protected void Start() { CompactPath = new List <Vector3>(); DetailedPath = new List <Vector3>(); AStarPathDictionary.Add(, gameObject); _mapPlatform = MapPlatformGameObject.GetComponent <MapPlatform>(); }
private void _handleTileLocations() { if (_mobAttributesMono.Dead) { return; } if (_mapPlatform == null) { _mapPlatform = MapPlatform.Instance; return; } var nextTile = _mapPlatform.GetTile(transform.position); if (nextTile == null) { return; } _currentTile = nextTile; foreach (var t in _currentTile.TurretZonesList) { t.AlertOfMobPresence(transform.gameObject); } }
protected void Start() { _mobAttributesMono = GetComponents <MobAttributesMono>()[1]; Destination = transform.position; _prevLocation = transform.position; _mobModifierRpc = MobModifierRpcServer.Instance; _mapPlatform = MapPlatform.Instance; }
protected void Start() { _mapPlatform = MapPlatformGameObject.GetComponent <MapPlatform>(); _pathGroupTeam1 = PathGroupTeam1.GetComponent <PathGroup>(); _pathGroupTeam2 = PathGroupTeam2.GetComponent <PathGroup>(); _currentShadowTiles2X2 = new List <GameObject>(); if (Debugger) { _myDebugger = Debugger.GetComponent <MyDebugger>(); } Instance = this; }
private void _handleMovement() { // Do not move if we do not have a path to move to! if (PathName == null) { return; } // Do not move the mob if its dead. corpses dont move! if (_mobAttributesMono.Dead) { return; } // Do not move if not tracked. if (MobNumber == 0) { return; } if (NetworkingManager.Instance.IsServer) { #region Server-sided movement handler #region Continuously find the platform and path objects. if (_mapPlatform == null) { _mapPlatform = MapPlatform.Instance; return; } if (_pathObject == null) { AStarPath.AStarPathDictionary.TryGetValue(PathName, out _pathObject); if (!_pathObject) { return; } _path = _pathObject.GetComponent <AStarPath>(); _currPathIndex = _path.CompactPath.Count - 1; _currPathList = new List <Vector3>(_path.CompactPath); Destination = _currPathList[_currPathIndex]; return; } #endregion #region Check for path object and a checkpoint list. if (_path == null) { return; } if (_currPathList.Count == 0) { _currPathList = new List <Vector3>(_path.CompactPath); _currPathIndex = _currPathList.Count - 1; Destination = _currPathList[_currPathIndex]; _mobModifierRpc.UpdateMoveStateSendRpc(MobNumber, transform.position, Destination); return; } #endregion var currPos = transform.position; var endPos = _mobAttributesMono.Flying ? _currPathList[0] : Destination; endPos.y = currPos.y; var dir = Vector3.Normalize(endPos - currPos); var remainingDistance = Vector3.Distance(currPos, endPos); var travelDistance = _mobAttributesMono.MoveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime; var nextPosition = currPos + (dir * travelDistance); var distanceAvaliable = remainingDistance > travelDistance; var nextPosIsBlocked = _mapPlatform.LocationIsBlocked(nextPosition); #region Blocked path handler. if (nextPosIsBlocked && !_mobAttributesMono.Flying) { List <Vector3> placeHolder; _mapPlatform.FindAStarPath(currPos, _path.EndPoint.transform.position, out _currPathList, out placeHolder); _currPathIndex = _currPathList.Count - 1; Destination = _currPathList[_currPathIndex]; _mobModifierRpc.UpdateMoveStateSendRpc(MobNumber, transform.position, Destination); return; } #endregion #region Movement and path change handler. if (distanceAvaliable) { transform.position = nextPosition; } else { transform.position = endPos; if (--_currPathIndex >= 0) { Destination = _currPathList[_currPathIndex]; _mobModifierRpc.UpdateMoveStateSendRpc(MobNumber, transform.position, Destination); } else { var nextPath = _path.NextPath.GetComponent <AStarPath>(); _path = (nextPath == null || nextPath == _path) ? null : nextPath; if (_path != null) { _currPathIndex = _path.CompactPath.Count - 1; _currPathList = new List <Vector3>(_path.CompactPath); Destination = _currPathList[_currPathIndex]; _mobModifierRpc.UpdateMoveStateSendRpc(MobNumber, transform.position, Destination); } } } if (_prevLocation != transform.position) { transform.LookAt(2 * transform.position - _prevLocation); } _prevLocation = transform.position; #endregion #endregion } else { #region Client-sided movement handler if (transform.position != Destination) { transform.LookAt(Destination); } var currPos = transform.position; var endPos = Destination; endPos.y = currPos.y; var dir = Vector3.Normalize(endPos - currPos); var remainingDistance = Vector3.Distance(currPos, endPos); var travelDistance = _mobAttributesMono.MoveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime; var nextPosition = currPos + (dir * travelDistance); var distanceAvaliable = remainingDistance > travelDistance; if (distanceAvaliable) { transform.position = nextPosition; } #endregion } }