/// <summary> /// Let the editor to update the modified values to the underlying object. /// </summary> public void UpdateValues() { if (map == null) { return; } if (listView.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { styleObj style = target; mapObj map2; if (target.GetParent().GetType() == typeof(labelObj)) { map2 = target.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent(); } else { map2 = target.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent(); } string symbolName = (string)listView.SelectedItems[0].Tag; if (symbolName == "(default)") { style.symbol = 0; style.symbolname = null; } else { style.setSymbolByName(map2, symbolName); } } }
/// <summary> /// Updating the enabled state of the controls /// </summary> private void UpdateControlState() { buttonEditStyle.Enabled = buttonRemoveStyle.Enabled = listViewStyles.SelectedIndices.Count > 0; buttonMoveStyleUp.Enabled = buttonMoveStyleDown.Enabled = listViewStyles.SelectedIndices.Count > 0; labelBindingControllerAngle.Enabled = textBoxAngle.Enabled = (MS_POSITIONS_ENUM)comboBoxAngleMode.SelectedItem == MS_POSITIONS_ENUM.MS_NONE; layerObj layer = null; if (target.GetParent().GetParent().GetType() == typeof(layerObj)) { layer = target.GetParent().GetParent(); } if (layer != null) { checkBoxForce.Enabled = false; checkBoxAutoMinFeatureSize.Enabled = false; textBoxMinFeatureSize.Enabled = false; textBoxPriority.Enabled = false; labelBindingControllerPriority.Enabled = false; textBoxBuffer.Enabled = false; textBoxMinSize.Enabled = false; textBoxMaxSize.Enabled = false; if (layer.labelcache == mapscript.MS_ON) { checkBoxForce.Enabled = true; checkBoxAutoMinFeatureSize.Enabled = true; textBoxMinFeatureSize.Enabled = true; textBoxPriority.Enabled = true; labelBindingControllerPriority.Enabled = true; textBoxBuffer.Enabled = true; } if (layer.symbolscaledenom > 0) { textBoxMinSize.Enabled = true; textBoxMaxSize.Enabled = true; } buttonMoveStyleUp.Enabled = false; buttonMoveStyleDown.Enabled = false; buttonEditStyle.Enabled = false; if (listViewStyles.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { buttonEditStyle.Enabled = true; if (listViewStyles.SelectedIndices[0] > 0) { buttonMoveStyleUp.Enabled = true; } if (listViewStyles.SelectedIndices[0] < listViewStyles.Items.Count - 1) { buttonMoveStyleDown.Enabled = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Create the theme according to the individual values of the layer contents /// </summary> private MapObjectHolder CreateLayerTheme() { if (layer == null) { return(null); } mapObj map = target.GetParent(); // create a new map object mapObj newMap = new mapObj(null); newMap.units = MS_UNITS.MS_PIXELS; map.selectOutputFormat(map.imagetype); // copy symbolset for (int s = 1; s < map.symbolset.numsymbols; s++) { symbolObj origsym = map.symbolset.getSymbol(s); newMap.symbolset.appendSymbol(MapUtils.CloneSymbol(origsym)); } // copy the fontset string key = null; while ((key = map.fontset.fonts.nextKey(key)) != null) { newMap.fontset.fonts.set(key, map.fontset.fonts.get(key, "")); } newLayer = new layerObj(newMap); newLayer.type = layer.type; newLayer.status = mapscript.MS_ON; newLayer.connectiontype = MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.MS_INLINE; // add the classObj and styles classObj classobj; if (checkBoxKeepStyles.Checked) { classobj = layer.getClass(0).clone(); classobj.setExpression(""); // remove expression to have the class shown // bindings are not supported with sample maps for (int s = 0; s < classobj.numstyles; s++) { StyleBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getStyle(s)); } for (int l = 0; l < classobj.numlabels; l++) { LabelBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getLabel(l)); } newLayer.insertClass(classobj, -1); } else { classobj = new classObj(newLayer); classobj.name = MapUtils.GetClassName(newLayer); styleObj style = new styleObj(classobj); style.size = 8; // set default size (#4339) if (layer.type == MS_LAYER_TYPE.MS_LAYER_POINT) { // initialize with the default marker if specified in the symbol file for point symbols symbolObj symbol; for (int s = 0; s < map.symbolset.numsymbols; s++) { symbol = map.symbolset.getSymbol(s); if (symbol.name == "default-marker") { style.symbol = s; style.symbolname = "default-marker"; break; } } } MapUtils.SetDefaultColor(layer.type, style); } SortedDictionary <string, string> items = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); int i = 0; shapeObj shape; layer.open(); layer.whichShapes(layer.getExtent()); if (checkBoxClassItem.Checked) { layer.classitem = comboBoxColumns.SelectedItem.ToString(); } while ((shape = layer.nextShape()) != null) { string value = shape.getValue(comboBoxColumns.SelectedIndex); if (checkBoxZero.Checked && (value == "" || value == "")) { continue; } if (!items.ContainsValue(value)) { if (i == 100) { if (MessageBox.Show("The number of the individual values is greater than 100 would you like to continue?", "MapManager", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Cancel) { break; } } items.Add(value, value); ++i; } } if (layer.getResults() == null) { layer.close(); // close only is no query results } i = 0; foreach (string value in items.Keys) { double percent = ((double)(i + 1)) / items.Count * 100; // creating the corresponding class object if (i > 0) { classobj = classobj.clone(); // bindings are not supported with sample maps for (int s = 0; s < classobj.numstyles; s++) { StyleBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getStyle(s)); } for (int l = 0; l < classobj.numlabels; l++) { LabelBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getLabel(l)); } newLayer.insertClass(classobj, -1); } classobj.name = value; if (checkBoxClassItem.Checked) { classobj.setExpression(value); } else { classobj.setExpression("('[" + comboBoxColumns.SelectedItem + "]' = '" + value + "')"); } for (int j = 0; j < classobj.numstyles; j++) { styleObj style = classobj.getStyle(j); style.color = colorRampPickerColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); style.outlinecolor = colorRampPickerOutlineColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); style.backgroundcolor = colorRampPickerBackgroundColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); if (checkBoxFirstOnly.Checked) { break; } } ++i; } return(new MapObjectHolder(newLayer, new MapObjectHolder(newMap, null))); }
/// <summary> /// Create the theme according to the individual values of the layer contents /// </summary> private MapObjectHolder CreateLayerTheme() { if (layer == null) { return(null); } int index; for (index = 0; index < fieldName.Length; index++) { if (fieldName[index] == comboBoxColumns.Text) { break; } } if (index == fieldName.Length) { return(null); } NumberFormatInfo ni = new NumberFormatInfo(); ni.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; mapObj map = target.GetParent(); // create a new map object mapObj newMap = new mapObj(null); newMap.units = MS_UNITS.MS_PIXELS; map.selectOutputFormat(map.imagetype); // copy symbolset for (int s = 1; s < map.symbolset.numsymbols; s++) { symbolObj origsym = map.symbolset.getSymbol(s); newMap.symbolset.appendSymbol(MapUtils.CloneSymbol(origsym)); } // copy the fontset string key = null; while ((key = map.fontset.fonts.nextKey(key)) != null) { newMap.fontset.fonts.set(key, map.fontset.fonts.get(key, "")); } newLayer = new layerObj(newMap); newLayer.type = layer.type; newLayer.status = mapscript.MS_ON; newLayer.connectiontype = MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.MS_INLINE; // add the classObj and styles classObj classobj; if (checkBoxKeepStyles.Checked) { classobj = layer.getClass(0).clone(); classobj.setExpression(""); // remove expression to have the class shown // bindings are not supported with sample maps for (int s = 0; s < classobj.numstyles; s++) { StyleBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getStyle(s)); } for (int l = 0; l < classobj.numlabels; l++) { LabelBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getLabel(l)); } newLayer.insertClass(classobj, -1); } else { classobj = new classObj(newLayer); classobj.name = MapUtils.GetClassName(newLayer); styleObj style = new styleObj(classobj); style.size = 8; // set default size (#4339) if (layer.type == MS_LAYER_TYPE.MS_LAYER_POINT) { // initialize with the default marker if specified in the symbol file for point symbols symbolObj symbol; for (int s = 0; s < map.symbolset.numsymbols; s++) { symbol = map.symbolset.getSymbol(s); if (symbol.name == "default-marker") { style.symbol = s; style.symbolname = "default-marker"; break; } } } MapUtils.SetDefaultColor(layer.type, style); } // calculate breaks int classes = (int)numericUpDownClasses.Value; double[] breaks = null; if (comboBoxMode.SelectedIndex == 0) { breaks = CalculateEqualInterval(classes, index); } if (breaks == null) { return(null); } for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) { double percent = ((double)(i + 1)) / classes * 100; // creating the corresponding class object if (i > 0) { classobj = classobj.clone(); // bindings are not supported with sample maps for (int s = 0; s < classobj.numstyles; s++) { StyleBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getStyle(s)); } for (int l = 0; l < classobj.numlabels; l++) { LabelBindingController.RemoveAllBindings(classobj.getLabel(l)); } newLayer.insertClass(classobj, -1); } classobj.name = breaks[i].ToString(ni) + " - " + breaks[i + 1].ToString(ni); classobj.setExpression("(([" + comboBoxColumns.SelectedItem + "] >= " + breaks[i].ToString(ni) + ") && ([" + comboBoxColumns.SelectedItem + "] <= " + breaks[i + 1].ToString(ni) + "))"); for (int j = 0; j < classobj.numstyles; j++) { styleObj style = classobj.getStyle(j); style.color = colorRampPickerColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); style.outlinecolor = colorRampPickerOutlineColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); style.backgroundcolor = colorRampPickerBackgroundColor.GetMapColorAtValue(percent); if (checkBoxFirstOnly.Checked) { break; } } } return(new MapObjectHolder(newLayer, new MapObjectHolder(newMap, null))); }
public override void InitializeBinding(MapObjectHolder target) { this.target = target; if (target.GetParent().GetParent().GetType() != typeof(layerObj)) { this.Enabled = false; return; } layerObj layer = target.GetParent().GetParent(); styleObj style = target; if (itemList == null) { itemList = new ComboBox(); itemList.Width = targetControl.Width; itemList.Height = targetControl.Height; itemList.Location = targetControl.Location; itemList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; itemList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(itemList_SelectedIndexChanged); targetControl.Parent.Controls.Add(itemList); itemList.BringToFront(); Bitmap bmp = Resources.DataConnection; bmp.MakeTransparent(Color.Magenta); pbox = new PictureBox(); pbox.Image = bmp; pbox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; pbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(targetControl.Location.X + targetControl.Width + 2, targetControl.Location.Y + (targetControl.Height - pbox.Image.Height) / 2); targetControl.Parent.Controls.Add(pbox); pbox.BringToFront(); } BindingState = false; itemList.Items.Clear(); layer.open(); for (int i = 0; i < layer.numitems; i++) { itemList.Items.Add(layer.getItem(i)); } if (layer.getResults() == null) { layer.close(); // close only is no query results } if (layer.connectiontype == MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.MS_OGR) { itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelFont"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelSize"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelText"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelAngle"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelFColor"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelBColor"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelPlacement"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelAnchor"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelDx"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelDy"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelPerp"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelBold"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelItalic"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelUnderline"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelPriority"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelStrikeout"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelStretch"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelAdjHor"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelAdjVert"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelHColor"); itemList.Items.Add("OGR:LabelOColor"); } string binding = style.getBinding((int)styleBinding); if (binding != null) { itemList.SelectedItem = binding; BindingState = true; } else { if (itemList.Items.Count > 0) { itemList.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }