public override void CheckConsistency(RECORD record, CheckerEngine <RECORD, REPORT> engine, RecordAccess records) { if (!Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.@is(record.NextProp)) { // Check the whole chain here instead of scattered during multiple checks. // This type of check obviously favors chains with good locality, performance-wise. IEnumerator <PropertyRecord> props = records.RawPropertyChain(record.NextProp); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops: PropertyRecord firstProp =; if (!Record.NO_PREVIOUS_PROPERTY.@is(firstProp.PrevProp)) { engine.Report().propertyNotFirstInChain(firstProp); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableIntSet keys = new org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.IntHashSet(); MutableIntSet keys = new IntHashSet(); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableLongSet propertyRecordIds = new org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.LongHashSet(8); MutableLongSet propertyRecordIds = new LongHashSet(8); propertyRecordIds.add(firstProp.Id); using (MandatoryProperties.Check <RECORD, REPORT> mandatory = _mandatoryProperties.apply(record)) { CheckChainItem(firstProp, engine, keys, mandatory); // Check the whole chain here. We also take the opportunity to check mandatory property constraints. PropertyRecord prop = firstProp; while (props.MoveNext()) { PropertyRecord nextProp = props.Current; if (!propertyRecordIds.add(nextProp.Id)) { engine.Report().propertyChainContainsCircularReference(prop); break; } CheckChainItem(nextProp, engine, keys, mandatory); prop = nextProp; } } } }
private void CheckChainItem(PropertyRecord property, CheckerEngine <RECORD, REPORT> engine, MutableIntSet keys, MandatoryProperties.Check <RECORD, REPORT> mandatory) { if (!property.InUse()) { engine.Report().propertyNotInUse(property); } else { int[] keysInRecord = ChainCheck.Keys(property); if (mandatory != null) { mandatory.Receive(keysInRecord); } foreach (int key in keysInRecord) { if (!keys.add(key)) { engine.Report().propertyKeyNotUniqueInChain(); } } } }
public override void Process(NodeRecord nodeRecord) { _reporter.forNode(nodeRecord, _nodeIndexCheck); Org.Neo4j.Consistency.checking.cache.CacheAccess_Client client = _cacheAccess.client(); using (MandatoryProperties.Check <NodeRecord, ConsistencyReport_NodeConsistencyReport> mandatoryCheck = _mandatoryProperties.apply(nodeRecord)) { IEnumerable <PropertyRecord> properties = client.PropertiesFromCache; // We do this null-check here because even if nodeIndexCheck should provide the properties for us, // or an empty list at least, it may fail in one way or another and exception be caught by // broad exception handler in reporter. The caught exception will produce an ERROR so it will not // go by unnoticed. if (properties != null) { foreach (PropertyRecord property in properties) { _reporter.forProperty(property, _propertyCheck); mandatoryCheck.Receive(ChainCheck.keys(property)); } } } }