public BuildActionExecutor(ManagedProcessGroup InProcessGroup, BuildAction InAction, AutoResetEvent InCompletedEvent, List <BuildActionExecutor> InCompletedActions)
     ProcessGroup     = InProcessGroup;
     Action           = InAction;
     CompletedEvent   = InCompletedEvent;
     CompletedActions = InCompletedActions;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute an individual action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProcessGroup">The process group</param>
        /// <param name="Action">The action to execute</param>
        /// <param name="CompletedActions">On completion, the list to add the completed action to</param>
        /// <param name="CompletedEvent">Event to set once an event is complete</param>
        static void ExecuteAction(ManagedProcessGroup ProcessGroup, BuildAction Action, List <BuildAction> CompletedActions, AutoResetEvent CompletedEvent)
            if (Action.Inner.bShouldOutputStatusDescription && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Action.Inner.StatusDescription))

                using (ManagedProcess Process = new ManagedProcess(ProcessGroup, Action.Inner.CommandPath.FullName, Action.Inner.CommandArguments, Action.Inner.WorkingDirectory.FullName, null, null, ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal))
                    Action.ExitCode = Process.ExitCode;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log.WriteException(Ex, null);
                Action.ExitCode = 1;

            lock (CompletedActions)

 public void Dispose()
     if (ChildProcess != null)
         ChildProcess = null;
     if (ChildProcessGroup != null)
         ChildProcessGroup = null;
        public PerforceChildProcess(byte[] InputData, string Format, params object[] Args)
            string PerforceFileName;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32S || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32Windows)
                PerforceFileName = "p4.exe";
                PerforceFileName = File.Exists("/usr/local/bin/p4")? "/usr/local/bin/p4" : "/usr/bin/p4";

            string FullArgumentList = "-G " + String.Format(Format, Args);

            Log.TraceLog("Running {0} {1}", PerforceFileName, FullArgumentList);

            ChildProcessGroup = new ManagedProcessGroup();
            ChildProcess      = new ManagedProcess(ChildProcessGroup, PerforceFileName, FullArgumentList, null, null, InputData, ProcessPriorityClass.Normal);

            Buffer = new byte[2048];
        public static int Execute(string ActionsFileName, int MaxProcesses, bool bStopOnErrors)
            List <BuildAction> Actions = ReadActions(ActionsFileName);

            CommandUtils.LogInformation("Building {0} {1} with {2} {3}...", Actions.Count, (Actions.Count == 1) ? "action" : "actions", MaxProcesses, (MaxProcesses == 1)? "process" : "processes");

            using (LogIndentScope Indent = new LogIndentScope("  "))
                // Create the list of things to process
                List <BuildAction> QueuedActions = new List <BuildAction>();
                foreach (BuildAction Action in Actions)
                    if (Action.MissingDependencyCount == 0)

                // Create a job object for all the child processes
                int    ExitCode      = 0;
                string CurrentPrefix = "";
                Dictionary <BuildActionExecutor, Thread> ExecutingActions = new Dictionary <BuildActionExecutor, Thread>();
                List <BuildActionExecutor> CompletedActions = new List <BuildActionExecutor>();

                using (ManagedProcessGroup ProcessGroup = new ManagedProcessGroup())
                    using (AutoResetEvent CompletedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false))
                        while (QueuedActions.Count > 0 || ExecutingActions.Count > 0)
                            // Sort the actions by the number of things dependent on them
                            QueuedActions.Sort((A, B) => (A.TotalDependants == B.TotalDependants)? (B.SortIndex - A.SortIndex) : (B.TotalDependants - A.TotalDependants));

                            // Create threads up to the maximum number of actions
                            while (ExecutingActions.Count < MaxProcesses && QueuedActions.Count > 0)
                                BuildAction Action = QueuedActions[QueuedActions.Count - 1];
                                QueuedActions.RemoveAt(QueuedActions.Count - 1);

                                BuildActionExecutor ExecutingAction = new BuildActionExecutor(ProcessGroup, Action, CompletedEvent, CompletedActions);

                                Thread ExecutingThread = new Thread(() => { ExecutingAction.Run(); });
                                ExecutingThread.Name = String.Format("Build:{0}", Action.Caption);

                                ExecutingActions.Add(ExecutingAction, ExecutingThread);

                            // Wait for something to finish

                            // Wait for something to finish and flush it to the log
                            lock (CompletedActions)
                                foreach (BuildActionExecutor CompletedAction in CompletedActions)
                                    // Join the thread
                                    Thread CompletedThread = ExecutingActions[CompletedAction];

                                    // Write it to the log
                                    if (CompletedAction.LogLines.Count > 0)
                                        if (CurrentPrefix != CompletedAction.Action.GroupPrefix)
                                            CurrentPrefix = CompletedAction.Action.GroupPrefix;
                                        foreach (string LogLine in CompletedAction.LogLines)

                                    // Check the exit code
                                    if (CompletedAction.ExitCode == 0)
                                        // Mark all the dependents as done
                                        foreach (BuildAction DependantAction in CompletedAction.Action.Dependants)
                                            if (--DependantAction.MissingDependencyCount == 0)
                                        // Update the exit code if it's not already set
                                        if (ExitCode == 0)
                                            ExitCode = CompletedAction.ExitCode;

