private void Start() { Logger = base.Logger; MapHooks.Logger = Logger; MapHooks.InstallHooks(); foreach (var xDocument in Sideloader.Sideloader.Manifests.Values.Where(x => x.manifestDocument != null).Select(x => x.manifestDocument)) { if (xDocument.Root == null) { continue; } var root = xDocument.Element("manifest"); if (root == null) { continue; } foreach (var data in root.Elements("ai-maps")?.Elements("map-data")) { if (!CustomMapInformation.TryMakeFromXML(data, out var result)) { continue; } Data.CustomMapInformations.Add(result.ID, result); } } Logger.LogWarning($"Map Integration Plugin found {Data.CustomMapInformations.Count} maps from the mod folder"); foreach (var data in Data.CustomMapInformations.Values) { Logger.LogWarning($"Map Integration Plugin successfully Registered Custom Map {data.Name}({data.ID})."); } }
public R2API() { Logger = base.Logger; CheckForIncompatibleAssemblies(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MONOMOD_DMD_TYPE", "Cecil"); InitConfig(); Hooks.InitializeHooks(); RoR2Application.isModded = true; On.RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable += (orig, self) => { RoR2Application.isModded = true; orig(self); }; On.RoR2.RoR2Application.OnLoad += (orig, self) => { orig(self); var build = typeof(RoR2Application).GetFieldValue <string>("steamBuildId"); if (GameBuild == build) { return; } Logger.LogWarning($"This version of R2API was built for build id \"{GameBuild}\", you are running \"{build}\"."); Logger.LogWarning("Should any problems arise, please check for a new version before reporting issues."); }; }
public void OnConnectionRequestSafe(ConnectionRequest request, NetDataWriter writer) { var reader = request.Data; Version version; try { version = reader.GetVersion(); } catch { _log.LogWarning($"Connection request from {request.RemoteEndPoint} denied because of a malformed version."); writer.Put(ConnectionError.MalformedVersion); request.Reject(writer); return; } if (!_version.CompatibleWith(version)) { _log.LogWarning($"Connection request from {request.RemoteEndPoint} denied because of version mismatch (server: {_version}; client: {version})"); writer.Put(ConnectionError.MismatchedVersion); writer.Put(new MismatchedVersionErrorMessage(_version, version)); request.Reject(writer); return; } }
internal void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; Hooks.InstallHooks(); UniversalAutoResolver.Hooks.InstallHooks(); Lists.Hooks.InstallHooks(); ResourceRedirection.EnableSyncOverAsyncAssetLoads(); ResourceRedirection.EnableRedirectMissingAssetBundlesToEmptyAssetBundle(-1000); ResourceRedirection.RegisterAsyncAndSyncAssetLoadingHook(RedirectHook); ResourceRedirection.RegisterAssetBundleLoadingHook(AssetBundleLoadingHook); MissingModWarning = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Show missing mod warnings", true, new ConfigDescription("Whether missing mod warnings will be displayed on screen. Messages will still be written to the log.")); DebugLogging = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Debug logging", false, new ConfigDescription("Enable additional logging useful for debugging issues with Sideloader and sideloader mods.\nWarning: Will increase load and save times noticeably and will result in very large log sizes.")); DebugResolveInfoLogging = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Debug resolve info logging", false, new ConfigDescription("Enable verbose logging for debugging issues with Sideloader and sideloader mods.\nWarning: Will increase game start up time and will result in very large log sizes.")); ModLoadingLogging = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Mod loading logging", true, new ConfigDescription("Enable verbose logging when loading mods.", tags: "Advanced")); KeepMissingAccessories = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Keep missing accessories", false, new ConfigDescription("Missing accessories will be replaced by a default item with color and position information intact when loaded in the character maker.")); MigrationEnabled = Config.AddSetting("Settings", "Migration enabled", true, new ConfigDescription("Attempt to change the GUID and or ID of mods based on the data configured in the manifest.xml.")); AdditionalModsDirectory = Config.AddSetting("General", "Additional mods directory", FindKoiZipmodDir(), new ConfigDescription("Additional directory to load zipmods from.")); if (!Directory.Exists(ModsDirectory)) { Logger.LogWarning("Could not find the mods directory: " + ModsDirectory); } if (!AdditionalModsDirectory.Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && !Directory.Exists(AdditionalModsDirectory.Value)) { Logger.LogWarning("Could not find the additional mods directory specified in config: " + AdditionalModsDirectory.Value); } LoadModsFromDirectories(ModsDirectory, AdditionalModsDirectory.Value); }
