapStructHelper.FootprintToMapSpotsDictionary(def.Footprint, rotation, anchor);
Example #9
        public bool TryAddBuilding(MapSpot anchor, string defName)
            var def      = _defs[defName];
            var building = DefLoader.CreateInstanct <IBuilding>(def, "GROUND", anchor, _mapController, MapRotation.Default);

            if (_mapController.CanAddMapStructure(building.MapLayerName, building.MapStructDef, anchor, building.Rotation))
                _buildings.Add(building.Id, building);
Example #10
     * Dictionary<MapSpot Destination, MapSpot Origin> CreatePathEdges(
     *  MapSpot WhereIAm
     * )
     * Returns pathEdge Dictionary that goes the shortest path from WhereIAm to
     *  target MapSpot as identified via checkSpot() delegate function.
    private static Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot> CreatePathEdges(
        MapSpot WhereIAm
        Queue <MapSpot> toVisit = new Queue <MapSpot>();
        Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot> cameFrom = new Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot>();


        Debug.Log("Beginning Search for target");

        // Navigate down node tree starting from current position until
        //  we find the target spot in list of navigable neighbors.
        while (toVisit.Count > 0)
            MapSpot        thisSpot  = toVisit.Dequeue();
            List <MapSpot> neighbors = thisSpot.nextSpots.Values.ToList();

            foreach (MapSpot nextSpot in neighbors)
                // If we've gotten to this spot from somewhere already,
                //  it's not worth navigating down this road anymore
                if (cameFrom.ContainsKey(nextSpot))
                    //PathFinder.CleanPathEdges(ref cameFrom, nextSpot, WhereIAm);

                // Leave a breadcrumb so we know where we've been
                cameFrom.Add(nextSpot, thisSpot);

                // Call Delegate to perform check.
                if (PathFinder.checkSpot(nextSpot))
                    // We have located the targetMapSpot and can quit searching.
                    //  we clear Queue toVisit to exit the while() loop.
                    Debug.Log("Found target");
                    // Keep looking.

    public static IEnumerator MoveMe(GamePlayer player, MapSpot nextSpot, bool finalStop)
        var target    = nextSpot.gameObject.transform.position;
        var transform = player.gameObject.transform;
        var spotCount = nextSpot.currentPieces.Count;

        target = Utils.CalculatePosition(target, spotCount + 1, spotCount);

        yield return(player.StartCoroutine(
Example #12
        public bool CanAddMapStructure(string layerName, MapStructDef mapStructDef, MapSpot anchor, MapRotation rotation)
            if (mapStructDef == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapStructDef));
            if (anchor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(anchor));

            var printDic = MapStructHelper.FootprintToMapSpotsDictionary(mapStructDef.Footprint, rotation, anchor);
            var layer    = GetLayer(layerName);

            if (layer == null)
                throw new Exception($"No layer found with name '{layerName}'.");

            foreach (var print in printDic)
                var spot = print.Value;
                if (mapStructDef.FillMapSpots)
                    if (GetMapStructsAt(layer.LayerName, spot).Any())
                    var sides = MapStructHelper.RotateOccupiedSides(mapStructDef.OccupiesSides[print.Key], rotation);
                    var curt  = GetMapStructsAt(layer.LayerName, spot).SelectMany(x => x.GetOccupiedSides(spot));

                    if (sides != null && curt != null && curt.Intersect(sides).Any())
Example #13
     * void CleanPathEdges(
     *  ref Dictionary<MapSpot, MapSpot> edgePaths,
     *  MapSpot endOfLine,
     *  MapSpot pathOrigin
     * )
     * Accepts edgePaths Dictionary as ref and removes edges for paths that are
     *  not as optimal as some other one.
    private static void CleanPathEdges(
        ref Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot> edgePaths,
        MapSpot endOfLine,
        MapSpot pathOrigin
        Debug.Log("end of less-than-optimal path. cleaning up.");
        MapSpot current = edgePaths[endOfLine];


