public Construct(uint x, uint y, MapField baseField, Color color) { Size = new Vector2u(x, y); Location = new MapFieldList(this); BaseField = baseField; color_ = color; newColor_ = color; SetTextureFromColor(); BuildJob = new ConstructingJob(this); }
public ExcelData(string fname, MapFieldList mf, bool check=true) { filename = fname; MFL = mf; ProgressDialog dlg2 = new ProgressDialog(); dlg2.Owner = null; for (int index = 0; index < App.Current.Windows.Count; index++) { if (App.Current.Windows[index].Title == "ΕΥΕ Sampling") { dlg2.Owner = App.Current.Windows[index]; break; } } dlg2.DialogText = "Εισαγωγή Δεδομένων από αρχείο"; int startValue = 0; dlg2.RunWorkerThread(startValue, GetDataCheck); }
public void DoFillData(String t, ListOfItems li, MapFieldList m) { table = t; mf = m; ldata = li; ProgressDialog dlg2 = new ProgressDialog(); dlg2.Owner = null; for (int index = 0; index < App.Current.Windows.Count; index++) { if (App.Current.Windows[index].Title == "ΕΥΕ Sampling") { dlg2.Owner = App.Current.Windows[index]; break; } } dlg2.DialogText = "Καταγραφή δεδομένων στη Βάση."; int startValue = 0; dlg2.RunWorkerThread(startValue, FillDatal); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the user to easily clear all data from a specific table. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">The name of the table to clear.</param> /// <returns>A boolean true or false to signify success or failure.</returns> public bool FillData(String table, ExcelData edata, MapFieldList mf) { try { foreach(DataRow r in edata.Data.Table.Rows) { Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(){}; int i = 0; foreach(Mapfield m in mf) { dict.Add(m.Name,r[i++].ToString()); } this.Insert(table, dict); } return true; } catch { return false; } }