Example #1
        Maybe <MapReduceConfiguration> GetJobConfig(string jobName)
            var configBlobName = MapReduceConfigurationName.Create(jobName);
            var config         = _blobStorage.GetBlob(configBlobName);

Example #2
        /// <summary>Deletes all the data related to a job, regardless of the job status.</summary>
        /// <param name="jobName">The name of the job.</param>
        /// <remarks>Messages enqueued cannot be deleted but they cause no harm.</remarks>
        public void DeleteJobData(string jobName)


Example #3
        /// <summary>Gets the existing jobs.</summary>
        /// <returns>The names of the existing jobs.</returns>
        public IList <string> GetExistingJobs()
            var names = new List <string>();

            foreach (var blobName in _blobStorage.ListBlobNames(MapReduceConfigurationName.GetPrefix()))

Example #4
        /// <summary>Generates the blob sets that are required to run cloud-based map/reduce operations.</summary>
        /// <param name="jobName">The name of the job (should be unique).</param>
        /// <param name="items">The items that must be processed (at least two).</param>
        /// <param name="functions">The map/reduce/aggregate functions (aggregate is optional).</param>
        /// <param name="workerCount">The number of workers to use.</param>
        /// <param name="mapIn">The type of the map input.</param>
        /// <param name="mapOut">The type of the map output.</param>
        /// <remarks>This method should be called from <see cref="T:MapReduceJob"/>.</remarks>
        public void GenerateBlobSets(string jobName, IList <object> items, IMapReduceFunctions functions, int workerCount, Type mapIn, Type mapOut)
            // Note: items is IList and not IEnumerable because the number of items must be known up-front

            // 1. Store config
            // 2. Put blobs and queue job messages
            // 3. Put messages in the work queue

            int itemCount = items.Count;

            // Note: each blobset should contain at least two elements

            int   blobSetCount = Math.Min(workerCount, itemCount);
            float blobsPerSet  = (float)itemCount / (float)blobSetCount;

            string ignored;

            // 1. Store configuration
            var configBlobName = MapReduceConfigurationName.Create(jobName);
            var config         = new MapReduceConfiguration()
                TMapInType  = mapIn.AssemblyQualifiedName,
                TMapOutType = mapOut.AssemblyQualifiedName,
                MapReduceFunctionsImplementor = functions.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName,
                BlobSetCount = blobSetCount

            _blobStorage.PutBlob(configBlobName.ContainerName, configBlobName.ToString(),
                                 config, typeof(MapReduceConfiguration), false, out ignored);

            // 2.1. Allocate blobsets
            var allNames       = new InputBlobName[blobSetCount][];
            int processedBlobs = 0;

            for (int currSet = 0; currSet < blobSetCount; currSet++)
                // Last blobset might be smaller
                int thisSetSize = currSet != blobSetCount - 1 ? (int)Math.Ceiling(blobsPerSet) : itemCount - processedBlobs;
                allNames[currSet] = new InputBlobName[thisSetSize];

                processedBlobs += thisSetSize;

            if (processedBlobs != itemCount)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Processed Blobs are less than the number of items");

            // 2.2. Store input data (separate cycle for clarity)
            processedBlobs = 0;
            for (int currSet = 0; currSet < blobSetCount; currSet++)
                for (int i = 0; i < allNames[currSet].Length; i++)
                    // BlobSet and Blob IDs start from zero
                    allNames[currSet][i] = InputBlobName.Create(jobName, currSet, i);

                    var item = items[processedBlobs];
                    _blobStorage.PutBlob(allNames[currSet][i].ContainerName, allNames[currSet][i].ToString(), item, mapIn, false, out ignored);

                _queueStorage.Put(JobsQueueName, new JobMessage()
                    Type = MessageType.BlobSetToProcess, JobName = jobName, BlobSetId = currSet