public static string GetAssetPath(string assetName, bool isDirectory = false) { string text = Path.Combine(BepInEx.Paths.PluginPath, "SeedTotem", assetName); if (isDirectory) { if (!Directory.Exists(text)) { Assembly assembly = typeof(SeedTotemMod).Assembly; text = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location), assetName); if (!Directory.Exists(text)) { logger.LogWarning($"Could not find directory ({assetName})."); return(null); } } return(text); } if (!File.Exists(text)) { Assembly assembly = typeof(SeedTotemMod).Assembly; text = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location), assetName); if (!File.Exists(text)) { logger.LogWarning($"Could not find asset ({assetName})."); return(null); } } return(text); }
public R2API() { Logger = base.Logger; ModManager = new DetourModManager(); AddHookLogging(); CheckForIncompatibleAssemblies(); CheckR2APIMonomodPatch(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MONOMOD_DMD_TYPE", "Cecil"); On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { }; var submoduleHandler = new APISubmoduleHandler(GameBuild, Logger); loadedSubmodules = submoduleHandler.LoadRequested(); //Currently disabled until manifest v2 //ModListAPI.Init(); RoR2Application.isModded = true; // Temporary fix as the new quickplay button currently don't have the DisableIfGameModded Script attached to it On.RoR2.UI.QuickPlayButtonController.Start += (orig, self) => { orig(self); self.gameObject.SetActive(false); }; On.RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable += (orig, self) => { // TODO: If we can enable quick play without regrets, uncomment. //if ( == "Button, QP") // return; self.gameObject.SetActive(false); }; On.RoR2.Networking.SteamLobbyFinder.CCSteamQuickplayStart += (orig, args) => { Debug.Log("QuickPlay is disabled in mods due to social contracts and lack of general support"); }; SteamworksClientManager.onLoaded += () => { var buildId = SteamworksClientManager.instance.GetFieldValue <Client>("steamworksClient").BuildId; if (GameBuild == buildId) { return; } Logger.LogWarning($"This version of R2API was built for build id \"{GameBuild}\", you are running \"{buildId}\"."); Logger.LogWarning("Should any problems arise, please check for a new version before reporting issues."); }; // Make sure that modded dedicated servers are recognizable from the server browser On.RoR2.SteamworksServerManager.UpdateHostName += (orig, self, hostname) => { var server = ((SteamworksServerManager)self).GetFieldValue <Server>("steamworksServer"); server.GameTags = "mod," + server.GameTags; }; }
internal void ScanHammer(bool lateAdd) { try { logger.LogDebug("Scanning Hammer PieceTable for Pieces"); foreach (GameObject hammerRecipe in PieceManager.Instance.GetPieceTable("Hammer").m_pieces) { if (hammerRecipe == null) { logger.LogWarning("null recipe in Hammer PieceTable"); continue; } Piece piece = hammerRecipe.GetComponent <Piece>(); if ( == "piece_repair") { if (!addedHammer) { PieceTable planHammerPieceTable = PieceManager.Instance.GetPieceTable(PlanHammerPrefabConfig.pieceTableName); if (planHammerPieceTable != null) { planHammerPieceTable.m_pieces.Add(hammerRecipe); addedHammer = true; } } continue; } if (planPiecePrefabConfigs.ContainsKey( { continue; } if (!piece.m_enabled || piece.GetComponent <Ship>() != null || piece.GetComponent <Plant>() != null || piece.GetComponent <TerrainModifier>() != null || piece.m_resources.Length == 0) { continue; } PlanPiecePrefabConfig prefabConfig = new PlanPiecePrefabConfig(piece); PieceManager.Instance.AddPiece(prefabConfig); planPiecePrefabConfigs.Add(, prefabConfig); PrefabManager.Instance.RegisterToZNetScene(prefabConfig.PiecePrefab); if (lateAdd) { PieceTable pieceTable = PieceManager.Instance.GetPieceTable(PlanHammerPrefabConfig.pieceTableName); if (!pieceTable.m_pieces.Contains(prefabConfig.PiecePrefab)) { pieceTable.m_pieces.Add(prefabConfig.PiecePrefab); } } } } finally { PieceManager.OnPiecesRegistered -= ScanHammer; } }
