Example #1
        private static PaymentParametersViewModel GetPaymentInfo(Subscription sub, ManBoxEntities ent)
            PaymentParametersViewModel payParams = new PaymentParametersViewModel();
            var delivery     = Utilities.GetActiveDelivery(sub);
            var itemsTotal   = Utilities.GetDeliveryTotal(delivery);
            var couponAmount = Utilities.CalculateCouponAmount(itemsTotal, delivery);
            var shippingFee  = Utilities.CalculateShippingFee(itemsTotal);
            var total        = itemsTotal + shippingFee - couponAmount;

            delivery.ShippingFee  = shippingFee;
            delivery.CouponAmount = couponAmount;
            delivery.Amount       = total;


            payParams.SubscriptionId = sub.SubscriptionId;
            payParams.Total          = total;

            if (sub.User != null)
                payParams.User = new UserViewModel()
                    Email     = sub.User.Email,
                    Token     = sub.Token,
                    FirstName = sub.User.FirstName,
                    LastName  = sub.User.LastName,
                    UserId    = sub.User.UserId
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// sets correct delivery amounts
        /// gets the preapproval key of the paypal sender
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deliveryId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ShipmentPaymentViewModel GetDeliveryPaymentInfo(int deliveryId)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var delivery = ent.SubscriptionDeliveries.Single(d => d.SubscriptionDeliveryId == deliveryId);

                decimal deliveryAmount = 0;
                delivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.ToList().ForEach(dm => deliveryAmount += (dm.Model.ShopPrice * dm.Quantity));

                var shippingFee  = Utilities.CalculateShippingFee(deliveryAmount);
                var couponAmount = Utilities.CalculateCouponAmount(deliveryAmount, delivery);
                var total        = deliveryAmount + shippingFee - couponAmount;

                delivery.Amount       = deliveryAmount;
                delivery.ShippingFee  = shippingFee;
                delivery.CouponAmount = couponAmount;

                var shipmentPaymentModel = new ShipmentPaymentViewModel()
                    Total                = total,
                    TotalInt             = Convert.ToInt32(total * 100),
                    PayPalSenderEmail    = delivery.Subscription.PayPalSenderEmail,
                    PayPalPreapprovalKey = delivery.Subscription.PayPalPreapprovalKey,
                    PaymillPayId         = delivery.Subscription.PaymillPayId

Example #3
        public ModificationResponseViewModel ConfirmModification(string token)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var sub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == token);
                if (sub.SubscriptionStateCV != CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed)
                    throw new Exception("Error: you cannot confirm a modification if you are not subscribed");

                var newDelivery     = sub.SubscriptionDeliveries.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.New);
                var pendingDelivery = sub.SubscriptionDeliveries.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Pending);

                var newDeliveryTotal     = Utilities.GetDeliveryTotal(newDelivery);
                var pendingDeliveryTotal = Utilities.GetDeliveryTotal(pendingDelivery);

                // save it right away
                newDelivery.DeliveryStateCV     = CodeValues.DeliveryState.Pending;
                pendingDelivery.DeliveryStateCV = CodeValues.DeliveryState.Dropped;

                // return success message
                return(new ModificationResponseViewModel()
                    IsPaymentNeeded = false
Example #4
        private Subscription InitializeAnonymousSubscription(ManBoxEntities ent)
            var newSubscription = new Subscription()
                Token               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                CreatedDatetime     = DateTime.Now,
                IsActive            = true,
                IsPaused            = false,
                SubscriptionStateCV = CodeValues.SubscriptionState.InCart

            var newSubscriptionDelivery = new SubscriptionDelivery()
                DeliveryDate            = DateTime.Now.AddDays(defaultNextDeliveryInDays),
                DeliveryStateCV         = CodeValues.DeliveryState.New,
                QueuedDatetime          = DateTime.Now,
                DeliveryPaymentStatusCV = CodeValues.DeliveryPaymentStatus.None