        // Follows the path backwards to the origin and removes entries for
        //  the shittier path.
        while (current != pathOrigin)
            var origin = edgePaths[current];

            current = origin;
Example #14
     * MovementDirection FindPathInitialDirection(
     *  MapSpot goal,
     *  MapSpot WhereIAm,
     *  Dictionary<MapSpot, MapSpot> pathEdges
     * )
     * Returns MovementDirection to begin shortest path to target MapSpot
     *  by navigating through pathEdges Dictionary.
    private static MovementDirection FindPathInitialDirection(
        MapSpot goal,
        MapSpot WhereIAm,
        Dictionary <MapSpot, MapSpot> pathEdges
        // Go backwards through pathEdges starting from the goal until we find
        //  the spot we first visited
        MapSpot current = goal;

        while (current != WhereIAm)
            MapSpot origin = pathEdges[current];

            if (origin == WhereIAm)
                // We have made it back to where the player is and can decide which
                //  direction to go
                MovementDirection direction = WhereIAm.nextSpotsReverseLookup[current];

                Debug.Log(string.Format("I should go, {0}", direction));


            current = origin;

        // If all else fails, choose a random direction
        Debug.LogWarning("Pathfinding Error: Choosing random direction");
        List <MovementDirection> possibleDirections = WhereIAm.nextSpots.Keys.ToList();
        int randomDirectionIndex          = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleDirections.Count);
        MovementDirection randomDirection = possibleDirections[randomDirectionIndex];

Example #15
 public DefaultManufacturingBuilding(ManufacturingBuildingDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) :
     base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation)
Example #16
        public static Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, MapSpot> FootprintToMapSpotsDictionary(IEnumerable <int[]> footprint, MapRotation rotation, MapSpot anchor)
            if (footprint.Any(print => print.Length != 2))
                throw new Exception($"Malformed footprint at least one print is not int[2]");

            var rotated = RotateFootprint(footprint, rotation);

            var dic = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, MapSpot>();

            foreach (var print in rotated)
                dic.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(print[0], print[1]), new MapSpot(anchor.X + print[0], anchor.Y + print[1]));

Example #17
 public BaseBuilding(BuildingDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation)
     BuildingDef = def ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(def));
     AnchorPoint = anchor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(anchor));
Example #18
        internal BaseManufacturerBuilding(ManufacturingBuildingDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation)
            : base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation)
            _manufacturingBuildingDef = def ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(def));

            _outputInventory      = new DefaultInventory(GameMaster.Instance.GetController <IItemController>(), this, _manufacturingBuildingDef.OutputConfig);
            _inputInventory       = new DefaultInventory(GameMaster.Instance.GetController <IItemController>(), this, _manufacturingBuildingDef.InputConfig);
            _currentCraftingState = null;
Example #19
 public bool IsSpotFree(MapSpot spot)
     return(IsTileFree(spot.X, spot.Y));
Example #20
 public IMapTile GetTileAt(MapSpot spot)
     return(GetTileAt(spot.X, spot.Y));
Example #21
 public bool IsValidPosition(MapSpot spot)
     return(IsValidPosition(spot.X, spot.Y));
Example #22
            protected override void OnDraw(Renderer spriterenderer, double elapsedGameTime, float opacity)
                base.OnDraw(spriterenderer, elapsedGameTime, opacity);

                var curMap = this.DataContext as WorldMapInfo;

                if (curMap == null)

                var baseOrigin = new PointF((int)this.Width / 2, (int)this.Height / 2);

                var drawOrder = new List <DrawItem>();
                var addItem   = new Action <TextureItem, object>((texture, obj) =>
                    drawOrder.Add(new DrawItem()
                        Target = obj, TextureItem = texture

                var     mousePos = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Input.InputManager.Current.MouseDevice.GetPosition(this);
                MapSpot curSpot  = null;

                if (curMap.BaseImg != null)
                    addItem(curMap.BaseImg, null);