private void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; Logger.LogWarning("This plugin has been deprecated and has been integrated into H3VR.Sideloader."); Logger.LogWarning("It should only be used for hassle-free rapid prototyping from Unity into H3VR."); Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(VirtualObjectsInjectorPlugin)); }
public IEnumerator PostCleanupCoroutine() { if (!_latestBackup.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && File.Exists(_latestBackup)) { Logger.LogWarning("Something unexpected happened. Restoring previous translation cache."); MoveReplaceFile(_latestBackup, AutoTranslationsFilePath); yield return(StartCoroutine(CoroutineUtils.CreateCoroutine(ReloadTranslations))); } }
private static RequirementConfig[] LoadJsonFile(string filename) { RequirementConfig[] defaultRecipe = new RequirementConfig[] { new RequirementConfig() { Item = "FineWood", Amount = 5, Recover = true }, new RequirementConfig() { Item = "GreydwarfEye", Amount = 5, Recover = true }, new RequirementConfig() { Item = "SurtlingCore", Amount = 1, Recover = true }, new RequirementConfig() { Item = "AncientSeed", Amount = 1, Recover = true } }; if (SeedTotem.configCustomRecipe.Value) { string assetPath = SeedTotemMod.GetAssetPath(filename); bool fileFound = string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath); if (fileFound) { logger.LogWarning("File not found: " + filename + " using default recipe"); return(defaultRecipe); } Dictionary <string, int> reqDict = ReadDict(assetPath); RequirementConfig[] result = new RequirementConfig[reqDict.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in reqDict) { result[i] = new RequirementConfig() { Item = pair.Key, Amount = pair.Value, Recover = true }; } return(result); } else { return(defaultRecipe); } }
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(AlreadyReadInfo), "Load")] // already read adv text private static Exception CatchCrash(MethodBase __originalMethod, Exception __exception) { if (__exception != null) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning | LogLevel.Message, $"Corrupted save file detected in {__originalMethod.DeclaringType?.Name}, some progress might be lost."); Logger.LogWarning(__exception); } return(null); }
public static void Initialize() { try { InitializeInternal(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogWarning($"Failed to initialize log mirroring: ({e.GetType()}) {e.Message}. No mirrored logs will be generated."); Logger.LogDebug(e); } }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetTokens(string modName) { if (!tokenStore.ContainsKey(modName)) { Log.LogWarning($"No translation tokens found for mod [{modName}]. Have you loaded them?"); return(null); } tokenStore.TryGetValue(modName, out var tokens); return(tokens); }
private ModContainer LoadMod(string path) { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { return(null); } var infoPath = Path.Combine(path, "mod.json"); if (!File.Exists(infoPath)) { return(null); } var contents = File.ReadAllText(infoPath); var info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModInfo>(contents); if (info == null) { _logger.LogWarning($"{infoPath} was not a valid ModInfo!"); return(null); } _logger.LogInfo($"Loading {info.Name} [{info.Version}]"); var container = new ModContainer { Info = info }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.EntryDLL)) { container.Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(path, info.EntryDLL)); } var bundles = new List <AssetBundle>(); foreach (var entry in info.Bundles) { var bundlePath = Path.Combine(path, entry); if (!File.Exists(bundlePath)) { _logger.LogWarning($"Couldn't find AssetBundle {bundlePath}!"); continue; } bundles.Add(AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(bundlePath)); } container.Resources = new ModResources(bundles); return(container); }