Example #5
        public void SaveGiftPersonalization(string tk, string guestName, string giftMsg)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var sub = ent.Subscriptions.Single(s => s.Token == tk);
                var giftMsgMaxLength   = giftMsg.Length > 160 ? 160 : giftMsg.Length;
                var guestNameMaxLength = guestName.Length > 50 ? 50 : guestName.Length;
                giftMsg   = giftMsg.Substring(0, giftMsgMaxLength);
                guestName = guestName.Substring(0, guestNameMaxLength);

                if (sub.Gift == null)
                    sub.Gift = new Gift()
                        GiftMessage = giftMsg, GuestName = guestName
                    sub.Gift.GiftMessage = giftMsg;
                    sub.Gift.GuestName   = guestName;
Example #6
        public SubscriptionSelectionViewModel GetActiveSelection()
            string token = IdHelper.CurrentUser.Token;

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                Subscription sub = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    sub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == token && s.IsActive);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) || sub == null || (sub.SubscriptionStateCV == CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed && !IdHelper.CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated))
                    // init defaults for empty cart
                    return(new SubscriptionSelectionViewModel()
                        ItemsTotal = 0M.ToCurrency(),
                        SelectedProducts = new List <ProductSelectionViewModel>(),
                        ShippingFee = 0M.ToCurrency(),
                        SelectionTotal = 0M.ToCurrency(),
                        SubscriptionId = 0,
                        Token = string.Empty,
                        IsSubscribed = false,
                        DeliveryState = CodeValues.DeliveryState.New,
                        CartNotificationMessage = GetCartNotificationMessage(sub ?? null)

                return(GetDeliveryCart(ent, sub));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// sends an expiring login link
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <returns>success</returns>
        public bool SendPasswordReset(string email)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var user = ent.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email);

                if (user == null)
                    this.logger.Log(LogType.Warn, "Password reset attempt without valid email. Too many attempts is fishy.");

                var encryptedToken = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(TokenEncrypt.EncryptTokenAsExpiring(user.Subscriptions.First().Token, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)));

                var fromRecipient = new MailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Support ManBox");
                var toRecipient   = new MailRecipient(email, user.FirstName);

                var domain    = Utilities.GetCountryDomain(user.Country.IsoCode);
                var linkToken = string.Format("http://{0}/{1}/Account/TokenLogin?token={2}", domain, user.Language.IsoCode, encryptedToken);

                mailService.SendMail <PasswordResetMail>(toRecipient,
                                                         new PasswordResetMail()
                    RootUrl     = "http://" + domain,
                    LanguageIso = user.Language.IsoCode,
                    Date        = DateTime.Now,
                    Name        = user.FirstName,
                    Subject     = "Password Reset",
                    LinkToken   = linkToken

Example #8
        public UserViewModel GetUserByEmail(string email)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var user = (from u in ent.Users
                            where u.Email == email
                            select u).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user == null)

                return(new UserViewModel()
                    UserId = user.UserId,
                    Email = user.Email,
                    FirstName = user.FirstName,
                    LastName = user.LastName,
                    Token = user.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault().Token,
                    LanguageId = user.LanguageId,
                    LanguageIsoCode = user.Language.IsoCode
Example #9
        private Subscription InitializeGiftOrderForSubscribedCustomer(ManBoxEntities ent, string existingSubToken)
            var existingSub = ent.Subscriptions.Single(s => s.Token == existingSubToken);

            var newGiftOrder = new Subscription()
                Token               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                CreatedDatetime     = DateTime.Now,
                IsActive            = true,
                IsPaused            = false,
                SubscriptionStateCV = CodeValues.SubscriptionState.InCart,
                Gift = new Gift(),
                User = existingSub.User

            var newSubscriptionDelivery = new SubscriptionDelivery()
                DeliveryDate            = DateTime.Now.AddDays(defaultNextDeliveryInDays),
                DeliveryStateCV         = CodeValues.DeliveryState.New,
                QueuedDatetime          = DateTime.Now,
                DeliveryPaymentStatusCV = CodeValues.DeliveryPaymentStatus.None