                foreach (var link in curMap.MapLinks)
                    if (link.LinkImg != null)
                        var pos = new PointF(mousePos.X - (baseOrigin.X - link.LinkImg.Origin.X),
                                             mousePos.Y - (baseOrigin.Y - link.LinkImg.Origin.Y));
                        if (link.LinkImg.HitMap?[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y] ?? false)
                            addItem(link.LinkImg, link);

                foreach (var spot in curMap.MapList)
                    var texture = this.FindResource("mapImage/" + spot.Type.ToString()) as TextureItem;
                    if (texture != null)
                        var item = new TextureItem()
                            Texture = texture.Texture,
                            Origin  = new PointF(-spot.Spot.X + texture.Origin.X, -spot.Spot.Y + texture.Origin.Y),
                            Z       = texture.Z
                        if (spot.IsPreBB && curMap.BaseImg != null) //pre-bb地图点调整
                            item.Origin.X += curMap.BaseImg.Origin.X;
                            item.Origin.Y += curMap.BaseImg.Origin.Y;
                        addItem(item, spot);

                        if (spot.Path != null)
                            var rect = new Rect(baseOrigin.X - item.Origin.X, baseOrigin.Y - item.Origin.Y, texture.Texture.Width, texture.Texture.Height);
                            if (rect.Contains(mousePos))
                                addItem(spot.Path, null);

                    if (this.CurrentMapID != null && spot.MapNo.Contains(this.CurrentMapID.Value))
                        curSpot = spot;

                if (curSpot != null)
                    var posTexture = this.FindResource("curPos") as TextureItem;
                    if (posTexture != null)
                        var item = new TextureItem()
                            Texture = posTexture.Texture,
                            Origin  = new PointF(-curSpot.Spot.X + posTexture.Origin.X, -curSpot.Spot.Y + posTexture.Origin.Y),
                            Z       = 255,
                        addItem(item, null);

                foreach (var item in drawOrder.OrderBy(_item => _item.TextureItem.Z))
                    var tex = item.TextureItem;
                    if (tex != null)
                        var pos  = new PointF(baseOrigin.X - tex.Origin.X, baseOrigin.Y - tex.Origin.Y);
                        var size = new Size(tex.Texture.Width, tex.Texture.Height);
                                            new PointF(this.RenderPosition.X + pos.X, this.RenderPosition.Y + pos.Y),
                                            new ColorW(1f, 1f, 1f, opacity),

                        item.Position = pos;
Example #23
        public void LoadWzResource()
            if (this.IsDataLoaded)

            var worldmapNode = PluginBase.PluginManager.FindWz("Map/WorldMap");

            if (worldmapNode == null) //加载失败

            this.CurrentWorldMap = null;

            foreach (var imgNode in worldmapNode.Nodes)
                var     img = imgNode.GetNodeWzImage();
                Wz_Node node;
                if (img != null && img.TryExtract())
                    var worldMapInfo = new WorldMapInfo();

                    node = img.Node.Nodes["info"];
                    if (node != null)
                        if (!this.UseImageNameAsInfoName)
                            worldMapInfo.Name = node.Nodes["WorldMap"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                        worldMapInfo.ParentMap = node.Nodes["parentMap"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(worldMapInfo.Name))
                        var m = Regex.Match(img.Name, @"^(.*)\.img$");
                        worldMapInfo.Name = m.Success ? m.Result("$1") : img.Name;

                        var m = Regex.Match(worldMapInfo.Name, @"^WorldMap(.+)$");
                        if (m.Success)
                            var stringNode = PluginBase.PluginManager.FindWz("String/WorldMap.img/" + m.Result("$1"));
                            worldMapInfo.DisplayName = stringNode?.Nodes["name"].GetValueEx <string>(null);

                    node = img.Node.Nodes["BaseImg"]?.Nodes["0"];
                    if (node != null)
                        worldMapInfo.BaseImg = LoadTextureItem(node);

