Example #1
        void Update()
            // --------------------- Example for using this package ----------------------------

            Vector3 moveVec = steer.MoveVector(); // In this case we look at the Movement Vector so we can evaluate how close to 0 it is and ocasionally remove some jitter, this evaluation is not always needed.

            if (moveVec.sqrMagnitude > ConfidenceThreshold)
                control.SimpleMove(steer.MoveDirection() * Speed); // This line gets the movement vector from the Context steering controller.
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // This just handles rotating the gameObject
            Vector3 newRotation;

            if (LookTarget != null)
                newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(MapOperations.VectorToTarget(gameObject, LookTarget).normalized).eulerAngles;
            else if (!moveVec.Equals(Vector3.zero))
                newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(steer.MoveDirection()).eulerAngles;
                newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward).eulerAngles;

            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, newRotation.y, 0);
        private IEnumerator StuckCheck()
            for (; ;)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

                if (MapOperations.VectorToTarget(transform.position, lastPosition).magnitude < recomputePathThreshold)
                    //Debug.Log("Recomputing Path");
                lastPosition = transform.position;
        private Vector3 currentCorner()
            if (!hasPath) // Either no path is stored, or no path can be computed
            float sqrMag = MapOperations.VectorToTarget(transform.position, path.corners[pathIndex]).sqrMagnitude;

            if (sqrMag < SqrWaypointRadius && pathIndex < path.corners.Length - 1)
            // otherwise there are no more corners or we have not yet reached the next corner
 private void scaledMap()
     foreach (Vector3 target in targets)
         Vector3 targetVector = MapOperations.VectorToTarget(my_position, target);
         float   distance     = targetVector.magnitude;
         if (distance < range)
             Vector3 mapVector = InitialVector();
             for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                 Weights[i] += Vector3.Dot(mapVector, targetVector.normalized) * Mathf.Abs((invertScale * 1f) - (distance / range)) * weight;
                 mapVector   = MapOperations.RotateAroundAxis(axis, angle) * mapVector;
            private static bool GetNestedRemoves(MapOperations maps)
                bool hasNestedRemoves = false;

                if (maps != null)
                    foreach (var mapOperation in maps)
                        hasNestedRemoves =
                            mapOperation.Value.HasRemoves || GetNestedRemoves(mapOperation.Value.Maps);
                        if (hasNestedRemoves)

        private void standardMap()
            sqrRange = range * range;

            foreach (Vector3 target in targets)
                Vector3 targetVector = MapOperations.VectorToTarget(my_position, target);
                float   distance     = targetVector.sqrMagnitude;
                if (distance < sqrRange)
                    Vector3 mapVector = InitialVector();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                        Weights[i] += Vector3.Dot(mapVector, targetVector.normalized) * weight;

                        mapVector = MapOperations.RotateAroundAxis(axis, angle) * mapVector;
        public void Execute()
            for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                Weights[i] = 0f;

            if (!scaled)

            if (direction == SteerDirection.REPULSE)
                Weights = MapOperations.ReverseMap(Weights);
        public Vector3 GetDirection(float[] contextMap)
            float resolutionAngle = steeringParams.ResolutionAngle;

            float maxValue = 0f;
            int   maxIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < contextMap.Length; i++)
                if (contextMap[i] > maxValue)
                    maxValue = contextMap[i];
                    maxIndex = i;

            Vector3 direction = Vector3.forward * maxValue;

            if (maxValue == 0f)
                return(lastVector); // Keep last direction if no better direction is found

            Vector3 nextVector = MapOperations.RotateAroundAxis(steeringParams.ContextMapRotationAxis, resolutionAngle * maxIndex) * direction;
            float   dot        = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(lastVector.normalized, nextVector.normalized), -1f, 1f);

            // next direction is within direction change
            if (dot > MinDot)
                lastVector = nextVector;

            float desiredAngleRad = Mathf.Acos(MinDot);

            lastVector = Vector3.RotateTowards(lastVector, nextVector, desiredAngleRad, 1);
        public Vector3 GetDirection(float[] contextMap)
            float resolutionAngle = steeringParams.ResolutionAngle;

            float maxValue = 0f;
            int   maxIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < contextMap.Length; i++)
                if (contextMap[i] > maxValue)
                    maxValue = contextMap[i];
                    maxIndex = i;

            Vector3 direction = Vector3.forward * maxValue;

            if (maxValue == 0f)
                if (allowVectorZero)

                return(lastVector); // return last direction if no better direction is found

            if (steeringParams == null)
                throw new UnassignedReferenceException("The direction selection algorithm does not know what axis to use, check constructor (PlanarSteeringParameters).");

            // Update cache & return new direction.
            lastVector = MapOperations.RotateAroundAxis(steeringParams.ContextMapRotationAxis, resolutionAngle * maxIndex) * direction;
Example #10
        public void ConvertAddressToUrl()
            var ops     = new MapOperations();
            var contact = new ContactInfo
                StreetAddress = "5781 St. Joseph Ave",
                City          = "Stevensville",
                State         = "MI",
                Zip           = null
            // Check that it works without a zip code
            string result   = ops.ConvertAddressToUrl(contact);
            string expected =

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

            // Check that it works with a zip code
            contact.Zip = "49127";
            result      = ops.ConvertAddressToUrl(contact);
            expected    =
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Example #11
 protected Quaternion rotateAroundAxis(float resolutionAngle)
     return(MapOperations.RotateAroundAxis(steeringParameters.ContextMapRotationAxis, resolutionAngle));