Example #10
        public void SubscribeNewsletterEmail(string email)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var existing = ent.Newsletters.Any(n => n.Email == email);

                if (!existing)
                    ent.Newsletters.Add(new Newsletter()
                        Email      = email,
                        Subscribed = true,
                        LanguageId = IdHelper.CurrentUser.LanguageId,
                        CountryId  = IdHelper.CurrentUser.CountryId

                    var couponCode = "man" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6);

                    ent.Coupons.Add(new Coupon()
                        Amount          = 3,
                        Code            = couponCode,
                        Enabled         = true,
                        ExpirationDate  = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(12),
                        NumberAvailable = 1


                    SendNewsletterWelcomeMail(email, couponCode);
Example #11
        public UserViewModel TokenLogin(string encryptedToken)
            var subscrToken = TokenEncrypt.DecryptExpiringToken(encryptedToken);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscrToken))

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var sub = ent.Subscriptions.Single(s => s.Token == subscrToken);
                if (sub == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find subscription for token login");

                return(new UserViewModel()
                    Email = sub.User.Email,
                    Token = subscrToken,
                    FirstName = sub.User.Email,
                    LastName = sub.User.Email,
                    UserId = sub.User.UserId,
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a subscription delivery summary with products and updated totals
        /// </summary>
        private SubscriptionSelectionViewModel GetDeliveryCart(ManBoxEntities ent, Subscription sub)
            var activeDelivery = Utilities.GetActiveDelivery(sub);

            decimal itemsTotal     = Utilities.GetDeliveryTotal(activeDelivery);
            decimal shippingFee    = Utilities.CalculateShippingFee(itemsTotal);
            decimal couponAmount   = Utilities.CalculateCouponAmount(itemsTotal, activeDelivery);
            decimal selectionTotal = itemsTotal + shippingFee - couponAmount;

            return(new SubscriptionSelectionViewModel()
                Token = sub.Token,
                SelectedProducts = GetSubscriptionDeliveryProducts(activeDelivery, ent),
                SubscriptionId = sub.SubscriptionId,
                ItemsTotal = itemsTotal.ToCurrency(),
                ShippingFee = itemsTotal > 0 ? shippingFee.ToCurrency() : 0M.ToCurrency(),
                CouponAmount = couponAmount > 0 ? (0 - couponAmount).ToCurrency() : string.Empty,
                CouponLabel = Utilities.GetCouponLabel(activeDelivery.Coupon),
                SelectionTotal = itemsTotal > 0 ? selectionTotal.ToCurrency() : 0M.ToCurrency(),
                NextDeliveryDate = activeDelivery.DeliveryDate.Value.ToString("d MMMM yyyy"),
                IsSubscribed = sub.SubscriptionStateCV == CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed,
                DeliveryState = activeDelivery.DeliveryStateCV,
                CartNotificationMessage = GetCartNotificationMessage(sub, activeDelivery),
                Pack = GetSubscriptionDeliveryPack(activeDelivery, ent)
Example #13
        public SubscriptionSelectionViewModel RemovePackFromSubscription(int packId)
            string token = IdHelper.CurrentUser.Token;

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                Subscription sub = GetCurrentCart(token, ent);

                var delivery  = Utilities.GetActiveDelivery(sub);
                var packItems = delivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Where(m => m.PackId == packId).ToList();

                foreach (var i in packItems)

