/// <summary>
 /// Generate new map from values stored in this view model.
 /// Note that this will also remove all placed items.
 /// </summary>
 public void GenerateMap()
     GameMap = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator().GenerateMap(MapWidth, MapHeight, MapSeed);
     GameMap.MapName   = MapName;
     HumanPlayerPlaced = false;
        public GameViewModel()
            // game initialization will be somehow placed here
            GameMap = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator().GenerateMap(20, 20, MAP_SEED);
            AbstractPlayer player = new HumanPlayer("Test player", GameMap.Grid[2, 2]);

            Player.Inventory.AddRange(new BasicItem[]
                new BasicItem("Test item", new MapBlock(), 10),
                new BasicItem("Test item 2", new MapBlock(), 10),
                new BasicItem("Some cool item", new MapBlock(), 10)

            GameInstance         = new Game();
            GameInstance.GameMap = GameMap;
        public void TestSimpleMapGeneratorSeed()
            IMapGenerator simpleMapGenerator = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator();
            int           w    = 5;
            int           h    = 10;
            int           seed = 87452;

            Direction[] allDirections = DirectionMethods.GetAllDirections();

            MapBlock[,] grid  = simpleMapGenerator.GenerateGrid(w, h, seed);
            MapBlock[,] grid2 = simpleMapGenerator.GenerateGrid(w, h, seed);

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid, "Grid 1 is null!");
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid2, "Grid 2 is null!");
            Assert.AreEqual(w, grid.GetLength(0), "Wrong width of map grid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(h, grid.GetLength(1), "Wrong height of map grid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(w, grid2.GetLength(0), "Wrong width of map grid 2!");
            Assert.AreEqual(h, grid2.GetLength(1), "Wrong height of map grid 2!");

            // all map block should be same
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    int entrances = 0;
                    foreach (Direction dir in allDirections)
                        Assert.AreEqual(grid[i, j].EntranceInDirection(dir).Exists(), grid2[i, j].EntranceInDirection(dir).Exists(), $"Map block at position [{i},{j}] has different entrance in direction {dir}.");
                        if (grid[i, j].EntranceInDirection(dir).Exists())

                    Assert.IsTrue(entrances > 0, $"Block at [{i},{j}] has no entrance!");
        public void TestSimpleMapGenerator()
            IMapGenerator simpleMapGenerator = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator();
            int           w = 5;
            int           h = 10;

            Direction[] allDirections = DirectionMethods.GetAllDirections();

            Map map = simpleMapGenerator.GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            MapBlock[,] grid = map.Grid;

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid, "Null grid returned!");
            Assert.AreEqual(w, grid.GetLength(0), "Wrong width of map grid!");
            Assert.AreEqual(h, grid.GetLength(1), "Wrong height of map grid!");
            Assert.IsNotNull(map.WinningBlock, "Winning block is null!");
            Assert.AreEqual((w - 1) / 2, map.WinningBlock.X, "Wrong X coordinate of winning block.");
            Assert.AreEqual((h - 1) / 2, map.WinningBlock.Y, "Wrong Y coordinate of winning block.");

            // test that no map block has all entrances closed
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    int entrances = 0;
                    foreach (Direction dir in allDirections)
                        if (grid[i, j].EntranceInDirection(dir).Exists())

                    Assert.IsTrue(entrances > 0, $"Block at [{i},{j}] has no entrance!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates new game with given parameters. If aiCount+1 (1 for human player) is greater than width*heght, exception is thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the map.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the map.</param>
        /// <param name="mapSeed">Map seed.</param>
        /// <param name="aiCount">Number of AIs (simple AI is used).</param>
        /// <param name="monsterDensity">Density of monsters 0..1</param>
        /// <param name="itemDensity">Density of items 0..1</param>
        /// <param name="humanPlayerName">Name of the human player.</param>
        /// <returns>Generated game instance.</returns>
        public static Game GenerateGame(int width, int height, int mapSeed, int aiCount, double monsterDensity, double itemDensity, string humanPlayerName)
            // check
            if (aiCount + 1 > width * height)
                throw new Exception($"Počet protihráčů {aiCount} je na plochu {width}x{height} moc velký!");

            Map.Map gameMap = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator().GenerateMap(width, height, mapSeed);
            Game    game    = new Game()
                GameMap = gameMap
            Random r = new Random();

            // sets of occupied position for creatures and items, '{x}:{y}'
            HashSet <String> creatureOccupiedPositions = new HashSet <string>();
            HashSet <string> itemsOccupiedPositions    = new HashSet <string>();

            // place human player
            int            x      = r.Next(width);
            int            y      = r.Next(height);
            AbstractPlayer player = new HumanPlayer(humanPlayerName, gameMap.Grid[x, y]);


            // place AI players
            int pCount = 1;