                    node = img.Node.Nodes["MapList"];
                    if (node != null)
                        foreach (var spotNode in node.Nodes)
                            var spot     = new MapSpot();
                            var location = spotNode.Nodes["spot"]?.GetValueEx <Wz_Vector>(null);
                            if (location != null)
                                spot.Spot = location.ToPointF();
                            else //兼容pre-bb的格式
                                spot.IsPreBB = true;
                                spot.Spot    = new PointF(spotNode.Nodes["x"].GetValueEx <int>(0),
                                                          spotNode.Nodes["y"].GetValueEx <int>(0));
                            spot.Type      = spotNode.Nodes["type"].GetValueEx <int>(0);
                            spot.Title     = spotNode.Nodes["title"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                            spot.Desc      = spotNode.Nodes["desc"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                            spot.NoTooltip = spotNode.Nodes["noToolTip"].GetValueEx <int>(0) != 0;
                            var pathNode = spotNode.Nodes["path"];
                            if (pathNode != null)
                                spot.Path = LoadTextureItem(pathNode);
                            var mapNoNode = spotNode.Nodes["mapNo"];
                            if (mapNoNode != null)
                                foreach (var subNode in mapNoNode.Nodes)
                                    spot.MapNo.Add(subNode.GetValue <int>());

                    node = img.Node.Nodes["MapLink"];
                    if (node != null)
                        foreach (var mapLinkNode in node.Nodes)
                            var link = new MapLink();
                            link.Index   = int.Parse(mapLinkNode.Text);
                            link.Tooltip = mapLinkNode.Nodes["toolTip"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                            var linkNode = mapLinkNode.Nodes["link"];
                            if (linkNode != null)
                                link.LinkMap = linkNode.Nodes["linkMap"].GetValueEx <string>(null);
                                var linkImgNode = linkNode.Nodes["linkImg"];
                                if (linkImgNode != null)
                                    link.LinkImg = LoadTextureItem(linkImgNode, true);


            var worldMapResNode = PluginBase.PluginManager.FindWz("Map/MapHelper.img/worldMap");
            var mapImageNode    = worldMapResNode?.Nodes["mapImage"];

            if (mapImageNode != null)
                foreach (var imgNode in mapImageNode.Nodes)
                    var texture = this.LoadTextureItem(imgNode);
                    var key     = "mapImage/" + imgNode.Text;
                    this.Resources[key] = texture;

            var curPosNode = worldMapResNode?.FindNodeByPath(@"curPos\0");

            if (curPosNode != null)
                var texture = this.LoadTextureItem(curPosNode);
                this.Resources["curPos"] = texture;

            foreach (var map in this.worldMaps)
                if (map.ParentMap != null)
                    map.ParentMapInfo = this.worldMaps.FirstOrDefault(_map => _map.Name == map.ParentMap);

            this.IsDataLoaded = true;
Example #24
            protected override void OnDraw(Renderer spriterenderer, double elapsedGameTime, float opacity)
                base.OnDraw(spriterenderer, elapsedGameTime, opacity);

                var curMap = this.DataContext as WorldMapInfo;

                if (curMap == null)

                TextureItem baseImg = curMap.BaseImg;

                SpotState[] spotState = new SpotState[curMap.MapList.Count];

                if (curMap.QuestLimit != null && this.SelectedQuestIndex > -1 && this.SelectedQuestIndex < curMap.QuestLimit.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= this.SelectedQuestIndex; i++)
                        var quest = curMap.QuestLimit[i];
                        if (quest.BaseImg != null)
                            baseImg = quest.BaseImg;
                        else if (quest.IsDefault)
                            baseImg = curMap.BaseImg;