                // requery with updated data
                sub = ent.Subscriptions
                      .Include(s => s.SubscriptionDeliveries.Select(d => d.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Select(m => m.Model.Product)))
                      .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == token && s.IsActive);

                if (sub.SubscriptionStateCV == CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed && !IdHelper.CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
                    throw new Exception("cannot remove an item from an existing subscription when logged out");

                return(GetDeliveryCart(ent, sub));
Example #14
        public OrdersOverviewViewModel GetOrdersOverview()
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var deliveries = (from d in ent.SubscriptionDeliveries
                                  where d.Subscription.Token == IdHelper.CurrentUser.Token &&
                                  d.Subscription.SubscriptionStateCV == CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed &&
                                  (d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Sent || d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Processing || d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Pending)
                                  select new
                    Date = d.DeliveryDate,
                    DeliveryId = d.SubscriptionDeliveryId,
                    DeliveryState = d.DeliveryStateCV,
                    ShippingFee = d.ShippingFee,
                    CouponAmount = d.CouponAmount,
                    Products = (from dm in ent.SubscriptionDeliveryModels
                                where dm.SubscriptionDeliveryId == d.SubscriptionDeliveryId
                                select new
                        Price = dm.Model.ShopPrice,
                        Quantity = dm.Quantity,
                        ProductName = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts
                                       where tt.LanguageId == IdHelper.CurrentUser.LanguageId &&
                                       tt.TranslationId == dm.Model.Product.TitleTrId
                                       select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                        ProductReference = dm.Model.Product.Reference,
                        ModelName = dm.Model.Name,
                        TotalPrice = dm.Quantity * dm.Model.ShopPrice

                // mapping
                List <OrderDeliveryViewModel> orders = new List <OrderDeliveryViewModel>();
                deliveries.ForEach(d => orders.Add(new OrderDeliveryViewModel()
                    Amount        = (from p in d.Products.ToList() select p.TotalPrice).Sum() + d.ShippingFee - d.CouponAmount,
                    CouponAmount  = d.CouponAmount,
                    Date          = d.Date,
                    DeliveryId    = d.DeliveryId,
                    DeliveryState = d.DeliveryState,
                    ShippingFee   = d.ShippingFee,
                    Products      = d.Products.ToList().Select(p => new DeliveryProductViewModel()
                        ModelName        = p.ModelName,
                        Price            = p.Price,
                        ProductName      = p.ProductName,
                        Quantity         = p.Quantity,
                        TotalPrice       = p.TotalPrice,
                        ProductReference = p.ProductReference

                return(new OrdersOverviewViewModel()
                    Orders = orders
Example #15
 public PaymentParametersViewModel GetPaymentInfo(string subscrToken)
     using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
         Subscription sub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == subscrToken);
         return(GetPaymentInfo(sub, ent));
Example #16
        public UserViewModel Login(string email, string password, string subscrToken)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var user = ent.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == email.ToLower() && u.Password == password);

                if (user != null)
                    // first try to load an active sub for the logged in user
                    var activeSub = user.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault();

                    // if he does not have any sub yet
                    if (activeSub == null)
                        // retrieve anonymous sub or previously used
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscrToken))
                            activeSub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == subscrToken && (s.UserId == user.UserId || s.UserId == null));
                        // if no token create a subscription for this user
                            activeSub = ent.Subscriptions.Add(new Subscription()
                                Token               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                                CreatedDatetime     = DateTime.Now,
                                IsActive            = true,
                                IsPaused            = false,
                                SubscriptionStateCV = CodeValues.SubscriptionState.InCart

                        // at this point if we still don't have a sub, something failed really bad
                        if (activeSub == null)
                            throw new Exception("Login failed, no active subscription could be found or created");

                        // link the user to the anonymous sub if any
                        activeSub.User = user;

                    return(new UserViewModel()
                        Email = user.Email,
                        Token = activeSub.Token,
                        FirstName = user.FirstName,
                        LastName = user.LastName,
                        UserId = user.UserId
Example #17
 public void UpdatePassword(string newPassword)
     using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
         var user = ent.Users.Single(u => u.Email == IdHelper.CurrentUser.Email);
         user.Password = newPassword;
Example #18
        public void StorePreapprovalAndCharge(PayPalResponseViewModel response, string thankYouUrl, string cancelUrl)
                logger.Log(LogType.Info, "Trying to process response: " + response.ToString());

