protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Suc.Visible = false; SucDel.Visible = false; Rett.Text = ""; string imgPath = ""; // Define the Employee Photo file if (FileUpload1.HasFiles) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); if (ext != ".exe" || ext != ".php") { //sets the image path var r = new Random(); // print random integer >= 0 and < 100 imgPath = "Uploads/" + r.Next(100) + FileUpload1.FileName; //get the size in bytes that FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(imgPath)); var Res = Obj.NewMainReports(Convert.ToInt32(DropYear.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(Sector.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(Mang.SelectedValue), imgPath, FileName.Value); if (Res == 0) { Rett.Text = "البيانات مسجلة سابقا لنفس الخطة والإدارة العليا والادارة"; } else { CloseAll(); DropYear.ClearSelection(); Sector.ClearSelection(); Mang.ClearSelection(); FileName.Value = ""; FileUpload1.Attributes.Clear(); Main.Attributes.Remove("Style"); Main.Style.Add("display", "block"); Suc.Visible = true; SucDel.Visible = false; } } } }