                        if (quest.IsDefault)
                            for (int j = 0; j < spotState.Length; j++)
                                spotState[j].IsOverride = true;
                                spotState[j].IsVisible  = false;
                        foreach (var spotIndex in quest.CloseMaps)
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsOverride = true;
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsVisible  = true;
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsOpen     = false;
                            spotState[spotIndex].ImgType    = quest.CloseMapImageType ?? -1;
                        foreach (var spotIndex in quest.OpenMaps)
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsOverride = true;
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsVisible  = true;
                            spotState[spotIndex].IsOpen     = true;
                            spotState[spotIndex].ImgType    = -1;

                var baseOrigin = new PointF((int)this.Width / 2, (int)this.Height / 2);

                var drawOrder = new List <DrawItem>();
                var addItem   = new Action <TextureItem, object>((texture, obj) =>
                    drawOrder.Add(new DrawItem()
                        Target = obj, TextureItem = texture

                var     mousePos = InputManager.Current.MouseDevice.GetPosition(this);
                MapSpot curSpot  = null;

                if (baseImg != null)
                    addItem(baseImg, null);

                foreach (var link in curMap.MapLinks)
                    if (link.LinkImg != null)
                        var pos = new PointF(mousePos.X - (baseOrigin.X - link.LinkImg.Origin.X),
                                             mousePos.Y - (baseOrigin.Y - link.LinkImg.Origin.Y));
                        if (link.LinkImg.HitMap?[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y] ?? false)
                            addItem(link.LinkImg, link);

                for (int i = 0, i0 = curMap.MapList.Count; i < i0; i++)
                    var spot     = curMap.MapList[i];
                    int spotType = spot.Type;
                    if (spotState[i].IsOverride) //重写判定
                        if (!spotState[i].IsVisible)
                        if (!spotState[i].IsOpen) //close
                            if (spotState[i].ImgType > -1)
                                spotType = spotState[i].ImgType;

                    var texture = this.FindResource("mapImage/" + spotType) as TextureItem;
                    if (texture != null)
                        var item = new TextureItem()
                            Texture = texture.Texture,
                            Origin  = new PointF(-spot.Spot.X + texture.Origin.X, -spot.Spot.Y + texture.Origin.Y),
                            Z       = 128 + texture.Z
                        if (spot.IsPreBB && curMap.BaseImg != null) //pre-bb地图点调整
                            item.Origin.X += curMap.BaseImg.Origin.X;
                            item.Origin.Y += curMap.BaseImg.Origin.Y;
                        addItem(item, spot);

                        if (spot.Path != null)
                            var rect = new Rect(baseOrigin.X - item.Origin.X, baseOrigin.Y - item.Origin.Y, texture.Texture.Width, texture.Texture.Height);
                            if (rect.Contains(mousePos))
                                addItem(spot.Path, null);

                    if (this.CurrentMapID != null && spot.MapNo.Contains(this.CurrentMapID.Value))
                        curSpot = spot;

                if (curSpot != null)
                    var posTexture = this.FindResource("curPos") as TextureItem;
                    if (posTexture != null)
                        var item = new TextureItem()
                            Texture = posTexture.Texture,
                            Origin  = new PointF(-curSpot.Spot.X + posTexture.Origin.X, -curSpot.Spot.Y + posTexture.Origin.Y),
                            Z       = 255,
                        addItem(item, null);

                foreach (var item in drawOrder.OrderBy(_item => _item.TextureItem.Z))
                    var tex = item.TextureItem;
                    if (tex != null)
                        var pos  = new PointF(baseOrigin.X - tex.Origin.X, baseOrigin.Y - tex.Origin.Y);
                        var size = new Size(tex.Texture.Width, tex.Texture.Height);
                                            new PointF(this.RenderPosition.X + pos.X, this.RenderPosition.Y + pos.Y),
                                            new ColorW(1f, 1f, 1f, opacity),

                        item.Position = pos;
Example #25
 public BaseStorageContainer(StorageContainerDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation)
     StorageContainerDef = def ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(def));
     ItemController      = GameMaster.Instance.GetController <IItemController>();
     Inventory           = new DefaultInventory(ItemController, this, def.InventoryConfig);
Example #26
 public GoToTask(IJobWorker worker, MapSpot mapSpot) : base(worker)
     Destination = mapSpot ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapSpot));
Example #27
 public override void Start()
     _nextSpot = GetNextNextSpot();
Example #28
 public bool MoveToSpot(MapSpot pos)
     throw new NotImplementedException();