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Sender_Email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Preapproval_Key))
                    throw new Exception("send mail or preapproval key missing");

                using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                    var sub = ent.Subscriptions.Single(s => s.SubscriptionId == response.SubscriptionId);
                    sub.PayPalPreapprovalKey = response.Preapproval_Key;
                    sub.PayPalSenderEmail    = response.Sender_Email;

                    bool paymentSuccess = false;
                    paymentSuccess = true;
                    paymentSuccess = ChargePayPalSuccess(sub, ent, thankYouUrl, cancelUrl);

                    if (paymentSuccess)
                        var delivery = sub.SubscriptionDeliveries
                                       .OrderByDescending(d => d.QueuedDatetime)
                                       .FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.New);

                        sub.IsActive                     = true;
                        sub.SubscriptionStateCV          = CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed;
                        delivery.DeliveryStateCV         = CodeValues.DeliveryState.Processing;
                        delivery.DeliveryPaymentStatusCV = CodeValues.DeliveryPaymentStatus.Paid;

                        if (delivery.Coupon != null)


                        SendSubscriptionConfirmationMail(sub, ent);
                        logger.Log(LogType.Error, "could not successfully charge with the preapproval key");
            catch (Exception e)
                var msg = string.Format("send mail: {0} - memo: {1} - exception: {2}", response.Sender_Email, response.Memo, e.Message);
                logger.Log(LogType.Error, e.Message + msg);
Example #19
        private void UpdateStock(SubscriptionDelivery delivery, ManBoxEntities ent)
            foreach (var sm in delivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels)
                sm.Model.AmountInStock -= sm.Quantity;

Example #20
        public Dictionary <string, int> GetAvailableLanguages()
            var languages = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                ent.Languages.ToList().ForEach(l => languages.Add(l.IsoCode, l.LanguageId));
Example #21
        private bool ChargePayPalSuccess(Subscription sub, ManBoxEntities ent, string thankYouUrl, string cancelUrl)
            var payPalAccount = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppConstants.AppSettingsKeys.PayPalAccount] as string;
            var paymentInfo   = GetPaymentInfo(sub, ent);

            var receiverList = new ReceiverList();

            receiverList.receiver = new List <Receiver>();
            receiverList.receiver.Add(new Receiver(paymentInfo.Total)
                email = payPalAccount

            var         service  = new AdaptivePaymentsService();
            PayResponse response = service.Pay(new PayRequest(
                                                   new RequestEnvelope("en_US"),
                senderEmail    = sub.PayPalSenderEmail,
                preapprovalKey = sub.PayPalPreapprovalKey

            if (response == null)
                logger.Log(LogType.Fatal, "No Response was received from PayPal Payrequest service");

            logger.Log(LogType.Info, string.Format("paykey is {0} . exec status is {1}", response.payKey ?? "", response.paymentExecStatus ?? ""));

            // error handling
            if (response.error != null && response.error.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                logger.Log(LogType.Error, string.Format("error {0}", response.error.FirstOrDefault().message));

            // error handling
            if (response.payErrorList != null && response.payErrorList.payError.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                logger.Log(LogType.Error, string.Format("payerror {0}", response.payErrorList.payError.FirstOrDefault().error.message));

            //payment exec status must be : COMPLETED
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.paymentExecStatus) &&
                response.paymentExecStatus.ToLower() == PayPalConstants.PaymentExecStatus.Completed.ToLower())

Example #22
        public void upcoming_notification_mail_send_is_stored_in_message_history()
            // Act

            // Assert
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                // message history entry was created
                var msg = ent.SubscriptionDeliveryMessages.FirstOrDefault(m => m.SubscriptionDeliveryId == 123);
                Assert.AreEqual(CodeValues.DeliveryMessageType.Upcoming, msg.DeliveryMessageTypeCV);
Example #23
        public void CancelModification(string token)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var sub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == token);
                if (sub.SubscriptionStateCV != CodeValues.SubscriptionState.Subscribed)
                    throw new Exception("Error: you cannot cancel a modification if you are not subscribed");

                var newDelivery = sub.SubscriptionDeliveries.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.New);
                newDelivery.DeliveryStateCV = CodeValues.DeliveryState.Dropped;
Example #24
        public void UpdateShipmentPaymentStatus(int deliveryId, string deliveryPaymentStatus)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var delivery = ent.SubscriptionDeliveries.Single(d => d.SubscriptionDeliveryId == deliveryId);

                if (CodeValues.DeliveryPaymentStatus.GetAll().Any(s => s == deliveryPaymentStatus))
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected codevalue for deliverypaymentstatus");

                delivery.DeliveryPaymentStatusCV = deliveryPaymentStatus;
Example #25
        public CheckoutShippingViewModel GetSubscriptionCheckoutInfo(string subscrToken)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                Subscription completeSub = null;
                var          viewModel   = new CheckoutShippingViewModel();
                var          sub         = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == subscrToken);

                if (sub == null)
                    throw new Exception("Subscription not found from checkout");

                viewModel.IsSubscriptionValid = CheckSubscriptionValidity(sub);
                var user = sub.User;

                if (user != null)
                    completeSub         = user.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Address != null);
                    viewModel.Email     = user.Email;
                    viewModel.FirstName = user.FirstName;
                    viewModel.LastName  = user.LastName;
                    viewModel.Phone     = user.Phone;

                if (completeSub != null)
                    viewModel.City       = completeSub.Address.City;
                    viewModel.CountryId  = completeSub.Address.CountryId;
                    viewModel.PostalCode = completeSub.Address.PostalCode;
                    viewModel.Province   = completeSub.Address.Province;
                    viewModel.Street     = completeSub.Address.Street;

                var paymentInfo = GetPaymentInfo(sub, ent);
                viewModel.TotalInt            = paymentInfo.TotalInt;
                viewModel.Token               = subscrToken;
                viewModel.IsSubscriptionValid = CheckSubscriptionValidity(sub);

                if (sub.Gift != null)
                    viewModel.GuestName = sub.Gift.GuestName;
                    viewModel.GiftMsg   = sub.Gift.GiftMessage;

Example #26
        public SubscriptionSelectionViewModel AddPackToSubscription(int packId)
            string token = IdHelper.CurrentUser.Token;

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                Subscription sub = GetCurrentCart(token, ent);

                var activeDelivery = Utilities.GetActiveDelivery(sub);

                // you cannot have more than one pack
                if (activeDelivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Any(m => m.PackId != null))
                    var packItems = activeDelivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Where(m => m.PackId != null).ToList();
                    foreach (var pi in packItems)

                var pack = ent.Packs.Single(p => p.PackId == packId);

                foreach (var p in pack.ProductPacks)
                    var duplicate = activeDelivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Model.ProductId == p.ProductId);
                    if (duplicate != null)

                    activeDelivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Add(new SubscriptionDeliveryModel()
                        Model = p.Product.Models.First(), Quantity = p.Quantity, PackId = packId


                // requery with updated data
                sub = ent.Subscriptions
                      .Include(s => s.SubscriptionDeliveries.Select(d => d.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.Select(m => m.Model.Product)))
                      .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Token == sub.Token && s.IsActive);

                return(GetDeliveryCart(ent, sub));
Example #27
        public void UpdateAddress(AddressViewModel newAddress)
            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var sub = ent.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.User.Email == IdHelper.CurrentUser.Email);

                sub.Address.City       = newAddress.City;
                sub.Address.CountryId  = newAddress.CountryId;
                sub.Address.FirstName  = newAddress.FirstName;
                sub.Address.LastName   = newAddress.LastName;
                sub.Address.PostalCode = newAddress.PostalCode;
                sub.Address.Province   = newAddress.Province;
                sub.Address.Street     = newAddress.Street;