                            // If we've already got a non-zero exit code, clear out the list of queued actions so nothing else will run
                            if (ExitCode != 0 && bStopOnErrors)

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified actions locally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all the tasks successfully executed, or false if any of them failed.</returns>
        public override bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> InputActions, bool bLogDetailedActionStats)
            // Figure out how many processors to use
            int MaxProcesses = Math.Min((int)(Environment.ProcessorCount * ProcessorCountMultiplier), MaxProcessorCount);

            Log.TraceInformation("Building {0} {1} with {2} {3}...", InputActions.Count, (InputActions.Count == 1) ? "action" : "actions", MaxProcesses, (MaxProcesses == 1)? "process" : "processes");

            // Create actions with all our internal metadata
            List <BuildAction> Actions = new List <BuildAction>();

            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < InputActions.Count; Idx++)
                BuildAction Action = new BuildAction();
                Action.SortIndex = Idx;
                Action.Inner     = InputActions[Idx];

            // Build a map of items to their producing actions
            Dictionary <FileItem, BuildAction> FileToProducingAction = new Dictionary <FileItem, BuildAction>();

            foreach (BuildAction Action in Actions)
                foreach (FileItem ProducedItem in Action.Inner.ProducedItems)
                    FileToProducingAction[ProducedItem] = Action;

            // Update all the actions with all their dependencies
            foreach (BuildAction Action in Actions)
                foreach (FileItem PrerequisiteItem in Action.Inner.PrerequisiteItems)
                    BuildAction Dependency;
                    if (FileToProducingAction.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteItem, out Dependency))

            // Figure out the recursive dependency count
            HashSet <BuildAction> VisitedActions = new HashSet <BuildAction>();

            foreach (BuildAction Action in Actions)
                Action.MissingDependencyCount = Action.Dependencies.Count;
                RecursiveIncDependents(Action, VisitedActions);

            // Create the list of things to process
            List <BuildAction> QueuedActions = new List <BuildAction>();

            foreach (BuildAction Action in Actions)
                if (Action.MissingDependencyCount == 0)

            // Execute the actions
            using (ScopedLogIndent Indent = new ScopedLogIndent("  "))
                // Create a job object for all the child processes
                bool bResult = true;
                Dictionary <BuildAction, Thread> ExecutingActions = new Dictionary <BuildAction, Thread>();
                List <BuildAction> CompletedActions = new List <BuildAction>();

                using (ManagedProcessGroup ProcessGroup = new ManagedProcessGroup())
                    using (AutoResetEvent CompletedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false))
                        int NumCompletedActions = 0;
                        using (ProgressWriter ProgressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Compiling C++ source code...", false))
                            while (QueuedActions.Count > 0 || ExecutingActions.Count > 0)
                                // Sort the actions by the number of things dependent on them
                                QueuedActions.Sort((A, B) => (A.TotalDependantCount == B.TotalDependantCount)? (B.SortIndex - A.SortIndex) : (B.TotalDependantCount - A.TotalDependantCount));

                                // Create threads up to the maximum number of actions
                                while (ExecutingActions.Count < MaxProcesses && QueuedActions.Count > 0)
                                    BuildAction Action = QueuedActions[QueuedActions.Count - 1];
                                    QueuedActions.RemoveAt(QueuedActions.Count - 1);

                                    Thread ExecutingThread = new Thread(() => { ExecuteAction(ProcessGroup, Action, CompletedActions, CompletedEvent); });
                                    ExecutingThread.Name = String.Format("Build:{0}", Action.Inner.StatusDescription);

                                    ExecutingActions.Add(Action, ExecutingThread);

                                // Wait for something to finish

                                // Wait for something to finish and flush it to the log
                                lock (CompletedActions)
                                    foreach (BuildAction CompletedAction in CompletedActions)
                                        // Join the thread
                                        Thread CompletedThread = ExecutingActions[CompletedAction];

                                        // Update the progress
                                        ProgressWriter.Write(NumCompletedActions, InputActions.Count);

                                        // Write it to the log
                                        if (CompletedAction.LogLines.Count > 0)
                                            Log.TraceInformation("[{0}/{1}] {2}", NumCompletedActions, InputActions.Count, CompletedAction.LogLines[0]);
                                            for (int LineIdx = 1; LineIdx < CompletedAction.LogLines.Count; LineIdx++)
                                                Log.TraceInformation("{0}", CompletedAction.LogLines[LineIdx]);

                                        // Check the exit code
                                        if (CompletedAction.ExitCode == 0)
                                            // Mark all the dependents as done
                                            foreach (BuildAction DependantAction in CompletedAction.Dependants)
                                                if (--DependantAction.MissingDependencyCount == 0)
                                            // Update the exit code if it's not already set
                                            if (bResult && CompletedAction.ExitCode != 0)
                                                bResult = false;

                                // If we've already got a non-zero exit code, clear out the list of queued actions so nothing else will run
                                if (!bResult && bStopCompilationAfterErrors)