            AddObjectsToGame(width, height, aiCount, 20, (ox, oy) =>
                if (!creatureOccupiedPositions.Contains($"{ox}:{oy}"))
                    game.AddAIPlayer(AIPlayerFactory.CreateSimpleAIPLayer($"Simple AI Player {pCount}", gameMap.Grid[ox, oy]));

            // monster count from density:
            // density is expected to be in range 0..1 and will be mapped to the count of remaining free map blocks
            // this number is then lowered to 2/3 and this result is used as a base
            // then monsterCount = base + random.next(base/3)
            double monsterCountBase = 2 * (monsterDensity * (width * height - aiCount)) / 3;
            int    monsterCount     = (int)(monsterCountBase + r.NextDouble() * (monsterCountBase / 3));

            // place monsters
            AddObjectsToGame(width, height, monsterCount, 20, (ox, oy) =>
                if (!creatureOccupiedPositions.Contains($"{ox}:{oy}"))
                    game.AddMonster(MonsterFactory.CreateRandomMonster(gameMap.Grid[ox, oy]));

            // item count is calculated the same way as monster count is
            double itemCountBase = 2 * (itemDensity * (width * height - aiCount)) / 3;
            int    itemCount     = (int)(itemCountBase + r.NextDouble() * (itemCountBase / 3));

            // place items
            AddObjectsToGame(width, height, itemCount, 20, (ox, oy) =>
                if (!itemsOccupiedPositions.Contains($"{ox}:{oy}"))
                    game.AddItem(ItemFactory.CreateRandomItem(gameMap.Grid[ox, oy]));

        public void TestSerializeMaze()
            int w   = 4;
            int h   = 4;
            Map map = MapGeneratorFactory.CreateSimpleMapGenerator().GenerateMap(w, h, IMapGeneratorConstants.NO_SEED);

            map.MapName = "Test map";

            // add creatures to map
            Monster origMonster = new Monster("Test monster", map.Grid[0, 0], 4, 3654123, 87621235);

            SimpleAIPlayer aiPlayer = new SimpleAIPlayer("Test player", map.Grid[3, 2]);

            HumanPlayer hPlayer = new HumanPlayer("Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy", map.Grid[1, 3])
                BaseHitPoints = 98432156, BaseAttack = 112348, BaseDeffense = 41226987


            // add items to map
            AbstractWeapon weapon = ItemFactory.CreateAxe(map.Grid[1, 3]);

            AbstractArmor armor = ItemFactory.CreateLeatherArmor(map.Grid[1, 1]);

            AbstractInventoryItem item = new BasicItem("Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.!?_/()':123456789<>&@{}[]", map.Grid[2, 2], 514)
                UniqueId = 6284


            // serialize - deserialize
            IMapSerializer <byte[], byte[]> byteSerializer = new BinaryMapSerializer();

            byte[] serializedMap   = byteSerializer.Serialize(map);
            Map    deserializedMap = byteSerializer.Deserialize(serializedMap);

            // check map
            Assert.AreEqual(map.MapName, deserializedMap.MapName, "Wrong map name!");
            Assert.AreEqual(w, deserializedMap.Width, "Wrong width after deserialization!");
            Assert.AreEqual(h, deserializedMap.Width, "Wrong height after deserialization!");
            Assert.AreEqual(map.WinningBlock.X, deserializedMap.WinningBlock.X, "Wrong x coordinate of winning block!");
            Assert.AreEqual(map.WinningBlock.Y, deserializedMap.WinningBlock.Y, "Wrong Y coordinate of winning block!");

            // check map blocks
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    MapBlock origBlock   = map.Grid[i, j];
                    MapBlock testedBlock = deserializedMap.Grid[i, j];

                    foreach (Direction dir in  DirectionMethods.GetAllDirections())
                        Assert.AreEqual(origBlock.EntranceInDirection(dir).IsOpen(), testedBlock.EntranceInDirection(dir).IsOpen(), $"Wrong entrance in direction {dir} in block [{i},{j}].");

            // check creatures
            Monster m = (Monster)deserializedMap.Grid[0, 0].Creature;

            CheckCreature(origMonster, m);

            SimpleAIPlayer p = (SimpleAIPlayer)deserializedMap.Grid[3, 2].Creature;

            CheckCreature(aiPlayer, p);

            HumanPlayer hp = (HumanPlayer)deserializedMap.Grid[1, 3].Creature;

            CheckCreature(hPlayer, hp);

            // check items
            AbstractWeapon weap = (AbstractWeapon)map.Grid[1, 3].Item;

            CheckItem(weap, weapon);

            AbstractArmor arm = (AbstractArmor)map.Grid[1, 1].Item;

            CheckItem(arm, armor);

            AbstractInventoryItem itm = (AbstractInventoryItem)map.Grid[2, 2].Item;

            CheckItem(item, itm);