Example #28
        public void upcoming_notification_mail_not_sent_if_already_sent()
            // Act
            var firstRunResult  = _repo.SendUpcomingBoxNotifications();
            var secondRunResult = _repo.SendUpcomingBoxNotifications();

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(firstRunResult.NotificationsSent > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(secondRunResult.NotificationsSent == 0);

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                // message history entry was created
                var msg = ent.SubscriptionDeliveryMessages.First(m => m.SubscriptionDeliveryId == 123 && m.DeliveryMessageTypeCV == CodeValues.DeliveryMessageType.Upcoming);
Example #29
        public ReScheduleDeliveryViewModel ReScheduleDelivery(int deliveryId, bool rushNow, int?snoozeWeeks)
            DateTime newDateTime;

            bool shippableTomorrow = true;

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var pendingDelivery = ent.SubscriptionDeliveries.Single(d => d.SubscriptionDeliveryId == deliveryId &&
                                                                        d.DeliveryStateCV == CodeValues.DeliveryState.Pending &&
                                                                        d.Subscription.User.Email == IdHelper.CurrentUser.Email);

                if (rushNow)
                    newDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

                    // check stocks if it's to be shipped within 7 days
                    shippableTomorrow = pendingDelivery.SubscriptionDeliveryModels.ToList().All(m => m.Model.AmountInStock > 1);
                    /// if asked to rush and stock is insufficient, set a close date
                    if (!shippableTomorrow)
                        newDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
                    if (pendingDelivery.DeliveryDate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1))
                        return(new ReScheduleDeliveryViewModel()
                            CannotSnoozeYet = true
                    newDateTime = pendingDelivery.DeliveryDate.Value.AddDays(7 * snoozeWeeks.Value);

                pendingDelivery.DeliveryDate = newDateTime;

                return(new ReScheduleDeliveryViewModel()
                    ShippableTomorrow = shippableTomorrow,
                    NewDate = newDateTime
Example #30
        public GiftPacksViewModel GetGiftPacks()
            var model = new GiftPacksViewModel();
            var user  = IdHelper.CurrentUser;

            using (ManBoxEntities ent = new ManBoxEntities())
                var packs = from pa in ent.Packs
                            where pa.IsAGift
                            orderby pa.Position descending, pa.ShopPrice
                    select new PackViewModel
                    PackId           = pa.PackId,
                    Title            = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == pa.TitleTrId && tt.LanguageId == user.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Description      = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == pa.DescrTrId && tt.LanguageId == user.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Price            = pa.ShopPrice,
                    GiftVoucherValue = pa.GiftVoucherValue,
                    AdvisedPrice     = pa.AdvisedPrice,
                    Products         = (from p in pa.ProductPacks
                                        select new ProductViewModel
                        Quantity = p.Quantity,
                        Brand = p.Product.Brand != null ? p.Product.Brand.Name : null,
                        ProductId = p.ProductId,
                        Reference = p.Product.Reference,
                        Title = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == p.Product.TitleTrId && tt.LanguageId == user.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Description = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == p.Product.DescriptionTrId && tt.LanguageId == user.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                        DescriptionDetail = (from tt in ent.TranslationTexts where tt.TranslationId == p.Product.DescriptionDetailTrId && tt.LanguageId == user.LanguageId select tt.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
                        Models = (from m in ent.Models
                                  where m.ProductId == p.ProductId
                                  orderby m.Name
                                  select new ModelViewModel()
                            ModelId = m.ModelId,
                            Name = m.Name,
                            ShopPrice = m.ShopPrice
                        AdvisedPrice = (from m in ent.Models where m.ProductId == p.ProductId orderby m.ShopPrice select m).FirstOrDefault().AdvisedPrice                         // lowest price

                model.GiftPacks = packs.ToList();