private void LoadMods() { Logger.LogInfo("Loading mods..."); var mods = new List <Mod>(); var modsPath = Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, H3VR.Sideloader.Shared.Info.MODS_DIR); Directory.CreateDirectory(modsPath); var modIds = new HashSet <string>(); // TODO: Make more elaborate (check version, etc) void LoadMods(IEnumerable <string> paths, Func <string, Mod> loader) { foreach (var path in paths) { try { var mod = loader(path); if (modIds.Contains(mod.Manifest.Guid)) { Logger.LogWarning( $"Skipping [{mod.Name}] because a mod with same GUID ({mod.Manifest.Guid}) was already loaded (check logs)"); continue; } Logger.LogDebug($"Loading {mod.Name}"); modIds.Add(mod.Manifest.Guid); mods.Add(mod); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogWarning($"Skipping {path} because: ({e.GetType()}) {e.Message}"); } } } LoadMods(Directory.GetDirectories(modsPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly), Mod.LoadFromDir); LoadMods(Extensions.GetAllFiles(modsPath, H3VR.Sideloader.Shared.Info.ModExts.Select(s => $"*.{s}").ToArray()), Mod.LoadFromZip); // TODO: Sanity checking etc foreach (var loader in loaders) { Logger.LogDebug($"Loading {loader}"); loader.Initialize(mods); } Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {mods.Count} mods!"); }
private static Texture2D LoadPNG(string file) { byte[] array; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { try { array = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)binaryReader.BaseStream.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogWarning(ex); array = null; } binaryReader.Close(); } if (array == null) { return(null); } var texture2D = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); texture2D.LoadImage(array); return(texture2D); }
public HCSLoader() { Logger = base.Logger; var harmonyInstance = HarmonyWrapper.PatchAll(); harmonyInstance.Patch(AccessTools.Constructor(typeof(Game), Type.EmptyTypes), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(HCSLoader), nameof(LoadGirlsHook))); string modsDirectory = Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "Mods"); if (!Directory.Exists(modsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modsDirectory); } foreach (var subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(modsDirectory, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { if (CharacterAdditionMod.TryLoad(subdir, out var addMod)) { CharacterAdditions.Add(addMod); } else if (CharacterModificationMod.TryLoad(subdir, out var editMod)) { CharacterModifications.Add(editMod); } else { Logger.LogWarning($"Unknown mod type for folder '{Path.GetFileName(subdir)}', skipping"); } } Logger.Log(LogLevel.Message, $"Found {CharacterAdditions.Count + CharacterModifications.Count} mods."); }
private IPALoader() { IPAPluginsPath = CfgFile.Bind(Metadata.ConfigSection, Metadata.ConfigKey, Metadata.ConfigDefaultValue, Metadata.ConfigDescription); Logger = base.Logger; foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { var name = assembly.GetName().Name; if (name == "IllusionInjector" || name == "IllusionPlugin") { Logger.LogWarning($"Detected that IPA is already installed! Please either uninstall IPA or disable this loader."); run = false; return; } } // Redirect missing assembly requests to this assembly, since we have all the emulated code AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) => { var name = new AssemblyName(args.Name).Name; if (name == "IllusionPlugin" || name == "IllusionInjector") { return(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); } return(null); }; }
public void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; Extension.Logger.logger = Logger; AddtionalFolder = Config.Bind <string>("Config", "Menu Addtional Text Folder", GetRelativePath(BepInEx.Paths.BepInExRootPath, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(base.Info.Location), nameof(KK_StudioMenuScrollingText)))); Speed = Config.Bind <int>("Config", "Scrolling speed", 777, new ConfigDescription("σ`∀´)σ", new AcceptableValueRange <int>(666, 888))); if (!Directory.Exists(AddtionalFolder.Value)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(AddtionalFolder.Value); } else { foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(AddtionalFolder.Value).ToList <string>().Where(s => s.EndsWith(".csv"))) { try { File.ReadAllLines(path).Select(a => a.Split(',')).ToList().ForEach(s => { if (s[0] == "Before") { HeaderDict[int.Parse(s[1])] = s[2]; } else if (s[0] == "After") { FooterDict[int.Parse(s[1])] = s[2]; } }); } catch (Exception) { Logger.LogWarning($"Load addtional text faild in: {path}"); return; }; } } Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(Patches)); }
