// GET: details of the makeupproduct with id =id
        public ActionResult Show(int?id)
            //if the id is null, then return this message of the bad request.
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            MakeupProduct MakeupProduct = db.MakeupProducts.SqlQuery("select * from makeupproducts where makeupproductid=@MakeupProductID", new SqlParameter("@MakeupProductID", id)).FirstOrDefault();

            //if id exists, but the makeupproduct does not exist, then return this message.
            if (MakeupProduct == null)

            //need information about the list of stores associated with that makeupproduct
            string       query = "select * from stores inner join StoreMakeupProducts on Stores.StoreID = StoreMakeupProducts.Store_StoreID where MakeupProduct_MakeupProductID = @id";
            SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@id", id);
            List <Store> StoreMakeupProducts = db.Stores.SqlQuery(query, param).ToList();

            //using viewmodel here to get the list of the stores
            ShowMakeupProduct viewmodel = new ShowMakeupProduct();

            viewmodel.makeupProduct = MakeupProduct;
            viewmodel.stores        = StoreMakeupProducts;

Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Guid id, [Bind("Id,Product,Brand,Ounce,Price,ProductLink,Comments,DatePurchased,MakeupCategory")] MakeupProduct makeupProduct)
            if (id != makeupProduct.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!MakeupProductExists(makeupProduct.Id))
            ViewData["MakeupCategory"] = new SelectList(_context.MakeupCategory, "Id", "Category", makeupProduct.MakeupCategory);
        //for the confirmation of the delete.
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirm(int id)
            string        query = "select * from makeupproducts where makeupproductid = @id";
            SqlParameter  param = new SqlParameter("@id", id);
            MakeupProduct selectedmakeupproduct = db.MakeupProducts.SqlQuery(query, param).FirstOrDefault();

        public ActionResult Edit(int id, string MakeupName_Edit, string MakeupDescription_Edit, string MakeupColour_Edit, string MakeupCategory_Edit, string MakeupIngredients_Edit, DateTime MakeupDateOpened_Edit,
                                 int MakeupMonthShelfLife_Edit, int MakeupRating_Edit, int?MakeupIsRecommended_Edit, int MakeupBrand_Edit, HttpPostedFileBase makeupImg)
            string query = "UPDATE MakeupProducts " +
                           "SET MakeupName=@name, MakeupDescription=@description, MakeupCategory=@category, MakeupIngredients=@ingredients," +
                           "MakeupDateOpened=@dateOpened, MakeupMonthShelfLife=@MonthShelfLife, MakeupRating=@rating, IsRecommended=@isRecommended, HasPic=@pic, ImgType=@type, Brand_BrandId=@bId " +
                           "WHERE MakeupProductId=@mId";

            MakeupProduct makeupProduct = db.MakeupProducts.Find(id);

            //current image values of makeup product
            int    MakeupHasPic_Edit  = makeupProduct.HasPic;
            string MakeupImgType_Edit = makeupProduct.ImgType;

            //Referenced Christines FirstMVC example
            if (makeupImg?.ContentLength > 0)
                //file extensioncheck taken from https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/file-upload-extension-validation-in-asp-net-mvc-and-javascript/
                var validTypes = new[] { "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif" };
                var extension  = Path.GetExtension(makeupImg.FileName).Substring(1);

                if (validTypes.Contains(extension))
                    string fileName = id + "." + extension;
                    string path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/imgs/makeupProducts"), fileName);

                    //New HasPic and ImgType value for makeup product
                    MakeupHasPic_Edit  = 1;
                    MakeupImgType_Edit = extension;

            //if makeup product was not recommended (not checked off), changes value to 0
            if (MakeupIsRecommended_Edit != 1)
                MakeupIsRecommended_Edit = 0;

            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@name",           MakeupName_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@description",    MakeupDescription_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@category",       MakeupCategory_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@ingredients",    MakeupIngredients_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@dateOpened",     MakeupDateOpened_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@MonthShelfLife", MakeupMonthShelfLife_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@rating",         MakeupRating_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@isRecommended",  MakeupIsRecommended_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@pic",            MakeupHasPic_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@type",           MakeupImgType_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@bId",            MakeupBrand_Edit),
                new SqlParameter("@mId",            id),

            db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query, parameters);
            return(RedirectToAction("Details/" + id));
Example #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Product,Brand,Ounce,Price,ProductLink,Comments,DatePurchased,MakeupCategory")] MakeupProduct makeupProduct)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                makeupProduct.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewData["MakeupCategory"] = new SelectList(_context.MakeupCategory, "Id", "Category", makeupProduct.MakeupCategory);
        public ActionResult Update(int id)
            //to get information for a makeupproduct that we want to update.
            MakeupProduct selectedmakeupproduct = db.MakeupProducts.SqlQuery("select * from makeupproducts where makeupproductid = @id", new SqlParameter("@id", id)).FirstOrDefault();
            List <Brand>  Brands = db.Brands.SqlQuery("select * from brands").ToList();

            UpdateMakeupProduct UpdateMakeupProductViewModel = new UpdateMakeupProduct();

            UpdateMakeupProductViewModel.MakeupProduct = selectedmakeupproduct;
            UpdateMakeupProductViewModel.Brand         = Brands;
            //using viewmodel to get the list of all the brands in order to perform updation of the makeupproduct.


            //Debug.WriteLine("Want to update a makeupproduct with name " + MakeupProductName + " and notes " + MakeupProductNotes) ;
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            //check to see if makeup product with this id exists in the database
            MakeupProduct makeupProduct = new MakeupProduct();

            makeupProduct = db.MakeupProducts.Find(id);

            if (id == null || makeupProduct == null)
                MakeupProductEdit makeupEdit = new MakeupProductEdit
                    MakeupProduct = makeupProduct,
                    Brands        = db.Brands.ToList()