private void Init() { try { var methodField = UnhollowerUtils.GetIl2CppMethodInfoPointerFieldForGeneratedMethod(Original); if (methodField == null) { throw new Exception($"No IL2CPP equivalent found for {Original.FullDescription()}. The target might have been automatically generated by Unhollower (e.g. field accessor)."); } // Get the native MethodInfo struct for the target method originalNativeMethodInfo = (Il2CppMethodInfo *)(IntPtr)methodField.GetValue(null); // Create a trampoline from the original target method var trampolinePtr = DetourGenerator.CreateTrampolineFromFunction(originalNativeMethodInfo->methodPointer, out _, out _); // Create a modified native MethodInfo struct to point towards the trampoline modifiedNativeMethodInfo = (Il2CppMethodInfo *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf <Il2CppMethodInfo>()); Marshal.StructureToPtr(*originalNativeMethodInfo, (IntPtr)modifiedNativeMethodInfo, false); modifiedNativeMethodInfo->methodPointer = trampolinePtr; isValid = true; } catch (Exception e) { DetourLogger.LogWarning($"Failed to init IL2CPP patch backend for {Original.FullDescription()}, using normal patch handlers: {e.Message}"); } }
public static void Warning(string str, params object[] args) { if (IsGlobalEnabled && IsWarnEnabled) { LogInstance?.LogWarning(string.Format(str, args)); } }
/// <summary> /// 替換角色 /// </summary> /// <param name="chaCtrl">目標chara</param> /// <param name="changeFace">是否替換臉部</param> /// <param name="changeBody">是否替換身體</param> public static void ChangeChara(ChaControl chaCtrl, bool changeFace = true, bool changeBody = true, bool disableDoubleChange = true) { if (Hooks.BlockChanging || null == chaCtrl || null == chaCtrl.chaFile) { return; } FBIOpenUp.SetCharaPath(null, null); if ( != { Logger.LogWarning($"Skip changes that differ from Sample Chara's gender: {chaCtrl.fileParam.fullname}"); return; } List <float> originalShapeValueFace; List <float> originalShapeValueBody; ChaFileCustom chaFileCustom = chaCtrl.chaFile.custom; originalShapeValueFace = chaFileCustom.face.shapeValueFace.ToList(); originalShapeValueBody = chaFileCustom.body.shapeValueBody.ToList(); //如果角色第一次替換,紀錄其原始數據至dict //如果在dict內有找到替換紀錄,以其原始數據來做替換 //(不block掉是因為,即使在單次Loading Chara內,此function也會被trigger不止一次) if (chaFileCustomDict.TryGetValue(chaFileCustom, out List <float>[] chaFileCustomStored))
IEnumerator LoadAssetBundles(Action callback = null) { foreach (var bundleName in fileLoader.GetResourceFilenames("AssetBundle")) { var path = Path.Combine(m_bundleLoadDir, bundleName); m_bundleCreateRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(path); yield return(m_bundleCreateRequest); AssetBundle bundle = m_bundleCreateRequest.assetBundle; if (bundle == null) { Logger.LogWarning("Failed to load AssetBundle: " + bundleName); yield return(bundle); } else { Logger.LogInfo("Successfully loaded additional bundle named: " +; Bundles.Add(bundle); } } BundlesLoaded = true; StartCoroutine(LoadAllAssetsInBundle(callback)); }
internal static byte[] MessagePackSerialize <T>(T obj) { try { return(MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(obj, StandardResolver.Instance)); } catch (FormatterNotRegisteredException) { return(MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(obj, ContractlessStandardResolver.Instance)); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Logger.LogWarning("Only primitive types are supported. Serialize your data first."); throw; } }
private static void BepinexLog(object input, LogLevel level) { if (logger == null) { throw new System.NullReferenceException("Log Class in " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + " not initialized prior to message call!"); } switch (level) { case LogLevel.Info: if (BepinexInfoAlwaysLogs || DebugConvar.value) { logger.LogInfo(input); } break; case LogLevel.Message: logger.LogMessage(input); break; case LogLevel.Warning: logger.LogWarning(input); break; case LogLevel.Error: logger.LogError(input); break; } }
public static void MechaDroneLogic_ReloadStates_Postfix() { Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(512, 512); // Original GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.droneRenderer.mat_0.color = (0.175, 0.461, 1.000, 1.000) = 45, 118, 255 string filePath = $"{BepInEx.Paths.ConfigPath}/{pluginGuid}.png"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { byte[] fileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); newTexture.LoadImage(fileData); Logger.LogInfo($"Successfully loaded drone skin {filePath}"); for (int x = 0; x < newTexture.width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < newTexture.height; y++) { Color pixel = newTexture.GetPixel(x, y); newTexture.SetPixel(x, y, new Color(pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b, 0)); } } newTexture.Apply(); // Original made up of 512x512 construction-drone-a.png, construction-drone-n.png, construction-drone-s.png // Changing this changes all drones simultaneously. // The change takes effect when MechaDroneRenderer.Draw is called which is called constantly. GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.droneRenderer.mat_0.mainTexture = newTexture; } else { string cwd = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Logger.LogWarning($"Unable to find drone skin at {cwd}/{filePath}"); } }
public R2API() { Logger = base.Logger; ModManager = new DetourModManager(); AddHookLogging(); CheckForIncompatibleAssemblies(); CheckR2APIMonomodPatch(); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MONOMOD_DMD_TYPE", "Cecil"); On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { }; var submoduleHandler = new APISubmoduleHandler(GameBuild, Logger); submoduleHandler.LoadRequested(); RoR2Application.isModded = true; //This needs to always be enabled, regardless of module dependency, or it is useless ModListAPI.Init(); On.RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable += (orig, self) => { // TODO: If we can enable quick play without regrets, uncomment. //if ( == "Button, QP") // return; self.gameObject.SetActive(false); }; SteamworksClientManager.onLoaded += () => { var buildId = SteamworksClientManager.instance.GetFieldValue <Client>("steamworksClient").BuildId; if (GameBuild == buildId) { return; } Logger.LogWarning($"This version of R2API was built for build id \"{GameBuild}\", you are running \"{buildId}\"."); Logger.LogWarning("Should any problems arise, please check for a new version before reporting issues."); }; On.RoR2.SteamworksServerManager.UpdateHostName += (orig, self, hostname) => { orig(self, $"[MOD] {hostname}"); var server = ((SteamworksServerManager)self).GetFieldValue <Server>("steamworksServer"); server.GameTags = "mod," + server.GameTags; }; }
/// <summary> /// Disables Multiplayer Testing. /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">BepInEx logger instance</param> /// <param name="message">Message to display when Multiplayer Testing is disabled</param> public static void Disable(ManualLogSource logger, string message = defaultDisableMessage) { if (logger != null) { logger.LogWarning(message); } Disable(); }
public void Awake() { harmony = new Harmony(PluginId); logger = base.Logger; logger.LogWarning($"This mod will Remove some DIY Ammor Data"); harmony.PatchAll(typeof(Patch)); }
static HookgenPreloader() { Logging.LogMessage($"BepInEx-Partiality-Wrapper initializing HOOKS..."); if (!File.Exists(AsmCSharpFilePath)) { Logging.LogMessage($"Could not find 'Assembly-CSharp.dll' file, aborting HOOKS generatiion."); return; } if (File.Exists(HooksAsmFilePath)) { // if HOOKS file is older than the Assembly-Csharp file... if (File.GetLastWriteTime(HooksAsmFilePath) < File.GetLastWriteTime(AsmCSharpFilePath)) { Logging.LogMessage($"HOOKS file is outdated, deleting..."); File.Delete(HooksAsmFilePath); } else { Logging.LogMessage($"HOOKS file is up to date!"); return; } } Logging.LogMessage("Generating new HOOKS file..."); try { using (var modder = new MonoModder { InputPath = AsmCSharpFilePath, OutputPath = HooksAsmFilePath, PublicEverything = true, DependencyDirs = new List <string> { Paths.ManagedPath, HookgenPatcherFolder } }) { modder.Read(); modder.MapDependencies(); var generator = new HookGenerator(modder, Path.GetFileName(HooksAsmFilePath)); using (ModuleDefinition module = generator.OutputModule) { generator.HookPrivate = true; generator.Generate(); module.Write(HooksAsmFilePath); } } Logging.LogMessage("Done!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogWarning($"Exception running HOOKS generation!"); Logging.LogMessage(ex); } }